"Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Rev. 22 :12. VOLUME 4. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, FIFTH—DAY, MARCH 14, 1878. NUMBER 11. " Go, gather Israel at Carmel's mount." wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writ- right Oa Zituto The mighty prophet speaks the stern command. 6ttieralt patirleo. ings, how shall ye believe my words '? " IS ISSUED WEEKLY BY THE With hurried speed swift messengers are sent, It was impossible, however, for Adam, by To every dweller in Samaria's land. his example and precepts to stay the tide of l'acitc Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. With awe and wonder stamped on every face, THE LAW AND THE GOSPEL. woe which his transgression had brought With one consent they hasten to the place. ' ELD. JAMES WHITE, PRESIDENT. BY MRS. E. G. WHITE. upon men. Unbelief crept into the hearts of And when, the sun in burning splendor sheds men. The children of Adam present the ear- ll TERMS : Two DomAus a year in advance for a His morning glories o'er Samaria's vale, volume of 48 numbers. When paid by Tract Societies, WHEN the Jews rejected Christ they re- liest example of the two different courses or by individuals for their friends, $1.50. On Carmel's mountain filled with Israel's host, pursued by men with regard to the claims of Stands good Elijah 'mong the priests of Baal. jected the foundation of their faith. And, on the other hand, the Christian world of God. Abel saw Christ figured in the sacri- r Office, 1059 Castro St., bet. 11th and 12th With light and glory beaming in his eyes, ficial offerings. Cain was an unbeliever in And hands outstretched, the mighty prophet cries : to-day 'who claim faith in Christ, but reject Address, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, Oakland, Cal. the law of God are making a mistake sim- regard to the necessity of sacrifices ; he re- " Ye men of Israel, why halt ye thus fused to discern that Christ was typified by 'Tween two opinions ? If the Lord be God, ilar to that of the deceived Jews. Those The -Prophets or Baal. who profess to cling to Christ, centering the slain lamb; the blood of beasts appeared Acknowledge him, and give him all your praise, to him without virtue. The gospel was And bow with meekness 'neath his chast'ning r their hopes on him, while they pour con- Canes and majestic, stands the man of God, tempt upon the moral law, and the prophe- preached to Cain as well 'as to his brother ; Firm and undaunted, though he stands alone, If Baal be God, exhalt him in the land. but it was to him a savor of death unto death, 'With floating mantle round his towering form, Why longer thus 'tween two opinions stand ? " cies, are in no safer position than were the unbelieving Jews. They cannot understand- because he would not recognize, in the blood Before the monarch on his gilded throne. " Bring hither now two bullocks on the mount, NI of the sacrificial Lamb, Jesus Christ the only A fearful message he has come to bring And lay the one upon your altar there, ingly call sinners to repentance, for they are j,Tofallen Israel's apostate king. unable to properly explain what they are to provision made for man's salvation. But place no fire beneath the sacrifice, ( 1` I Our Saviour, in his life and death, fulfilled Jake notes of thunder, sounds the prophet's voice And Baal's priests shall offer up their prayer. repent of. The sinner, upon being exhorted The other beast, I, even I will slay, to forsake his sins, has a right to ask; What all the prophecies pointing to himself, and trembling Ahab, " Hear the word of God 1 was the substance of all the types and shadows Iffy holy precepts halt thou heeded not, And to Jehovah will I kneel and pray. is sin '? Those who respect the law of God `ea' can answer, Sin is the transgression of the signified. He kept the moral law, and ex- And under foot my sacred name halt trod. " And let the God that answered' by fire 'hou'at bowed to idols, in thy stubborn pride, law: In confirmation of this the apostle alted it by answering its claims as man's Have Israel's praise, before the day is done. Until my wrath shall not be turned aside." cq Paul says, I had not known sin but by the representative. Those of Israel who turned But now consider ye, the priests of Baal to the Lord, and accepted Christ as the real- And, nbw, behold, thus saith the Lord of hosts, Are forty score, while / am only one." law. 0.) Those only who acknowledge the binding ity shadowed forth by the typical sacrifices, ,These years there neither shall be dew nor rain, Though