W^WKwiWrtWWfr/:- w. ,„ ~'A\\%i- ' Loco Parentis see page 2 Vol. IX, No. 19 University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee February 11, 1965 Regents re-affirm freedom Thomas Miller University of Wisconsin regents association" tactics by the U. S. ideas from their parents by in­ has afforded an opportunity to re­ made chief voted unanimously Friday to reject Senate in the heyday of the late heritance," he said. state our (the regents') position on State Senator Jerris Leonard's re­ Wisconsin Senator Joseph Mc­ Discussion of the Leonard case freedom of expression." Justice of USC quest for an investigation of the Carthy 10 years ago, and on the by the regents ended with the consistent support of free discus­ UW President Fred Harrington Tom Miller, a junior in sociol­ UW Madison Daily Cardinal and observation that "this controversy ogy, has been appointed chief jus­ its managing editor, John Gruber, sion by the University, the regents has served one good purpose: it spoke following unanimous pass­ speaking at the meeting expressed age of the regents' resolution. He tice of the student court by USG and subsituted a resolution of President Jim Barnes. He will re­ their own upholding "the Univer­ unanimous "disturbance" at "the noted the "virtual unanimity" of tenor of Sen. Leonard's letter." place Miss Karen Gregar who re­ sity tradition" of freedom of ex­ Panel hosts anti-Leonard' sentiment outside the signed. pression in the press. Inconsistency "Amazing" University, even from the sena­ At the Feb. 5 meeting on the "It is amazing to me," one said, tor's own Republican party. UWM campus, regent after regent "that people who talk about indi- Leonard here Citing the senator's demand spoke in repudiation of the sena­ vidiual rights can, in the next Senator Jerris Leonard, the cen­ that Governor Warren Knowles tor's charges that Gruber's asso­ breath, wish to slap down any in­ ter of recent contrbversy concern­ also request investigation of the ciation with the sons of two dividual showing individuality. ing the editorial policy of the Uni­ Cardinal-Gruber situation, Har­ former Wisconsin Communists ac­ "If the American people tradi- versity of Wisconsin's school pa­ rington noted that no such request counts for the "left oriented jour­ ditionally were conformists, we per, will be one of the speakers in has been forthcoming from the nalism practiced by the Cardinal." might still be a colony of Great a panel discussion Thursday spon­ governor. He also pointed out Britain. If some of these people All points of Leonard's accusa­ sored by Local 79 of the American criticism of Leonard by conserva­ who wish to restrict individual Federation of Teachers. tive newspapers like the Wiscon­ tion were attacked. Centering on opinion had been alive in Revolu­ sin State Journal and by Repub­ the condemnation of "guilt-by- tionary days, I wonder whether Other speakers to discuss the lican organizations like the YGOP. they would not have been con­ topic of "The Future of Post-High formists then, too." School Education in Wisconsin" Matter for Regents will include estate assemblyman "There have been some com­ Book Drive Held "The University tradition has George Molinare, co-chairman of always been one of freedom of ex­ ments that the University adminis­ Books for Asian students are the joint finance committee; and, tration has been silent on this is­ being sought by the Interna­ pression," said another. "That be­ Donald Schwartz, a former UWM ing so, I'm sure we would welcome sue because of concern for the up­ tional Affairs department of professor and the chairman of the coming budget," he said. "This is the University student govern­ any investigation. We have noth­ standing committee on education ing to fear." not the case. The matter was ad­ Tom Miller ment. Students with left-over of the Wisconsin state AFL-CIO. dressed by Sen. Leonard to the textbooks or used literature A third regent questioned Sen. Leonard, who was recently re­ board of regents, and the adminis­ As Chief Justice, Miller will be books are urged to deposit Leonard's implication that Eugene futed by the UW board of regents tration withheld comment until responsible for calling court meet­ them in a special box located Dennis, jr., and Michael Eisencher, for his allegations that one of the the regents met today to deal with ings to hear student appeals. who live in the house Gruber in the UWM bookstore. Cardinal's editors is a "left- it. Miller plans to eliminate the The books contributed will lives in and whose fathers were winger," is also a member of the prominent in state Communist "Of course, the University sup­ extensive backlog of student cases be sent to the libraries