2 IMPERIAL VALLEY TRESS, EL CENTRO. CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1914. milted to the electors by referendum. IMPERIAL It provides, in effect, that any build- SAN DIEGO Hotels and Apartments VALLEY PRESS disorderly resort may ing used as a =3. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY and prescribes car GOLDEN WEST HOTEL be declared a nuisance '• K. F. HOWK 4.. W. HOIVE C. F. HOWE M. mlinlr lilnokt from :trt (» 4th SU„ the abatement thereof; SAN IlllifiO, CAL. - K F. ItOWK & SONS procedure for Bt;9L m es a e Hdgar F. Howe. MnnaKliiß Kdltor Armigor \V Howe. Associate Editor in other words, it makes the owner 609 Main Street, KI . BS'E pp - J Corsets Centro. California of the property rather than the ten- dr-'- ADVERTISING RATES : - per ant responsible for the uses to which 7 Per Inch month $4.00 •4. it Per Inch per day .18 the property is put. VT ¦ SUBSCRIPTIONS i \ year 3k One $5.00 ¦t .' Six months 2.50 JOHNSON FIRST CALIFORNIA iC'S. rt - One month .60 GOVERNOR TO BE RE-ELECTED of hotels :< By Carrier in El Centro: by Mail Elsewhere One tlie finest constructed i Corsets In San Diego. Possesses every com- NO WEEKLY EDITION PRINTED have been twenty- fort. aud convenience. Hot anil cold Entered as second class matter, September GO. 1911. at the Postoffice at El Although there running water in each room. Steam X Centro, California, under the Act of March 8. 1879 governors since the passing of heat. Large ground floor lobby, ithree Kates, 35c and 50c a day, or $3, rule in California, Hi- $2.50 and per week. ‘ i the old Snanish $3 SIDE PROBLEM. is the only gover- Under the personal management of & A good Corset is no longer H ram W. Johnson Norris * Moore Proprietors * It appears that Police Commissioner William Egcrer is displeased ever was re-elected in this a luxury—it is a necessity. nor that Corner 4tH and A Streets i ccnuse the IVcss has called attention to a had state of affairs that has | state. VHv, i For economy’s sake and grown lip east of the railroad, in the district mainly occupied by colored The first governor of American RATES mi people. The Press regrets that Mr. Egcrer feels as he does, for this jour- was Peter H. Burnett. He was REDUCED for your own perpetual blood l-'OR ¦* .*•'» MONTHS U • 0.4 t* if SUMMER 5 I him for his fidelity to his unpaid 1849, and was m-rtj a.. health and comfort, buy a i.al has often had occasion to commend 1 elected November 13, sa * duty, and no one can blame him for the state of affairs that exists. inaugurated December 20, 1849. He sP!gi FVi ?Jt: is sensible Corset. a But, in spite of his efforts, the cotton industry has broupht to the val- resigned January 8, 1851, and Lieu- Modern. l A i • > We suggest the famous mainly here larpe number of colored people, sonic John McDougal was rnmm ley and centered a Governor tenant Quiet Location * Bon vicious, to pM:I Ton and Royal Worces- of Ihem of pood character. But amonp them is a law-defying appointed to succeed him. Up Gov- Adjoining » 3 Hitsi- The SAN DIEGO .* ¦' « ter Corsets. class who have made of the East Side a section were respectable colored ernor Johnson, the following served ness Center. «»\ nitOADWAY people are growing afraid to make their homes. chief executive in the order named: as Garagi: NEW, FIREPROOF, ELEGANT We shall esteem it a privi- Enplish, this is the that exists, and which calls for Bigler, Johnson, John One In plain situation John J. Neeley Block Away. $l.OO per day and upwards. Enclosed lege to show you these mod- remedy while it can remedied. This is blaming nobody John G. ¦Sun Parlor and Reading Rooms on roof. strenuous now be B. Weller. Milton S. laitham, Built by Jolm P. Speckeln. els. But it is insisting that the city take vigorous stops to drive out the Downey, I.eland Stanford. Frederick IMPERIAL VALLEY PEOPLE vicious class that has settled in the section referred to. F. Low, Henry H. Haight, Newton Meet at tho San Diego, on Broadway “MUTT AND JEFF IN Booth, Roualdo Pacheco, William Ir- MEXICO” ARE COMING ELECTION REDUCES HOUSE adoption of the legislative program win, George C. Perkins, George WHERE TO BUY—WHAT TO SEE .MAJORITY TO ONLY 21 announced at the adjournment of Con- IN LOS ANGELES. Stoneman. Washington Bartlett, Rob- Grand opera was succeeded by gress. ert W. Waterman, Henry H. Mark- New York, Nov. 7.—The member- comic opera and comic opera by musical The president may be forced to try ham. James H. Rudd, Henry T. Gage. TOWNSEND & GRAHAM & the sixty-fourth congress, as comedy. Legitimate drama gave way ship of to crowd into the coming short ses- George Pardee and J. N. Gillett. Patents and Trademarks B. C. Salomon Co. to farce comedy. Dramatic, melo- the result of Tuesday's election, ex- sion all the measures left over by the 102 D Higgins Bldg., Second and Main, doubt, dramatic, travel and educational mo- Quality” cluding a few contests still in last Congress which he particularly Los Angeles. “The House of Vacancies to Be Filled. tion pictures will be as follows: wants, so as to get them through witn are falling prey to the Sacramento, Nov. 6.