THE EDITORS' PAGE "Swinging" into summer with an issue dedicated to the square dancers who wear the petticoats has become a tradition — this is our fourth such pub- thoughts and opinions, deserving of lication. We plan it as an idea book other's respect. Once we recognize with pictures and articles describing this fact, then we can move to the some unique styles, and we admit that common ground where we discover' most of the pages favor the ladies. ways to work together and improve If the gents will read diligently, the situation. If we practice this con- though, they will find some words sideration in small groups, such as meant for them. And who's to say they square dance clubs, we'll see the chan- don't enjoy the photos as much as the ges it can bring. ladies do. Consider your club — is Mary Doe Everyone, male and female, should secretary because she's a gal? Maybe read John Jones' comments on formali- she has the organizational ability to be ties. You can't miss the article. It's a crackerjack president. Does your highlighted by a couple "swinging" on nominating committee always look for a vine — a humorous approach to some a male treasurer? You may have a serious thoughts for dancers of both mathematical wizard among the wives sexes. in the club, or in that new teen-age In this day and age, who can pub- group you just graduated. We all need lish a "distaff issue" without a few to think beyond the stereotypes we've choice words on women's lib? No, created — let's practice this in our we're not hoisting our banners, and square dance activity! going off to picket petticoat producers. One last thought: it may be a man's We just want to say that we think peo- world, but the ladies are sure needed ple deserve liberation, and we define in every "square" inch of it. Keep liberation as the right to be considered those petticoats popping and we'll as individuals, with individual person- show the world women can be li- alities, individual talents, individual berated and feminine, too. 2 AM ERICAN * VOLUME 27, No. 7 SQUARE * JULY, 1972 DANCE -x "THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE -x- WITH THE SWINGING LINES" Publishers and Editors Stan & Cathie Burdick -x- Workshop Editor Willard Orlich Easy-Level Editor Bob Howell Record Reviewers Doug Edwards 2 Editors' Page Phyl & Frank Lehnert 4 Grand Zip 6 Meanderings Feature Writers 9 Round & Square = Maxi-Fun Harold & Lill Bausch 12 Colorful Couture Dewey Berry 15 Caller-Leader Directory Fred Freuthal 17 Why Formalities? Myrtis Litman 19 Go Bright Editorial Assistants 20 Style Awhile 23 Feedback Mary Fabik 25 Best Club Trick Mef Merrell 26 Dancing Tips National Advisory Board 27 Calling Tips 29 Sketchpad Commentary Edna & Gene Arnfield -x- 30 Ladies' Choice Bob Augustin Al "Tex" Brownlee 32 Easy Level Page Louis Calhoun 34 Swingin' Gingham Orphie Easson 36 News Jerry Helt 39 Steal A Little Peek Phyl & Frank Lehnert 40 Challenge Chatter Melton Luttrell 41 Dandy Idea Singin" Sam Mitchell 42 Workshop Ken Oppenlander 50 Puzzle Page Vaughn Parrish 51 Product Line Dave Taylor 52 Straight Talk Bob Wickers 53 Keep Your Club In Stitches 54 R/D Reviews 55 It Happened At A S/D AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE magazine is 56 Mix 'n Match published monthly at 216 Williams St., Hur• 57 S/D Reviews on, Ohio, by Burdick Enterprises. Second class postage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy 59 Square Line deadline first of month preceding date of is- 60 Events sue. Subscription: $5.00 per year. Single co- 65 Bookshelf pies:50 cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 1972 by 67 Sign-Off Word Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. -x- 68 Do-Ci-Do Dolores 3 age. It's beginning to shape up and we have reservations coming in already; also inquiries from 14 states and Cana- 64411,1 Zip da Jimmy Carney 125 E. Manor Ave. Anchorage, Alaska U.S. Postal System gets worse all the time. May 16, and as yet I do not have the May issue of Squaredance. I have been to the post office, complained and filled out forms — no results. I have the same problem with all ma- terial, from California, Florida and Massachusetts. Would you please send me another copy of May issue as I Thanks so much for that "luvely" don't want to miss any issue. spread you gave the "Big Ben" record— Are there others with this same pro- it was very much appreciated. blem? H. H. Holmes Keep that book going....have all the Verona, N.J. back issues going way back to the ear- ly fifties, some I think in '49. Enjoy WHYIZIT? American Squaredance very much Willard Orlich's