SPARTANS MAINTAIN UNDEFEATED RECORD By .ety S. D. Marines Landed On 6-0 emaiss or the JOHNSON STARS AS ember n fro, GiIto Spattaf DEGROOTMEN HANG __SE(#0 Daily Cottage_ neetins al wit VOL. XXVII. SAN .10SE, CA4111 /RN IA, AION DAY, NOV ENI liER 21, lutS Number 42 Sunda, .ng PRESS CLUB HAS XMAS TREE an Joar UP TENTH VICTORY1Prune Bowl Team ;whet r. Gm, Jose's Single Tally Comes May Be Chosen 554s, San On Needy Children To Be Wings Of Roy Zimmerman's Passing This Week Made By BOB WORK TEXAS TECH Given Toys; Repairs Alege Full), SAN DIEGO, Calif., LANE Nov. 19. Red Raiders Spartans-6. Favored San Jose For Local Tilt Done By Fire Dept San Diego Marineso. ! Charlie "Chuck" Johnson at the head of a hard-fight- By BEN JOHNSON Dwight Bentel To Aid 276 POINTS I grid machine almost single-handedly preserved Although none of the San Jose ing Spartan , State coaching staff could be CCM- Cause; Contributions the San Jose unbeaten and untied football status here today tacted tato yesterday, Clyde Mc- Asked Of Students San Jose Eleven by defeating the San Diego Marines when late in the second Donald. local Junior Cilatlibel. il Commerce official, declared that it period he brought The Publications department will Continues Ahead down a looked very much as though Texas again sponsor a Christmas tree, CHRISTMAS PLAY bullet pass for the only score Tech would be the Spartan eleven's according to Bob Work, president ' "Prune Bowl" opponent on De- of the Press club. Of Grid Scorers of the game. (-ember 26. The purpose is to collect toys JOHNSON OUTSTANDING t e Players The Red Raiders from the Lone for the less fortunate children of San Jose State's Spartans con- Sta .hilmmon, who breokipto the CCM Star state were battered around this community. tinued to lead the nation's football participation when Bob by New Mexico University Satur- Mr. Dwight Etcntel, head of the teams in scorng after this week- eturni Present oor I T- ,iy and Roam Simoni went day before finally winning a 17 to Publications department, volun- end's play as they defeated the on injuries several weeks ago, Sat 2 , 7 decision in the final seconds of teered to purchase a tree. San Diego Marines 6 to 0 to run " played the outstanding game on play on a field goal MissPatty !Mali Born D ec. 1 and a pass Blackwood will handle dec- their seasons total of 276. the field today, both offensively interception. orations. Their closest rival, Central. Tea- ;BC ra.: anal defensively. The Texas eleven has one more The San Jose State Drama ife- The tree is scheduled tg go up chers of Michigan, was idle over re.s7 ! To start the touchdown march a contest in the regular seasoli, in the Publications office immed- the week-end, and as a result the oarUnent will present Dan Toth- in the second quarter, John- dote Ilate against Marquette, but according iately after Thanksgiving vaca- San Jose eleven is seven points croft's tragedy, "Moor Born", Dec- son recovered a Marine fumble on San J:s to McDonald the latter team hasn't tions. Work asks that every stu- ahead of her midwest rival. the San Diego 27 yard line. From ember 1 and 2 an the eighteenth shown much this season and Sat- dent and every campus organiza- ' With two scheduled games left here it was Leroy Zimmerman e progn: annual free Christmas play. Mr. urday received a 20 to 12 set-hack tion plan a contribution. on the list for the season, North- Ton, YE:. passing to Johnson, to Howard at the hands of University of Ari- direct the pro- The toys will be turned over to ern Arizona State and University Hugh Gillis will Costello, again to Johnson, and will bred zona. down town organizations, and such of Hawaii, the Spartans seem cer- faction. two beautiful runs around either t and v. No definite word of selection of toys as need to be repaired will be tain to pass the 300 point mark SILVER OFFERING his own hook to place the end on (('ontinued Olt Page Three) given to the Fire Department. before completion of the season. A silver collection will be taken bail on the four yard line wit A one to defray expenses. Any amount down left and goal to go. ZIMMERMAN PASS over this will go to the Community End Hell Zimmerman. fading hack, hes' Squires Chest, explained Mr. Gillis. tateil a moment and spotting John- College Show Laid in 1845, the story is of the (Conttnued on Page Three) Week Activities three Bronte sisters and their un- fortunte brother. Bramwell. Roles REVELRIES DIRECTORS TO CONDUCT are With Long 'Ride' Ilk, taken by Eileen Brown, Janice CAMPUS TALENT SEARCH Sehewsen, and Carolyn Casalr, wit T! ECKERT HEADS Squire initiates to the Spartan !Tarlac Leach as the hr.! Spartan 'Revelries Directors Jim ium, playing to it capacity house, honorary service Knights, campus Bailey and Ben Mclzer begin