Catalogue of China Dangerous Chemical, Ver. 2002

Catalogue of China Dangerous Chemical, Ver. 2002

Catalogue of China Dangerous Chemical, Ver. 2002 China DG No. Category Sub-Category Chinese Name Chinese Alias English Name English Alias CAS No. UN No. No Barium azide,dry or 迭氮(化)钡[干的或含水 1 Explosive 1.1 11018 wetted with less than 18810-58-7 224 <50%] 50% water,by mass Lead azide, wetted with not less than 20% 迭氮(化)铅[含水或水加 2 Explosive 1.1 11019 water, or mixture of 13424-46-9 129 乙醇≥20%] alcohol andwater,by mass 3 Explosive 1.1 11020 重氮甲烷 Diazomethane 334-88-3 Diazodinitrophenol,wette d with not less than 40% 二硝基重氮酚[含水或水 4 Explosive 1.1 11021 重氮二硝基苯酚 water,or mixture of Dinitrodiazophenol 87-31-0 74 加乙醇≥40%] alcohol and water,by mass Lead trinitroresorcinate,wetted 三硝基间苯二酚铅[含水 with not less than 20% 5 Explosive 1.1 11022 收敛酸铅 Lead styphnate 63918-97-8 130 或水加乙醇≥20%] water,or mixture of alcohol and water,by mass Guanyl nitrosaminoguanylidene 脒基亚硝氨基脒基叉肼 6 Explosive 1.1 11023 hydrazine, wetted with 113 [含水≥30%] not less than30% water,by mass Guanyl nitrosaminoguanyltetraz 脒基亚硝氨基脒基四氮烯 ene, wetted with not less 7 Explosive 1.1 11024 [含水或水加乙醇≥ 四氮烯; 特屈拉辛 Tetrazene 109-27-3 114 than 30% water,or 30%] mixture of alcohol and water,by mass 1/215 Catalogue of China Dangerous Chemical, Ver. 2002 China DG No. Category Sub-Category Chinese Name Chinese Alias English Name English Alias CAS No. UN No. No Mercury fulminate,wetted with not less than 20% 雷(酸)汞[含水或水加乙 8 Explosive 1.1 11025 water,or mixture of 628-86-4 135 醇≥20%] alcohol and water,by mass Perchloric 9 Explosive 1.1 11026 高氯酸[浓度>72%] 7601-90-3 acid(containing>72%) Nitroguanidine,dry or 硝基胍[干的或含水< 10 Explosive 1.1 11027 橄苦岩 wetted with less than Picrite 556-88-7 282 20%] 20% water,by mass 11 Explosive 1.1 11028 硝基脲 Nitro urea 556-89-8 147 Urea nitrate,dry or 硝酸脲[干的或含水< 12 Explosive 1.1 11029 wetted with less than 124-47-0 220 20%] 20% water,by mass 13 Explosive 1.1 11030 硝酸重氮苯 Diazobenzene nitrate Nitrostarch,dry or wetted 硝化淀粉[干的或含水< 14 Explosive 1.1 11031 with less than 20% 9056-38-6 146 20%] water, by mass Nitrocellulose,dry or 硝化纤维素[干的或含水 wetted with less than 15 Explosive 1.1 11032 硝化棉 Nitrocotton 9004-70-0 340 (或乙醇)<25%] 25% water(or alcohol),by mass Nitrocellulose,plasticized 硝化纤维素[含增塑剂< with less than 18% 16 Explosive 1.1 11032 9004-70-0 341 18%] plasticizing substance ,by mass Nitroglycerin,desensitize 硝化丙三醇[含不挥发、 d with not less than 40% 甘油三硝酸酯; 硝化 Nitroglycerine; 17 Explosive 1.1 11033 不溶于水的钝感剂≥ non-volatile water- 55-63-0 143 甘油 Glycerin trinitrate 40%] insoluble phlegmatizer,by