Canton ©bserUer Volume 8 Number 60 Monday, February 21, 1983 Canton, Michigan 28 Pages Twenty-Five Cents •1 •OS »i*oa torporatM» Ail Murfeu R The Board to decide Canton Connection on Kurtz issue Bjr Gary M. Cataa The tenure process has become so staff writer legalistir bound it's hard tn conceive THE COMMITTEE any school board going through the pro- planning Canton's 150th anniversary The Plymouth-Canton Board of Edu- cess without qualified legal aid at their in 1984 meets tonight in the library catibn will announce its decision to- side." Yack said meeting room, third floor at Canton night on charges brought against a Cen- Township Hall on Can tog Center tral Middle School teacher The deci- THE BOARD arrived at its decision Road. sion was made last week in closed ses- after five hours of discussion Thursday The committee, which meets the sion. What we did is line up the charges first and third Monday of each Scott Kurtz, 30. was charged with and run through the transcripts to see month, is looking for people to help using capricious and implusive ac- if they are substantiated by the testi- plan the anniversary celebration. tion" when disciplining an unruly stu- mony Our findingsjsill be noted in the All meetings are open to the public. dent on Oct 22 Kurtz, an industrial statements of conclusions and facts." arts teacher, is suspended with pay Yack said pending tonight's decision A DIABETES education "The board did arrive at a decision, The board s action on the charges —-program will begin March 3 at but I can't share it with you," Board can range from doing nothing to firing | Oakwood Hospital Canton Center, to President Tom Yack said Friday Kurtz j give diabetics knowledge and skills The Award's decision will be an- "It doesn't necessarily end with the to manage the disease nounced bv Way Of twn re^nlntinnc tr._ school—board—Thp teacher still has Sessions will be offered 7-9 p.m. night, he said. available to him the circuit court, as on consecutive Thursdays in March The charges against Kurtz stem well as the state tenure commission," A$10 program fee will be refunded from a confrontation with 16-year-old Yack said if the person attends four of the five John James of Plymouth. James en- James filed assault and battery sessions, with attendance required tered Kurtz's classroom without per- charges against Kurtz in 35th District at the final one. mission and refused to identify himself Court Judge Dunbar Davis found Topics will include diet, insulin, Kurtz guilty in December and upheld physical activity and long-term ATTEMPTS TO identify and subdue the verdict during a reconsideration complications To register, call 459- the student resulted in Kurtz's use of motion heard this month 7030 physical force when he grabbed James by the hair and twice lowered him to JAMES HAS since left the school the floor district JACK RUDOLPH of Canton Board members met Thursday night The district court proceedings ha- is $250 richer, because he made in a closed-door session to discuss testi- ven't affected the school board heanng. suggestions on how his employer mony given during the tenure hearing, Yack said could cut costs and improve quality which continued over a period of two "To my knowledge, no school board on the job. months. member has seen the written opinion of Rudolph, who is employed by Members of the school administra- Judge Davis These are separate ac- Volkswagen of America in Troy, tion weren't allowed into Thursday's tions," he said proposed safety awareness session Some administrators and a Tonights school board meeting procedures in the event of a tornado heanng officer were present during starts at 7:$0 at the board office, 454 S alert earlier sessions Harvey in Plymouth WOODLAND MEADOWS LA'VBFILL on Hannan Road is Schools investigate ART EMANUEtt/SlaW photographer not accepting dumping on Saturdays, according to the Canton Old-fashioned all the Township department of public works The landfill will remain open An old-fashioned town half will be the format for (Apple Run of Canton, Lake Pointe Village, Ton- from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. summer tax options the business session Thursday of the Winter quiah Creek and Trailwood of Plymouth, and Wednesdays for Canton residents Councit meeting of Woman's National Farm and Livonia) will be hostesses aFTfie^lay-long event For information, call 397-1000. Garden Association — and what could be better This may be the last year that town- bankers in the community who have at the the Sheraton-Oaks in Novi that will draw ships and cities collect property taxes expressed an interest in collecting tax- centerpieces than old-fashioned flower bask- members from 90 branches across Ihe state. for Plymouth-Canton Community es ets? Eleanor Nief of Livonia and Shirley Ball of Lenore Howe of Lake Pointe Village will be the ATTENTION Schools. Redford helped assemble them along with other RACQUETBALL FANS: