Duplication of Services Hurts Many Towns SEE STORY PAGE 13 Sunny and Cold THEDMLY Sunny and fairly cold today. FINAL Clear and cold tonight. Fair cold tomorrow, EDITTON (See Details. Pago 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 120 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1969 22 PAGES 10 CENTS IIilKIII Fullback Seen Cautious By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER optimistic" reports from ob- been achieved. But White WASHINGTON (AP) - servers and from U.S. civil- House officials did not quar- President Nixon is pulling out ian and military leaders in rel with the assessment. another 50,000 troops from Vietnam. He quoted from a Nixon said, however, "there South Vietnam but over a report made to him by one is one disturbing new element longer period than he allowed observer, Sir Robert Thomp- in the situation. for previous withdrawals, evi- son, a British veteran of anti- Infiltration Rises dently because of the growing Communist warfare in South- "Enemy infiltration has in- possibility of a major new east Asia, who was, Nixon creased substantially. It has enemy offensive. said, earlier pessimistic about not yet reached the point Nixon announced his third the conduct of the war. where our military leaders cutback in a television speech "A winning position in the believe the enemy has de- last night. He set April 15, sense of obtaining a just veloped the capability to four months from now, as the peace whether negotiated mount a major offensive, but deadline for removing the 50,- or not and of maintaining an we are watching the situation 000. For his two pre- independent, non-Communist closely to see whether it vious withdrawals he had al- South Vietnam has been could develop to that extent." lowed about three months achieved but we are not yet ' His choice of an April 15 each. through," Nixon quoted target date to complete the The President coupled his Thompson as saying. new troop withdrawal, offi- announcement with a renewed Thompson recommended cials said, gives him more warning to North ' Vietnam carrying on a "dp it yourself" flexibility to assess — and if that he will take "strong and policy for South Vietnam with necessary adjust to — a Com- ORDERS FURTHER WITHDRAWAL—President Nixon effective measures'' if he "continuing U.S. support in munist offensive and still finds that "increased enemy the background." The recom- meet his withdrawal deadline. sits at his White House desk last night after appear- action jeopardizes our re- mendation is in line with His advisers believe that if ing on a nationwide broadcast announcing withdrawal maining forces in Vietnam." Nixon's stated policy. North Vietnam launches an of 50,000 more troops from South Vietnam by April At the same time he said Nixon did not say he agrees offensive it will come in the he had received "cautiously that a "winning position" has January - March period. 15. (AP Wirephotoj Addonizio Decision Today NEWARK (AP) - Newark In a related development. another man who was on the given Giuliano $1,000 of an concerning a payoff system Mayor Hugh J. Addonizio ex- Municipal Court Judge An- .city council with Gordon at alleged $4,000 payment. •involving municipal officials pected to learn today, from thony Giuliano said yester- the time. and city work, The Evening Judge Robert Show, whether "Gordon is supposed to have day he had never shared or Giuliano said Gordon told gone to Washington last week News of Newark reported. he,, must reply to questions received money from former the grand jury last week that and not said anything of the Fallon is a former accountant asked of him "by a federal Newark corporation counsel the man with whom he shared sort down there," Giuliano with Constrad, Inc., a Rigo grand jury investigating cor- the alleged payments was company which has done busi- ruption in the city govern- Philip E. Gordon. said. Issued Statement Giuliano. "I guess I'm just going to ness with the city. ment. Federal authorities also are Addonizio pleaded the Fifth Addonizio issued a state- "I don't know what the hell have to ride this out," Giu- Amendment l.as.t week in tes- ment Sunday in which the he said that for," the 72-year- liano added. "A man is inno- seeking the whereabouts of timony before'the grand Jury mayor said that Gordon told old Giuliano said. cent until proven guilty, but alleged Mafia figure Anthony him be had accepted alleged this is a h«ll of a lot of pres- "Tony Boy" Boiardo, who but has said he would answer Giuliano said yesterday sure." the questions if directed by cash payments from Paul that Gordon told him last dropped out of sight last Tues- the judge. The grand jury re- Rigo, the officer of companies Tuesday outside the grand Gordon, Rigo and Charles day. U.S. Atty. Frederick B. sumed its projietfings here doing business with the city, jury room