Meet Or Talk Incredibly To Men Low In Your Area! Rates! Not a 976-# Men Are Calling . Not a 900 # --,./ the n1 , .. CDNNECTER,lnc. 24 Hours A Day For: One on One Orgy Room Message Center S&M J/0 Bisexual or Straight · Connections OR BILLED TO YOUR PHONE MUST BE 18 If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away.-Henry Dai, 1id Thoreau DESMODUS, INC. DRUMMER ISSUE 15B for correspondence from North America, South America, and the Pacific 4 Male Call: Letters to Drummer PO Box 410390 5 Off The Top San Francisco, CA 94141-0390 Musings on "New" Leather by Joseph W Bean (415) 252-1195 Fax (415) 252-9574 7 TOY: Playing with Fire An Asian man who disproves all the stereotypes DESMODUS INTERNATIONAL B. V. Text and photography by Frits Staal for correspondence from Europe, the Middle East and Africa 13 SCUM-BAG! PO Box 16602 A straight man's boner, a handful of condoms, a gay 1001 RC Amsterdam journalist ... at dinner, no less The Netherlands Fiction by Richard A. White Illustrated by R .A. W Martijn Bakker............ ..... ... .... Publisher 19 Sutton Photography Anthony F. De Blase ... ... .. Editor Emeritus Jos~ph W. Bean ....... ... .. .. ....... ..... Editor A sampling from SF's "Photographer to the Hunks" John Wood ........ ... Production Manager Photography by Steve Sutton •••••••••••••••••••• 24 Leather Bulletin Board FREQUENT CONTRIBUTORS Notes on current and upcoming Leather events WRITERS 27 Rough Stuff: Breaking Barriers Michael Agreve/Guy Baldwin A personal reflection by Bill Costomiris Hoddy Allan/Clay Caldwell Alan Chiras/Jack Fritscher 28 An Editor and his boy Rick Jackson/David May Photography by Jim Wig/er Larry Townsend/Richard A. White 32 Drum media By Joseph W Bean PHOTOGRAPHERS J. C. Collins/Old Reliable/Palm Drive 35 Leather Pride Week Satyr/S. Savage/Steve Sutton The new Mr. Drummer & Drummerboy of the year, Jim Wigler/Zeus Studios and highlights of all the week's events ARTISTS Photography by Steve Sutton and Jim Wig/er Cavelo/B. Clarke/Howard Cruse 52 Dear Sir: The Drummer Classifieds Etienne/Donelan/The Hun Leon/Sean Martin{T. J. Moore 80 Tough Customers R.A.W./Brad Rader/Rex Nasty guys with big ideas, or big boys, nasty ideas Russell/Tom of Finland/Bill Ward ON THE COVER: Toy, in both photographs, by Frits Staal Copyrig ht © 1992 by D es mo dus, Inc. LEATHER NOTEBOOK, MALECALL, MR. itself and on the reverse of each photo or pi ece of Publ ished October 1992. All rights reserved. No DRUMMER, REA R VIEW MI RROR, art. All rights to letters and/or snaps_hots sent to part of th e magazine may be reproduced without SANDMUTOPIA, T C TALES, TIES THAT Drummer wi II be treated as uncond itio nally as­ pri or written permission of th e publisher. BIND, TOUGH CUSTOMERS , and TOUGH signed fo r publicati on and copyri ght purposes and DRUMMER is published monthl y fo r $70 SHIT are registered trademarks ofDesmodus, In c. are subject to Desmodus, Inc. 's right to edit and per 12-issue subscri ption by Desmodus, In c., 24 ❖ comment editori all y. Desmodus, Inc. ca n assume Shotwell St. , San Francisco, CA 94103. Second 12-issue subscription: $70 (US fun ds) in the no responsibi li ty for unsolicited materials. class postage paid at Post Offi ce, Sa n Francisco, US and Canada. $120 (US fu nds) elsewhere, ❖ CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to incl uding airm ail postage. CA residents pay 8.5% Any similarity between characters appearing DRUMMER, PO Box 410390, Sa n Francisco, CA sales tax. Orders accepted for MasterCard, Visa, in Drummer and actua l persons, living or dead, is 94141-0390. and American Express at (415) 252-1195. purely coincidental. The representation or appear­ CUMLINES, CUMMING UP, DEAR SIR, Unsolicited man uscri pts, photos, and art that ance of any person in Drummer is not to be taken as DRUM, DRUMMEDIA, DRUMMER, DRUM­ are to be returned must be accompani ed by a an indicati on of his or her sexual preference or M ERBOY, DRUMM ER DADDIES, stamped, self-a dd ressed envelope. Make ce rt ain li festyle. All models are of legal age, proofs on fil e DRUMMERMEN, GETfINGOFF, IN PASS ING, that yo ur na me ll nd address are on th e manuscri pt at publi ca tion offices. Every decision a person makes, including the decision to get out of bed in the morning , has some degree of ri sk associated with it. We strongly believe that each competentadultmustsetfor th emselves the level of risk he or she is willing to accept. Some avoid crossing streets in