1 Volume 9, Issue 2 - June 2011 The Newsletter of Fetcham University of the Third Age PageFetcham1 U3A FetchamPage U3A 1 In This Issue Page 2-3. Chairman’s Column 4-6. Japanese Earthquake 6. Family History 2 7. Ballroom Dancing Chairman’s Quiz 8. Music Appreciation 1 9-10. How Big is London? 10. IAUTA 11. Thursday Morning Walking 12 Cookery 1 Industrial Heritage 13. Wine Appreciation 1 Limericks1 14. Antiques and Collectables Limericks 15. Art - Mixed Media 1 Answers to Chairman’s Quiz 16. Jazz Appreciation 17. Aviation and Technology 18. Cruise the River Seine from Paris to Honfleur 19 Art Appreciation Limericks 20. Vegetable Gardening 21. Limericks 22. Committee Members and Support Services Cover photographs by Christine (Digital Photography Group) Cover design by John Editor this Issue - Judy Page 2 Fetcham U3A 2 Chairman’s Column and social events. This year, for the first time, Graham gave a demon- Once a year stration of the equipment Fetcham at about this U3A has bought over the years that time, we is available to the members for use invite all of within their groups. Graham and our Group Tony R have been working very Leaders and hard during this past year on the main help- website, and I would ask all mem- ers to a buf- bers to log in, have a look at the fet lunch website and familiarise themselves with wine (not too much if they are with what is available. For Associ- driving) at St Mary’s Hall. This year ate members and Full members 64 members were able to attend. At who do not attend the monthly this meeting I give a brief report on meetings, this is most important if what is happening in our U3A, Ian you wish to keep in the know about reports on what is happening in the future events. International, SE Area and Surrey Networks. Our Groups’ manage- At our lunch Group Leaders are ment team of Enid, Mary C and given an opportunity to tell us how Mary H keep us up to date on what their group is going, what highlights is developing with the groups, as they have had this past year and if well as telling us what is available they have any concerns with which from the National Resource Office we can help them. All of the Group for use by members individually, or Leaders will tell you that they do not as part of a group. find their task an onerous one and that they enjoy doing it. (I am sure We have 87 groups and with 21 some do it just to get the free lunch groups of Bookham U3A open to but don’t tell them that!!!!) If you Fetcham members we now have fancy a free lunch once a year and just over 100 groups open to our would like to become a Group members. This is a wonderful situa- Leader, there are still some groups tion to be in for a U3A with only 520 looking for a leader so see Enid or or so members. Jo reports on the either of the two Marys. At a recent coffee mornings she organises for SE Forum at East Grinstead there our new Associate members and on was a comment that some U3As her role as Welfare Officer. (Many a found that their members did not poorly member has been pleased to like the term ‘Leader’. As I pointed see Jo bearing gifts.) Winnie and Sheila update us on what is forthcoming with regard to outings PageFetcham3 U3A FetchamPage U3A 3 out, although we use the term for Fun’, or where lectures are ‘Leader’ we are only looking for made, but there are not that many. someone to act as the liaison with the committee, Quite a few groups All Fetcham Chairmen, past and rotate the role of leadership during present, and our committee the year, depending on what they members will agree that our group are doing, a walking group for leaders do a wonderful job for our example will have one or two members and this lunch is our way different members ‘leading’ the walk of thanking them for all of their at different times. Other groups will efforts. have different members making presentations at different monthly At the close of the meeting we had meetings. Obviously there are a photograph taken (Unfortunately some groups where this is not some leaders had to leave before possible such as ‘Bridge’, ‘Fitness this, due to other commitments.) Bryan This photograph is even better in colour - see our website! Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. Page 4 Fetcham U3A 4 Japanese Earthquake Some two years ago we welcomed a visit from some Japanese U3A members. Following the devastating earthquake and tsunami here are some emails received from our visitors: 13 March I never have such a terrible earthquake in my life. I was in Tokyo at that time and I couldn't back home, all the train stopped. There were many peoples walking to their home. Only taxies and busses were working, but long, long lines. Portable phone didn't work, we could only contact by Public phone, it was long line, as well. Fortunately, our area is OK and Yusaku, our family area OK. Our house didn't any damages at all. Thank you for your warm sympathy and kindness. Keiko - - - - - - I was enjoying tea time at friend's house when happened Earthquake. Her house was reclaimed land, so that place has liquefaction around there. The land was broken, and road was covered muddy water soon. My car was in muddy water, too. The entrance door of her house couldn't open after then. Some furniture was fallen, microwave fell down too. We couldn't standing there. It was my most terrible experience. I wonder my life will be finish when I drove a car for went back my home. A lot of car were full on the road. I was filled with tears when I got my home. But I'm glad to my husband and my all family are fine. Some town was gone by TUNAMI in Hukusima Prefecture and Miyagi prefecture part of north east in Japan. I'm so sad. Kiku - - - - - - I'm deeply grateful for your kind inquiry on the big earthquake and tunami. On Friday 11th, we ware in the middle of a meeting in a public hall. The room shacked softly at the beginning, this size of shack were occurred so often these PageFetcham5 U3A FetchamPage U3A 5 shack struck us and couldn't stand on the floor.. Cars outside of parking place were jumping up and down. We had not experienced such a strong earthquake before in my life. We noticed this must be something different. We all went out at the center of the garden and check the numbers. Still an aftershock contin- ued. On the way back home, traffic was so clouded and took a long time. Soon I get back to home, watched a TV which showed scene of tsumani advancing on the shore. The magnitude of the devastating quake was meanwhile revised upward the same day from 8.8 to 9.0. making it one of the largest in history, the Meteorological Agency said. Some critics said this is a real "the sinking of Japanese Archipelago" like title of fictitious novel. Fortunately, Nara- shino had not received any heavy damage except in a reclaimed areas where the liquid muddy water was billowed out under the road. Takeda-san and Shoji-san are fine and not suffered anything. New bulletins on damage of earthquake were aired on every TV channel for 4 consecutive days without any commercial showed how seriously suffered by tsunami like all town were swept away in a few minutes. Further shocking news is were explosion of 3 nuclear power plants in Fukushima. People are worried about it becomes an accident of second Three Mile Island in the US. It seems that it will take more than 10 years to recover from this heavy damage. Sincerely Daijiro - - - - - - End March Well, it is getting well in Japan, but another problems has happened, as you know. Nuclear power station were devastating. 50 repair workers were selected, they are all over 55 years of ages. Reason is over 55 years workers are already children were growth up. It seems very dreadful task, however, many workers offered this task. It is a kind of death squad. It is still bad condition. Fortunately, our area are not intact at all, we couldn’t buy some of petrol or milk, but now it was former . This time I deeply respect your country, because, you are always keep tradition and environment. Japan has too many unclear power station in small country. Page 6 Fetcham U3A 6 Anyway, we are well and we, Japanese, are buckle to this traumatic time I am hoping to revive quickly. Thank you for always look at our country. With brave, Keiko Family History 2 We meet with the Bookham Family History Group 1 as a large combined group, at the Barn Hall in the afternoon of the 3 rd Tuesday of each month. All our members beaver away each week, generally working through their own family history research but also solving challenges thrown in to test them from outsiders. They always rise to the challenge, which is quite amazing. We had a talk on wills and their significance in March, given by one of our own knowledge-able members, and we learnt how much information we can gather from wills, not just the amount of money or property left but also family names, addresses, and how they are related to the deceased.
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