October 13, 1971 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 35957 system that can shoot down long-range threats and experimental ECM devices specif­ per cent better acceleration and turn capa­ multi-raid aircraft and missiles as well as ically conceived to defeat the missile's cir­ bilities than the F-14A. engage enemy fighters in close-in combat. cuits. The weapo'n successfully copes with all And even if it came in at double the $2.5 Weight-reducing microminiaturization of these ECM techniques. million per copy now estimated for such a avionics, balanced with airframe and engine plane, we could still afford to buy it in the P&ESS RELEASE EXCERPT numbers which combat might realistically design, has eliminated performance penalties In fact, its main dogfight weapon will be formerly associated with multi-mission fight­ require. a. new $100,000 per copy version of the Spar­ The facts ers. In the F-14 one percent of the aircraft row missile, earlier versions of which in Viet­ weight makes it possible to use Phoenix, nam have proven one-quarter as effective The Navy has studied lighter and simpler Sparrow, Sidewinder, Agile, a gun and against enemy aircraft as our fighter planes' fighter designs, but has yet to find one which air-to-surface weapons. A large part of that cannons and guns, while costing 200 times as shows any potential of being superior in the weight is in removable pallets not used for much per firing or 800 times as much per kill. total combat arena. the Dogfight configuration. While many individual, special purpose Navy performance estimates of the F-14A The facts aircraft could be designed to cope with each and F-14B have been substantiated by an The new SPARROW costs $60,000 per copy threat, at each altitude, at each speed while independent National Aeronautics and Space under the present Navy program. Also the using an optimum weapon for each engage­ Agency assessment made at the request of F-14 with its mixed weapon load (SPARROW, ment, it is obvious that an aggregate of such Dr. John S. Foster, Jr., Director of Defense SIDEWINDER, and Guns) and superior fire types would be far more costly than the F-14. Research and Engineering. It was further control system allow the Pilot and Missile If a. better solution exists, it has yet to be concluded the multi-mission performance Control Officer to select the proper and most proposed to the U.S. Navy. estimates were attainable without degrading effective weapon for each particular situation Data on the light weight Air Force fighter the pure fighter capab111ty. thus increasing the overall kill probabilities. mentioned by Senator Proxmire has not been made available to the Navy. However, if that An Important Item in the initial Navy PRESS RELEASE EXCERPT airplane out turns and out accelerates the specification for the Phoenix Missile was The Senate should follow the lead of the F-14 by 80--100% it must be a. highly spe­ the requirement to operate in the severest House and deny further funding for the F-14. cialized type optimized for fighting other Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) environ­ And the Navy should follow the lead of "dog fighters" and cannot be a - balanced ment. the Air Force and develop a. new light weight weapons system designed to meet the agreed Contractor and Navy tests have been made fighter which could put the F-14 to shame. threat most likely to be encountered in per­ on the entire Phoenix Missile and elements As the Air Force program demonstrates, forming Navy missions in all parts of the within the missile, using projected 1980 ECM a. new light weight fighter could have 80-100 world. SENATE-Wednesday, October 13, 1971 The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon and EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION was called to order by the President pro SIGNED tempore (Mr. ELLENDER). As in executive session, the President pro tempore laid before the Senate mes­ The message also announced that the sages from the President of the United Speaker had affixed his signature to the PRAYER States submitting sundry nominations, enrolled joint resolution <H.J. Res. 916) The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward which were referred to the appropriate making further continuing appropria­ L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following committees. tions for the fiscal year 1972, and for prayer: (The nominations received today are other purposes. 