that he (Gordon) Fallon have provided federal Lacey said the grand jury today. ' and had shared them with had told the panel he had authorities with information wants to question him. APOLLO 13 ROCKET ON LAUNCH PAD — The Apollo 13 rocket that will pro- pel astronauts James A. Loveli Jr., Fred W. Heise Jr. and Thomas K. Mattingly II, toward their moon flight set for next March 12, arrived at launch pad 39 yester- day for final preparations before the launch. A pale half moon looks down on the rocket, upper right. (AP Wirephoto) Welfare Eligibility Regarded Key ourtHoldsAction To Medicaid Family Assistance By DORIS KULMAN bills. The state and Uncle eligible for such assistance. (ADC), old age assistance and FREEHOLD — Medicaid Sam will share the, tab. It is the minimum program assistance to the blind and won't help you meet the high Program Outlined permitted by federal require- disabled. OnLegalityofSICPower cost of medical care — not Robert C. Wells, county wel- ments. Those welfare recipients unless you're on the county fare director, outlined the - By JAMES H. RUBIN beyond belief... an affront Those now on the county get medical care now. The Chief Justice Joseph Weln- welfare rolls or eligible to be. state's Medicaid program, welfare rolls automatically county pays 16 per cent of the TRENTON (AP) - The to the court." traub told Michael Querques, Not in New Jersey it won't. which begins Jan. 1, at a eligible for Medicaid. a defense lawyer, "you put cost. New Jersey Supreme Court The case is providing a cru- The New Jersey Medicaid press conference here yester- Others who believe they Medicaid will extend the has sharply criticized an at- cial test of the SIC's powers something in your legal brief program will pick up a $150 day. • qualify will have to apply for range of services available to, tack on the constitutionality to compel testimony about or- which made headlines in ev- hospital bill for a welfare re- Unlike neighboring New welfare. If they're financially them, shift the entire burden of the State Investigation ganized crime by conferring ery newspaper in the state. cipient. '. York State, New Jersey'sf eligible for welfare, they're for their medical bills to the Commission's power to com- immunity from prosecution It was an affront to the court It won't Tielp pay a $5,000 Medicaid program doesn't eligible for Mediciad. state and federal government pel testimony about organ- upon witnesses. The reputed and now you have backed hospital bill for a family that make provision for "medical Welfare Unneeded and increase the amount of ized crime. Mafia figures who remained away. Get to something more was just managing to scrape indigency." That's a term But no one will have to go the federal contribution. silent when called before the serious." by financially until the medi- used to describe families who on welfare if he doesn't want The high court reserved de- cal bills hit. Wbat It Will Do cision after a lengthy hearing commission contend it would Querques, attorney for al- are self-supporting until the to. A patient can just take Medicaid, for instance, will violate their constitutional leged Hudson County Mafia It will increase Monmouth's medical bills come along. Medicaid. pay the fee of a physician yesterday. The seven-man tri- welfare rolls — maybe by 2,- bunal will rule sometime in rights if they are forced to leader Joseph "Bayonne In New Jersey, you're in- The federally - funded pro- who treats a patient in the talk. Joe" Zicarelli, contended in 500 persons next year. digent — or you're not. grams, the so-called "categor- hospital. Welfare didn't. And the future on an appeal by But the county will come Kenneth P. Zauber and a brief filed last month that The state legislature has ical assistance" programs ad- it guarantees all those who three reputed Mafia figures out ahead financially because limited Medieaid to those now who asked the. Supreme Wilbur Mathesius, attorneys the SIC was trying to force ministered by the. county wel- render medical service pay- • his clients to choose between it won't have to pay one cent receiving welfare through fed- fare board, include aid to fam- ment in full. Court to overturn a verdict to the commission, defended for welfare clients' medical erally - funded programs, or sentencing them to prison for the SIC against claims it was life in prison or "if he an- ilies with dependent children (See Poverty, Pg. 2, Col. 5) contempt until they answer unconstitutional. swers questions, he must be the SIC's questions. killed by other members of "Syndicated crime has the Cosa Nostra." Among a series of legal ar- found a haven in the suppres- sion of the truth," Zau- However, when questioned guments, lawyers for the al- by Weintraub, QueYques de- Two Black Leaders Are Ousted ber said.
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