FOCUS WORLD FILM MARKET TRENDS TENDANCES DU MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM 2015 focus 2015 World Film Market Trends Tendances du marché mondial du fil Pages Pub int Focus 2010:Pub Focus 29/04/10 10:54 Page 1 ISSN: 1962-4530 Lay-out: Acom*Europe | © 2011, Marché du Film | Printed: Global Rouge, Les Deux-Ponts Imprimé sur papier labélisé issu de forêts gérées durablement. Imprimé sur papier labelisé issu de forêts gérées durablement. Printed on paper from sustainably managed forests. Printed on paper from sustainably managed forests. 2 Editors Martin Kanzler ([email protected]) Julio Talavera Milla ([email protected]) Film Analysts, Department for Information on Markets and Financing, European Audiovisual Observatory Editorial assistants, LUMIERE Database Valérie Haessig, Laura Ene Lay-out: Acom* Europe © 2015, Marché du Film Printed: Global Rouge, Les Deux-Ponts 2 Editorial For its 18th edition, FOCUS will accompany you Lors de cette 18ème édition, FOCUS vous accom- throughout the Cannes Film Festival and beyond. pagnera pendant le Festival et au-delà. Cette This publication, which provides information on publication, qui fournit de précieuses infor mations production and distribution around the world, sur la production et la distribution à travers le has become an essential tool for Marché du Film monde, est devenue un outil essentiel pour les professionals and will help you grasp the ever- professionnels du Marché du Film et vous aidera à changing practices of the film industry. comprendre les mutations constantes de l’industrie I am delighted to partner once again with cinématographique. Susanne Nikoltchev and her wonderful team from Une fois de plus, je me réjouis de travailler the European Audiovisual Observatory in order avec Susanne Nikoltchev et la formidable équipe to provide you with this overview of world film de l’Observatoire afin de vous offrir cette vue market trends. d’ensemble des tendances du marché. Jérôme Paillard Jérôme Paillard Executive Director Directeur Délégué Marché du Film Marché du Film As every year, the European Audiovisual Comme chaque année, l’Observatoire européen Observatory has worked hard to supply you with de l’audiovisuel a travaillé d’arrache-pied pour vous the latest figures on the Film market. In times of fournir les dernières données relatives au marché austerity we are particularly sensitive to the need du film. En ces temps de crise économique, nous sommes particulièrement conscients de votre besoin for reliable market information and background d’informations et d’analyses de fond fiables sur le analysis for the film sector. And we are especially secteur cinématographique. Nous remercions tout grateful that our information suppliers, national spécialement nos fidèles fournisseurs d’information, film agencies and correspondents still take the les agences nationales du cinéma et nos corre- time to join our efforts in putting the spot light spondants, qui nous aident à mettre en lumière on ‘dry‘ figures which cannot compete for any des données chiffrées quelque peu monotones Palme d’or. qui ne sauraient être en lice pour une Palme d’or. We still hope our figures can play a starring Nous espérons néanmoins qu’elles joueront role in your future business strategies! le premier rôle dans vos futures stratégies com- merciales ! Susanne Nikoltchev Executive Director Susanne Nikoltchev European Audiovisual Observatory Directrice exécutive Observatoire européen de l’audiovisuel The European Audiovisual Observatory, set up Créé en 1992, l’Observatoire européen de in 1992, is a public-service body whose mission l’audiovisuel est un organisme de service public is to supply information services (concerning film, qui a pour mission de proposer des services television, home video, on demand audiovisual d’information au secteur audiovisuel en Europe services as well as related public policies) to the (concernant le cinéma, la télévision, la vidéo, les audiovisual industry in Europe. The Observatory services audiovisuels à la demande et les politiques has 40 member countries, along with the European publiques afférentes). Il compte actuellement 40 Union represented by the European Commission. Etats membres, ainsi que l’Union européenne qui The Observatory is part of the Council of Europe est représentée par la Commission européenne. and located in Strasbourg, France. It carries out L’Observatoire fait partie du Conseil de l’Europe et a its mission with the help of a network of partners, son siège à Strasbourg en France. Pour accomplir sa correspondents and professional organisations. mission, il s’appuie sur un réseau de partenaires, de The Observatory provides information on markets, correspondants et d’organisations professionnelles. financing and legal aspects of the audiovisual L’Observatoire propose des informations relatives sector and edits the “FOCUS, World Film Market aux différents marchés audiovisuels, au financement Trends”. et aux aspects juridiques du secteur ; il édite aussi ➥ http://www.obs.coe.int FOCUS, Tendances du marché mondial du film. 3 Information services from the European Audiovisual Observatory Information on Film Markets Yearbook 2014 