—As a result ravages of Phoenix Hose Standard Patterns House of Representatives—Demo- the big majority he now has in the comedy pictures. The of the Governor Johnson will answer! FACTOrFsHOE crats 229, Republicans 196, Progres- House. If he does that, the appro- election. The people want to laugh, REPAIR SHOP have a number of appointments to first, last Tihs WDIIK no\l<: WtllLi; VOU WAIT sives 7, Socialist 1, Independent 1. priation bill will have to go by the and all the time. has make, the most important of whicn been the .‘illt Went *i\th Street* liOM Viirclos Democratic majority 24. boards. An extra session would then nucleus of Gus Hill’s suc- will be the appointment of a new cess. Senate —Democrats 53, Republicans be called in March or April to pass He has always aimed to make member of the state railroad eonimis* people laugh, therefore is not 39, Progressive 1. Democratic ma- the measures providing money for the it to i sion at an annual salary of SB,OOO, to be wondered jority 13. government. at that “Mutt and Jeff’’ | succeed John M. Eshleman, lieutenant holds the Senatorial contests still in doubt to- The short session which convenes undisputed record of finan- JED SAYS: governor elect. cial and popular success of recent night were in Colorado, Nevada and on December 7 will come to an end | : Governor Johnson will have the theatrical Laughter Wisconsin. Democratic leaders still March 4 next. This leaves nominal- history. is the Every body should keep appointment of a superior judge in most popular on earth. Health Insurance claim the election of Charles S. Thom- ly three months for work. Out of sensation San Francisco to succeed Judge Wil- Gus Hill has clean when they can as over Hubert Work in Colorado, this comes the first week in Decem- selected a company liam F. Lawlor, elevated by the elec- of fifty capable buy a big bar ; and of Francis D. Newlands over ber, with no opportunity for real 7 performers, to support • liiipf to court. A tion the supreme su- the two comedians who are physically LdU Every well regulated Samuel Platt in Nevada. Republican action, and two weeks for Christmas : a perior judge will also have to be fitted to depict Bud Fisher’s 1 m 1 possesses leaders claimed the election of Fran- recess, leasing at the most two months own home these appointed to succeed Judge Benjamin 26 oz. | E. McGovern over Paul A. Hust- and for hard work. ideas, and has made “Mutt and Jeff daily and nightly ne- cis a quarter F. Bledsoe of San Bernardino, ap- in Mexico” one of the biggest and > ing, Democrat, in Wisconsin, but j LM cessities. pointed to a federal judgeship in the of Pure Castile Soap for {; through an error discovered late in FAIR SEX HELP MAKE most important musical comedy pro- Los Angeles district. the Jay in one of the Wisconsin coun-; FOUR MORE STATES DRY ductions of the current season. Every- Should State Treasurer E. D. Rob- ties an apparent majority for Me- thing is offered that will afford rest 1 lesign, as been reported at Govern had been swept away, leaving Chicago, Nov. 7.—Women now have erts has to the weary business tired brain of A GOOD WATER BOTTLE times and as often denied by Rob- men and women. 25c the situation much in doubt. full suffrage in eleven states and in A GOOD FOUNTAIN SYRINGE erts, Governor Johnson will likewise “Mutt and Jeff in Mexico” conies The result in only one congressional the territory of Alaska. have to appoint a new treasurer to to the Special at il GOOD ATOMIZER district was undetermined tonight. In Late the Opera House, Monday, Novem- A tabulation of vote on equal I serve until January 1. In this event s, ‘v-:. the First New York district Frederic!: ber 23rd. Go and see them! Certain- suffrage in Nevada and Montana did Friend W. Richardson, present state C. H’cks, Republican, and Represen- ly the show is nonsensical, so are the not upset the lead previously recorded printer and state treasurer-elect, tative Lathrop Brown were running cartoons, but you’ve laughed at them DAViS DRUG STORE in favor of the women, but rural and' would undoubtedly be appointed, and on virtually even terms, and the out- for four years and you’ll continue to The cost is so small for the comfort and pro- mountainous counties had not re- then some one would be appointed come probaWv will net be known do so.
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