THE NATIONALUS010071937B2 HILTON HO MAN (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 10 ,071 , 937 B2 Millet et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Sep . 11 , 2018 ( 54 ) METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN OLEFIN BY ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search CATALYTIC CONVERSION OF AT LEAST CPC .. C07C 1 /24 ; C07C 11 / 06 ; C07C 45 /52 ; ONE ALCOHOL C07C 6 / 04 ; C07C 11 /04 ; C07C 11 / 08 ; C07C 11 /09 ; C07C 11/ 167 ; C07C 47 /21 ; ( 71 ) Applicants :ADISSEO FRANCE S . A . S ., Antony C07C 2527 / 167 ; C07C 2527 / 18 ; C07C ( FR ) ; CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE , Paris 253 / 26 ; C07C 319 / 18 ; C07C 319 /20 ; ( FR ) ; UNIVERSITE CLAUDE C07C 45 / 35 ; C07C 51/ 252 BERNARD , Villeurbanne ( FR ) See application file for complete search history. (72 ) Inventors : Jean -Marc Millet, Lyons ( FR ) ; Virginie Belliere - Baca , Vourles (FR ) ; (56 ) References Cited Thi Tuyet Nhung Nguyen, U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS Villeurbanne ( FR ) ; Robert Huet, Paris ( FR ) ; Patrick Rey , Lyons ( FR ) ; Pavel 9 ,056 ,806 B2 * 6 /2015 Adam .. .. .. C07C 1 /20 Afanasiev , Decines (FR ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS @(73 ) Assignees : ADISSEO FRANCE S . A . S , Antony DE 2048309 A1 4 / 1972 ( FR ) ; CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA GB 00589709 A 7 / 1942 RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE , Paris JP 2008504310 A 2 / 2008 ( FR ) ; UNIVERSITE CLAUDE 2008531644 A 8 / 2008 2008280349 A 11 / 2008 BERNARD , Villeurbanne (FR ) 2009274982 A 11 /2009 2009544594 A 12 /2009 ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2011528687 A 11/ 2011 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2012091158 A 5 / 2012 U . S . C . 154 (b ) by 197 days . ( 21 ) Appl. No. : 14 / 765 ,429 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Antonio Morschbacker , “ Bio - Ethanol Based Ethylene ” Journal of ( 22 ) PCT Filed : Feb . 4 , 2014 Macromolecular Science , Part C : Polymer Reviews; 2009 ; vol. 49 ; pp . 79 -84 . ( 86 ) PCT No. : PCT/ FR2014 / 050204 Corey B . 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OdP * 1 *** ** ** * - A1, 0 ** * * 11* ao200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 Temperature (°C ) atent Sep . 11 , 2018 Sheet 2 of 4 US 10 ,071 ,937 B2 FIGURE 2 $ ngit i ** *restr NdPO * $ LLLS* * ** * - - SmP04 . **** * * * * ** * * * * ** **- * - GdP04 tittathar* ** ** Selectivityto2-butene(0) * - A1, *** * * * $ *** *** ** * * ** * * * * * * * mate & ** ++ + 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 Temperature (°C ) atent Sep . 11 , 2018 Sheet 3 of 4 US 10 ,071 , 937 B2 FIGURE 3 8 100 , 0 ** ***** 8 1 LaPO4 (Na2HPON / A LIPO : (NaHO : ) LE LEPO4 ONK : # 2100 / - LaPO : (NH4X720 ) 8 Selectivityto1-butene LOIKOADOO orienentertainment ** .. 8 -:59 57 :5 *** * * + no OH 8 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 Temperature (°C ) atent Sep . 11 , 2018 Sheet 4 of 4 US 10 ,071 , 937 B2 FIGURE 4 100 2 Conversion(%) - Without H2O 8 50 % mol H2O 90 % mol1 H20I soop 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (hi ) US 10 ,071 , 937 B2 METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN OLEFIN BY petroleum products (naphtha or gasoil ) or natural gas liquids CATALYTIC CONVERSION OF AT LEAST ( ethane , propane and butane ) where it is accompanied by its ONE ALCOHOL first homologues: propene or propylene , but - 1 -ene and cis and trans but - 2 - enes , isobutylene and but - 1 , 3 - diene , and The present invention relates to a catalytic method for 5 from which it is separated by fractional distillation . producing olefines, dienes, polyenes by dehydration of alco - Like ethylene , propene constitutes a cornerstone of the hols . petrochemical industry . Nowadays , propene comes exclu Olefines , also called ethylenic hydrocarbons or alkenes, sively from fossil fuels . It consists of the major co - product consist of hydrocarbons of the general formula C , H , , with in the production of ethylene by thermal cracking . The steam n larger than or equal to 2 . Dienes and polyenes consist of 10 cracking units of naphtha or gasoil are more selective to hydrocarbons the molecule of which comprises two ethyl- propene than those which use the liquefied petroleum gas as enic bonds or more . This general definition applies to any a raw material. Oil refineries also generate significant hydrocarbon having one or several ethylenic bonds and amounts of propene as a sub - product of the fracturing , including any function , such as for example , primary, sec coking and visbreaking catalytic operations. Propene may ondary and tertiary amino groups , primary , secondary and 15 also be obtained by catalytic dehydrogenation of propane or tertiary
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