A First National Bank of Plymouth of- meeting general chairman. The school board already has started ficials have said they would provide the garden club members. Five area garden clubs men's racquetball league will begin the process to collect school property full range of tax collecting services, in- at 8 p.m. March 9, and run for 13 taxes twice-a-year - in June and in cluding the mailing of bills and collect- weeks. December ing. Sessions are sponsored by the Under a new state law, school dis- National Bank of Detroit officials Canton Parks and Recreation tricts may negotiate with townships said they definitely were interested in Department and will be held at and cities to collect the dual taxes and collecting taxes and would investigate Rose Shores of Canton on Ford Cops launch dog census pay a fee for the service and get back with school officials on Road. Fee of $72 includes court School districts may collect the taxes what other services the bank could pro- time and awards. Half must be paid themselves or negotiate with an inter- vide. at registration, and the balance the The police department next month Police Chief Jerry Cox estimates But a stipulated period — probably 10 days mediate school district or a private in- Ray Hoedel, assistant superintendent first night. For information, call will begin a d5br-to-door "census" to only about 650 have current licenses, — the ticket will be dismissed. Joker stitution to collect the taxes for a fee for business, said there has been "no 397-1000 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 find out how many residents have li- said a spokeswoman for the clerk s off- said. p.m. The city of Plymouth has expressed problem" in talks between the city and censes Tor their pet dogs ice. a willingness ta collect taxes for the school district but "Plymouth Town- Uniformed reserve police officers Cox is worried about stray dogs cre- "We're interested in everyone com- schools and taHB ship's fee is way too high and Canton x are ongoing on what will conduct the survey, which is de- ating a nuisance or health hazard if plying. not issuing violations." he add- the fee will be. has refused to collect in June " MILTON MACK, Wayne signed to boost compliance of an ordi- they bite children or adults ed CANTON Township has gone on HOEDEL also will be meeting soon County commissioner representing nance requiring annual licenses and ra- In addition, animal control costs record as refusing to collect school tax- with officials from Salem and Superior Canton, recently was appointed to bies vaccinations for dogs amounted to $40,000 in 1981, Cox said THE ORDINANCE calls for licenses es in June, and Plymouth Township has townships to talk about what fees they the Solid Waste Planning Under township ordinance, dogs six Police Lt. Dennis Joker explained to expire each December New licenses asked for a fee that school administra- would charge to collect Plymouth-Can- Committee by County Executive months or older must have a license the procedure for the survey: purchased during January and Febru- tors feel is excessive. ton school taxes William Lucas. The licenses are issued each year by "They'll (officers) go house-to- ary cost $5 each The price to jumps to As a result, school administrators Hoedel is working under an April 1 the township clerk, after the owner $10 March 1, under the ordinance. The committee is to plan a 20- house." Joker said "If the dog isn't li- this week are talking with Wayne Coun- deadline By then he must have the tax shows proof of current vaccination year program for disposal of solid censed, they will probably issue an or- Persons owning more than three ty about collecting the taxes " rolls prepared in order to collect half against rabies. waste materials under a state law dinance violation."' dogs must obtain a private or commer- School officials also have talked with of the school taxes in June. administered by the Michigan THERE ARE 12.000 dogs in Canton. If the owner obtains a license within cial kennel license Department of Natural Resources. Canton Supervisor James Poole also is on the committee, which includes public officials, environmental representatives and awareness groups. Classes bolster arson investigation By Artana Funka 1982, investigators probed suspicious Plymouth, Plymouth Township. Can- with past records of starting suspicious usually a reasonable doubt since no- and Qary M. Cataa fires of both homes and cars Increased ton Northville, and Northville Town- WILLIAM MLRAWSKI of fires, he said body sees the person light the match, Canton recently graduated from a staff writer training enabled the Canton police to ship file charges in a few arson cases dating However, improved arson investiga- he said truck driver training program "at All of the Plymouth department's of- "Arson is the only crime vou convict Lansing Community College.
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