r 4 =I rF c ladzoiil, CCOthlt w"y: OD1a~; ' ~L~ rut, IIZEIS •is 'mug y ..vv.}it pre;vai . —7; Mitirel!attioi •• , Borough ,Receilits.,& .Expenditures. JkEsi Aat Vii • MEE • jraIUNT.RriAIRCHANT.ST,. general *at 4 .AIND OT4ERS IFUST teceived :at theAd atandi.a 11l -. • New - of <' of Sprieiglind Sutmer Goods, IVEARSI-TAIL Nothititiel'lbiliteh,. l A.- ... pumodt. 4ccount Tirsteror or, : 4lNG,shd of. i 4 CITY ~.prEciAtaitAiiiiki. v "'WUNDER:I4OTX ~'.-.n.-_-_:, • . ~•. • . .- •• •• Onade Juni Borough Curlieto, Aprii, 4846. Consiatitlgiry part,of ; • , • 7- GROVE it Na &.:I:l64;.:Cliisiziel.'ititit l!bittOceti''qevenfie /.7 iamb di Tweeds' Ginnbicioril fn wit ; co- _. of ..T.weedi mod Sunmker, , .11[IAVE:i ppengil (infibe aPit;ti:slAitreata' PiIif,A.ISELPIti At Summer E autetertbere:' Men:Vents, antis t .' _..-. • - li.;l - ManutheMrerts, 1, z.,,.. .-... ,... ~ 'cupied us .. Gambroons and Heal liefftehl, Corner 1 . CfnghaiiteotherfanorhalzoCassimarosendiNanketniXiCidieoes. Mei!!melee, Pdhlishers; Importer's, & NV hole- P4seimerea.' s tioii,prep ':TabloOloth Lawns. queen-swam 4 1.41;48... • 0.0 'l'o cash received from Charles • 'an le ungl Deuieti, h .1114slinl,,J 434 And - ,clOgen!, , .:r toloffeiilWholelialeandlietail, e'aisliNapkins,Long:Lawns,French 'cad Groceries at ilipetorthq_,` dfitho. citretTt-itade stilped gauos wzw, :eholen und iintileiir I aJarge tttiopinetiti:ifFiacii.and ,Linen,Cdirlbric late Treastirer.sl 652 50 phial, bet ',rewired demands of the 1110TA-,anil s foi. i3uin'mee. j STarts and Linen Lawns,' cheap '.IOIII,CLIARDS Br CO.• ' og to mitplrthe c=iCIE4CPL.-J ~ ng awl Shirt 1844, out- ••Sheeting- Hal iwe' - • , ' - Mushne, and,superier 6;' for qountry m t.tcirvclpgctiiv.o .': .' Ung May 184,5_' UrdiMitcate 589 12} itepurttneets, ;Among Which are Engich,Vedilo ,llsArnerkenn and' i'W.i.r.'Zr I2ItioaDCDGLiG3'Si Cloth • • - ' sanding idlest actilenient, . fully 1,11 restret- Silks Shirting. s;',o'"All Mils tit' Country. 1845,, .2 986 inthrek the 1116re 'AnteAunt PlahOiripcid and TWeell suiteii`to,thee.Gounlys.'n't ,tvell aa,Ciiy Thide.-= -'' Peud9c4i Ellctu;k in ex, A : for 14i '' ' ' • . duplicate lAce.Jtiekonelia. '- change for motitit of the City for t,lfitit' ',Mei 'Slimmer simplieb, a tic IvrOliliNild- .4001:18. gandel being thinkrul fein.4 general, , .... from where 'manila. ent or Queeialwar,e'and . of-silts entiiiiiiiiesha'Jtoyaleiti.',—.abatement ' - • •we hope frie;ds 'far4nist Cash",recelved 111,11)ipple, to cull rtheii• vimettetive orbestireis, ..., . ~ •., , cf , Lupinbi of our will continent heir,pettunage. • -prices ~. Bombazines all and the • lir chcidae.GroceOes such linperial% ~.!. ", , ~, _ , the • qualities, an ... of 27 Youag.llyson, be,lios.puriottil-f~ pee . feel clerk Market fintise every give entire *kifil6W, the wilieli or `Ol l. " o thepospd to accommodate all tegeonuble effort willWill :be unite . • • ycaie, a.- various shad ' who may littsli'recei;.ed . from 'lays, to and Tad: aneifeairea.to.call ilickspecliir ,.. f Black,- S UnrnidI' Bo.sl NW?Ines -Coast:Mc entishuttiOh.. tittenlioti ..Arßidiiiiazri4E-Ga: • --i-o ". -0-ii : e,Sysiesniof -.41r-13"1"Ptr °5"1" 1Td~TOntlant ,Warp.A.lpaecao; - Wilt Bryan for S4gard 41oladdea,, „• is; Silica, 'Cash received froin 14 George Bookseller, Publisher, & nod Millineliiiis,:tintilwhieli' e'citlo,o4 talthel'it Monselm do'Laines,l3.ainges,-Balserines„ old Town Hall • . 