DOCUMENT RESUME 4 ED,, 108 754 . 95 AS 007 961 AUTHOR Mann, Marlis E.; And 'Others 1. 'TITLE , Child Development Center Cdrridulum: ChildProgZam for the Early Childhood-Spedial Education Teacher , pteparati-oh- Program. Monograph 2. , / INSTITUTIO'N. -N Virginia Univ., Charlottesville:. Sdhool of . Education. a SPOWS ,AGENCY Bu4eau of Education_ for the Handicapped (DHE61/0E) , Washington, I.I.C..1,,. 1 % .. PUB phTE I 743, --.....-, , GRANT, ", . OEG-0-710415`(603). , NOTE- ..27913.; For other dO-ddments on this pr graM, see PS liP" , % 0 007 ,960-974 EDRS PRICE .Mis.,-$0..76 HC-$14:59ft-b,S, 'POSTAGE' DESCRIPTORS *Child Development; Cognit;ive Development; *Early .. Childhood Education=; Eddcationii Assessment;. Educational Strategie-s;:, Handicapped Childr Inditidualiked Programs; Language Deveiopt nt; Learning prodesses; Motor =Development; iforMance. ' Based Teacher Education; *Preschool Curridulum; *Program Descriptions; Social Development 4 , .=ABSTRACT. This monograph ..describes the curriculum of the child- development- center of the- :Early -Childhood.--Special Education- =Teacher' Preparation_ -Program. Th-center provides- -mod41_ preschool prOgrah-.in which "-teacher trainees Work ',with_ child-red, ag0,2,16_; (several of whom, have developmental deficiendiesin. The- Curriculum- is :designed to he;p- -teacher traineeS--organize the learning =eriiironnien't for an experience-dentered curriculumWhieh -allows_ children to- explore 'knowledge in an interdisciplinary ,and.-_ -murtiSensory Way._ Variois. -aspects- of the curridUIdils_ theoretidal, rationale are -:discussed -. -DeSired -outcomeS and growth =seqUendes for the d-evelopmental areas covered- by -the_ curriculum lIangkiage, -dognitive-,_ motor_,_ and -social) assessing_ =and. are presented= in detail,. along W-ith- the- -prOcedures- -for measuring- the-child-1s- growth -in these =areas, and the =Variety -of- stratelies and.-, materials- _available to the teacher for directing the chi:1-'31s_ development.- -(1b): tl - . .******************.***1!***Act**r**********Oc***************.********J9pic** oic Documents adquire):1- by ERIC include many- informal unpublished # :* - materials not available from oiler: source's'. ERICmarkes every= =effort * * to Obtain the best copy available% ;nevertheless, items, of marginal * -* reproducibilityare ,pften- encountered andthis affects the = quality ,* * of the microfiche and harddopy reproduction_ s -ERIC makes available * *-4 Via -the ERIC Docuthent Reproduction Service -(EDRS). EDRS is not * * resPonsible for the -quality of the original dOcumenti.- Reproductions )K ***supplied by EDRS are the best that -can _be made from the originai. * ****************,i4*********4:********#******************************* . i . ..> U S,DEP\TMEPt,T_OE.14gALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE ' NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATINC. IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS .STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION POSITION OR POLICY , ' L. ; L a Marlis Mann has served as the direb"tor of the,, Child Devel- xipment Center Since its 'beginning to the present. Sheis also ' an.assiStant professor of:Early Childhood EduCation.1 Carol Anfin'sekved as the Center's head teacher at its inception to June 1973 and is presently 'Elementary,SuperviSor. of AlbeMarie COUnty Sohools. gelen Musey has been' the Center's heid.teacher from June1973 to the preSerit. C -S . C ChildDevelopment 'Center Curriculum:' Child Program for the =Early Childhood Special Education Teachet . Preparation Program O. rlis Mann Carol Anfin Helen Musey MonographII 0 C r The develoPment of_ the program reported herein was supported by" -the Bureau of Education fOr the =HandicaPped_of,the-sy.S.:Office of Education =(OEG=04104153 16031) 19710974, `- The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or 'policy of the Bureau of Education "for the Handitapped and no official endorsement by BEH should be inferred. ° 1 Printed hy Jeffersbri:Printing 215-A11)6m-de St: = Charlottesvilli3, Virginia 1. for- A Performance:Based:Early Childhobd-Special Educatien Tepoher Preparation Program at The -School of EducatiOn- niversitif of-Virginia= Photographs exoept:BackCover:_ LovelaceiCook BACK COVER: RUffner Hall, School of Education, University of Virginia. (Courtesy of .Unive'rsity= of Virginia* Department of Graphics. O 4i) f Srty_n 4 .TABLE OF CONTENTS= Preface 1 Introduction 3 Philosophy Learnihg ThrOugh Perceiving 6 Play: The. Perceptual Process 8 Multi-age, Grouping 11 Independent ,Learner "Physical Environment 12 'Developmental -CUrriculiunModel: 21 Curriculum -Oxitcca-aes: 9-eveloprWrit Ontogenies 25 Language _Development , . 