Barotseland Bibliography General This list comprises miscellaneous works, across the disciplines, that either focus on or relate in part to the Upper Zambezi Valley region and/or its peoples, known variously as Barotseland; Western Province, Zambia; Western Zambia, North-Western Zambia; North-Western Rhodesia; Lozi/Malozi/Barotse/Marotse/Murutse; Luyi; Mbunda; Balovale; Luvale; Nkoya; Caprivi; Few/Mafwe; Subia/Subiya/Basubiya/Masubiya; Mbukushu/Hambukushu; Ila/BaIla/Mashukulumbwe/Bashukulumbwe. This is a general bibliography. No attempt has been made in this list to divide into social or physical aspects or other subject categories. Thus the best use of this list would probably be as an author search. Arnot, F.S. (1969) Garenganze or Seven Year’s Pioneer Work in Central Africa [New edition of 1889 work], Frank Cass, London. Baker, E. (1921) The Life and Explorations of Frederick Stanley Arnot, Seeley Service and Co., London. Barkved, E. (1996) ‘A report on water management in the Zambezi River Basin in the 1950s’ Zambezi Documentation Study, Centre for Development Studies, University of Bergen, Norway. Baxter, T W. (1951a) ‘The Barotse concessions: Part I’ Northern Rhodesia Journal, 1, 3, 39- 49. ______(1951b) 'The Barotse Concessions Part II', Northern Rhodesia Journal, 1, 4, 38-45. ______(1963) ‘The concessions of Northern Rhodesia’ The National Archives of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Occasional Papers No. 1, pp 3-41. Beguin, E. (1903) Les Ma-Rotse, Librairie Benda, Lausanne. Bennett, P.R. (1970) ‘Sesotho-Lozi: a clue to the evolution of multi-level tonal systems,’ Journal of African Languages, 9, 153-64. Bertrand, A. (1897) ‘From the Machili to Lealui’, Geographical Journal, 9, 2, 145-149. ______(1899)The Kingdom of the Barotsi of Upper Zambezia, T. Fisher Unwin, London. Boggie, J.M. (1940) First Steps in Civilising Rhodesia, Philpott and Collins, Edinburgh (partic. Chap. 23-26). Bond, G. and Clark, J.D. (1954) ‘The quaternary sequence in the Middle Zambezi Valley,’ The South African Archaeological Bulletin, 9. 36 115-130. Bostoen, K. (2007) ‘Bantu plant names as indicators of linguistic stratigraphy in the Western Province of Zambia’ in Payne, D.L. and Peña, J. (Eds.) Selected Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, 16-29. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project (http://www.lingref.com/cpp/acal/37/paper1592.pdf) Bradley, K. (1959) ‘Statesmen: Coryndon and Lewanika in North-Western Rhodesia’ Northern Rhodesia Journal, 4, 2, 127-134. Bradshaw, B.F. (1881) ‘Notes on the Chobe River, South Central Africa’, Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, 3, 208-213. Brelsford, W.V. (1956) The Tribes of Northern Rhodesia, Government Printer, Lusaka. ______(1965) Generation of Men: The European Pioneers of Northern Rhodesia, Stuart Manning, Harare. Bruchmann, D.K. (2000) Caprivi, an African Flashpoint: An Illustrated History of Namibia’s Tropical Region where Four Countries Meet (Author’s Edition), Northcliff, South Africa. Buiswalelo, H. M. (1984) Lilimi la Silozi: Litopa ze Pahami, Gamsberg, Windhoek. Bull, M. M. [see also Mainga, M.] ______(1972) ‘Lewanika’s achievement’ Journal of African History, 13, 3, 463-472. ______(1996) ‘The Barotseland Agreement 1964 in historical perspective: a preliminary study’, seminar paper prepared and presented to the Department of History and the Institute for African Studies, University of Zambia, 4th September 1996 ______(1997) ‘Lozi-Nkoya relations: indigenous politics in the Western Province of Zambia’, Paper presented to the Institute of Economic and Social Research, Lusaka. Burger, J.P. (1960) An English-Lozi Vocabulary, Book Depot of Paris Missionary Society, Sefula, pp. 171. Burles, R.S. (1952) ‘The Katengo council elections’, Journal of African Administration, 4, 1, 14-17. Burrough, S.L. et al (2018) ‘Landscape sensitivity and ecological change in western Zambia: The long-term perspective from dambo cut-and-fill sediments,’ Journal of Quaternary Science, 30, 1, 44-58. (2019) ‘Implications of a new chronology for the interpretation of the Middle and Later Stone Age of the Upper Zambezi Valley,’ Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 23, 376-389. Burrough, S.L. and Willis, K.J. (2015) ‘Ecosystem resilience to late-Holocene climate change in the Upper Zambezi Valley,’ The Holocene, 1-18. Caplan, G.L. (1969) ‘Barotseland’s scramble for protection, Journal of African History, 10, 2, 277-294. ______(1968) ‘Barotseland: the secessionist challenge to Zambia’, Journal of Modern African Studies, 6, 3, 343-360. ______(1969) ‘Zambia, Barotseland, and the liberation of southern Africa, Africa Today, 16, 4, 13-17. Chapman, J. (1860) Travels in the Interior of South Africa [2 volumes], Bell and Daldy, London. Chibanza, S.J. (1961) ‘Kaonde history’, Part II of Central Bantu historical texts I, Rodes- Livingstone