Israel's heart to wickedness is wed, tvf discerned the end of that which was to be The fiery sun shall pour his scorching rays The people answered him, " Thou bast well said.' claim of the moral law can explain the In cloudless fervor o'er Samaria's plain, nature of the atonement. Christ came to abolished. The obscurity covering the Jew- Till hill and valley shall be parched and dry, The beast is slain, and on the altar laid, mediate between God and man, to make man ish system as a vail, was to them as the vail had earth shall wither 'neath the burning shy. While Ahab's priests lie prostrate on the groundp. one with God by bringing him into allegi- which covered the glory upon the face of With frantic prayers entreating Baal to hear, 44 ance to his law. There was no power in the Moses. The glory upon the face of Moses The haughty monarch hears the startling words, Till fearful cries o'er Carmel's bight resound ; was the reflection of that light which Christ His ashy face bespeaks his awful fear, Thus, one by one, the dreary hours go by, law to parch:in its transgressor. Jesus alone Ilis guilty heart is full of sudden dread, came into the world to bring for the benefit-. And still their god will not regard their cry. 4'1 could pay the sinner's debt. -But the fact ;,And bitter hatred toward the holy seer; that Jesus has paid the indebtedness of the of man. But e'er he rallies from his sore affright, The fiery sun at last has sunk to rest, repentant sinner does not give him license to While Moses was shut in the mount The holy man has vanished from his sight. And shadows lengthen o'er Samaria's plains, continue in transgression of the law of God; with God, the plan of salvation, dating from Until the priests had ceased their frenzied cry, Time passes on, with swift and noiseless tread, but he must henceforth live in obedience to the fall of Adam, was revealed to him in a And one by one the sultry days go by, And perfect silence o'er Mount Carmel reigns. that law. most forcible manner. He then knew that The burning sun still glimmers overhead, No longer echoes over hill and dale, the very angel who was conducting the travels The incantations of the seers of Baal. The law of God existed before the creation, Till running brook and sparkling fount are dry, lofI man or else Adam could not have sinned. of the children of Israel was to be revealed The braisy heavens give no sign of rain, .And now Elijah with devoted zeal, ,After the transgression of Adam the princi- in the flesh. God's dear Son, who was one And fruitful earth becomes a barren plain. The broken altar of the Lord repairs. les of the law were not changed, but were with the Father, was to make all men one -Gaunt famine shows her desolating face, With earnest courage and undaunted faith, definitely arranged and expressed to meet with God who would believe on, and trust in !agues follow on, in all their dread array, His sacrificial offering prepares. man in his fallen condition. riirist, in Moses saw the true significance of the Till Israel's heart is filled with woe and pain, No shrieks discordant wildly sound abroad, sacrificial offerings. Christ taught the gospel . As kneels in prayer the holy man of God. , counsel with his Failier,"inititutdd the sys- And all the land with anguish and dismay,- tem of sacrificial offerings ; that death, in- plan to Moses, and the glory of the gospel, While every lip grows tremulous and pale, through Christ, illuminated the countenance And horror haunts the worshipers of Baal. " Lord Godof Abraham, who rulest above, CI, stead of being immediately visited upon the Who clidst create the starry host on high, transgressor, should be transferred to a vic- of Moses so that the people could not look :;.The frenzied priests with incantations wild Make bare, I pray thee, thine Almighty arm.,f:2 tim which should prefigure thegreat and upon it. Entreat their god with never ceasing cry, In mercy grant to hear thy servant's cry, perfect offering of the Son of God., Moses himself was unconscious of the While on their pagan altars day and night Oh, Lord, my God, may it this day be known,' • beaming glory reflected upon his face, and The flames of sacrifice burn fierce and high. Through Israel's hosts that thou art God alon The sins of the people were transferred in knew not why the children of Israel fled 'Though smeared with blood, their frantic cries are vain, figure to the officiating priest, who • was a The prayer is heard, and fire from God 'deacon from him when he approached them.
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