Goa, 8th September, 1969 (Bhadra 17,1891) SERIES I No. 23 All correspondence referring to announcements and SUBSCRIPTION- RATES - ASSINATURA subscription of Gov(::"rnment Gazette must be addressed to its Administration office. Literary publications will YEARLY HALF-YEARLY QUARTEBLY be advertised free of charge provided two copies a.z:e (Anual) (Semestral) (Trimestral) [)ffered. " All 3 SerieS} (As 3 series) Rs. 40/~ Rs. 24/- Rs. 18/ I S~!'ies Rs. 'liJ/- Rs. 12/- Rs. 9/ Toda a correspond~ncia relativa a anuncios 'e,ll iSs!- II Series Rs. 16/· Rs. 10/- Rs. 8/- natLlra do Bolet{m Olicial deve ser dirigida a AdminiS- Series Re, 20/· Rs. 12/- Rs. 9/ tracao de Imprensa Neciona!. As puO'J.ica~oes literArlas ¥} de que se receberem dois exemplares anunciaro-se_ Postage is to be added when delivered bll mail­ ! gratuitamente. Acre.sce 0 fJorte quando remetido pelo correio , VERNMENT ZEllE BOLETIM OFICIAL SUPPLEMENT (No.2) (SUPLEMENTO) GOVERNMENT OF GOA. DAMAN areas shown in the corresponding entry of column No. 2 of the said schedule. AND DIU All persons who are interested to entertain any objection to the above intention of the Goverm1,lent, local Self Governmenl Department may submit the same in writing with the reason~, therefor to the Collector of the concerned District Notification within two months from the date of publication of this notification in the Government Gazette . LSG/MUN/31S2/68-B. By order and in the name of the Administrator ,,:In exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Goa, Daman and Diu. and (3) of Section 3 of the Goa,Daman and Diu Municipalities Act, 1968, the Government of Goa, A. N. Dixit, Secretary to the Government. .Daman and Diu is pleased to announce its intention to declare the local areas shqwn;in column No.3 of Panaji, 4th September, ~969. the Schedule appended hereto, to be the Municipal 13th Bhadra, 1891. SCHEDULE Designation' of Municipal areas Limits of Municipal :areas intended to be constituteli Present Municipalities ' intended to be constituted 1 2 3 Camara Mun1cipal de Goa. Panaji Munici1?a;l area. Area consisting of Panaji city. The areas of Goa Taluka which are under the Jurisdiction of viUage panchayats and also the suburbs of st." Cruz, Merces, Ribandar. S. Pedro, Old Goa, Caranzalem. and D. Paula shall be excluded from the jurisdiction of the Municipality. Camara Mu'niCipal de Salcett:. Margao Municipal area. Area consisting of Margao town only 1. e., excluding areas of -8alcete ~aluka which are under the jurisdiction of village panchayats. Camara Municipal de Bardez. Mapusa Municipal area. Area consisting of Mapusa town and the suburb \ of CorHm i. e., the area of Bardez taluka excluding the areas under the jurisdiction of village panchayats. Camara Municipal de Mormu­ Marmagoa Municipal area. Area consisting of Marmagoa town including Vasco da Gama, gao. Marmagoa Port area, Baina, Mangor, and Bairro de Alpa­ queiros and excluding all the ~reas of Marmagoa taluka Under the jurisdiction -of village panchayats. 514 SERIES I No ..23 Present Municipalities Designation Qf Municipal Limits of MuniciPal areas' intended to be constituted areas intended to be constituted 3· 1 2 Camara Municipal de Damao. Daman Municipal;area. Area consist'ing 'Of Daman town only i. e.; the area of -Daman district excluding the are-as under the jurisdiction of -village P,!1Dchayats. Camara Municipal de Ponda. Ponda Municipal area. Area 'consisting of Ponda town only i. e., including Sadar, Bazar, Kadpaband, Varcondem, Din'izabat and Santa Cruz. The· areas o~: Ponda taluka under':~e jurisdiction,. of vill~ge pan~hayats ;S?all ,:l?e. exclude~.' ,J:' ., ,) camara Municipal de Bicholim. Bicholim Municipal area. Area, ,.consiSung'-;.of Bicllolim, t~wn :arid th~ ,:ivillage .Of Bordem only. The' :reIp.abii,ng': areas c'.of Bighol~,.. taluka : wh'ich' are under the' juiisdiction of vHlage :panc~ayats::,'sh~l:l '·pe e,x- eluded. ~i; "" "'.;;,;i;~~ f:'~ ., '"~,,, ". Camara _Municipal de Pernern. iPernem Municipal area. Area consisting' of the present MuniCipal area i. e., the area of Pernem taluka excluding the area under the jurisdiction of village panchayats. /,",---- ".---;' Camara Municipal de Kepem. Kepem Municipal area. Area con~isting of ..the preskt'1{:ep'~rri,to~n only 1. e., the area of Kepem taluka excluding the areas under the jurisdiction of village p~chc~.yat. "__ ~. Camara Municipal de Sanguem. Sanguem Municipal area. Area consist1ng .. of ,the".present Municipal area of Sanguem including village o'f :OaU:cta. The remaining areas which are under the jurisdiction' "'of village panchayats shall be ex- cluded. '"",,'f,"" ";':';'~': Camara Municipal de Canacona Cacacona Mun'icipal area. Area consisUng of Cana-cona Town (Chaudi) only 1. e., area of Canacona taluka excluding the. areas under the jUThsdic­ tion of village panchayats. Camara Municipal de Satari. Valpoi Municipal area. Area consisting. of the present municipal area i. e., the area of Sat~ri taly.l~a \excluding the areas under the jurisdiction of village"panchayats. It shall be' redesignated as «Valpoi Muni-cipal area». / 'C camara Municipal de Diu. Diu Municipal area. Area consisting of Diu town i. e., the area of Diu dtstrict excluding the areas under the jurisdiction of vi1lag~ pan- chayats. " ~. "'.", ~? - . --' '; (),,~~?o Notification area namely "THE. KUDCHODEM MUNICIPAL AREA". .c LSGjMUNj31S2j68·B The above village panchayat,g and all persons who In exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (1) entertain any Objection to the· aforesaid intention of . and (3) of Section 3 of the GOa, Daman and Diu the Government are . invited, to submit the same to Municipalities Act, 1968, read with clause (c )of the Collector of Goa, Panaji within two months from sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the ,Goa, Daman and the dateoFpublication of this itotificatioriin' 'the Official Gazette. ..<. Diu Village Panchayat Regulation, 1962 the Govern­ ment of Goa, Daman and Diu is hereby pleased to By order and iit the name Of the Adniinistralor announce its intention to ·'declare the local areas of of Goa, Daman and Diu. !'Curchorem andSanvordem" which are at ·present A. N. Dixit; Secretary to the Govermnent. under the jurisdiction of Curchorem Village Pan­ .chayat and Kirl~pale Village Panchayat in Kepem Panaji, 5th Septelllb(,)l", 195!1. and Sanguem talukas respectively to be one MunicipaJ 14th Bhadra; 1891 (Saka). GOVT. PRINTING PRESS - GOA':' (lmprensa Nacional - G3&.) PRICE - 14 P., .
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