APPEAL DENIED, LIZAMA STILL NOT JAILED SAIPAN--Although the weeks preceeding the of the person seen in matory atmosphere sur~ ceration rather than criminal appeal of trial and during the the Garapan house in­ rounding the case." be taken in by members Joaquin Lizama from a trial, the case was cluded "w o r k i n g" Captain Mariano Tor­ of the Police Depart­ conviction of burglary highly publicized and clothes of only under­ res of the Marianas ment. was denied on Septem­ discussed daily by the wear and a rice sack Department of Public An agreement was ber 15, 1975, Lizama residents of Saipan. over his head. The Safety stated on Sai­ reached with the Pub­ has not been placed in Several homes had been case itself was termed pan this week that he lic Defender's Office jail to begin serving broken into in the "bizzare" by Chief had hoped that upon on Wednesday, Septem­ the remainder of his early morning hours, Justice Harold Burnett learning of the appe41 ber 17, 1975, that five year jail sen- more than one woman and the defendant's denial, Lizama would Lizama would surrender had allegedly raped, attorney stated that turn himself over to to the police at 9:00 tence. 1 In the several and the modus operandi there was an ' inflam- the police for incar- CON'T ON PAGE 10 ·maua11a~~ 1lew1 &"iew& WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED CN SAIPAN, M.I. 96950 SEPEMBER 19, 1975 VOL. 4 NO. 27 PRICE 15¢ ZEDER DRECTS CONTROL OF TT VEHICLES Saipan-Mobil O i 1 that "this particular through competitive within the scope of the use in the Trust Micronesia f i 1 e d a product, "Black Oil" bidding. the agreement dated Territory of units of complain! on August or Residual #6, was Beginning in Janu­ June 30, 1966. the United St ates 1 8, for Declaratory not listed in Schedule ary, 1 9 7 5, discus­ The complaint states government, the use of Judgement against the D of the 1966 Agree­ sions, were held bet­ that in a 5 year con­ foreign flag vessels Trust Territory Gov­ ment between the Trust ween Mobil and TT gov­ tract signed by Mobil in distress and the ernment to determine Territory and Mobil ernment officials con­ and the TTPI, Mobil use of any other third if the TT is obliga­ Oil Micronesia, Inc. cerning Mobil supply­ "agreed to sell to~the parties which the de­ ted to purchase oil The TT is claiming ing fuel. oil for use defendant and the de­ fendant was then sup­ from Mobil for the new that they are not in the power barge. fendant agreed to buy piying pursuant to an barge, "Impe d ence. II bound by the previous During their discus­ from the plaintiff de­ existing contract. In a letter to Brian contract with Mobil to sions, Mobil "took the fendant's requirements It is said that the Fraser, Manager of Mo­ purchase this particu­ position 1 that fuel of petroleum products power barge uses about bil Oil Micronesia in lar oil from Mobil and o i 1, of whatever ex bulk plant for de­ 20,000 barrels of fuel Guam, Francisco Ada, they have notified the grade, to be used in fendant's own use, the oil per month. At Marianas District Ad­ company that they plan said power barge is a use of Trust Territory first Mobil was ask­ ministrator stated to seek a supplier petroleum product governmental units, ing $17.50 per barrel CON'T ON PAGE 10 MOBIL FILES COMPLAINT AGAINST TT SAIPAN--In an effort to Force which traveled to Mi­ trally control all those ve­ some vehicles for their pro­ cut down abuse of TT Head­ cronesia in July to investi­ hicles which become a part gr am needs but "the ma in te­ quarters vehicles and to gate the area of government of the new motor pool. Under nance of old cars, purchase more efficiently use the ve­ owned vehicles. As a result the system the department of new cars, and overal1 hicles available, the TT is of this review the TT Manual heads will still maintain management of the motor pool in the process of setting up of Administration section on responsibility for use of a central motor pool under !!Government Owned Vehicles CON' T ON PAGE 11 the complete authority of Management" was revised as Francis A. Baldwin-Chief of of August 25th. TT Operations and Mainte­ Previously, department di­ nance. rectors had complete author­ Fred Zeder, Director of ity in the purchasing, main­ Territorial Affairs, in­ tenance and use of TT vehi­ structed the Interior Task cles. Now Baldwin will cen- Saipan Headstart a'lasses opens, see story on page - 3 PAGE 2 MA~IANAS VARIETY NEWS ANV VIEWS, SEPTEMBER 19, 1975 Work Release Program For Prisoners SAIPAN--An innovative pro­ the individual must report according to Torres, spend