INDEX addition rule, 106, 126 mean, 128 adjacent values, 76 variance, 128 adjusted rate, 13, 15 binomial probability, 126 agreement, 112 bioassay, 330 AIC. see Akaike Information Criterion blinded study Akaike Information Criterion, 418 double, 496 alpha, 198 triple, 496 analysis of variance (ANOVA), 253, 273 block, 273, 280 analysis of variance (ANOVA) table, 254, complete, 281 276, 310 fixed, 281 antibody response, 316 random, 284 antilog. see exponentiation blocking factor. see block area under the density curve, 117, 124 Bonferroni’s type I error adjustment, 258 average. see mean box plot, 76 bar chart, 7 case–control study, 2, 130, 199, 358, baseline hazard, 451, 456, 460 439, 494 Bayesian Information Criterion, 418 matched, 518 Bayes’ theorem, 111 pair matched, 464 Bernoulli distribution, 354 unmatched, 516, 520 mean, 359 censoring, 442 variance, 360 censoring indicator, 443 better treatment trials,COPYRIGHTED 505 central MATERIAL limit theorem, 115, 125, 146, 153, BIC. see Bayesian Information Criterion 182, 198, 236 binary characteristic, 2 chance, 103, 116 binary data. see variable, binary change rate, 10 binomial distribution, 126, 132 chi‐square distribution, 125 Introductory Biostatistics, Second Edition. Chap T. Le and Lynn E. Eberly. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Companion website: www.wiley.com/go/Le/Biostatistics 0002710614.indd 585 3/26/2016 1:42:39 PM 586 INDEX chi‐square test, 212, 458, 470, 471 contingency table, 22, 197, 211 difference in proportions, 203 contingency table, ordered, 219 generalized Wilcoxon, 449 continuity correction, 210, 215 likelihood ratio, 366, 368, 370, 394, 399, continuous data, 318 405, 417, 458, 480, 482 correlation, 78, 299 log rank, 449 autoregressive (AR), 425 Mantel–Haenszel, 207 compound symmetry, 413, 425 McNemar’s, 200, 467 exchangeable (see correlation, compound Pearson’s, 212, 387 symmetry) score, 366, 448, 480 induced, 412 Wald, 480 inter-correlation, 300 Yates’ corrected, 215 intra‐class (ICC), 413 clinical trial, 358, 494 intra-correlation, 300 phase I, 497 Kendall’s tau (τ), 84 phase II, 499 non‐parametric, 83 phases I‐IV, 495 Pearson’s r, 80, 83 clustered study, 409 Spearman’s rho (ρ), 83 coefficient of correlation, 300 unstructured, 425 coefficient of determination, 308, 310 working, 425, 428 coefficient of multiple determination, 321 correlation coefficient, 81, 307 coefficient of variation, 76 covariate. see predictor variable cohort‐escalation study, 497 covariate, time dependent, 461 cohort study, 14, 130, 385, 439, 494 Cox model. see proportional hazards model common odds ratio, 26 cross‐classified table. see contingency table comparisonwise error, 258 crossing survival curves, 449 complete case analysis, 410 crude rate, 13 compound event, 126 cure model, 449 concordance, 22, 84, 112, 219 cut point, 183, 184, 187, 188 category‐specific, 112 overall, 112 death rate conditional independence, 206 adjusted, 13, 16 conditional logistic regression, 472 crude, 13 confidence interval, 142, 146, 192 follow‐up, 14 for a correlation coefficient, 161 death set, 452, 462 for a difference of means, 152 decision making rule. see cut point for a difference of proportions, 157 degrees of freedom, 75, 125, 212, 236, 242, effect of sample size on, 148 254, 275, 310, 321, 387 for a hazard ratio, 453, 457 density, 114 for a mean, 148 density curve, 115, 117, 124 for a odds ratio, 157, 356, 363, 426, 467, dependent variable. see response variable 475, 479 derived variable analysis, 410 for a paired mean difference, 152 deterministic relationship, 79 for a proportion, 154 deviation, 73 for a regression coefficient, 415 diagnostic procedure, 5 relation to p value, 191 diagnostics, 287, 302, 419 for a relative risk, 394 dichotomous characteristic. see variable, binary confidence level, 148 dichotomous data. see variable, binary confounder, 3, 15, 25, 131, 151, 165, 199, difference of means, 152 206, 238, 464 difference of proportions, 202 0002710614.indd 586 3/26/2016 1:42:39 PM INDEX 587 direct method, 16 Fisher’s transformation, 503 discordance, 21, 23, 84, 219, 466, 518 fixed effect, 280 discrete data. see variable, discrete force of mortality. see hazard function disease registry, 5 frequency dispersion, 73–78, 360, 402, 403. see also cumulative, 64 variance cumulative relative, 64 distribution relative, 104 sampling, 147, 157, 160 frequency distribution, 56, 114 skewed, 63, 71, 73, 76 frequency polygon, 60 symmetric, 63, 76 F statistic, 255, 276–278, 284, 310, 322, unimodal, 61 414, 425, 428 DLT. see dose‐limiting toxicity full model, 276 dose‐limiting toxicity, 497 dose‐response, 314, 317 Gaussian distribution. see Normal dummy variable, 302, 318, 332, 351, 363, distribution 393, 397, 399, 412, 443, 456, 463, 472, GEE. see Generalized Estimating Equations 477, 