Eighth Series, No.22 Monday, March 24,1986 Chaitra,3,1908 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fifth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price: Rs., 50,00 CONTENTS No. 22, MolU/ay, Marcli 24, 1986/Chaltra, 3, 1908 (Saka) COJ..UMNS Oral An,.swers to Questions : •starred Questions Nos. 414, 41S, 417 to 420 426 and 427 ••• 1·30 Written Answers to Questions : "'Starred Questions Nos. 409 to 413, 416, 421 to 425 and 428 •It , . Unstarred Questions Nos. 3883 to 4017, and 4019 to 4043 -.aapers laid on the table Committee on Papers laid on the table Sixth and Seventh Report ... 339-344 (:ommittee on papers laid on the table Minutes ... 344 Railway convention Committee Second action taken report ... 345 Statel'l\lftf Re : Clarification of earlier statement on drought and natural calamities made on 19th March 1986 Shri Yogendra Makwana 345-3,46 Election to committee- (i) Committee on estimates 346 (ii) and (iii) Committee on public accounts ... 346-347 (iv) and (v) Committee on public undertakings ... 347-348 (vi) and (vii) Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and scheduled tribes ... 348-350 Business Advisory Committee- Twenty-Second Report ... 3SO *The Sign+marked above the name of a Member indicates that the quosti011 waa actiiatt, askod on the floor of the House by thataMemberi (I) N11d to cUroc:t NatioDal mineral corpor1tiot1 to aet up development Corporation to set up a tin factol')' fa Bastar diacrict of Madhya Pradoab Shri Manturam Sodi U• (ii) Allocation of more funds for Telec:C)mtnunicati•H1 dfpartment durina Seventh Five Ycar Plan Shri Anoop Chand Shah ••• J51 (iii) t>ctnand to introduce Air Service to Sa1ar in Madhya Pradoab Shri Dal Chander Jain ••• U2 (iv) Measures needed to develop Paradecp Port by ~finalisin1 ioutb Korean Package offer and to complete Jakhpura Banspani Railway Line Shri Sriballav Paniarabi 352-353 (v) Need to set up small and medium scale industries in ~o1ar district oi Xarnataka Dr. V. Venkatesb ••• ,s3 (vi) ltiatallatfon of hiah power T. V. transmitter in Churu Diatrict c,f R.ajastban Shri Narendra Budania ••• (vii) Need to provide a lastina solution to the boundary iilfJIUt• between Uttar Pradesh and Bihar Prof. K. IC. Tewary ••• (vii)) )leed to reconsider the decision to import C.A.B. 1ipal and automatic train protection system and tbt 10.r,bisticated Antenna system Shri Bhattam Srirama Murty ... (i1) ~ted to construct railway bridges at Kbusbki B11ll railway crossing and at the Railway Station. ia Ban• ..akhi area or Purnea diatrict of Bihat· Shrimati MadurH Sin11l ••• .Dtllucls for 1t111t1 (General), 1986·17 Ministry of B:rternal Affairs Sbri P. Kolandaivolu ... 3$1... 53 l'rof. X.K. Tewary ••• 360-3'4 Dr. 0. S. Dhillon ••• 361-373 Prof. P. J. Kuricn ••• 373.462 Sbri Balwant Si111h Ramoowatia ... 37~462 l'rof. N. G. Rania ••• 3&+.390 - Shrimati Meira Kumar ... 398-,391 Shri Indrajit Gupta ... 391-.461 Shri Mellappally Ramachandran ... aiOMOI Shri P. Namsyal ... 408-412 Shri K. P. Unnikrishnan 412-461 Prof. Narain Chand Parashar 417-421 Sbri Abdul Rashid Kabuli ... 421-427 Dr. G. S. Rajhans ... 427 Shri G. M. Banatwalla ... 429-"'0 Shri B. R. Bhaaat ... 434-464 Statutory resolution Re : Disapproval of the Ravi and Beas waters tribunal ordinance, 1986 and Inter-State Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill Motion to consider Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee ... Sbri B. Shankaranand LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA Should I adjourn the H ousc today to celebrate a holiday, if you so desire? Shri N. Dennis-Absent, Monday, March 24, 1986/ Choltro 3, 1908 (Saka) · Shri Kali Prasad Pandey. Someone has to break this chain of absence. Th, Lok Sabha met 11t . SHRI KALI PRASAD PANDEY : Bl,ven of th~ Clock. S1nce I come from Bibar, I 1baJJ have to break it. Houtia1 problem (Mlt. SP!!AKER in the ChairJ + SHRI KALI PRASAD OR.AL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS PANDEY: SHRI SHANTI DHAR.IWAL : [Tra111lation] Will the Minister of URBAN DEVE- Mll. SPEAKER : Shri Tariq Anwar- LOPMENT be pleased to state whether Absent. Government contemplate any positive mea· surcs at the Central level or to give suit- The very beainnin& is wrona. able directions to States to expedite the Shri Sarfaraz Ahmad-Absent. solution to housing oroblem, especia!ly keeping in view the growth in population AN HON. MEMBER : Shri Sarfaraz and consequent pressure on land? Ahmad is also conspicuous by his absence. {Eng'/Jsh) MR. SPEAKER : Shri Anand Sinah- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Absent. MINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOP- MENT (SHRJ DALBIR SINGH) : Ghafoor Saheb miaht have told them With a view to removing the housing inadequacy THE MINISTER OF URBAN DEVE- and