mass 2/215 Catalogue of China Dangerous Chemical, Ver. 2002 China DG No. Category Sub-Category Chinese Name Chinese Alias English Name English Alias CAS No. UN No. No Nitroglycerin solution in 硝化丙三醇乙醇溶液[含 alcoiol with more than Glycerin trinilrate 18 Explosive 1.1 11034 硝化甘油乙醇溶液 144 硝化甘油1%~10%] 1% but not more than solution in alcohol 10% nitroglycerin Trinitrotoluene,dry or 2,4,6-三硝基甲苯[干的 19 Explosive 1.1 11035 梯恩梯(TNT) wetted with less than T.N.T 118-96-7 209 或含水<30%] 30% water,by mass 2,4,6-三硝基甲苯与铝混 Trinitrotoluene mixed 20 Explosive 1.1 11036 特里托纳尔 Tritonal 390 合物 with aluminium 三硝基甲苯与三硝基苯混 Trinitrotoluene and 21 Explosive 1.1 11037 388 合物 trinitrobenzene mixtures Trinitrotoluene and Trinitrotoluene and 三硝基甲苯与六硝基-1,2- 三硝基甲苯与六硝基 22 Explosive 1.1 11037 hexanitro-1,2- hexanitrostilbene 388 二苯乙烯混合物 芪混合物 diphenylethene mixtures mixtures Trinitrotoluene and Trinitrotoluene 三硝基甲苯与三硝基苯和 trinitrobenzene and 三硝基甲苯与三硝基 mixtures containing 23 Explosive 1.1 11038 六硝基-1,2-二苯乙烯混合 hexanitro -1,2- 389 苯和六硝基芪混合物 trinitrobenzene and 物 diphenylethene hexanitrostilbene mixtures Trinitrotoluene and Trinitrotoluene 三硝基甲苯与硝基萘混合 24 Explosive 1.1 11039 梯萘炸药 nitronaphthalene nitronaphthalene 物 mixtures explsives 2,4,6- 25 Explosive 1.1 11040 2,4,6-三硝基苯甲硝胺 特屈儿 Trinitrophenylmethylnitra Tetryl 479-45-8 208 mine Cyclotrimethylenetrinitra 环三次甲基三硝胺[含水 mine,wetted with not 26 Explosive 1.1 11041 黑索金; 旋风炸药 Hexogen; Cyclonite 121-82-4 72 ≥15%] less than 15% water,by mass 环三次甲基三硝胺[钝感 Cyclotrimethylenetrinitra 27 Explosive 1.1 11041 Hexogen; Cyclonite 121-82-4 483 的] mine,desensitized 3/215 Catalogue of China Dangerous Chemical, Ver. 2002 China DG No. Category Sub-Category Chinese Name Chinese Alias English Name English Alias CAS No. UN No. No Cyclotrimethylenetrinitra 环三次甲基三硝胺与三硝 mine and trinitrotoluene Hexogen and TNT 28 Explosive 1.1 11042 基甲苯混合物[干的或含 黑索雷特 mixtures,(dry or wetted mixed 118 水<15%] with less than 15% explosives;Hexolite water,by mass) Cyclotrimethylenetrinitra Hexogen and TNT, 黑索金与梯恩梯和铝 mine and 环三次甲基三硝胺与三硝 Aluminium powder 29 Explosive 1.1 11043 粉混合炸药; 黑索托 trinitrotoluene, 393 基甲苯和铝粉混合物 mixed explosives; 纳尔 aluminium powder Hexatonal,cast mixtures Cyclotrimethylenetrinitra mine and 环三次甲基三硝胺与环四 cyclotetramethylenetetra 次甲基四硝胺混合物[含 黑索金与奥克托金混 nitramine Hexogen and 30 Explosive 1.1 11044 391 水≥15%或含钝感剂≥ 合物 mixtures,wetted with not octogen mixtures 10%] less than 15% water,by mass or desensitized with not Cyclotetramethylenetetra 环四次甲基四硝胺[含水 nitramine,wetted with not 31 Explosive 1.1 11046 奥克托金(HMX) Octogen 2691-41-0 226 ≥15%] less than 15% water,by