Monsters by CR

Monsters by CR

Trim this edge to fit in the book CR Monster! 1/4 Horse, riding! 1 Eagle, giant! 2 Saber-toothed tiger! 5 Gorgon! 9 Yeti, abominable! 0 Awakened shrub! 1/4 Kenku! 1 Ghoul! 2 Sahuagin, priestess! 5 Hag, night! 9 Yugoloth, nycaloth! 0 Baboon! 1/4 Kobold, winged (urd)! 1 Goblin, boss! 2 Shark, hunter! 5 Half-red dragon veteran! 10 Aboleth! 0 Badger! 1/4 Kuo-toa! 1 Harpy! 2 Skeleton, minotaur! 5 Lycanthrope, werebear! 10 Angel, deva! 0 Bat! 1/4 Lizard, giant! 1 Hippogriff! 2 Snake, giant constrictor! 5 NPC gladiator! 10 Demon, yochlol! 0 Cat! 1/4 Mephit, mud! 1 Hyena, giant! 2 Specter, poltergeist! 5 Otyugh! 10 Dragon, gold, young! 0 Crab! 1/4 Mephit, smoke! 1 Kuo-toa, whip! 2 Swarm of poisonous 5 Remorhaz, young! 10 Dragon, red, young! 0 Crawling claw! 1/4 Mephit, steam! 1 Lion! snakes! 5 Revenant! 10 Golem, stone! 0 Deer! 1/4 Modron, duodrone! 1 Modron, quadrone! 2 Will-o'-wisp! 5 Roper! 10 Naga, guardian! 0 Devil, lemure! 1/4 NPC acolyte! 1 Myconid, quaggoth 2 Zombie, ogre! 5 Sahuagin, baron! 10 Slaad, death! 0 Eagle! 1/4 Owl, giant! spore servant! 3 Basilisk! 5 Salamander! 11 Behir! 0 Fire beetle, giant! 1/4 Panther! 1 NPC spy! 3 Beholder, spectator! 5 Shambling mound! 11 Devil, horned! 0 Frog! 1/4 Pixie! 1 Octopus, giant! 3 Bugbear chief! 5 Shark, giant! 11 Genie, dao! 0 Fungi, shrieker! 1/4 Pseudodragon! 1 Ogre, half- (ogrillon)! 3 Devil, bearded! 5 Slaad, red! 11 Genie, djinni! 0 Goat! 1/4 Skeleton! 1 Salamander, fire snake! 3 Dinosaur, ankylosaurus! 5 Troll! 11 Genie, efreeti! 0 Hawk! 1/4 Snake, constrictor! 1 Scarecrow! 3 Displacer beast! 5 Umber hulk! 11 Genie, marid! 0 Homunculus! 1/4 Snake, giant 1 Specter! 3 Doppelganger! 5 Unicorn! 11 Remorhaz! 0 Hyena! poisonous! 1 Spider, giant! 3 Dragon, blue, wyrmling! 5 Vampire spawn! 11 Roc! 0 Jackal! 1/4 Spider, giant wolf! 1 Swarm of quippers! 3 Dragon, gold, wyrmling! 5 Wraith! 11 Sphinx, gynosphinx! 0 Lizard! 1/4 Sprite! 1 Thri-kreen! 3 Gith, githyanki warrior! 5 Xorn! 12 Devil, erinyes! 0 Myconid, sprout! 1/4 Swarm of bats! 1 Tiger! 3 Grell! 5 Yugoloth, mezzoloth! 12 NPC archmage! 0 NPC commoner! 1/4 Swarm of rats! 1 Toad, giant! 3 Hag, green! 5 Zombie, beholder! 12 Yugoloth, arcanaloth! 0 Octopus! 1/4 Swarm of ravens! 1 Vulture, giant! 3 Hell hound! 6 Chimera! 13 Demon, nalfeshnee! 0 Owl! 1/4 Troglodyte! 1 Yuan-ti, pureblood! 3 Hobgoblin, captain! 6 Cyclops! 13 Dragon, brass, adult! 0 Quipper! 1/4 Wolf! 1 (2) Faerie Dragon! 3 Hook horror! 6 Demon, chasme! 13 Dragon, white, adult! 0 Rat! 1/4 Zombie! 2 Animated object, rug of 3 Killer whale! 