The Computer lvluseum 300 Congress Street Boston, MA 022 10 (617) 426-2800 Memorandum to: The Computer Museum Board of Directors fro m: Oliver Strimpel re: Board meeting on June 22 date: 6/5/90 Please find attached the following materials relating to the upcoming Annual Meeting of The Computer Museum Board of Directors and Trustees: • meeting agenda • financial statement for the period July 1, 1989 - April 30, 1990 • budget for the fiscal year 1990/1 • chart of Museum staff • listing of recent press coverage I hope you will find the time to look at these materials before the meeting_ In particular, the discussion of the FY91 budget at the meeting will assume some familiarity with the enclosed materiaL It has been an excellent year for the Musuem; I look forward to sharing our achievements with you , and to setting the direction for the years ahead. Please RSVP to Sue Johnson at (617) 426-2800 ext. 372; she can arrange parking if you need it. OL5~ H++l ~ . i 11 1 The" Computer Museum" 300 Congress Street Boston. MA 02210 (617) 426-2800 MEETING OF THE COMPUTER MUSEUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS JUNE 22. 1990 B:30AM-1 :30PM AGENDA Call to order of Annual Meeting of Members of the Corporation Election of new Members Call to Order of Reconvened Meeting The Year in Review (Strimpel) FV91 Budget Discussion (McKenney/Petinella) Computer Bowl 1991 (Bell) Capital Campaign background (Hendrie) planning study (Del Sesto) Exhibit Planning Timeline (Strimpel) Reality on Wheels travelling exhibit on virtual reality (Strimpel) Milestones of a Revolution Exhibit overview and exhibit techniques (Greg Welch, developer) an international perspective (Professor Brian Randell) educational impact (Jane Manzelli, Brookline Public Schools) LUNCH "Meeting ajourns !! I! ~, • • . J The Computer Museum Financial Statements For the Ten Month Period July 1, 1989 through April 30, 1990 THE COMPUTER MUSEUM STATB1ENT OF REVENUES ~D EXPENSES COMBINED OPERATING ~D CAPITAL FUNDS ( $ - Thousands ) FOR THE TEN MIMHS ENDED ~UAL ~UAL 4/30/89 --------4/30/90--------- FY90 FY90 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL FAV(UNFAV) BUDGET FORECAST ·REVENUES: Operating Fund 886 1,309 1,288 (21) (2iO 1,518 1,526 Capital Fund 426 963 1,087 124 131. 1,100 1,378 Total Revenues 1,312 2,272 2,375 103 5'1. 2,618 2,904 EXPENSES: OOFating Fund 1,210 1,342 1,195 147 11Y. 1,650 1,503 Cap ita 1 Fund 419 754 936 (182) (24Y.) 1,053 1,295 Total Expenses 1,629 2,096 2,131 (35) (2Y.) 2,703 2,798 NET REVENUES (EXPENSES) ($317> $176 $244 $68 39'1. ($85) $106 -- = .-- -- -- -- -- SIH1ARY: -------- For the ten months ended April 30, 1990 the musuem operated at a surplus of 244K compared to a budgeted surplus of 176K. As of April 30, 1990 total cash and cash equivalents ilounted to 595K. OPERATING: Operating revenues Mere 2Y. under budget due mainly to shortfalls in Restricted Contributions (Computer Bowl), despite strong earned revenue of Admissions, Functions and Store revenues. Expenses Mere llY. under budget due mainly to lower personnel costs (vacant positions). CAPITAL: Revenues Mere 131. over budget due to receipt of additional exhibit related revenue. Expenses Mere 24Y. over budget due to higher exhibit costs. THE CII1PUTER HUSEII1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES MiD EXPENSES OPERATING F~D ( $ - Thousands ) FOR THE TEN HIMHS ENDED NflUttL NflUttL 4/30/89 --- ------4130/90------------- FY90 FY90 ACTUttL BUDGET ACTUttL F(I.J(~F(I.J) BUDGET FORECAST REVENUES: Unrestricted contributions: 53 $243 233 (10) (41.) $219 $281 Restricted contributions 256 371 310 (61) (16X) 400 364 Corporate memberships 115 157 137 (20) <l3i.) 188 150 Individual memberships 54 68 40 (28) (41Y.) 82 52 Amissions 187 204 251 47 23i. 247 302 Store 108 131 170 39 3oY. 163 205 Functions 86 105 116 11 lOY. 124 134 Other 33 3D 31 1 lY. 35 38 Gain/Loss on Securities (6) 0 0 0 0:1. 0 0 -------- Total Revenues 886 1,309 1,288 (21) (~) 1,518 1,526 EXPENSES: Exhibits &education 284 274 277 (3) (1Y.) 324 324 Marketing &memberships 173 249 186 63 25"1. 298 241 Management &general 294 333 240 93 28"1. 409 307 Fundraising 99 76 65 11 14Y. 127 120 Store 111 132 161 (29) (2~) . 160 190 Functions 47 59 51 8 13i. 70 63 Museum Wharf expenses 202 219 215 4 ~ 262 258 Total Expenses 1,210 1,342 1,195 147 11:1. 1,650 1,503 NET REVENUES(EXPENSES) ($324) ($33) $93 $126 381:1. ($132) $23 ===== ===== = = THE COMPUTER MUSEUM STATEHENT OF REVENUES ~D EXPENSES CAPITAL F~D ( $ - Thousands ) FOR THE TEN MONTHS ENDED 4130/89 --------4/30/90----------- FY90 FY90 ACT~L BUDGET ACT~l FAV(~FAV) BUDGET FORECAST REVENUES: Contributions $370 $325 $80 ($245) (75"1.) $400 $210 Exhibit Funding 56 638 1,000 $362 574"1. 