mass 环四次甲基四硝胺[钝感 Cyclotetramethylenetetra 32 Explosive 1.1 11046 2691-41-0 484 的] nitramine, Desensitized Cyclotetramethylenetetra nitramine and 环四次甲基四硝胺与三硝 Mixed powder of 奥克托金与梯恩梯混 trinitrotoluene 33 Explosive 1.1 11047 基甲苯混合物[干的或含 octogen and 266 合炸药; 奥克雷特 mixtures,dry or wetted 水<15%] TNT; Octolite with less than 15% water,by mass 4/215 Catalogue of China Dangerous Chemical, Ver. 2002 China DG No. Category Sub-Category Chinese Name Chinese Alias English Name English Alias CAS No. UN No. No Pentaerythrite tetranitrate,wetted with not less than 25% 季戊四醇四硝酸酯[含水 water,by mass or 34 Explosive 1.1 11049 泰安; 喷梯尔 PETN 1978/11/5 150 ≥25%或含钝感剂≥15%] pentaerythrite tetranitrate, desensitized with not less than 15%phleg Pentaerythrite 季戊四醇四硝酸酯[含蜡 35 Explosive 1.1 11049 tetranitrate with not less 1978/11/5 411 ≥7%] than 7% wax,by mass Pentaerythrite tetranitrate and Mixed powder of 季戊四醇四硝酸酯与三硝 泰安与梯恩梯混合炸 trinitrotoluene pentaerythrite 36 Explosive 1.1 11050 基甲苯混合物[干的或含 151 药; 彭托雷特 mixtures,dry or wetted tetranitrate and TNT; 水<15%] with less than 15% Pentolite water,by mass Dinitrophenol, dry or 二硝基(苯)酚[干的或含 37 Explosive 1.1 11052 wetted with less than 25550-58-7 76 水<15%] 15% water,by mass Dinitroresorcinol,dry or 二硝基间苯二酚[干的或 38 Explosive 1.1 11053 wettedwith less than 519-44-8 78 含水<15%] 15% water,by mass 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene,dry 1,3,5-三硝基苯[干的或 39 Explosive 1.1 11054 均三硝基苯 or wetted with less than Sym-Trinitrobenzene 99-35-4 214 含水<30%] 30% water,by mass 40 Explosive 1.1 11055 2,4,6-三硝基二甲苯 2,4,6-Trinitroxylene 632-92-8 2,4,6- 41 Explosive 1.1 11056 2,4,6-三硝基氯(化)苯 苦基氯 Picryl chloride 88-88-0 155 Trinitrochlorobenzene 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol,dry 2,4,6-三硝基苯酚[干的 42 Explosive 1.1 11057 苦味酸 or wetted with less than Picric acid 88-89-1 154 或含水<30%] 30% water,by mass Sodium 2,4,6- 43 Explosive 1.1 11058 2,4,6-三硝基苯酚钠 苦味酸钠 Sodium picrate 3324-58-1 trinitrophenate 5/215 Catalogue of China Dangerous Chemical, Ver. 2002 China DG No. Category Sub-Category Chinese Name Chinese Alias English Name English Alias CAS No. UN No. No Ammonium 2,4,6- 2,4,6-三硝基苯酚铵[干 trinitrophenate,dry or 44 Explosive 1.1 11059 苦味酸铵 Ammonium picrate 131-74-8 4 的或含水<10%] wetted with less than 10% water,by mass 45 Explosive 1.1 11060 三硝基间甲酚 Trinitro-m-cresol 602-99-3 216 46 Explosive 1.1 11061 2,4,6-三硝基间苯二酚 收敛酸 2,4,6-Trinitroresorcinol Styphnic acid 82-71-3 0219, 039 Trinitrophenyl methyl 47 Explosive 1.1 11062 三硝基苯甲醚 三硝基茴香醚 Trinitroanisole 606-35-9 213 ether 48 Explosive 1.1 11063 三硝基苯乙醚 Trinitrophenetole 4732-14-3 