40 02 S. Appleton, which we will-K.11,0t short Illeeph forrnicii's tarest,of tlie NEW brlek of lenporier Foreig Books, Claesnut.street, LIIVIS;•%VI!ite-nni*Yniliiy tWirelinfier'o p:.! ,, , .n6(0. lt,iozoitio Marquess; • Gitinadinosi Gingham!, Lawns, SPRING SUPPLY AT THE Cashne divedfrom Constable klays (or of n 148 and lelloi9Citizens at ttt old stand 'or , 6 t (....rapeeperape and Levi, rir Leisse and under below Seventh--Invites the 5 ttesition or irsv- French, Seus.tili, odd Flioniestic Ginglinps.s.' Ding tijiziohir.foodio,ink,p p. pAiijoik.,;..i,i ... Veile,kol, 01.11gi horscz,nwer sold by 14tH bo. .very :ex- void,,,e r;ow.ia,o ,p .•ehiiiijlibditi,,.. Silk Oltives,- Hosiery, Plain Silk, Glacla. Otto. ,igthiti*s ellers,• sat angers,. and others, to his Cnrlidle, alay. 106, • ham LilwlVOlniusllii k.alites,,Citlicone,bieuelied kitot to m f. he•c. i o 5-00 6, . hive aid n moan, Thibet,-Baroge and Twisted Silk r•tuglyoritimilice of English and--American and 11112 iitins,C6lol CR mbßes;nrida thby 'llie"iiiiii+iiiiiidlow;Witi'diiiiirti Shawls HAtgRST.IOI( • •-' • For store licenses 45 00 tensive collection 'Unbleached l4l Scarfs - -' " ,det'. provision Literature.: s•- to intim!) ; ' Publicatielia,ill everydepartMent or - - - aw.a.y. vritil....i.inine_tioyewatrrof_te,tii..o63,..._are.- - and-Graystr-••------- ' • • sires the froni C. isitiefarlatte Esq' GOODS; .. Cash received His stook of elegantly bound ' Books for Pres- MAMMOTH STOCK OF 'NEW .illcrino,nud Shaw Is mid 'Spada; Ladies' Mude,tei pay, higher great the , lid that Ie- has Exhibition Lieenses berme. a, .•'' SHAVLS SCARFS. ' .... Jost rettalvvod, Ch!ef Burgess, ,a 00 Portfolios, Stationary, Publica- CrIE_A.O ' Cravats, Gentlemen's blank indict' limey cravats. ; like AND ' ently Rocca AT OGILBY'S STORE reduction,)tli'an the style and quality, mom Philadelphia,' and. is : -Cash for use ofouter stalls of market , min Cashmere ;and tions, &C. is tile most varied in:tliceity. Silk and Gingtuini Handkerefilefs. Neu, ,Style square.purchased the " One Store." Preach long Shawls;be opening at the Old house 16 50 received and•now opening, the !algae!, Purie, at. Price Renato! In., Barege,Thibot Tether- Stand, mid '4Vre- trios( apt lug Bonne's. Loteht sllnped Chinese A. B. M.is receipt Printed and North ItafinVer • Cash has Crever,clerk of roar: Bedding, Feather, Furnishing cheapest and splendid atock of. goods . in regular of ,the newest ri du, G ISMS, Ttvisted Grenadine, Herne- street. rne.of. from B ot i'.d Mal JUST Pearl,4G imp, Florence 11 add, Neupolinte, Mod- and Silk. , the ket and h eigh muster_ , • 1 1 51 rumus.--railay Ist Co.:§ corner 'eve:brought te.Carinde. To enumeratearticles 'thetApestseasonable goods, and when any ni -und...,lßohrtur do., and most!extensive untLelegani .; • • ena mild Straw 11-Witicts. rich do•. , .'.,- . :Rolionil article . priced assortments of Cash Constable lays, water LO !2.5 Walnut streets, the .4seetion, as it occupy the i.llerot depreciates in valuo the price mat-once Sillf, low , friiin I tax' , . is outof fringed Ifilannis, Litetta, Edejotvi Rod Grenadine, would Mirage, and other long • Commissioners Until, * of lotterlioFs. marked d,,wn SO' lOW that it cannot short and Cash from of Importers of Watches and .tanufaentreri ,' whole of fricied Beatty'ff paper. Suffice it to Also, Pk:Mt"( G1100•71tIES, Midi as Coffees, be undersold. Scarfs. Also, gravels.. • - • • county, , can .berland appropriation made Silver-iar6aud,.lgwelry.