Strong Top Dynamics in Light of LHC Data Elizabeth H. Simmons Michigan State University - EWSB and Strong Top Quark Dynamics - Models - States Connected to the New Dynamics - LHC Prospects - Conclusions JLAB 4 April 2012 Looking Beyond the Standard Model technicolor topcolor susy extra dim. Fundamental scalars observed? Hierarchy/Naturalness? Triviality? Dynamics causing EWSB? EWSB and Strong Top Quark Dynamics Dynamical EWSB: Technicolor: (inspired by QCD) Introduce SU(N)TC with technigluons, inspired by QCD gluons techniquarks carrying SU(N)TC charge: • e.g. weak doublet TL = (UL, DL); weak singlet UR, DR • Lagrangian has SU(2)L x SU(2)R chiral symmetry SU(N)TC gauge coupling becomes large at Λ 1TeV TC ≈ • ! T L T R "≈ 250 GeV causes EWSB • `technipions’ Π TC become the WL, Z L Susskind, Weinberg Dynamical Fermion Masses: ETC* METC > ΛTC ETC boson technigluon E.g. the top quark mass arises from: gETC 2 and its size is ( ) !TT¯ " x (flavor-dependent factor) METC Challenge: ETC must violate custodial symmetry to make mt >> mb. But how to avoid large changes to ∆ ρ ? *Dimpoulos & Susskind; Eichten & Lane Isospin Violation (I) mt = 172 GeV References Isospin Violation (2) Conclusion: t,b feel a Text new strong force not shared by other quarks References or technifermions Top Condensation and EWSB If the top quark feels a new strong interaction, a top-quark condensate can provide some or even all of electroweak symmetry breaking v2 = f 2 + f 2 sin ! f /v TC t ⌘ t some (topcolor*, topcolor-assisted technicolor*) in these models the top quark feels an additional gauge interaction that causes top condensation all (top mode^, top seesaw^^) in top seesaw models, a heavy partner quark T forms the condensate; the top quark mass eigenstate that we observe is a seesaw mixture between T and the standard model’s top quark gauge eigenstate * Hill ^Bardeen,Hill &Lindner; Yamawaki; Miranski; Nambu ^^Chivukula, Dobrescu, Georgi & Hill Physical Realization: Topcolor One physical realization of a new interaction for top is a (spontaneously broken) extended color gauge group: topcolor M SU(3)h SU(3)` SU(3) ⇥ ! QCD where (t,b) feel SU(3)h and (u,c,d,s) feel SU(3)l Below the scale M, exchange of massive topgluons 4⇡ λa 2 t¯γ t yields four-fermion interactions among top quarks − M 2 µ 2 ✓ ◆ Note: M >> 1TeV implies fine tuning Models Hill hep-ph/9411426 Dobrescu & Hill hep-ph/9712319 Chivukula, Christensen, Coleppa, Simmons arXiv:0906.5667 Chivukula, Coleppa, Logan, Martin, Simmons arXiv:1101.6023 Topcolor-Assisted Technicolor (TC2) technicolor: provides most of EWSB topcolor: provides most of mt hypercharge: keeps mb small C.T. Hill Pure Top Condensation? The relationship between v, M, and mt when strong topcolor dynamics causes top condensation and EWSB Pagels-Stokar formula (1979) in NJL approximation 175 Top Seesaw 175 Dobrescu & Hill hep-ph/9712319; Chivukula et al. 9809470; Collins, Grant, Georgi 9908330; He, Hill, Tait 0108041 Effective Theory: “Top Triangle Moose” Gauge structure: ψL0 f-constants of SU(2) × SU(2) × U(1) 0 ⌃01, ⌃12 are g0,g2 ! g1 g vp2 cos ω 01 Top-Higgs Φ = v sin ! ~ ψL1 h i g 1 ψR1 Gauge boson spectrum: photon, Z, Z’, W, W’ g’ 12 (as in 3-site, BESS or HLS) 2 Fermion spectrum: t, T, b, B; similar for light tR2,bR2 quarks & leptons only top couples to Φ Triangle Moose and Topcolor-Assisted TC ψL0 0 g 01 ~ ψL1 Topcolor g 1 (E)TC sector ψR1 sector g’ 12 { 2 } tR2,bR2 This effective theory can interpolate between the TC2 and top seesaw models New States Connected to Top Dynamics topgluon / coloron: Ca • can be flavor (non)universal fractional shift in ✏tL to help Rb agree with data top-Higgs state: Ht 0.7 • production in gg → Ht higher 1 than in SM by factor[sin !]− 0.6 0 top-Pion states: ⇧t±, ⇧t 0.5 w one-loop Rb contributions 0 • sin 0 minimized by (tree) non-ideal 0.4 delocalization of tL as indicated in plot at right: 0.3 0.20.2 0.6 0.4 top’s seesaw partner: T 0.8 0.4 sin ! 