218 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzoic 2,4,6-三硝基苯甲酸[干 acid,dry or wetted with Sym-Trinitrobenzic 49 Explosive 1.1 11064 三硝基安息香酸 129-66-8 215 的或含水<30%] less than 30% water,by acid mass Trinitrobenzene 50 Explosive 1.1 11065 三硝基苯磺酸 2508-19-2 386 sulphonic acid Sodium 2,4,6- 51 Explosive 1.1 11066 2,4,6-三硝基苯磺酸钠 trinitrobenzene-sulfonate 52 Explosive 1.1 11067 2,4,6-三硝基苯胺 苦基胺 2,4,6-Trinitroaniline Picramide 489-98-5 153 53 Explosive 1.1 11068 2,3,4,6-四硝基苯胺 2,3,4,6-Tetranitroaniline 3698-54-2 207 54 Explosive 1.1 11069 三硝基芴酮 Trinitrofluorenone 129-79-3 387 55 Explosive 1.1 11070 三硝基萘 Trinitronaphthalene 217 56 Explosive 1.1 11071 四硝基萘 Tetranitronaphthalene 28995-89-3 Tetranitro-1- 57 Explosive 1.1 11072 四硝基萘胺 naphthylamine 58 Explosive 1.1 11073 六硝基二苯胺 六硝炸药; 二苦基胺 Hexanitrodiphenylamine Hexyl; Dipicrylamine 131-73-7 79 Dipicrylamine 59 Explosive 1.1 11074 六硝基二苯胺铵盐 曙黄 Aurantia ammonium salt Hexanitro 六硝基二苯硫[干的或含 diphenylsulfide,dry or 60 Explosive 1.1 11075 二苦基硫 Dipicryl sulfide 28930-30-5 401 水<10%] wetted with less than 10% water,by mass 6/215 Catalogue of China Dangerous Chemical, Ver. 2002 China DG No. Category Sub-Category Chinese Name Chinese Alias English Name English Alias CAS No. UN No. No Hexanitro-1,2- 61 Explosive 1.1 11076 六硝基-1,2-二苯乙烯 六硝基芪 Hexanitrostilbene 20062-22-0 392 diphenylethylene Mannitol hexanitrate,wetted with 甘露糖醇六硝酸酯[含水 not less than 40% 62 Explosive 1.1 11077 六硝基甘露醇 Hexanitromannite 15825-70-4 133 或水加乙醇≥40%] water,or mixture of alcohol and water,by mass Diethyleneglycol dinitrate,desensitized 二乙二醇二硝酸酯[含不 with not less than 25% 63 Explosive 1.1 11078 挥发、不溶于水的钝感剂 二甘醇二硝酸酯 Diglycol dinitrate 693-21-0 75 non-volatile,water ≥25%] insoluble phlegmatizer,by mass Trinitroethyl 64 Explosive 1.1 11079 甲基丙烯酸三硝基乙酯 methacrylate 65 Explosive 1.1 11080 5-硝基苯并三唑 硝基连三氮杂茚 5-Nitrobenzotriazole 2338/12/7 385 66 Explosive 1.1 11081 高氯酸铵 Ammonium perchlorate 7790-98-9 402 Ammonium nitrate,with more than 0 2% 硝酸铵[含可燃物> combustible substances, 0.2%,包括以碳计算的任 67 Explosive 1.1 11082 including any organic 6484-52-2 222 何有机物,但不包括任何 substance calculated as 其它添加剂] carbon,to the exclusion of any other Ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵肥料[比硝酸铵 fertilizer, which ismore (含可燃物>0.2%,包括以 liable to explode 68 Explosive 1.1 11083 碳计算的任何有机物,但 than ammonium nitrate 223 不包括任何其它添加剂) with 0 2% combustible 更易爆炸] aubstance, including any organic subs Ammonium nitrate 69 Explosive 1.1 11084 硝铵炸药 铵梯炸药 explosive 7/215 Catalogue of China Dangerous Chemical, Ver.

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