Details of ward officers and polling station level officers for Municipal Roll Revision for website of Udhampur District. S.No Name of No. and No and No. and Name of Name of Mobile No. of Email Id of Photograp Address of Name of the Mobile No. of Email Id of Photograph of Address of the Name of Name of the Polling Station the Ward the Ward the Ward h of the Ward polling station polling station the polling the polling the polling District Municipal Ward in that ward Officer Officer Officer Ward Officer level Officer level Officer station station level station level Corporation Officer level Officer officer /Council Officer /Committee 1-Govt Middle 1 School Jakheni krishanbal1839 Udhampur Boys Bal Krishan 9906174767 @gmail.com 2-Govt Middle 2 School Jakheni krishanbal1839 Udhampur @gmail.com 1- Subash Boys Bal Krishan 9906174767 Nagar 3-District Youth 3 Services and Sports Udhampur office Udhampur krishanbal1839 Bal Krishan 9906174767 @gmail.com 4-Middle School 4 krishanbal1839 Udhampur Jakheni Girls Bal Krishan 9906174767 @gmail.com 1-Chief Agriculture 5 Udhampur Office Udhampur 2-Indra Gurmeet Singh 9419158234 Nagar 2-Chief Agriculture 6 Udhampur Office Udhampur Gurmeet Singh 9419158234 Angrez Din 1-Middle School eoudhampu Roopnagar romesh.kumar1 7 Sanitary 9419151542 [email protected] Udhampur Sajalta ID Ghah [email protected] Jammu Romesh Kumar 9596697800 m 3- Id Gah Inspector 2-Zila Sanik welfare romesh.kumar1 8 Board Office [email protected] Udhampur Udhampur Romesh Kumar 9596697800 m 1-Tehsildar Office 9 parshantdubey8 Udhampur Udhampur SARAB JEET [email protected] 4-Adarsh SINGH 7889917470 m Colony 2-Assistant Director parshantdubey8 10 Handi craft SARAB JEET [email protected] Udhampur Udhampur SINGH 7889917470 m 1-Govt. Middle Sandeepsharm 11 a.nanu@gmail. Udhampur School Barrian Sandeep Sharma 9419670150 com 2-District Sandeepsharm 12 Information Office a.nanu@gmail. Udhampur 5- Barrian Udhampur Sandeep Sharma 9419670150 com 3-Assistant Commissioner 13 Sandeepsharm Udhampur Development Office a.nanu@gmail. Udhampur Sandeep Sharma 9419670150 com 1-Naib Tehsildar 14 Shivdev34687 Udhampur 6- Karan Office Udhampur Shiv Dev Singh 9796235950 @gmail.com Nagar 2-Patwar Khana 15 Shivdev34687 Udhampur Udhampur Khas Shiv Dev Singh 9796235950 @gmail.com 1-Exceutive 16 Enginneer , amber.chambial Udhampur 7- Garrian Irrigation Office Rakesh 7006417173 @yahoo.com Talab 2-Govt. Middle 17 School Shakti amber.chambial Udhampur Nagar Rakesh 7006417173 @yahoo.com 1-Govt. Girl High 18 Sec. School Narjeev Udhampur 8- Ram gianc6386@gm Udhampur Singh eoudhamp Gian Chand 9419295990 ail.com Kala 2- Govt. Girl High Jamwal 7006130945 ur- Jammu Kendra 19 Sec. School Khilafwarzi [email protected] gianc6386@gm Udhampur Udhampur Insepctor Gian Chand 9419295990 ail.com 1-Govt. City High 20 Udhampur School Udhampur saroopkumar61 9- Arya Saroop Kumar 9419216724 [email protected] Samaj Lane 2-Govt. City High 21 Udhampur School Udhampur saroopkumar61 Saroop Kumar 9419216724 [email protected] 1-Govt. High Sec. 10-Shiv 22 School Boys Udhampur Nagar singhjamwal@g Udhampur Darshan Singh 9419215158 mail.com 1-Executive 23 Engineer PWD Udhampur 11- ahmed.nazir76 Office Udhampur Nazir Ahmed 9419272453 @gmail.com Raghunat Details of ward officers and polling station level officers for Municipal Roll Revision for website of Udhampur District. S.No Name of No. and No and No. and Name of Name of Mobile No. of Email Id of Photograp