700 1,159 Interest Income 0 0 9 $9 100~ 0 11 GainlLoss on Securities 0 0 (2) ($2) (100~) 0 (2) Total Revenues 426 963 1,087 124 13'1. 1,100 1,378 EXPENSES: Exhibits 18 270 608 (338) ( 125"/.) 481 916 Exhibit Administration 167 264 146 118 45"1. 313 162 Fundraising 99 92 54 38 41r. 105 63 Wharf mortgage 135 128 128 0 Or. 154 154 -------- Total Expenses 419 754 936 (182) (24"1.) 1,053 1,295 NET REVENUES (EXPENSES) $7 $209 $151 ($58) (28'1.) $47 $83 = = = -- = = -- THE CII1PUTER HUSEII1 BAIJHCE SHEET 4130/90 OPERATING CAPITAL PIJHT TOTAL TOTAL FIJiD FIJiD FIJiD 4130/90 6130/89 ASSETS: Current: Cash $124,444 $124,444 $149,212 Cash Equ iva lents 470,199 470,199 121,117 Investments $40,134 40,134 37,SOO Rece ivab les 13,841 13,841 36,427 Inventory 65,433 65,433 43,708 Prepaid expenses 10,020 945 10,965 7,227 Interfund receivable 694,291 694,291 492,907 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL 683,937 735,370 0 1,419,307 888,098 Property &Equipment (net): Equipment &furniture $11,482 11 ,482 11 ,482 Capital improvements 699,126 699,126 699,126 Exh ibi ts 336,276 336,276 336,276 Construction in Process 26,311 26,311 26,311 Land 24,000 24,000 24,000 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Total ° 26,311 1,070,884 1,097,195 1,097,195 TOTAL ASSETS $683,937 $761,681 $1,070,884 $2,516,502 $1,985,293 LIABILITIES AND FIJiD BAIJHCES: Current: Accounts payable and accrued expenses $60,597 $58,083 $118,680 $76,446 Deferred incDlle 15,740 15,740 22,230 line of creditlLoan Payable 50,000 50,000 0 Interfund payable 694,291 694,291 492,907 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Total 820,628 58,083 0 878,711 591,583 Fund Balances: Operating (136,691> (136,691> (229,083) Capi tal 703,598 703,598 551,909 Plant $1,070,884 1,070,884 1,070,884 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Total <136,691> 703,598 1,070,884 1,637,791 1,393,710 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FIJiD BALNiCES $683,937 $761,681 $1,070,884 $2,516,502 $1,985,293 ... THE COMPUTER MUSEUM STATEMENT OF CWINGES IN rASH POSITION 4/30/90 OPERATING rAPITAL PIlM TOTAL TOTAL FUND FUND FUND 4130/90 6130/89 Cash prouide by/(used for) operations: Excesss/(deficiency) of support and reuenue $92,392 $151,689 $244,081 ($606,578) Depreciation 0 283,311 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Cash from operations 92,392 151,689 0 244,081 (323,267> Cash provided by/(used for) working capital: Receivables 22,586 22,586 (5,654) Invelitory (21,725) (21,725) (4,011 ) Inuestments (2,634) (2,634) 81,173 Accounts payable &other current I iabs <7,513) 49,747 42,234 (11,602) Deferred income (6,490) (6,490) 7,980 Prepaid expenses (6,320) 2,582 (3,738) 1,482 --------- --------- --------- --------- .-------- Cash from working capital (19,462) 49,695 0 30,233 69,368 Cash provided by/(used for) Fixed assets 0 (33,147> --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Net increase/(decrease) in cash before financing 72,930 201,384 0 274,314 (287,046) Financing: lnterfund pay. &rec. 201,384 (201,384) 0 Transfer to Plant 0 Line of credit/Loan Payable 50,000 50,000 --------- --------- --------- -------- ---------° Cash from financing 251,384 (201,384) 0 50,000 ° Net increase/(decrease) in cash &inuestments 324,314 324,314 (287,046) --------- ---------° ---------° --------- --------- Cash, beginning of year 270,329 ° ° 270,329 557,375 Cash, end of period $594,643 $0 $594,643 $270,329 THE COMPUTER MUSEUM FY91 BUDGET May 18,1990 THE. COMPUTER MUSEUM FY91 BUDGET SUMMARY OPERATIONAL RESULTS The FY91 Budget reflects a net deficit of $100K for the Museum. This net deficit represents the combined results of two funds; a $27K surplus in the "Operating Fund" and a $127K deficit in the "Capital Fund". CASH FLOW The available cash balance as of June 30, 1990 is expected to be approximately $410K. Based on achieving the FY91 Budget, the available cash balance is expected to be about $310K as of June 30, 1991. Based on the monthly projections of cash flow, the Museum does not expect to fall below the DEC requirement to maintain a combined cash balance of $100K. If the combined cash balance were to fall below $100K for any two consecutive months, DEC would have the right to terminate the purchase option extension for the Museum Building~ OBJECTIVES • strong emphasis on increasing revenues: Capital campaign for Endowment and Building Operational activities Exhibits • Exhibit development based on specific contributions for exhibits: Open "Milestones" Open "Reality on Wheels" Complete "Kits" program. Start "Computer Discovery Center" ASSUMPTIONS Restructure the Museum's staff to develop and • maximize productivity to support budget objectives. • Continue responsibili ty for payment of Museum Wharf operating costs and mortgage payments.
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