' TUESDAY, N O y^^ER 24, 1$» jfimtrbrstpr Sbrnthg Wiphdb Aritaga Daily Net Preaa . - Itov th* Weak.EtoM, ^N«t.S1,10M Tem|d« Chaptor, OKS. not meet tomorrow. It# regular meet Haircuts to tlost N^tliaii Hd8 . lit Town Ing night, because of the Thanksv 13^046 giving hMIday. TTiird of^QuoW -l^ Holiday Mtotfa^bv' Clrde . IIL75 Tomorrow . Mcnh«r •( Bw Audit __ Bureau af CIraslattoR. _ _ I toalltH at •;!{> at the Marine Pfo. Lyndeh C t . DarllM, \M anchf$ter-*^A City'of ViUofie C harm 'IlMlMf or Mra.^otn«i Oott. W Op- U will cost yo^,$1.75 to get. , TTw *Tlumksglvlng A a ■ a hi b 1 y soh of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. a halrout. In .Manchester' be^ A t ................. was held yesterday at Nathan | S m « t 0»4MBtMli'wiU he Mra Darling, 8 *Weddell Bd', recently ’ ifaanter. ginning tomorrow. Male SchooK Louis HannCquln .and pertldpatcd in "Trelex *-0«,'’ an Robert MellO were the announcers VOL. L£XUE» 48 (rOUHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2S. .1959. (UaaMfM Ad^oriMeg aa Paga PRICE nvE c e m A amphlbloua training exerclae in- .The Manchester .M aster (1)' AUQN FBONT END AchikUiid dcbOQl VTA WUI meet Barbers' Assn.. Local No. $3, Cnfy 02 peraenS donated bloodWL. Hunt0r^ John F. Maloney, Mrs for a ptdgram In srhich alL 'the vomng unit! of the Second Marine Beda Carlson. Mrs. Lorraine Peter­ children took pa;H ■BO. 87A0 tonigM a t 8 a t tge achopl. Chrlatle, Division at Camp- Lejeune,. N.C. decided at ttt* meeting last yeeterday When the Red Croas •Icdornidc wUl ahow chlor euaea Wght on the firlee increkae. Bloodmobile vtsitsd the Bike Lodge man. Mrs. Lucy Sputhergtil, Frank The assem bly Opened with (8) BALANCE FRONT The exm^l** comprised 18,000 Creamer, Arthur ,H .' Randall,- WHEELS—REO. $4.00 «r hie tJ^ to Uw South Paoifit^ Navy and Marine Cwpa personnel , The action follows price hikes >on BisMll St. Red Cross faBcials "Come, .Te T hankfu l People, yangier Firm to Qaiins Adam Rhodes, Mrs. Buphemia Come." The kindergarten song (8) CHECK FBONT WHEEL 2 Reporters along with so ahlpa of the Atlantic in the Hartford area and said it was the worst showing OOlMni aa4 membere of the around the State yesterday. Grey, Sylvester ’ J. Benson, John "Thank You for thie World So BEABENOS Fleet and Included a night landing slnee January 1057. The monthly Dinsmore, Douglas Hayes. Mrs. Sweet," grade one sang "Sse Us flittliih AmoHcait Club will,meet at Onslow Beach to teit pombal Children’s haircuts will re- (4) CHECK BBAKiB STEtBM Lose Jobs for ^ ^ etiMioush toiii^t at 7:30 to quota for Manchester la ISO pints. Barbara Royce, Mrs. Gwendolyn Come - A-Marchihg," and Daniel readlnesa. .main gt. $1.25', according to Mott, David Anderson and Mallard ■rteaed to the Holtaea : Funeral A. Hyatt SutHffs, principal of Borque and Joseph Iy>ney narrat­ ALL FOUR o n l y Robert Genoveai. president of C. Allen. - ed a Thanksgiving story, UiaSt, *00 Main 9t.T'to pay Itml the barbers’ union. But chil­ Barnard Junior High School,- do­ False reopet^ to WilUam Dlcktoiu who nated hia 04th pint of blood, to put Also, Philip Finley, Miss June Grade thrM song "For the WM a llfh member of the pUib. Soroptimists Hear dren who walk Into a barber GlanvIUe, George Estey, Earl An­ shop on Saturdays for a hair­ him in the S-gallon clUb. Lewis Beauty of Uie Earth," and Wanda New York, Nov. 25 P. l.aBrec became a 2-galk>.n derson, Edward Ralph, Millard Jacoby and Susan Binock recited Hr. and Mra. Bdward Crawford cut will'have to pay the full Appleby, Merrill Sherman, Louis Twq reporters •who' tired false Report on Agency- price. donor, and Salvatore FTUoramo "Psalm 100.” «r 37t Woodbrldge 8t. flew to and Albert J. Robinson beegme 1- Dimock. ’ Jr., R.o b S r t SchetUer^ The Doxology was sung by toe charges that a city .official CMoago Jhis afternoon to apend gallon donors. -Joseph Donahue, George Hahii, student body, after.:.which grade Hiairiiaetvlnr with Mr. and Mra. Thirty members and friends-at­ Heads Realtors Irvin .Gsr-teide,' Robert Midwood, * 9 tried to bribe them hhve been tended a dinner meeting of the Sbven petwms donated a pint of four sang "Swing the Shbiing ' SEBVICE ON ALL - fired'hy their newspaper. ^ - SDupM Fhimpa. Associatioii Rules M. Kenneth Qstrinaky was eisctr Sylvester Barnes, Allan .Hotch­ 'Sickle," toe six glee, club N ew /Y w k, Nov. 26 (iip)— fto aU tovlngs and loan aaaoda-e He said toe firms solicited de* Soroptimlst CTub at Cavey’s coffee blood .to the credit'of Frank-W. kiss and. Mrs W|»d' Krause. CONFENTIONAL MAKBD poMta through mall and newspaper The New York World-Telegfam ad president of the Manchester