478 Generalized Estimating Equations, 425, 428 model‐based standard error, 425 effect robust (empirical) standard error, interaction, 274, 277 425, 428 main, 274, 277, 400 generalized odds, 22 modification, 4, 206–207, 274, 276–278, general linear F test, 276 281, 312, 319, 364, 368, 399, 457, gold standard, 112 459, 479 goodness of fit, 360, 402, 416, 462 simple, 274, 277 goodness of fit statistic. see chi‐square test, estimate, 141 Pearson’s interval, 146 point, 145 hazard function, 441 estimator, unbiased, 143 hazard ratio, 441, 442, 453, 514 event time, 443 hazard ratio, constant, 442 exact statistic, 249, 250 histogram, 60, 114 exclusion criteria, 496 hypothesis, 181 expected deaths, 16, 29, 447 alternative, 181, 198 expected frequencies, 212 composite, 193 expected value, 303, 320 global null, 277, 322, 366, 394, 458, 479 experimental study. see randomized study null, 181, 197, 235 experimental unit, 280 omnibus (see hypothesis, global null) experiment wise error, 258 simple, 193 explanatory variable. see predictor variable hypothesis test, 181 exponential growth (decay), 315, 316 exponentiation, 158, 161 incidence, 13 exposure, 2 inclusion criteria, 496 independence null hypothesis, 212 factorial, 273, 274 independent events, 108, 126 factors. see factorial independent trials, 126 false negative, 6, 186 independent variable. see predictor variable false positive, 6, 107, 186 indicator variable. see dummy variable F distribution, 125 infant mortality rate, 129 Fisher’s exact statistic, 217 interaction. see effect modification 0002710614.indd 587 3/26/2016 1:42:39 PM 588 INDEX intercept, 301, 302 McNemar’s chi‐square test, 200, 476 inter‐correlation, 300, 313 mean, 67, 69 inter‐quartile range, 89 geometric, 71 interval density, 60 square, 254, 275 interval midpoint, 70 measurement scale, effect of, 454 intra‐correlation, 300 median, 65, 72, 76 IQR. see inter‐quartile range median effective dose, 314 median test. see Wilcoxon rank sum test Kaplan–Meier curve, 444 midrange, 89 kappa, 113 misclassification, 5 category‐specific, 114 missing data, 364, 394, 410 overall, 114 mode, 73 problem with, 114 morbidity, 13 k samples, binary, 215 mortality, 13 MTD. see maximum tolerated dose least squares estimation, 303, 320 multi‐level model, 421 likelihood function, 164, 354, 363, 391, 393, multiple comparisons adjustment, 469, 473, 476, 478 258, 283 likelihood ratio test. see chi‐square test, multiple testing, 369, 399 likelihood ratio multiplication rule, 108, 126, 212 linear association, 81 linearity, 302, 318, 364, 393, 416, 454, 457, 479 negative predictive value, 110 linear mixed model, 411 nested models, 417 conditional mean, 424 normal curve, 114 marginal mean, 424 normal distribution, 124, 290 population‐average intercept, 411 mean, 116 random intercept, 411 variance, 116 random slope, 415 subject‐specific intercept, 411 observational study, 281 line graph, 9 observed size. see p value log hazard, 442 odds, 19, 157 logistic regression, 352, 424 odds, generalized, 21, 219 logistic regression, conditional, 472 odds ratio, 18, 108, 131, 158, 355, 363, 426, lognormal distribution, 125 466, 516, 518, 520 log odds, 357, 424 as approximation to relative risk, 19, log rank test, 448 131, 359 log rank test, stratified, 460 Mantel–Haenszel, 26, 207, 469 longitudinal study, 409 matched pairs, 132, 165, 469, 475 omnibus hypothesis. see hypothesis, Mantel–Haenszel odds ratio, 26, 206 global null margin of error, 499, 501 one‐sample matching, 131, 199, 472 binary, 197 advantages and disadvantages, 464 continuous, 235 efficiency, 468 one‐sided test, 133, 188, 198, 202, multiple‐to‐one, 468 236, 242 one‐to‐one, 466 one‐tailed. see one‐sided test maximum likelihood estimation, 164, 355, ordered contingency table, 21 391, 393, 414 outlier, 76 maximum tolerated dose, 495 overdispersion, 359, 387, 402 0002710614.indd 588 3/26/2016 1:42:39 PM INDEX 589 paired‐sample, non‐parametric, 250 prospective study, 2, 130, 358, 439, 494 pair‐matched p value, 189, 194, 199 binary, 130, 199 p value, relation to confidence interval, 191 case‐control study, 130 continuous, 237, 250 QIC. see quasi‐likelihood information pairwise comparisons, 258 criterion parallel lines assumption, 460 quasi‐likelihood information criterion, parameter, 116, 141, 143, 198, 236 425–426, 428 partial likelihood function, 452, 456, 462 Pearson’s chi‐square test, 387 random effect, 280, 410, 414, 421 percentile, 64, 76 randomization, 496 percentile score, 64 randomized complete block design, 419 person‐years method, 14, 385 randomized study, 281, 283 pie chart, 8 random sampling, 493 placebo, 496 random selection, 103 Poisson distribution, 128, 384 range, 56, 73 mean, 129, 384 rate, 10 offset (see Poisson distribution, size) ratio,
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