0 God of Creation and of providence, printed at the end of Senate proceed­ The enrolled joint resolution was sub­ watch over this good land won through ings.) sequently signed by the President pro peril, toil, and pain. Spare us the things tempore. which destroy-the hostile thought, the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE violent act, the unbrotherly attitude. HOUSE Bll..LS AND JOINT RESO­ Nourish us in the things which enrich­ A message from the House of Repre­ LUTION REFERRED the kindly deed, the generous act, the sentatives, by Mr. Berry, one of its read­ disciplined conduct, the industrious ing clerks, informed the Senate that Mr. The following bills and joint resolution habit. Help us to bring an anodyne to BELL has resigned as a manager on the were severally read twice by their titles the world's ills-to be our brother's part of the House at the conference on and referred, as indicated: brother before we become our brother's H.R. 456. An act to exempt from taxation keeper. the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill <S. 2007) to provide for the certain property in the District of Columbia Grant us so to live that we may hear owned by the Reserve Officers Association continuation of programs authorized of the United States; the Lord of Life say, "Come and receive under the Economic Opportunity Act of the kingdom which has been prepared H.R. 10383. An act to enable professional 1964, and for other purposes. individuals and firms in the District of Co­ for you ever since the creation of the The message announced that the lumbia to obtain the benefits of corporate world. I was hungry and you fed me, House had passed the following bills and organization, and to make corresponding thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a joint resolution, in which it requested the changes in the District of Columbia Income stranger and you received me in your concurrence of the Senate: and Franchise Tax Act; and homes, naked and you clothed me; I was H.R. 10738. An act to provide for the regu­ sick and you took care of me, in prison H.R. 456. An act to exempt from taxation lation of the practice of dentistry, including and you visited me-whenever you certain property in the District of Columbia. the examination, licensure, registration, and owned by the Reserve Officers Association of regulation of dentists and dental hygienists, did this for one of the least important of the United States; these brothers of mine, you did it for in the District of Columbia, and for other H.R. 10383. An act to enable professional purposes; to the Committee on the District me." individuals and firms in the District of Co­ of Columbia. In the Master's name we pray. Amen. lumbia. to obtain the benefits of corporate H.J. Res. 208. Joint resolution proposing an organization, and to make corresponding amendment to the Constitution of the changes in the District of Columbia Income United States relative to equal rights for MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ and Franchise Tax Act; men and women; to the Committee on the APPROVAL OF BILLS H.R. 10738. An act to provide for the reg­ Judiciary. · Messages in writing from the President ulation of the practice of dentistry, includ­ of the United States were communicated ing the examination, licensure, registration, THE JOURNAL and regulation of dentists and dental hy­ to the Senate by Mr. Geisler, one of his gienists, in the District of Columbia., and Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask secretaries, and he announced that on for other purposes; and unanimous consent that the reading of October 8, 1971, the President had ap­ H.J. Res. 208. Joint resolution proposing an the Journal of the proceedings of Tues­ proved and signed the act <S. 2260) to amendment to the Constitution of the day, October 12, 1971, be dispensed with. amend further the Peace Corps Act (75 United States relative to equal rights for men The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ Stat. 612). as amended. and women. out objection, it is so ordered. 35958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE October 13, 1971 ORDER FOR RECOGNITION OF SEN­ shone Indians for claims of the bands enum­ under an approved contract, effective March ATOR EAGLETON AT NEXT MEET­ erated in dockets numbered 326-H and 367. 1, 1968, shall be placed to its credit in the ING OF SENATE SEc. 4. The remainder of the award shall be United States Treasury and shall be dis­ apportioned between the Shoshone-Bannock tributed equally to the members whose Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation and the names appear on the final roll and in ac­ unanimous consent that, at the next Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reserva­ cordance with the provisions of this Act. meeting of the Senate, the distinguished tion in accordance with an agreement entered (a) The per capita shares shall be deter­ Senator from Missouri <Mr. EAGLETON) into between the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes mined on the basis of the number of per­ be recognized, after the recognition of the and the Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River sons listed on the proposed roll published as Reservation in May 1965, approved by the hereinbefore provided and the number of two leaders under the standing order, for Associate Commissioner of Indian Affairs in persons on whose behalf an appeal has been a period not to exceed 15 minutes.
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