Impact analysis FOCUS Television, of fi scal incentive World Film cinema, video schemes Market Trends and on-demand supporting fi lm audiovisual and audiovisual services - the production in pan-European Europe picture 20th Anniversary Edition! Information on Legal Issues of the Film Sector IRIS Special IRIS monthly IRIS plus newsletter New forms of The infl uence commercial Legal Observations of new communications of the European technologies in a converged Audiovisual on copyright audiovisual sector Observatory free Databases concerning the Film Sector free access LUMIERE database MAVISE database IRIS MERLIN database on fi lm admissions in Europe on television and audiovisual on the legal issues of the More than 33 000 fi lms! services and companies in Europe audiovisual sector in Europe http://lumiere.obs.coe.int http://mavise.obs.coe.int/ http://merlin.obs.coe.int Contact at the Marché du film: Observatory stand 18.02, How to order: http://www.obs.coe.int/shop 4 level 01 (Palais des Festivals) For more information: http://www.obs.coe.int Tel: +33 (0)4 92 99 81 07 Tel: +33 (0)3 90 21 60 00 - [email protected] focus 2015 Information services Contents from the European Introduction 7 Audiovisual Observatory World 11 Europe Information on Film Markets European Union 14 France 22 Yearbook 2014 Impact analysis FOCUS Germany 24 Television, of fi scal incentive World Film Italy 26 cinema, video schemes Market Trends and on-demand supporting fi lm Spain 28 audiovisual and audiovisual United Kingdom 30 services - the production in pan-European Europe Russian Federation 32 picture Poland 34 20th Anniversary Turkey 35 Edition! Other Western Europe 36 Nordic Countries 38 Information on Legal Issues of the Film Sector Baltics and Central Europe 40 IRIS Special IRIS monthly IRIS plus South-Eastern Europe 41 newsletter New forms of The infl uence commercial Legal Observations of new Americas communications of the European technologies in a converged Audiovisual on copyright North America 42 audiovisual sector Observatory Latin America 44 free Australia and New Zealand 48 Databases concerning the Film Sector free access Asia China 50 Japan 52 India 54 South Korea 56 Other Asia 58 LUMIERE database MAVISE database IRIS MERLIN database Africa 60 on fi lm admissions in Europe on television and audiovisual on the legal issues of the More than 33 000 fi lms! services and companies in Europe audiovisual sector in Europe Middle East 62 http://lumiere.obs.coe.int http://mavise.obs.coe.int/ http://merlin.obs.coe.int Sources 64 Contact at the Marché du film: Observatory stand 18.02, How to order: http://www.obs.coe.int/shop level 01 (Palais des Festivals) For more information: http://www.obs.coe.int 5 Tel: +33 (0)4 92 99 81 07 Tel: +33 (0)3 90 21 60 00 - [email protected] Follow the road to the future of film START Join our panels Palais K Daily at 10AM - WARM UP WITH KEY TOPICS Audience Engagement, Transmedia Visions, Crowdfunding, Video Opportunities on Demand, Festival Digital Initiatives, Exhibitors in the Digital Age. Join the race: #NEXTCannes www.marchedufilm.com SPRINT Meet the frontrunners NEXT Pavilion Village International Pantiero-side #225 All day long - CONNECT WITH EXHIBITORS and experience virtual reality with Innerspace. Daily from 2.30PM - PARTICIPATE IN WORKSHOPS CNC, Connect4Climate, DFCN, Festival Tous Ecrans, FilmDoo, Gathr, HP, Institut Français, IPEDA, Power to the Pixel, ProDrone, Stage32, Ulule, Wallimage… FINISH NEXT Mingle at sunset NEXT Pavilion Village International Pantiero-side #225 Palais Network in a relaxing atmosphere with a stunning view of the harbor. (Paris) www.bronx.fr www.bronx.fr (Paris) Bronx Bronx H MDF_2015_NEXT_AP_155x240.indd 1 16/04/2015 16:18 Introduction Follow the road to the future of film Broken Hollywood, Fragmented Europe. n the surface, the global film market is doing fact that operators of on-demand services are keen Owell: according to the most recent MPAA to hold on to the data gathered on the successes report, the number of cinema screens worldwide of works provided by those services leads to the has increased by 6% to over 142 000 and the paradoxical situation that, in the era of big data, global box office is up by 1.4% to USD 36.4 bil- studios are finding it harder than ever to find out lion, a rise of 15% over five years. Global film who is actually watching their films. The big sub- START production increased by 2.5% to an estimated scription VoD operators (Netflix, Amazon) refuse Join our panels total of over 6 500 films produced in 2014 with to disclose their rating data while at the same time Palais K the EU contributing over 1 600 feature films. celebrating their own ability to obtain an in-depth These few positive indicators cannot hide the knowledge of their customers’ practices, which Daily at 10AM - WARM UP concerns of the professional world, which run so means they can adopt an even bolder approach WITH KEY TOPICS deep that the American magazine Variety recently and have a bigger competitive edge over the tra- Audience Engagement, Transmedia ran a feature under the title Broken Hollywood, in ditional market players.
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