VOLUME XXV OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1948 NUMBER 15 • • • • • • • • • • • • • CALENDAR ~ ASOCE Prexy Veterans.' • Monday, February 16 • Barker and Hiebert • Crimson 0. 7, CH 110 • Calls Meeting • Ski club, 7, CH 113 • • SCA, 8, MH • This week's student council Credit meeting will be replaced by the Sweethearts of 1948 Lutherans, 8, CH 222 • • student body meeting at 8 p.m. • Tuesday, February '-7 • • • • • • • • • • • • • in the Campbell hall auditorium, .NOTICE! There were two sweethearts in­ • Staff and Key, 5:30, dinner • Wednesday, February 18, accord­ • stead of the usual one at Collecto­ Computed • and initiation, Todd hall • • If you saw the recent talent • ing to ASOCE President Allan Coeds' Sweetheart Ball Saturday An announcement recently from • Music Hour, 8, Todd hall • Petersdorf. • show given by OCE students, .. • music room • evening. Collectos and Wolf the registrar's office specifies that All students are encouraged and • you realize our latent possi- • veterans may apply for their mili­ • Wolves vs. Pacific university, • Knights, co-sponsors of the Ball, invited to attend. The following • bilities. Another talent show • tary credits after one term in • PE building • subject will be discussed: elected Beth Barker and Marvin • is being planned ror the 26th • residence at this school. The • Wednesday, February 18 • 1. Insurance for all students. Hiebert as their choice to reign as ASOE meeting, 8, CH audit. • • of February, so if you have • school will apply military credit ~ 2. Constitution revision. • some hidden tricks, or if you • Queen and King of Hearts, for ·veterans in teache r education • WAA, 6:30, PE building • 3. Explanations pertaining to • know someone who has, see • Dark and vivacious Beth, a third and for those ex-service personnel • Theta Delta Phi, 7:30, CH • the time the increase in tuition • Miss Seavey as soon as poss- • year student, is from Newberg. wh~ are working toward junior • 111 fees will become effective. • • ible. certificates, according to R. E. • Portland Symphony, 8, Sa- • 4. Segregation of female and • She has been very active in stu­ Lieuallen, OCE registrar. Any stu­ • lem high auditorium • male spectators at athletic con­ . ~ . dent body affairs on the campus II Associated Student Body, 8, • dent who plans to transfer soon tests. since she has been here. Wolf from OCE is advised against hav­ Cl! auditorium • • 5. Report on progress of recre- Knights chose their Sweetheart ing his military credits computed • Thursday, February 19 • ation hall alterations. Symphony· Music • San Carlos Opera, 6:15, Port- • on the basis of popularity, poise, here,"'! because various institutions 6. Discussion of library hours. activity on the campus, and all have different standards of evalu­ • land • 7. Financial report. To Be Previewed a WAA, 6:30, PE building • the · many other qualities that ating military credits. 8. Report by business staff of Tomorrow night from 8 to 10, in Honorably discharged veterans • 'Retirement Meeting, 7:30, • Grove. make the girl well liked. Beth is the music room of Todd h all, the may apply for er-edit on the basis • CH auditorum 1 • 9. Exchange talent convocations. certainly an outstanding choice • Friday, February 20 Music Hour, under the direction of length of service in the armed • 10. Any other timely problems for the first Wolf Knight Sweet­ of Bill Holman will feature the forces within the following m ax­ • Wolves vs. EOCE, 8, PE • that the students care to present heart. Wolf Knights are awarding • Saturday, February 21 overture, "Nozre di Figaro" by ims: • and discuss. an engraved cup on a permanent Mozart, "Pet rouchka" by Stravin­ For one year of service .... 8 hours • Wolves vs. EOCE, 8, PE • • basis to their Sweetheart. sky, Brahms' "Symphony No. 4", For two years of service .. 10 hours a • • • • • • • • • • • Collectos' Sweetheart, M a r v For three years of service 12 hours .and Tch aikovsky's Waltz from Hiebert, needs no build-up to the Honorably discharged veterans Students Travel "String Serenade in C," which followers of sports on the campus. of World War II with t he rank of Santee Assigned will be heard Wednesday evening Versatile fellow that he is, Marv army sergeant, n avy ·p stty officer, by th ose who attend the P ortland not only plays basketball, but also To Puget Sound re warrant officer, or commissioned Director•s Post S ymphony in Salem . If you a football and baseball. The Sweet­ officer may apply for additional Bound for Tacoma last Thurs­ going and would like to be famil­ h eart of 1948 hails from Dallas, credit within the following max­ On F ebruary 12, Harold T. San­ day were seven students from the iar with the music, be sure to where he also is well known for ims: tee, principal of Portland's Lau­ Oregon College of Education who take advantage of this opportu­ his sports prowess. Athletic fame For veterans who attained the relhurst elementary school, was participated on debate teams, and nity. is not all Collectos base their se­ 'rank of army sergeant or navy assigned the position as director extemporaneous, impromptu, and Last Tuesday evening record­ lection on, however. Other quali­ petty officer ............... ....... 