Address of Name of the Mobile No. of Email Id of Photograph of Address of the Name of Name of the Polling Station the Ward the Ward the Ward h of the Ward polling station polling station the polling the polling the polling District Municipal Ward in that ward Officer Officer Officer Ward Officer level Officer level Officer station station level station level Corporation Officer level Officer officer /Council Officer /Committee Raghunat 2-Executive h Pura 24 Engineer PWD ahmed.nazir76 Udhampur Office Udhampur Nazir Ahmed 9419272453 @gmail.com 1-Middle School 25 Udhamp 81 MC Govt. Goppa Mandir Udhampur ur Udhampur School Udhampur Vinodrainaedu 12-Geeta Vinod Kumar 9419896060 @gmail.com Bhawan 2-Middle School 26 Govt. Goppa Mandir Udhampur School Udhampur Vinodrainaedu Vinod Kumar 9419896060 @gmail.com 1-Govt. City Girls Kuldeep 27 Udhampur Kumar eoudhamp rk0864922@g Middle School Devipur 13- Lambi Sharma 9622013208 ur- Rakesh Kumar 9419614433 mail.com Jammu Gali 2-Govt. City Girls Khilafwarzi [email protected] 28 Udhampur Middle School Insepctor rk0864922@g Udhampur Rakesh Kumar 9419614433 mail.com 1-Govt. ITI Office 29 Udhampur Udhampur vivekudh@gmai 14- Sailan Vivek Gupta 9419163511 l.com Talab 2-Govt. ITI Office 30 Udhampur Udhampur vivekudh@gmai Vivek Gupta 9419163511 l.com 1-Programme 31 officer ICDS Office vikramgupta380 Udhampur 15-Shakti Udhampur Vikram Gupta 9858220304 @gmail.com Nagar 2-Programmes 32 officer ICDS Office vikramgupta380 Udhampur Udhampur Vikram Gupta 9858220304 @gmail.com 1-Range Office 33 16- rakeshudhampu Udhampur Forest Udhampur Rakesh Sharma 9906097221 [email protected] Chabutra 2-Range Office 34 Bazaar rakeshudhampu Udhampur Forest Udhampur Rakesh Sharma 9906097221 [email protected] 1-D.F.O Office 35 Udhampur 17- Udhampur Rajesh 9419161768 Chrisitian 2-D.F.O Office 36 Udhampur Colony Udhampur Rajesh 9419161768 and 3-D.F.O Office 37 Omarah Udhampur Udhampur Rajesh 9419161768 1-Primary School 38 Udhampur Gangera ravisanyal7@g Ravi Kumar 9419166665 mail.com 18- 2-Chief Horticulture 39 Udhampur Dallah Office Udhampur ravisanyal7@g Ravi Kumar 9419166665 mail.com 3-Chief Horticulture 40 Udhampur Office Udhampur ravisanyal7@g Ravi Kumar 9419166665 mail.com 1-Govt. Middle 41 School Shiv Nagar Udhampur Udhampur Om Parkash 9697190604 19-Rount Ashok 2-Multi Purpose eoudhamp Kumar Janipur 42 Hall MH Morh 9419117556 ur- Udhampur Sanitary Jammu Udhampur [email protected] Om Parkash 9697190604 Inspector 1-Govt. Primary 43 Udhampur School Sangoor devindersingh6 Devinder Singh 7006294730 [email protected] 20- 2-Govt. Middle 44 Udhampur Sangoor School Sail Sallan devindersingh6 Devinder Singh 7006294730 [email protected] 3-Govt. Primary School Barhm Puri 45 Udhampur Near Railway devindersingh6 Station Udhampur Devinder Singh 7006294730 [email protected] Details of ward officers and polling station level officers for Municipal Roll Revision for website of Udhampur District. S.No Name of No. and No and No. and Name of Name of Mobile No. of Email Id of Photograp Address of Name of the Mobile No. of Email Id of Photograph of Address of the Name of Name of the Polling Station the Ward the Ward the Ward h of the Ward polling station polling station the polling the polling the polling District Municipal Ward in that ward Officer Officer Officer Ward Officer level Officer level Officer station station level station level Corporation Officer level Officer officer /Council Officer /Committee 