0.2 1 0.6 200 400 600 800 1000 can be produced at LHC M GeV • Pt M⇧t H L LHC vs. Colorons ATLAS: CERN-PH-EP-2011-127 CMS: CERN-PH-EP/2011-119 Braam, Chivukula, DiChiara, Flossdorf, Simmons arXiv:0711.1127 Han, Lewis, Liu arXiv:1010.4309 Chivukula, Farzinnia, Foadi, Simmons arXiv:1111.7261 Limits on Topgluons / Colorons 7 conducted on random samples of events generated from our smooth background parameter- Flavor-universal colorons:ization. The use of wide jets instead of AK7 jets improves the expected upper limits on the resonance cross section by roughly 20% for gg, 10% for qg, and 5%4 for qq resonances. • LHC searches for colorons in dijet constrain MC > 2.5 TeV String Resonance q* s8 Excited Quark 3 (pb) [pb] [pb] 3 Axigluon/Coloron 10 A 10 E Diquark A 1 Observed 95% CL upper limit6 Observed 95% CL upper limit W’ × × × Expected 95% CL upper limit Expected 95% CL upper limit Z’ σ σ 2 RS Graviton 2 B 10 68% and 95% bands 10 68% and 95% bands × 10 10 -1 ATLAS 10 ATLAS -1 -1 L dt = 1.0 fb -1 L dt = 1.0 fb 1 ∫ CMS (1.0 fb ) ∫ s = 7 TeV 1 s = 7 TeV s = 7 TeV 10-1 |η| < 2.5, |Δη| < 1.3 -1 Cross Section 95% CL Upper Limit 10 10-2 Gluon-Gluon -2 10 Quark-Gluon Quark-Quark 10-2 1000 2000 3000 4000 10001000 2000 1500 2000 3000 2500 3000 4000 3500 4000 Mass [GeV] ResonanceMass [GeV] Mass (GeV) (a)Excited-quark and axigluon models. Figure 5: The 95% CL upper(b)Colour limits octet on scalars model.B A for dijet resonances of type gluon-gluon (open ⇥ ⇥ circles), quark-gluon (solid circles), and quark-quark (open boxes), compared to theoretical pre- FIG.Topgluons 2. The 95% CL upper coupled limits on σ preferentiallyas a functiondictions of particle for string massto resonances (black3rd filled generation: [3], circles). E6 diquarks The black [5], dotted excited curve quarks shows [6], axigluons [8], colorons [9], the 95% CL upper limit expected from× MonteA Carlo and the light and dark yellow shaded bands represent the 68% and 95% new gauge bosons W0 and Z0 [10], and Randall-Sundrum gravitons [11]. contoursFCNC of the expected bounds limit, respectively. from Theoretical B-mesonpredictions mixing: for σ are M shownC > in (a)6 forTeV excited quarks (blue dashed) and• axigluons (green dot-dashed), and in (b) for colour octetscalarresonances(bluedashed).Foragivennewphysicsmo× A del, the observed (expected) limit occurs at the crossing of its σ curve with the observed (expected) 95% CL upper limit curve. Fits of TC2 to precision electroweak× A data: MC ~ 18 TeV • Table 2: For each model we list the observed and expected upper values of the excluded mass derived from MC simulations. A prior probabilityrange den- at 95%of model CL. The parameters, lower value of ofPDF the set, excluded and of mass MC tune. range Pre- from this search is 1 TeV. sity constant in all positive values of signal cross section, vious ATLAS studies have already explored the impact and zero at negative values, is used. The posterior prob- of different MC tunes and PDF sets on the q∗ theoretical ability is then integrated to determine the 95% CL for a prediction [4]. Model Excluded Mass (TeV) given range of models, usually parameterised by the mass In 2011, the instantaneous luminosityObserved has risenExpected to a of the resonance. level where correctionsString Resonances must be made for multiple4.00 pp col-3.90 Limits are determined on σ for a hypothetical new lisions occurring inE theDiquarks same bunch crossing3.52 (“pileup”),3.28 ×A 6 particle decaying into dijets. The acceptance includes all whose presence aExcitedffects the Quarks measurement2.49 of calorimeter2.68 reconstruction steps and analysis cuts described above, energy depositionsAxigluons/Colorons associated with the hard-scattering2.47 2.66 and assumes that the trigger is fully efficient. (The effi- event under study.W’ All Bosons simulated samples1.51 used in this1.40 ciency is greater than 99% for all analyses.) analysis include a Poisson distributed number of MC The effects of systematic uncertainties due to the minimum bias events added to the hard interaction to knowledge of the luminosity and of the jet energyIn scale Fig. 5 weaccount compare for the “in-time” observed pileup upper caused limits by to additional the model colli- predictions as a function of reso- (JES) are included. The luminosity uncertainty fornance the mass.sions The in predictions the same bunch are from crossing. lowest-order Further calculations account must [24] of the product s B A be taken of “out-of-time” pileup originating from colli- ⇥ ⇥ 2011 data is 3.7% [35]. The systematic uncertaintyusing on CTEQ6L1 parton distributions [19]. New particles are excluded at the 95% CL in mass re- sions in bunches preceding or following the one of inter- the JES is taken from the 2010 data [18] analysis,gions and for which the theory curve lies above our upper limit for the appropriate pair of partons. is adapted to the 2011 analysis taking into account in est, due to the long response time of the liquid argon We also determinecalorimeters. the expected With the lower 50 ns limit bunch on spacing the mass in of the each LHC new particle by comparing the particular the new event pileup conditions (describedexpected be- cross section limits to the model predictions.
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