--Thomas C. say,-that purchasers will finda and com- ii a nd Tobacco... • • • By this system the pureliaser at all times Black Lace and Icy Garrett i full Sii wens, Si,icet Silk Mantillas, Wouiti, Capes DRUGS, PAINTS• ' . - theni too ands porcliasim , engiims. 100 00 65,C0. , Fourth sti;yet. orti to sell low for CAgii, buy Confidence and sutisfuetion, and . • OILS, DYE-STUFFS, plete etyles.. .• 11:413Chesiatii heltti assortment of As ife tletermio cl with with. and Cardinals, ofnew . • Fanny Articles, iscellancous and Cash. one Wilful: pricemf CIVilla we inelte the public to .eall Iwo ex- out-wartto oT time in nectess bargaining,- lie 14 School • .. in respectfully Books, . 6 70 WiloitffiaTtSlitid7.llo4il tlEt'afer FitAilariablo 'Dry Gooda, Groceries, Hats & Caps, ims complete EMBROIDERfES AND LACES. '• Perfumery, Fruits, den. &o. which has sold ne stock •belore elsewhere. • et this time a ' ,„ and -Dr, 1 our; puochising assortment of col, AlediStni.-*.stki:liiritl_suimiMir • i - Sfaiile toverlmenu opened in this Citili—from-Ciatitililin-llayil,iine . 2 I - . Eitilf'd s. borough, of .whinit - , -,,kei) !foots and Shoes, at prices tincommJely Carlisle.; e; 8161 Co grallars, Spencers; and ail lent ELS - G-Onibi.- .A.. tic'xhiritiiircerits - . siqiii,u-r-tititi 19u. --,...„...5ett5,-ender Chetnr. have -been' selt:oted by .. by • Sleeves amid perian:.With sold ! g 5 4 A.. - • , .. callingdit.Ogiihrs,Priporimp. ~ Cull's, Englishand 11408611 M Cash from David Grier for out-lot stiv.th oiiihi kih ii great earn, and which ho can Ito n re- iltir old - .plack-T.tts tr i o, Thread Laces, Edgings - fidendv • ETD the Recollect .stand, 5 doors below tlie Othincan,'.'Xillx,, de Soie. French and Insertings, to WM b} Connell s. NViiiner, (only manufacturer of . :real 11.M. -1- 11 'CS?. Linen commend to his friends and as Market East High Manilla,Gros de Rhine,, Arninrc, and Edgings' nod I . customers being Cash..for stall rent; Koslit 50; 11,iitido• No. 7, SOlllll Second Sil. Ilous'e, street. • other Bobbin iiscrtings, emb d. ;•,qtuul- $4 Horn Combs] Curlialc,April . Drees and Swiss and Cambria do., Black if not superior Lonny in tho‘markot. His __William d MI; Jame', Uuvis in ndw style T0r- 29. 1846. CIETARLES .73XIMPTXTZ, Mantilla Silks. Also, and White Lace' Wien Mulltilitelill•er mod, Licaler Dross Silks, from .}tells, Laic Shiiwls rink Starts, Block stock will constantly comprise 9 00; Johh No- Fancy 44' et5.,t0.9. wide La- . o.o:44nntes 1.14411:1. t54,55 bliella -Lluttalu,linefniA imitation Euf- atiuminen In the 'citizens of Car. 2.25 1,0 . EEO cd '17,174:1511Lt) _yard,yard, itieluding-all the ces fur :Mantillas; and Scarfs,'end - . ble . tilt lo 511;er Combs. n . , general, variety of a broved and Block Brus- Drugs and Medicines. persons on account and NEW GOODS: „lislc•nnd the inflate in that lie mielnl styles rattle , for trimining , Cash (`rota stoldry .Wrii. Para- NEW GOOD'S South Hanover and combination of tmlorsf. Pll O, do and drosses. Patent Medicines, Extracts, duchy the;;; to ILichardsoir, Eagle I:mbrellit, has removed his stare to erica, herbs and of bonds the ',uries B 084 ti. Lining Sill-a, Silks, Silk Gingham . ' Fine elleirtinals, , -16 i sal and Patent \Vallsing Catie Clubrella Man- UST received andnow opetAnE, n splendid one door below Hotel,in the house Foulard ...
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