27 Aiidfikry'_1)erdeption e 28, AdditOry- Aeuity 30= FOCU*'-of. - Sound= 32 -Tigiire _GroUn& _DiddrinfinatiOn .34 34's . .;Auditory 1Di-sdriinination - Auditory 'Memory-- 37. =Sequential -RetentiCon- and Synthesizing- of._goUnd-- 40 ClASS-ificatien,,_ -IntegratiOn and -Monitoring' ofSound 41, 461 Itandl6gy- .-. Q . 46_ =Ciass.cifa SodfidS- . , -IntOnatiOn= of '8Ounds ._ '531 Stress- of -SOurids_ _36,. .b 1- S_ einantics: ,, :. -58- Properties = -of the- ConceptS 9, % 58- _ . ,, -Positonal__CondeptS, , _59 ._ -oppoite_*thid- -Co_ ntraSting_i=Conditions 59 -.Quantification _COziceptS- '59= -Comparison ,-Cdoncepts =60- :60- . -Time. "Concepts- -, -60-, Motion -COncepts_ . ,. <As sOciatiOnal -:Concepts ...60 , . ,) . Syntax _,... :67 -67- . -Grammar ;Fluency. , -69' -711ading- Readiness-* 74' .1 . ./ Social-Development . / 79__ - -- 81 . -Self4i -elp, Skills Ind-iviCluatiOn- ' =86 --Behavioral 'ustment. to_ Society. , . 96 . -PerdePtuai lfotOr__zDeVelopment )16-'= 31), -Perdeptual Abilities- . 103= -Visual- -Acuity 104 Visual Attending- ,_, 107 ;Visual. Memcry PerceptualConstanc3) -112, Site ti 112 - Shape-" 112 Color .. Conditions of, Constandy 114 Figure Ground Perception 117 11-7- Visual Closure 1-11- 'Perceptual Discrimination 119- Depth PerceptiOn 121 -f'Movement Perception 121 'Laterality 122 Verticality 125 birecticiriality 129- Body Airatenes s ,Physipal.AbilitieS `134' Strength , 134- -Flexibility= " 140 Balance , ;;140 Agility - 14 . Endurance- 148, Perceptual_MOtbk_ Abilities - 149- ---, 149. 4: -Fine Motor Visual=7:Fine Motor "156 , :. 164i_ ' 13ocoMOtor -. \ PurpOSI-Ve- !Slcills:_ Production -and- ;Reception ofFOrde 115 . \ - . ' . .:Cbgnitive ,DevelOpMent_ 181 SenSorimotor Stage .181; 4. PreCoperationaL 'Stage- -.182:' .1:84- _Concrete -.Operations; -stage, * A .. - 187- Seri-^tiOn-c.. Temporal -Relations ./192= Spatial kRelationS -194= Clatification - 197- . T.4 -- . _203s -Ope/rationalizirig- the Curriddlum '., -ASSessing- Developmental ,Gitivith- 203: . A Daily.- Assessment and Record: =Keeping . -201- Standardized, -Assessment _215 'Me'asuring Languages -DeVelOpmerit -215= Observational -Curricultuns ASsesSment 219 MeasUringz .Social Development.. *:" ;.220- MeasurinT Percepthal_ Motor=Develtipment- .225 , _229? ,Measuring_ Cognitive -Developrient ..._ -e-'y,, . .. _ , . ._ .. ._. -Learner -Characteristics', 241 , Situational, Variables ;249 . i -2 5 0= Strategies= -250- Developmental- Process - Enooding' _,_: 251 A - Feedback Techniques 252_ a40- , 254- ; Content -of Interaction- -Mode- of Interaction- .. 254' on;for Interaction . 255 Media._Motivati _255 Directive Process- 4 - . i-!----- 00006 '256 © Behavior.Modification-Proces4 .4 Redirectingbehavior 256 . Situational Strategies. t. .. 257 Cooking.. 257, Storytelling 259 Reading a Book 259 259 Blocks '' .- y 259 -Typing , Song ,, 260 'Clay 260 Fingerpainting . 260 Vastihy 260 261 Gluing . Tempera Painting 261 261 Plizzle. Language Master- 261 262 Dress Up , ''' Language Experience ' 262 4 Content 261 ' multi-Sensory Cgncept Centers= 263 , Daily Functioning ' 267 i , iParent Prpgram 271 . .' Policies .of the Child. DeveiOpment Center Observation= 241 Pa.rticipat%on 274= 1275= . Research. 4 Admission Procedure and Pcilicies 275- Rferences I a 4. it 0.7 PREFACE. The curriculuM deScribed here wasdesigned as_ the child program for the teacher -training prograin inearly childhood eduCation at, the- University -of Virginia. A curriculum wasdesigned that ,co-aldfea4bly, be implemented with all youngChildren_ approximately t0.7, years: of #4e. Since these children- are:,operating -atvarious developmental stages witome having identifiable. developmental_deficiences, the ctirricu.l. lurniiigEr.t- besuchthat it can be individualized andpersonalized for each child. / -.4' The curriculum- as developedover a four year piod and was fully operational - duringthe fourth year. Constant revision is Still. part of the curriculum process as newi_ nformation -becOmeS -available . ,/- In the _child developmentliterature. -. , Several students and faculty assisted inproviding Suggestions. fp*Ithe development of this chrrioulihn., Acknowledgementis giVen to -Dr: Richard Abiding KayAlbertsofi Elaine Barker, Ginger "Bei-man, Dr--. Larry Bowen,- D. :Mitchell: -Bowman,Kathryn Castle-, _pt._-DelkAubrt,--Pat Cormier.,, =Beth Dyer, :Dr. Bar1:4ra :Flood, Dr.'--Edmuncli 'Henderson, Dr-.; James Kauffman;- Lynne :Mann, :Dr.. JaMes , Payne, andAnna= Zapatoczny.,,-' Pre= its= inaeption_.. -Dr.RiahartIltrand.Brandt, Chairthanof- Educational FOUn ations; :Dr. William-darriker, ChairMan- of:SpeCial 'Edtication, Dr. Jer,ry-1 :bore; Chairman of Curridulum-andInstruction -` -and- D1:?..- Frederick ; Cypherti 'Dean:- of theSchool of Edtdation "-have -offeredtheir ,ghidandei -. , and -support. ' s ,t SeCtiOn-S-haVe
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