expediting solution of the housioa LOPMENT (SHRI ABDUL GHAFOOR): problem, the following measures have been All of them are in a holiday mood. undertaken : THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE (1) Provision of shelter facilities to the entire shelterless population (S. BUTA SINGH) : All the four bolona by 2000 A.D. per IYSH objec- to Bihar. as ( lnturuptlon,) tive has been accepted by the Government. , MR.. SPEAKER : Ghafoor Sabeb, you are ready, but there may be connivance (2) The level of investment in the 1mon1 the boo. Mombers from Bibar. Public Sector during the 7th Pla.n has been raised to Rs. 2.4SS Shri Hussain Dalwai-Abscnt. crores against Rs. 1,491 crorcs in the 6th Plan. So, it i1 hat-trick today. (3) Under the 20.Point Proarammc Dr. T. JCalpana Povf-Abstnt. which is "'ins implemeated a, an essential part of State Plans, this amount in 20 to 22 years and only flve schem~ for distribution of deve- per cent interest wilJ be charged thereon. loped housing sites- 1lrid construc- tion assistance have been included. SHill K'ALI PRASAD PANDEY : In Moreover. the States are bein1 my xnain question, l had. asted ahout tho ,eSli&ted under the tinancin1 ,pro- possession of su;;h Jand which was purcha· . ,1rammcs of Housina & ·urban sed in the name of house co·nstruction but Development Corporation for the 1ater on luxury hotel .came up there. I schemes ·for housing of ecenomi- want to know what action does Govern- caJly weaker sections and low ment propose to take in such cases of income group families. illeaal construction and -the time by which action will be taken in this reaard? [Trar,slation] 1 SHRI DALBIR SINGH : If the hon. $Hill KALI PR.ASAD PANDEY : Member give, specific , information, we Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to know from the us shalJ inquire into that and Jet him know. hon. Minister whether it is a fact that non- regularisation of unauthorised colonies is MR. SPEAKER : The question was also adding to this problem? Herc in on something ef se and y-00 are hlttina sixes 'Delhi and in tbe''·neighbouring area·s, it has unnecessarily. been found that ~everal people purchase a amaU piece of land for tho purpose of SHRI KALI PRASAD PANDEY : constructing a house but instead construct Sir, you did not object when si:ites were hit. hotels by encroaching on public Jand. The that day. iDstance of Vikram Hotel is there. Its reaistration was done in the name of a MR. SPEAKER : Go on hittina taouse but it ended up in a hote' worth crores of rupees. Therefore, I want to SHRI KALI PRASAD PANDEY ,knew whether illegal occupation is also one Here is my second supplementary, may I of the basic reasons; and if so, what steps know whether non-availability of loans on does the Government propose to take to lower rates of interest to the needy people, check it? Group Housiug Societies and colonisers SHRI DALBIR SINGH : Sir, so far also add to housing problem ? · at the question of the hon. Member with 'te1ard to the•regularisation of' unauthorised SHRI DALBIR SINGH : I · <h> not ·· c,t;lonies is concerned, the Government is agree with the hon. Member on this point. constantly seized of the matter. Although, ·We have been doins it all aloq for the ·I bad replied to a s;milar question last weaker sections. Besides, a review of the time also, yet I would say t.hat we have 20-Point Ptoaramme was again made in two schemes of rural sites and urban sites · 1982. The Central Government . always in this regard. These schemes are of two gives dir6Cdom to the Stat.es in tbis .. regard. <types. The first is for the people belong- Although !.oJ~ing is a State subject, yet it ing to ·economically weaker sections Jiving is with a view to c.ater to the interests of in urban areas and the second scheme weaker sections that we, arc celebratln1 the · :which we have is of full assistance. A year 1987 as •House for the Houselcss' provision of Rs. 577 crores has been made InternauonaJ Year and this is the resolve for landless workers in the Seventh of the U.N.O. too. Not only in India, Five Year Plan under which Rs. 500/- for · this year is -being celebrated the World site development and another Rs. 2000/- "O\ler. We have adopted this :appIOach for house construction have been provided keeping -:in· view the· ,bousiq ,problem in ,the for each family. The income ceiling of country and the Central Government \eeps Rs. 350/· in respect oft.he people belonging a constant watch o~er it. to economically weaker sections Jiving in ' ''u'rb•ri 'areas ·has now been· raised to Rs. {En1/lalt} · "'700.', The loan for, house· conttruction has been raised to Rs. S,OCXJ/· as aaainst Rs • SHIU CHARANJIT SINGH WALIA: 3,0CIJ/· previously. Tl1oy will bave to rtpa.v .
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