prep- including talent scouts from Ran SUPPORTING CAST SPEECH GROUP an opportun- fraternity, will have aration work on the Spartan Rev- Francisco and Hollywood. Other characters are played by mileage ity to put on plenty of elries this week when they con- Later a number of participating Archie Brown as the pathetic, un Ecl:.:! they go through their c,n,,ech instructor Ralph tonight when duct a campus-wide search for the members of the revelries were en- likeable Rev. Bronte, Jean Hollo- to hell accepted an invitation to heal informal initiation, climax best talent on the college campus. gaged on a radio program over way as Paddy, the old family serv- Frank the discussion division of the West- week activities, according to radio station KPO. One comedian ant, BEST EVER and Etta Green, the young Association of the Teachers Olson, chief "torturer". ern .year's Revelries, "Hop, Skip of the show, Bill DeDiego, was of- servant hired to do the heavy work of Speech which begins today at In addition to being taken for a fered a free scholarship to a Holly- for Paddy. .ind (Theca ', was the that revelries Tacoma, Washington. hills, the Squires "ride" into the which contained a running plot anal wood motion picture school. Costumes are being m ade for the The discussion will be on how to preliminary will be subjected climax. It ware acclaimed as the THIRD AND LAST pnaluction in San Francisco hy Democracy can he made to func- in the Knight room. horseplay best revelries production ever pro- Milky and WWI' are anxious a prominent theatrical clothiiig more efficiently without im- Squires who will he for- tion Honored duceal in Spartan history. to obtain the best possible talent company. which costumes the San pairing personal freedom, and will mally taken into the fraternity It waa held in the Civic auditor- (Continued on Page Four) Francisco and has Angeles earn- last three days. November 21, 22. later this quarter are George Lat.! Parlys. ka, Harlan Wilder, Joe Bohnett. Tom Bohnett, Bob Harrell, Carl DISQUALIFICATION ******* ****** *** * * IS ********* ******** ton Peregoy, Jack Baldwin, LeRoy Hill, Ted Wilson, Clarence ROSSO, + Harold Samuelson, and Ed Crot LATE NEWS BRIEFS sir. West Warns 44 0 DR. KAUCHER'S ARTICLE e rat it 1111101 lighter color SCI14,,11 ON TRIP PUBLISHED than those painted in Mexico. Al! Riding Honors Go [Sr. Scholars exhihe Poor Dorothy Katicher, San .1.. the waiter colors in the State college speech a great varlet v of techniqii, instructor, a,. show To State Co-eds By FLORENCE TOLAND Consultation is preferred between 'lived word IN LITTLE 9 Friday informing her PLAY GIVEN November 28 and December 2. !hat Information regarding disqualifi- an article written last SIIIII- THEATER TOMORROW mer Jose Stith Under the new regulations, no on her Clements' fill., winning of San cation from college for the winter "flying vacation" in T Samuel immediate reinstatements iii' eon- South "Spring". will be 1... Hiding club captured s, a, .11 scholastic $3.95 American has been hash. one -act play, quarter because of low snlered. Sitedin 1101101'S in the intercollegiate thr Itrazilan A uteri, an given tomorrow at 1230 in the was released Friday by Joe San grades JUSTIFIABLE REASON WATER free to students show held last %% irk at the COLORS SHOWN little Theater, college registrar. -rudoe our present plan. If a IN Gymkhana Huh, sponsored West, ART WING anal taeolty Mateo Junior college CONSULT PERSONNEL stinIctit's Cane is justifiable. he Illay Hawaiian and Frank by San Mateo and Mecanxi land Lorraine Callendar who feel their schol- for another quarter, pro- %%Tinning liona,s tor tne locaa -Stualerts e 'caPes done in water color by Wilson take the two voters of the John Larson wh, at ship may full so low as to he Vi(11.1I the reasons for his low rec- Olsen, and the poetic rillb Well` Evelyn p Anterican artist, 111ily "dreamy -eyed" girl anandaLVS for disqualification, anal ord are known to the committee." be semi I t il first in advanced group rid- n Itoom I "grill" Mr. Hugh Gillis, Speech thr- if of the hallway %Om feel that their circumstanees West explained. the ing, and Mattel' Strohmaier, pres- Art wing, These paintings oat t anent head, directs. are captured second hoin rr, 1 rt justifiable, such as absence due' "A student should not petition to remain given Thursday ident, who rip until Novim- The play was Ii' illness. should consult with on Mika:1 ire nilS a JUSTIFIABLE ,,00. her ao ltegional in the same division. of last week before the he reason for his poor record " he sA,0, the wand finals, won sta n - member of the personnel staff " Th paintinga rat SiWillitinlisiS ill tile In of Hawaii which coovention ed fourth announced Iannounced.
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