6 Demon, vrock! 13 Giant, storm! 0 Raven! 1/2 Ape! smothering! 3 Lycanthrope, werewolf! 6 Dragon, brass, young! 13 Rakshasa! 0 Scorpion! 1/2 Bear, black! 2 Ankheg! 3 Manticore! 6 Dragon, white, young! 13 Shadow dragon, red, 0 Sea horse! 1/2 Blight, vine! 2 Awakened tree! 3 Minotaur! 6 Drider! young! 0 Spider! 1/2 Cockatrice! 2 Azer! 3 Mummy! 6 Galeb duhr! 13 Vampire! 0 Vulture! 1/2 Crocodile! 2 Bear, polar! 3 Nightmare! 6 Gith, githzerai zerth! 13 Yugoloth, ultraloth! 0 Weasel! 1/2 Darkmantle! 2 Boar, giant! 3 NPC knight! 6 Hobgoblin, warlord! 13 (14) Beholder! 1/8 Blight, twig! 1/2 Fungi, gas spore! 2 Carrion crawler! 3 NPC veteran! 6 Invisible stalker! 14 Devil, ice! 1/8 Blood hawk! 1/2 Gnoll! 2 Centaur! 3 Owlbear! 6 Kuo-toa, archpriest! 14 Dragon, black, adult! 1/8 Camel! 1/2 Gnome, deep 2 Devil, spined! 3 Quaggoth, thonot! 6 Mammoth! 14 Dragon, copper, adult! 1/8 Crab, giant! (Svirfneblin)! 2 Dinosaur, allosaurus! 3 Scorpion, giant! 6 Medusa! 14 (15) Beholder, death 1/8 Demon, manes! 1/2 Goat, giant! 2 Dinosaur, plesiosaurus! 3 Spider, phase! 6 NPC mage! tyrant! 1/8 Flumph! 1/2 Hobgoblin! 2 Dragon, black, wyrmling! 3 Water weird! 6 Wyvern! 15 Dragon, bronze, adult! 1/8 Kobold! 1/2 Horse, war! 2 Dragon, bronze, 3 Wight! 7 Ape, giant! 15 Dragon, green, adult! 1/8 Mastiff! 1/2 Jackalwere! wyrmling! 3 Winter wolf! 7 Dragon, black, young! 15 Mummy lord! 1/8 Merfolk! 1/2 Lizardfolk! 2 Dragon, green, wyrmling!3 Yeti! 7 Dragon, copper, young! 15 Purple worm! 1/8 Modron, monodrone! 1/2 Magmin! 2 Dragon, silver, wyrmling! 3 Yuan-ti, malison! 7 Elf, drow, mage! 15 Vampire, spellcaster! 1/8 Mule! 1/2 Mephit, dust! 2 Dragon, white, wyrmling! 4 Banshee! 7 Giant, stone! 15 Vampire, warrior! 1/8 NPC bandit! 1/2 Mephit, ice! 2 Elk, giant! 4 Chuul! 7 Grick, alpha! 16 Angel, planetar! 1/8 NPC cultist! 1/2 Mephit, magma! 2 Ettercap! 4 Couatl! 7 Mind flayer! 16 Demon, marilith! 1/8 NPC guard! 1/2 Modron, tridrone! 2 Gargoyle! 4 Demon, shadow! 7 Oni (ogre mage)! 16 Dragon, blue, adult! 1/8 NPC noble! 1/2 Myconid, adult! 2 Ghoul, ghast! 4 Dragon, red, wyrmling! 7 Shield guardian! 16 Dragon, silver, adult! Trim this edge to fit in the book the in to fit edge this Trim 1/8 NPC tribal warrior! 1/2 NPC scout! 2 Gibbering mouther! 4 Elephant! 7 Slaad, blue! 16 Golem, iron! 1/8 Pony! 1/2 NPC thug! 2 Gith, githzerai monk! 4 Ettin! 7 Yuan-ti, abomination! 17 Death Knight! 1/8 Rat, giant! 1/2 Ooze, gray! 2 Gnoll, pack lord! 4 Flameskull! 8 Cloaker! 17 Demon, goristro! 1/8 Slaad, tadpole! 1/2 Orc! 2 Grick! 4 Ghost! 8 Demon, hezrou! 17 Dracolich, blue, adult! 