1-B.D.O Office 46 Udhampur Udhampur 111choudhary Vinod Kumar 9797300762 @gmail.com 2-D.I.C Office 47 21- Kallar Udhampur Himiti Udhampur 111choudhary Vinod Kumar 9797300762 @gmail.com 3-C.E.O Office 48 Udhampur Udhampur 111choudhary Vinod Kumar 9797300762 @gmail.com Sh.Charan Dass 9086261314 Vill. Kaghote Tehsil Ramnagar w.no1 Govt. MS 1 (Chigli Ramnagar 49 School Chigli Chori Chori) Ramnagar Mukand Sharma 9469651794 2 w.no.1 Govt. Vill. Kaghote Tehsil Mukand Sharma Ramnagar 50 (Panditon MS School Chigli Ramnagar Ka Chori Ramnagar Sh.Charan Dass 9086261314 9469651794 w.no.3 Govt. Sh.Charan Dass 9086261314 Vill. Kaghote Tehsil Ramnagar 3(Kalsotra RamnagarVill. 51 City Middle School Kaghote Tehsil suhash91273@ Mohalla) Ramnagar Ramnagar Subhash Chander 9622258687 gamil.com 4 w.no.3 Govt. Sh.Charan Dass 9086261314 Ramnagar 52 (Pakhetra City Middle School suhash91273@ Mohalla) Ramnagar Subhash Chander 9622258687 gamil.com w.no.5 Govt. Sh.Charan Dass 9086261314 Vill. Kaghote Tehsil Ramnagar 5 (Jandial Ramnagar 53 Hr. Sec. School Mohalla) vippurajbadakh Ramnagar Vipan Kumar 9419928824 @gamil.com Vill. Kaghote Tehsil Ramnagar Ramnagar 6 (Kharka 54 w.no.5 Mohalla) mohinderpaul19 Mohinder Paul 7051162757 [email protected] W.no.7 Sh. Pardeep Kumar 9797605311 W No 1 Ramnagar Ramnagar 82- 7 (Patwari 55 Ramnagar sheep Husbandry mohinderpaul19 Udhamp Mohalla) Municipal Office Ramnagar Mohinder Paul 7051162757 [email protected] ur Sh. Pardeep Kumar 9797605311 W No 1 Ramnagar Ramnagar Committee w.no.8 Govt. Primary Ramnagar 8 (Phallan 56 School W.No.8 Mohalla) Near Dakbanglow mohinderpaul19 Ramnagar Mohinder Paul 7051162757 [email protected] w.no.9 Ramnagar 9 (Kora Govt. Primary 57 Sukha School Sukha Sudesh Kumar sudeshji1983@ Talab) Talab Sharma 9018793502 gamil.com 10 Sh. Pardeep Kumar 9797605312 W No 1 Ramnagar Ramnagar w.no.10 Horticulture 58 (Adhiyapa Office Ramnagar Sudesh Kumar sudeshji1983@ k Nagar) Sharma 9018793502 gamil.com Ramnagar w.no.11 11 (Ghrat 59 Govt. Primary Bati) Sudesh Kumar sudeshji1983@ School Ghrat Batti Sharma 9018793502 gamil.com 12(Nozi Sh. Pardeep Kumar 9797605313 W No 1 Ramnagar Ramnagar w.no.12 Sericulture 60 Shawni Office Ramnagar vippurajbadakh Mohalla) Vipan Kumar 9419928824 @gamil.com Ramnagar 13 w.no.13 61 (Gundian Govt. Pry. Sch. Mohalla) Gundian jeetkumar.9628 Jeet Kumar 7889949367 [email protected] W.no. 1 1-Block Office 62 Mohalla Chenani Chenani balwanchandan Sheikhan Balwan Chand 9596905747 [email protected] W.no. 2 2-Agriculture Office 63 Project 9622117121 Chenani Chenani rihanfirdous503 Colony Umran Firdos @gmail.com W.no. 3 Mohalla 3-Horticulture Office 64 Chenani Rajputan Chenani balwanchandan Chogania Balwan Chand 9596905747 [email protected] 83-Chenani Details of ward officers and polling station level officers for Municipal Roll Revision for website of Udhampur District. S.No Name of No. and No and No. and Name of Name of Mobile No. of Email Id of Photograp Address of Name of the Mobile No. of Email Id of Photograph of Address of the Name of Name of the Polling Station the Ward the Ward the Ward h of the Ward polling station polling station the polling the polling the polling District Municipal Ward in that ward Officer Officer Officer Ward Officer level Officer level Officer station station level station level Corporation Officer level Officer officer /Council Officer /Committee 83-Chenani Udhamp W.no.
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