UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE LIBRARY NVBNEDAND HELD A'r &oV1$.Qif TflU'RltJAY;TU' ,: ltllff*1 .D.\1"·.OF·D~Ull, t1iT11•. vJUa o, ...omt: , 0t1,T~~~'.1'11fl!:lf~~.Al(l)~S, 1~)~,'. Ta£ lM~BB'CB (jJiiTBS Ulfffl£'01ffA1'$,.; ;; : . ' •, ' ': , ' ' : ·' ' ' ' . ' ,.·__ l· 'i_,:. ;. "' . ··," '. ,.,..,,' _-'• :' "--· ..- .: . ~it Otf:J.·!JUNOJ.t~ AN61'WU"l'Y·NHrrH..··.·. ·. '~,.. ~ ' ' ' . .. \ GBOJlGS&. G&oa~.-.. .IC.IT&NGLB,. S+°* e.. ---Ooc..· \<..~ 'O \8A \°\OS,c.\ b 5.)..8, '1~ 5,J 1} 3{~' S f:./..7 IJ....,1 · /96 S ~C't.Jn~ \r, \.:.,bm7 ~Oeo. l'a3\4- lrou.,-_d \ I'> \..:, brn r-7 ~aec,, OFFICERSAND MEMBERS OF THE STATE SENATE PRESIDENT ISAAC THOMAS PARKER PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE A. B. CONNER SECRETARY J. EDWARD GOSLEE READING CLERK ABRAHAM L. TYRE ENROLLING CLERK C. SHERBURNE RICE CHAPLAIN REV. GEORGE P. SMITH ATTORNEYS ALBERT F. POLK, Georgetown JAMES M. SATTERFIELD, Dover FRANCIS M. WALKER, Wilmington SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. HENRY M. LANG PAGE THEODORE L. COOK MEMBERS GEORGE W. SPARKS, New Castle County. Wilmington THOMAS M. MONAGHAN, New Castle County . Wilmington THOMAS J. STIRLING, New Castle County . ••... Henry Clay JOHN M. MENDINHALL, New Castle County . .. Newport ARTEMUS SMITH, New Castle County ............. New Castle DAVID C. ROSE, New Castle County . Newark JOHN A. LATTA, New Castle County. 'Townsend THOMAS C. MOORE, Kent County . •.. _ . : . Smyrna JOHN W. HOUSTON, Kent County . Clayton REMSEN BARNARD, Kent County. ...... Camden JAMES G. REED, Kent County . Felton ALVIN B. CONNER, Kent County. • . .. Felton SIMEON S. PENNEWILL, Sussex County . Greenwood DAVID H. BOYCE, Sussex County. • . Laurel DAVID 0. MOORE, Sussex County . Laurel ARCHIE B. LINGO, Sussex County . _ . , Trinity THOMAS W. JEFFERSON, Sussex County . Milton - PROCLAMATION. \VHEREAS, In re~ponse to intelligent demand the General Assembly, at its last Session, passed an Act entitled, "An Act Limiting Judgment Liens upon Real Estate in Kent and Sussex Counties, and for other purposes," being Chapter 457 1 Volume 22, Laws of Delaware, and WHEREAS, Serious and urgent representations have been made to me by the Chancellor of the State, by the resident Judges and by members of the Bar of the Counties of Kent and Sussex with practical unanimity, and by many other intelligent citizens, that while , he general purpose of the Act aforesaid will tend to the public good, yet nevertheless certain numerous judgment creditors will be unjustly subjected to grave loss by the operations thereof, owing to their failure to comply there­ with, not contumaciously, nor even heedlessly, but through ignorance of the law alone ; and WHEREAS, This loss to the people can be averted only by extending the time in which the Act aforesaid shall go into operation; and WHEREAS, The time fixed in said Act for a continuance of liens upon real estate precludes the possibility of any legislative action in reference thereto without a Special Sessi.,n of the Legislature ; and WHEREAS, This public relief can be had by a Special Ses­ sion of the Legislature, not exceeding a few hours in length, .and at an lxpense extremely inconsiderable, in view of the good to be obtained ; Now, therefore, I, John Hunn, Governor of the State of Dela­ ware, being impelled by a sense of publicduty,and considering that since the adjournment of the last Legislature such an extraordi- IO nary occasion has arisen as is contemplated by the 16th Section of the Third Article of the Constitution of the said State of Delaware, do, and under and by virtue of the au·thority vested in me by the 16th Section of the Third Article of the Constitu­ tion aforesaid, by this, my Proclamation, order and direct that the General Assembly of the said State of Delaware do convene at Dover, in the State House, on Thursday, the Twenty-Ninth Day of December, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four, at the hour of ten o'clock, for the purpose of extending the time in which the provisions of the Act to which I have alluded shall go into effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be hereto affixed this 16th. day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-ninth. By the Governor; JOHN HUNN. CALEB R. LAYTON, Secretary of State. JOURNAL OF THE STATE SENA1-E. Dover, Defaware, December, 29th, 1904. Pursuant to the foregoing proclamation the General Assembly of the State of Delaware convened in special session at Dover on Thursday the 29th day of December in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Four, and of the indepen9-ence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-eighth. Sena­ tors Sparks, Stirling and. Latta of New Castle County, .Senators Conner and Moore