1/8 Snake, flying! 1/2 Piercer! 2 Griffon! 4 Gnoll, fang of Yeenoghu! 8 Devil, chain! 17 Dragon turtle! 1/8 Snake, poisonous! 1/2 Rust monster! 2 Hag, sea! 4 Helmed horror! 8 Dinosaur, tyrannosaurus 17 Dragon, gold, adult! 1/8 Stirge! 1/2 Sahuagin! 2 Intellect devourer! 4 Lamia! rex! 17 Dragon, red, adult! 1/8 Weasel, giant! 1/2 Satyr! 2 Lizardfolk, shaman! 4 Lizardfolk, lizard king/ 8 Dragon, bronze, young! 17 Sphinx, androsphinx! 1/4 Aarakocra! 1/2 Sea horse, giant! 2 Lycanthrope, wererat! queen! 8 Dragon, green, young! 18 (21) Demilich! 1/4 Animated object, flying 1/2 Shadow! 2 Merrow! 4 Lycanthrope, wereboar! 8 Elf, drow, priestess of 19 Demon, balor! sword! 1/2 Shark, reef! 2 Mimic! 4 Lycanthrope, weretiger! Lolth! 20 Devil, pit fiend! 1/4 Axe beak! 1/2 Skeleton, warhorse! 2 Modron, pentadrone! 4 Naga, bone! 8 Fomorian! 20 Dragon, brass, ancient! 1/4 Badger, giant! 1/2 Swarm of insects! 2 Myconid, sovereign! 4 Ooze, black pudding! 8 Giant, frost! 20 Dragon, white, ancient! 1/4 Bat, giant! 1/2 Wasp, giant! 2 Nothic! 4 Orc war chief! 8 Gith, githyanki knight! 21 Angel, solar! 1/4 Blight, neede! 1/2 Worg! 2 NPC bandit captain! 4 Succubus/incubus! 8 Hydra! 21 Dragon, black, ancient! 1/4 Blink dog! 1 Animated object, 2 NPC berserker! 5 Bulette! 8 Mind flayer, arcanist! 21 Dragon, copper, 1/4 Boar! animated armor! 2 NPC cult fanatic! 5 Cambion! 8 Naga, spirit! ancient! 1/4 Bullywug! 1 Bear, brown! 2 NPC druid! 5 Crocodile, giant! 8 NPC assassin! 21 (22) Lich! 1/4 Centipede, giant! 1 Bugbear! 2 NPC priest! 5 Demon, barlgura! 8 Slaad, green! 22 Dragon, bronze, 1/4 Demon, dretch! 1 Death dog! 2 Ogre! 5 Devil, barbed! 9 Demong, glabrezu! ancient! 1/4 Dinosaur, pteranodon! 1 Demon, quasit! 2 Ooze, gelatinous cube! 5 Dinosaur, triceratops! 9 Devil, bone! 22 Dragon, green, ancient! 1/4 Elf, drow! 1 Devil, imp! 2 Ooze, ochre jelly! 5 Elemental, air! 9 Dragon, blue, young! 23 Dragon, blue, ancient! 1/4 Elk! 1 Dire wolf! 2 Orc, eye of Gruumsh! 5 Elemental, earth! 9 Dragon, silver, young! 23 Dragon, silver, ancient! 1/4 Frog, giant! 1 Dragon, brass, wyrmling!2 Orc, orog! 5 Elemental, fire! 9 Giant, cloud! 23 Empyrean! 1/4 Fungi, violet! 1 Dragon, copper, 2 Pegasus! 5 Elemental, water! 9 Giant, fire! 23 Kraken! 1/4 Goblin! wyrmling! 2 Peryton! 5 Elf, drow, elite warrior! 9 Golem, clay! 24 Dragon, gold, ancient! 1/4 Grimlock! 1 Dryad! 2 Quaggoth! 5 Giant, hill! 9 Slaad, gray! 24 Dragon, red, ancient! 1/4 Horse, draft! 1 Duergar! 2 Rhinoceros! 5 Golem, flesh! 9 Treant! 30 Tarrasque.

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