Communication No. 22, Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, Lusaka. Chicken, R.T. (1951) ‘Memories of abandoned bomas, No. 1, Mwengwa’, Northern Rhodesia Journal, 3, 69-72. Chirenje, J.M. (1987) Ethiopianism and Afro-Americans in Southern Africa, 1883-1916, Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge. Clarence-Smith, G. and Moorsom, R. (1977) ‘Underdevelopment and class formation in Ovamboland, 1844-1917 in Palmer, R. and Parsons, N. [eds.] The Roots of Rural Poverty in Central and Southern Africa’, Heinemann, London, pp. 96-112. Clarence-Smith, W.G. (1979) ‘Slaves, commoners and landlords in Bulozi, c1875 to 1906’, Journal of African History, 20, 219-234. Clark, J.D. (1951) ‘Bushmen hunters of the Barotse forests’, Northern Rhodesia Journal, 3, 56-65. ______(1959) The Prehistory of Southern Africa, Penguin, Harmondsworth. Clark, J.D. and Fagan, B.M. (1965) ‘Charcoals, sands and channel-decorated pottery from Northern Rhodesia’, American Anthropologist, 67, 2, 354-371. Clay, G. (1945) ‘History of the Mankoya district’, Communications from the Rhodes- Livingstone Institute No.4, typescript held at Livingstone Museum, Zambia. ______(1963) ‘Barotseland between 1801 and 1864’, (Paper presented to the Seventh Conference of the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute) Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, Livingstone, Zambia. ______(1968) Your Friend Lewanika: The Life and Times of Lubosi Lewanika, Litunga of Barotseland, 1842 to 1916, Chatto and Windus, London Coillard, F. (1897) On the Threshold of Central Africa: A record of Twenty Years Pioneering Among the Barotsi of the Upper Zambezi, Hodder and Staughton, London ______(1898) Sur le Haut Zambèse, Berger-Lerrault, Paris. ______(1971) On the Threshold of Central Africa: A record of Twenty Years Pioneering Among the Barotsi of the Upper Zambezi, Third Edition with a new Introduction by Max Gluckman, Frank Cass, London. Cole, M. (1963) ‘Vegetation and geomorphology in Northern Rhodesia: an aspect of the distribution of the Savannah of Central Africa’, Geographical Journal, 129, 3, 290- 305. Colyer, S. (1914) Sikololo: notes on the grammar with a vocabulary, pp. 53. Cooper, G. (1951) ‘Village crafts in Barotseland’, Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, 11, 47-60. Deak, A. (1996) ‘A Museum’s role in society’, unpublished paper submitted foe degree of MSSc, Stockholm University. Elderkin, E.D. (1998) ‘Silozi and Namibia’ in K. Legère ed. Cross-Border Languages: Reports and Studies – Regional Workshops on Cross-Border Languages, Okahandja, 23-27 September 1996, Gamsberg Macmillan Windhoek, 205-225. Eldridge, I.M. (1956) 'Short history of the Sesheke district', Northern Rhodesia Journal, 3, 2, 174-176. Ellenberger, D.F. (1912) History of the Basuto Ancient and Modern, Caxton Publishing, London. Fanshawe, D.B. and Mutimushi, J.M. (1971) ‘A Checklist of Plant Names in the Lozi Languages’, Ministry of Rural Development, Lusaka. Favre, E. (1913) François Coillard Missionaire au Zambèze, Société des Missions Evangeliques, Paris. Fisch, M. (1999a) The Caprivi Strip during the German Colonial Period 1890 to 1914 [English translation], Out of Africa Publishers, Windhoek. _____(1999b) The Secessionist Movement in Caprivi: A Historical perspective, Namibia Scientific Society, Windhoek. Flint, E. (1970) ‘Trade and politics in Barotseland during the Kololo period’, Journal of African History, 11, 1, 71-86 Flint, L.S. (2010) ‘Communities and Climate: Building Local Capacity for Adaptation’ in Fujikura, R. and Kawanishi, M., (eds.) Climate Change Adaptation and International Development: Making Development Cooperation More Effective, Earthscan, London ______(2009) ‘Climate change, vulnerability and the potential for adaptation: Case study – the Upper Zambezi Valley region of Western Zambia’ in Ranade, P. S. (ed.) Climate Change: Impact and Mitigation, Icfai University Press, Hyderabad. ______(2008) ‘Socio-ecological vulnerability and resilience in an arena of rapid environmental change; Community adaptation to climate variability in the Upper Zambezi Valley floodplain’, Working Paper of the Research Institute for Humanities and Nature, Kyoto, Working Paper on Socio-Ecological Resilience Series 2008-004, available online at http://www.chikyu.ac.jp/resilience/files/WorkingPaper/WP2008- 004.Flint.pdf 53 pp. ______(2007)’Citizenship and subjectivity in the post-colonial state’ [focuses on Zambia] in Senghor, J.C. and Poku, N.K. Towards Africa’s Renewal, Ashgate, Abingdon 38 pp. ______(2007) ‘Vulnerability and the social economy: the potential for adaptation to climate change in the Upper Zambezi Valley floodplain’ Paper given to IPCC – TGICA Expert Meeting, Fiji, June 2007. ______(2007) ‘The South Africanisation’ of southern central Africa: global meets local over
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