T. C. of Kent County and Senators Jefferson, Pennewill and Moore, D. 0. of Sussex County, appeared and took their seats. President of the Senate Lieutenant Governor Philip L. Cannon called the senateto orde(at 10.45 o'clock a. m. Prayer by Rev. George P. Smith. The Presi.dent of the Senate appointed Mr. Barnard a commit­ 'tee of one to inform the Judges of each Cou:µty that the Senate was ready to receive the certificates of election. On motion of Senator Moore, D. 0. Senator Sparks was made temporary Secretary of the Senate. Judge Boyce of Sussex County, Judge Pennewill of Kent County and Prothonotary Speakman of New Castle County ap­ peared in the Senate chamber with the certificates of election of the several senators, which were read as follows: The State of Delaware, } Sussex County, ss. Be it remembered, that at the General election held on the , Tuesday next atfer the first Monday in November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine ,hundred, and four, for Sussex I2 County, according to the Constitution and Laws of the State of Delaware David Harley Boyce was duly elected Senator for Sena­ torial District number two in said County in General Assembly: which is manifest by calculating and ascertaining the aggregate amount of all the votes given for each person voted for in the said Senatorial Districts, according to the provisions made by law in this behalf. In Testimony whereof, We, Ignatius C. Grubb and William H. Boyce, the Judges constituting the Superior Court in Sussex County, who have met and ascertained the [seal] state of the election throughout the said County, as the law requires, have hereunto set our hands and caused the seal of the said Superior Court to be hereunto affixed at the Court Roust' in said County on this eleventh day of November, A. D. 1904. IGNATIUS C. GRUBB, Asse>~iate Ju::lge. WILLIAM H. BOYCE, Resident Associate Judge. The State of Delaware, } Sussex County, ss. Be it remembered, that at the General Election held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in N°ovember in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four, for Sussex County, according to the Constitutioh and Laws of the State of Delaware, Archie B. Lingo was duly elected Senator for Sena­ torial District number four in said County in General Assembly; which is manifest by calculating and ascertaining the aggregate amount of all the votes given for each person voted for in the said Senatorial Districts, according to the provisions made by law in this behalf. In testimony whereof, we, Ignatius C. Grubb and William H. Boyce, the Judges constituting the Superior Court in Sussex County, who have met and ascertained the [seal] state of the election throughout the said County, as the law requires, have· hereunto set our hands and caused the seal of the said Superior Court to be hereunto affixed at the Court House in said County on this eleventh day of November, A. D. 1904. IGNATIUS C. GRUBB, Associate Judge. WILLIAM H .BO-XCE. Resident Associate Judge. 13 The State of Delaware, } New Castle County, ss. Be it remembered, that at the General Election held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and. four, for New· Castle County, according to the Constitution and Laws of the State of Delaware, Thomas M. Monaghan was duly elected Senator· for Senatorial District number two in said County in the General Ass~mbly; which is manifest by calculating and ascertaining the aggregate amount of all the votes given for each person voted fo'r in the said Senatorial District, according to the provisions made by law in this behalf. In Testimony whereof, we, Charles B. Lore and William C. Spruance, the Judges constituting the Superior Court in New Cas­ tle County, who have met and ascertained [seal] the state of the election throughout the said County, as the law requires, have hereunto set our hands and caused the seal of the said Superior Court to be hereunto affixed at the Court House in said County on this four­ teenth day of November, A. D., 1904. · CHARLES B. LORE, Chief Justice. W. C. SPRUANCE, Resident Associate Judge. The State of Delaware, } New Castle County, ss. Be it remembered, that at the General Election held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in the year of our Lord ninteen hundred and four, for New Castle County, ac­ cording to the Constitution and Laws of the State of Delaware, John M. Mendinhall was duly elected Senator for Senatorial District Number four in said County in the General Assembly; which is manifest by calculating and ascertaining the aggregate amount of all the votes given for each person voted for in the said Senatorial District, according to the provisions made by law in this behalf.
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