3 hours of secondary education for the oratorical speeches. The event was ings of "Der Rosenkavalier" by R. ties in mind while choosing the For veterans who attained the city of Portland. The position will held at the College of Puget Strauss, "Roumanian Rhapsody" Sweetheart are personality, par­ ft rank of warrant officer or com- require administrative work with Sound, Friday and Saturday of by Enesco, and Vaughan-Wil­ ticipation in school affairs, and missioned officer ............ 6 hours both junior and senior high last week. liams' London Symphony were worthwhile contributions to the Credit, in addition to that schools of the city. Students reprerenting this col­ played by Mr. Holman. campus. Marv is a member of Var­ granted for military service as Harold Santee graduated from lege at the meet included Bill Bring your knitting or other sity o on the OCE campus. stipulated in the two previous OCE (then Oregon Normal school) Floyd, Gerald Hamann, Don Leav­ busy work and come .along. Re­ A Valentine's Day theme was paragraphs, will be allowed for in 1933 and r,eceived his B.S. and itt, Helen Davis Mattison, Lester freshments are served during a used in decorating the gymnasium. courses completed in the various M.S. degrees from the Univer­ McKim, Mrs-. Ann Petty, and short intermission. · Music was furnished byt>Don Xrie­ service -,chools as recommended in sity of Oregon. fte has done grad­ Jewelle Schmidt. George Harding ger's staters. the "Guide to the Evaluation of uate work at Stanford university and Everett Van Maanan accom­ THE LAST DAY Patrons and patronesses for the Educational Experiences in the and is now nearing his doctorate. panied the group. An announcement from the reg­ ball were: Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Armed Servioes" prepared by the Harold is the elder son of Dr. istrar's office states that Saturday, Dewey, advisers; Dr. and Mrs. H. American Council on Education. J. F. Santee, chairman of the February 14, was the last day dur­ M. Gunn, Dr. and Mrs. Kaplan, rcontinued on Page Three) OCE social science department. Grove Staff Sets ing Winter term that students Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lieuallen, .,Miss were allowed to withdraw from Joan Seavey, and Miss Edetha Kaplan: Pharmacy's Loss; Our Gain; Order Dead-Line classes. Hartwig. March l, 1948, is the final date Walton's Disciple from Michigan that subscriptions for the Grove Versatile l-lousemother Aspires to Law; by Dorothy Brookman ed in the public schools there, and will be accepted. The staff of the Adding to the list of prominent attended Detroit's famous Wayne OCE annual urges that every stu­ Comes North from Sunny Las Vegas newcomers to the OCE faculty, is university. Comparatively few men dent who plans to buy a copy of by Evelyn Marsh with a Spanish-speaking family Dr. Louis Kaplan, director of have the ability to master more the Grove to have his order plac­ Criminal law holds a fascin­ in Juarez, Mexico. "I didn't work, training schools. We are indebted than one profession, but Dr. ed by the above date. didn't go to school, but just liv­ ation for Miss Cornelia Ledyard, to President Gunn for Dr. Kap­ Kaplan is among these few. After ~·we, the. staff of the Grove, ed with some Mexicans," she ex­ is lan's pre&c: nce here. A meeting of receiving his degree in pharmacy, wish to thank the students and the friendly, vivacious lady who plains. the two educators took place last and practicing as a registered faculty for their part in making replacing Miss Hartwig as house­ This training in languages en­ year at the University of South­ pharmacist for two years, 'his in­ the recent subscription campaign mother at Jessica Todd hall, and abled her to hold a position in the ern California, and Dr. Kaplan terests turned to the field of ed­ a success. The staff intends to she emphasizes that her main UNO Conference at San Francis­ was then asked to come to OCE. ucation. Dr. Kaplan then return­ put out a creditable annual," so ambition is to become a lawyer co in 1945 as translator for the His California friends advised ed to Wayne university, earned a stated Charles Smith, Grove bus­ "before I die." Taking a few mo­ English department. Before com­ him: "Well, if vou must leave teachers' rertificate, and was soon iness manager. ments from her busy routine of ing to Monmouth, she was an in­ California, the only other place to t e a ch in g in the elementary learning her duties at the dormi­ structor of Spanish in a Las live is Oregon.
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