of col­ joint finance committee. ports freedom of expression. before the court. At present, there leges and universities in Asia politics, necessarily share the poli­ The panel discussion will be tical views of their fathers. "Of course, the University is are about 40 cases pending, some to supplement the education of held at 5 p.m. in the Bolton hall of them nine months old. fellow students. Donations will Idea "Preposterous" auditorium, room 150. All persons against charges and methods based "I find preposterous the asser­ on guilt-by-association. Time will also be devoted to "be accepted up to Feb. 19. are invited and there will be no ad­ composing a court handbook list­ tion that young- people derive their mission charged. i "•We are pleased to have the opportunity of affirming our tradi­ ing major precedents and meth­ tional stand." ods of procedure. Miller was appointed to the court a year ago by Dean Robert Norris and has served as a justice Press club to be since that time. He is also working on the model United Nations. fraternity chapter He has spent two years on the legislature and has been a mem­ at rites Tuesday ber of the executive board of The UWM undergraduate chap­ USG. While in USG Miller served ter of Sigma Delta Chi, profes­ on many committees. sional journalistic society, will be Former Chief Justice Karen formally installed in afternoon and Gregar will remain on the student evening ceremonies Tuesday, Feb. court as an associate justice. Other 16 at the Milwaukee Press club. justices are Kristine Holt, Jim Poss, Frank Smith, Carol Cutter, National president Ralph Sewell Lynne Berry, and Mary Tingstad. will be on hand to present the charter to Michael J. Petrick, UWM chapter president. First Beethoven Ceremonies will begin with the initiation ritual at 4:30 p.m. Mem­ festival in U.S. PEAK board members review a rehearsal: (left and Neil Christiaansen, co-chairman, PEAK bers will be initiated and an in­ to right) Sue Fink, co-chairman; Wendy Wagner; nights are March' 4, 5, and 6. struction for officers will be held. coming here Ray Doherty, Milwaukee profes­ sional chapter president, and rep­ The first major Beethoven Fes­ resentatives of the Marquette Uni­ tival offered in the United States versity chapter will attend. was announced today by the school of fine arts of the Univer­ AK acfs varied The chapter will receive its sity of Wisconsin—Milwaukee. Sororities, fraternities, and spe­ nity-sorority division for the last Mary "Jane Jones, Gladys Rhodes, charter at a 7 p.m. banquet. The' six-week Festival will be­ cialty acts are well on their way three years and figures to make a and Kathleen Ryan embody the Sewell, managing editor of The gin February 22 and will include in preparing for UWM's annual strong bid again this year with a vocal portion of the specialty acts Oklahoman and Oklahoma City 12 events ranging from the play­ variety show, PEAK Night, to be Times, will give a talk on the presentation entitled "Will Suc­ as each will do a solo spot. ing of all 16 quartets of Betho- presented March 4, 5 and 6. cess Spoil the Fairy Godmother?" press — bar disputes. ven by UWM's distinguished art- This will be the 39th presenta­ Alpha Phi Alpha, a new colony Last year's winner, pianist Other Sigma Delta Chi officials ists-in-residents, the Fine Arts tion of PEAK Night, which had on the UWM campus, has come Douglas King, has another imagi­ to be present are Russell E. Hurst, quartet, through a wide-ranging its start back in 1925 when UWM up with a parody on Shake­ native number cooked up this Chicago, Sigma Delta Chi exec­ presentation of the orchestral, was known as State Normal speare's "Julius Caesar" called year. Sandy Seymer, Mary Ann utive officer; Charles Barnum, pro­ chamber, choral, and piano music sichool. The variety show acquired "Caesar's Seizure." Turner, and Pat Musselman plan fessor of journalism at North­ of Ludwig van Beethoven. the title "PEAK Night" in 1936 to Two sororities will add the fe­ to cut some keyboard capers of western university and Sigma Del­ Dean Adolph A. Suppan of indicate that it contained top male touches to this year's PEAK. their own in the form of a piano ta Chi vice president for under­ UWM's school of fine arts stated notch, entertainment and the Alpha Sigma Alpha will spoof the trio. graduate affairs; and L. S. Fan­ that this was the major presen­ height of fun and amusement. current rash of TV horror com­ Dancer Sue Larson and the ning, executive editor of Chicago tation of the school during the The show has become a high­ edies with a skit titled "The Volga dancers of Karen Halger- Daily News and Sigma Delta Chi present season.
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