discussions sends the magazine every month ad- in workshop; it comes as an eye opener dressed to Gloria Roth, when the sub- at times. My home club, the East Lon- scription form always reads Gloria and don Si() Club, (has the Tower Bridge Johnnie Roth. WHYIZIT? It's nice to on its badge) is holding its 20th anni- know that we are not "odd balls" and versary this month — how time flies! that others feel the same way. Going to bring back a couple of tradi- WHYIZIT you changed the name to tional tips for the evening — you know, American Squaredance? I am glad as I something that our early programs always thought of it as American consisted of: Redwing (dip and dive); Squares and when I spoke to newer Joe Lewis' San Antonio Rose (had the people in the activity and said Ameri- Do-si-do mountain style); also we used can Squares, they wouldn't understand to do Forward Up Six and Back to the me. Johnnie Roth tune of Camptown Races. I think you Clementsport, Nova Scotia called it Right hand over, left hand ED. NOTE: Since Johnnie wrote us in ans- under. It should be a wow of a night— wer to the March editorial, we have changed might develop a new call from it, Re- his address plate. We were pleased to have lay the Teacup. We used to do the Tea- so many readers mention in their letters cup Chain for demonstration in '53. some response to that rather tongue-in- cheek editorial. Thank you. Tommy Cavanagh Essex, England In the May issue, in a sense, I was pleased to see someone using a dance Things are going great here. Several cal- we had written, "Clap Happy." But I lers passing through and scheduled in was a little concerned on two points: the future. 1. The record to which the dance was We are working on our big state festi- written is still available, not like many val for Anchorage in 1974, July 5-7, pop labels and 2. I feel that the music with Beryl Main and Stotlers on "Summer Sounds" is rather smooth rounds. We have a luxury liner char- and we wanted the dance to have a lot tered out of Seattle for a 12-day of bounce. The more important point cruise to Anchorage and return. We is that it is useful, and if they like the can accommodate 384 in staterooms other music, that is O.K. Jack Todd and use the boat as a hotel in Anchor- Lexington, Ky. 4 YOU'RE ONLY A YEAR AWAY FROM YOUR istANd TOUR AWAY FROM IT ALL- IN AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, FIJI, AND HAWAII AUSTRALIA is big. bold and beautiful. Some people look upon it as a vast agricultural lab- oratory. Some find fascination in its newfound mineral wealth and the surge of industrial activity that has accompanied it. Some consider it the world's most active sportsland. Some think only of AMERICAN its dynamic, cosmopolitan cities. Some describe SO UA R ED ANC E it in terms of "The Reef"— that great mass of MAGAZINE coral that sweeps for more than a thousand SPONSORED miles along the northeastern coast. TOUR — JULY, 1973 HAWAII is a many splendored place of lush HOSTS green mountains, azure seas and dazzling Stan & Cathie Burdick Harold & Lill Bausch beaches But its particular treasure is its people Phyl & Frank Lehner-1 and the spirit of aloha they extend to their visitors. The lively action, the relaxed atmosphere. the COST: 51250. ea. (est.) romantic scenery will enchant you A tour for square dancers and friends. FIJI is 300 islands in the sun, scattered over Dancing and sightseeing 50.000 square miles of the warm, blue Pacific. in each location. Of these surf-ruffled coral atolls and river-laced volcanic islands, only 100 are inhabited. CONTACT HOSTS In Fiji, and especially on its largest island. Viti OR WRITE' P.O. BOX 788 Levu. the romance and unspoiled beauty of the SANDUSKY, OHIO 44870 South Pacific spring to life. New Zealand is a vitally exuberant country as modern as today. set against an ancient tableau of scenic beauty untouched for centuries before the arrival of the Maori and European. The tradi- tional informality and hospitality of the South Pacific mingle with the British heritage of custom UNITED 51•Tis and occasion to make this land as fascinating as ifs • •••111•1•11ti, F.•••••••• *nnn'ns nn'n" Mown! Co•Iil"...'••••••mh foww •ter zt•L•teo 0 5 A letter from Michigan, half buried joyful occasion. The eager graduates now in the mostly routine correspon- were applauded by six sets of veteran dence that crowds today's deskful, re- dancers. That night will be remembered peats itself over and over in my mind by some as fbndly as high school gradu- like the echo of a gunshot, reverbera- ation, I'm sure.
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