heavytraffi c--0thers stunt-rid e motorcycles _ without a helmet. However, to intelligently confront and accept ri sk, a person mus/understand the dangers . While Drummer hopes to educate its readers on a wide variety of topics, its main purpose is to entertain ! Works of fi ction presented in this magazine are ju st that- fiction! Th ey are not in any way intended to suggest or describe activities that anyone should--0r often co uld-actually do. They are meant for entertainment only. In oth er than fi ctional pieces, we will emphasize safe sex with res pect to contagious diseases, and safe and sane behavior with respect to all activities, and will try to point out all activities which deviate from recognized safe-sex and safe-and-sane play activities. However, Des mod us, Inc., its offi cers and stockhold ers, the editors and staff of Drummer, co lumnists, authors, artists and other contributors to this publication and oth er organs of Desmodus, Inc., cannot be held responsible for accidents, injuries or other or improper application of information imparted or id eas generated by materials in Drummer, or from Desmodu s, Inc. produ cts. DRUMMER/158 3 As usual, I enjoyed the latest Cavelo • , r drawing on page 79 of DnJmmer 156. (A . ' French backwoodsman from 1634 staked out by some playful Iroquois.) But, rather than simply having some twigs placed atop the backwoodsman's cock and balls, couldn't Cavelo have added a little ·MALI. ·:CAL·L "· . ·- ,·- . .. ~ flame and smoke here? Respectfully-Alvin Easter In a decade of AIDS where perhaps Donelan cartoon soothing and interest­ Sure, Cavelo could have added the thousands of your readers have lost lovers ing, maybe not knee-slapping funny. My fire to his drawing, but he left it to your and friends, to this dreaded disease, I just boy, Scott, who died in June, had kept a imagination, and you obviously Imagined can't imagine why or how the cartoonist and copy of the same cartoon on the wall of his it very effectively. Besides, by drawing the members of your staff could find any humor bedroom since his previous lover died of moment before the flames began, he was in the cartoon depicted on page 48 of Drum­ AIDS ... until we moved in together. able to show us something more of the mer 156 (i.e ... "of course, you have a right to I guess, when it comes to things as genitals. Again, his choice. personal and difficult as dealing with wear a veil... I'm just not sure it goes with JWB chaps") death, different ones of us are helped The cartoon was sick, shallow, outra­ differently-and differently offended, too. geous, insensitive and unforgiveable. The Sorry you were offended, but I am not only place you would expect to see this sorry to have published the cartoon. cartoon would be in some homophobic hate JWB magazine, but inDrummerit's a slap against all of us--especially those of us who have Your story of the playroom by Parker is lost lovers and friends to AIDS. a terrific story but you describe in your story Where, for God's sake, was your staff a man in tight jeans and sneakers, in a leather when they okayed this piece of shit? Were western bar, picked up by a leatherman after you all out getting laid, perhaps? speaking on the phone. This situation can get Al/Chicago worse, the leather and western bars want LIVE Honestly, Al, I don't know how to only that, leather and western, not sneakers CRUC IFlXIOM . answer you. As a person who has lost a and jeans. You are going to give ideas to all SUN MAY 24lll great boy and well over 100 friends and people that don't own leather that it's O.K. to PM DIUCTOR acquaintances to AIDS, I found the come to leather bars and find the hot leather BRO R GA.STOii daddy that they want. In your story the char- . acter should have had boots on, but no, you chose sneakers. Why? I do not want to renew my subscription.I The leather bars have lost the flavor of mean, come on, let's get these guys out of leather, and trying to keep up with leather grease, cigars, wax, and chains etc... and western bars the tradition of leather. PETER'S Thanks, but no thanks. Now when you go to leather bars 80% is Brad/San Francisco PHONE vanilla, all pastel cloths and bright cloths. ACTION So, Brad, what did you want? Seri­ I've been in leather for 20 years. Lets keep the ously, it would be a lot easier to deal with stories going, but please, let the fluff stay at don't ifwe also heard the do.
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