a television, radio? stereo cedure in dealing with per­ back to the court, the sus­ several days in the boonies set, lockers, and bunk beds sona convicted of crimes in pended jail sentence may be searching for materials for for the 12 prisoners. Pri­ the Marianas District has revoked, and the individual the signs as no funds have soners are assigned on a ro­ been initiated by the newly will be required to serve been allocated for traffic tation basis to serve as appointed Marianas District the remainder of his sus­ sign material. cook for the 12 men assigned Attorney Linsey Freeman. pended sentence in jail. Torres stated that with to the jail. Freeman explained that the A second individual who the institution of, the new District Public Safety of­ new work release type pro­ was found guilty of involun­ government, he hopes to have ficials are very optimistic gram will "concentrate less tary manslaughter and who is money appropriated to the abour these programs and on dail terms" and more on involved in the innovative public safety division to foresee major benefits de­ giving these individuals an program must keep Micro improve the present jail fa- from these work projects-not opportunity to have some Beach, the grass area, and ·cilities. The present faci­ only because the individuals constructive "fnput" into the parking area clean for a lity includes a dormitory themselves will become more conaunity life in the dis­ period of one year, includ­ type structure with one room constructive members of the trict. ing removing all litter from serving as both a bedroom community, but the community Examples of work programs the area. The Probation Of­ and dining area and a sepa­ itself will become more that have been formulated ficer must submit a progress rate kitchen area. Found in beautiful through the ef­ for individuals who received report to the court on the the bedroom/dining area are forts of these individnals. suspended jail sentences in­ condition of Micro Beach ev­ clude programs that specify ery three months beginning the nuaber of hours the in­ November 1975. The defen­ dividual must be involved in dant must work on the clean­ coaaunity projects and pro­ ing project at least one day grams with a specified com­ per week. Failure to perform munity projects that must be the clean-up will result in undertaken by the individu­ the imprisonment for the ba­ als with suspended senten­ lance of the unexpired pri­ ces. The Marianas District son term. Pro-ation Officer will au­ Captain Mariano Torres of pervise the individuals in­ the Department of Public volved in the work progr am. Safety explained that the Freemen stated that judges prisoners presently serving in both the District Court jail sentences are also in­ and in the High Court have volved in the projects been extremely cooperative throughout the district. One with the new program and in of the m:>st recent pro~.ects many cases are substituting in which the prisoners were comnunity work projects for involved saved the district serving of jail sentences. approximately three to four FOR EVERY Under the conditions of thousand dollars, Torres ex­ TEN DOLLAR suspension of a three year plained. The prisoners reno­ jail term, one individual vated the detention cells ROLL OF who pleaded guilty to a bur­ and converted the dilapida­ glary charge was placed an-, ted cells into their origi­ .QUARTERS der the supet:Vision of the nal conditiop . including District Court Judge in Rota painting the cells and the BOUGHT who, in consultation with bars, removing defective the Mayor of Rota, will as­ toilets, and making new AND PLAYED sign the 32 year old male to structures for beds. various comiunity projects Captain Torres also ex­ You "for the comuni ty ' s good", plained that prisoners are ,.,, and the defendant in the assigned to cut trees along will receive court action "will devote a Beach Road that interfere AAFADAI BEACH HBTEL total of ten (10) Saturdays, with power lines and cut one chance eight (8) hours each Satur­ trees along secondary roads JACKPOT day on these projects." If that interfere with moto­ ROOM to win a the Judge feels that he is rist's vision. The prisoners not complying with orders, also make traffic signs, and - STAfF: Btr..e.n.da. Ma.t.:th~ - Re.polvtell. NEW DATSUN MARIANAS Rhonda. Ho.e.1..a.na - PhD.to./Re.pOJttell. FIUUtk. Cama.C' ho - GM.phic. Alc;tu.,:t. UARIETYN.!: Be.n Re.yu - Ptuntell. 1200 Susana Aiuan - Sel!P.etary Pub.luihe.d by YOUNTS ART STUVIC DRAWING WILL BE HELD ON NEW YEAR'S DAY p.Q.
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