Shaw, Boston Hill Rd., Andover, sang "Mfe TTianK Thee," Principal tiona. , and Sun yesterday fired Fred J. shop last evening. i Board of Realtors for 1900 at a Waik-fn Donor* Huldah Butler read a prayer and Statk Atty. Gen, Louis J “ More fhan 23 million Ameri­ advertiaihg offering five per cent' Tdlss Margaret Parker, director Adopted by Unit who is seriously ill in New Eng­ the grade six glee club sang toe Lefkovritz’ .accusation that interest on deposits, and that some Cook, 48, > 'top newsinan on the meeting In the Manchester Coun­ land Baptist Hoii^ital, SMton., Walk-In donors .were KubmU cana have sa'/inga of $48 billion in O. T . C . ! of the Manchester chapter of Chil­ try Club yesterday. \Winther, Robert Jalbert, . Jbhn "Evening Prayerl’l MinnuTY fiofhe SlOO million in savings nearly 4,000 savings apd loan as­ ot the • solicitation wha in New paper for 15 ysais. and Eugene dren's -Scrvlcea -of Connecticut, Artlclea of. association to form Maes. They were Mra- GeorM Raiidail,'Carl Morrill, Mrs. Elaine The assembly ended with toe York state; Gleasofi', ,32<''a staff reporter for Other ofllcera chosen were Miss Flynn, George Downing, Harold E. deposits are imperiled by sociations whose accounts are^ in­ SU RG ICA L related case histories of work ac­ the "Manchester Community De­ Lillian Grant, first vice president; Sweet, Thomas l ^ f Jr., R. W. fifth grade singing a "Thankful sured by the Federal Savings 'and . Lefkowits made his aUegations four yssnrs. O theYE complished aincei the office was velopment Foundation Inc'.," were William Belflore, second idee presi­ Turkington, Clarence Tracy. Har­ Pratt, Raymond Johnson, Mrs'. Song,” the student body.singing / fraud is described by a Loan Insurance Corp., an agency at a news conference and in court Gobk said on a television, pro- 1 0 old Burnet’., Alexander Girelli and BROTHERS "|rstn Sunday'^night toat Gleasbn SUPPORTS established here at 577 Main St. adopted last night by the interim dent; William Rood, treasurer; Marion , Cfossen, H. J. Cunning- "Wc Gather Together.” the grade 801-315 CENTER ST. savings and. loan official as a oi toe U.8. goverr • ent. papers which, he used to obtair^li more than a year ajg:e, and an-, Miss Judith Aheam. ham,. ,-:Mrs. ■■ Marie- Ulbfech, I>r. had told him four years ago thaL ' c'bmipittee . eetabiished e e v e r ,a 1 Herbert McKinne.V, appraiser; Ar- six glee cluii^ singing ■‘‘'Q God,-Be­ TEL. Ml 8-5I85 recital of old information. " I t should be noted that Mr. order for examination, oY ji0;'Wt- . Fitted to your ' sWered queatlona. Children’s Serv­ thui' Knofla, art>lb-atlon: T. J. Keep Appointments CbariAs Jacobson. Rlchaht J. Gal­ neath Thy Guiding Hand.”, and the .Norman .Strunk, executive vice Lefkowitc is concerned with.ac-. nesses In an Inveetigation,' of toe a-high city official had offeretL'a ices is s project of the Sotoptlm- months ago- to promote such a Crockett, current president, legis­ Those who kept appointments lagher, Mre. Evelyn Fitsgerald and student body 'singing "America -the president of the United, States counts totaling less than 3/lOOOtos companiea bribe to halt an Investigation'-toey In F iam ily Docm^» EXACT iats. women’s service club. i . foundation in the town.. lature; Robert Lappeii, tax and were Mrs. Alona Donovan, Alfred F ’rahk Weir. Bealitiful.” Savings and Loan League, said in of one per cent of those 'insured He lifted' toe eight - Savings and had just started Into toc'"'^ city's »peeification$ Mrs. Alice Clampet announced a The committee, which Is formed municipal ordinances; Miss Made­ Chicago "yesterday, th a t' toe Cali­ by toe FSLIC," ■ loan associations slum-clearance program.' Gleason Christmas party and ^ ft sale to of private citlzene Interested In es­ line Smith, publicity. Alfred Werb- fornia insurance conunissioner J'oseph Gerber,. Insurance direc­ The Ulty Savings and L o a n I "aid on-the programI that toe ot- SCPFOBTS be held Monday, Dec. .7 at the tablishing an industrial foundation- more than a year ago had seized JyMti., toe Ftrtt Guaranty Savings j was etill tee the city admin- to attract Industry to the town and ner was reelected secretary. tor of Ditnbis, said in Chicago that F o u n 4 Ml A b DOMESAL 8VPPOBT8 home of Mrs. Elisabeth XJbert, Bol­ Members of the multiple liothlff the California assets of toe Inter­ toe insurance firm attacked by Assn., Md toe Chicago Guaranty istratlon. ton Center Rd. help established firms expirnd,.-met T h e Bank that gives you PLANNED SECURITY national Guaranty and Insurance Savings. Assn., all of Chicago. | . Dlst. Atty^/Frank S. o g a ri KARRKnT SCPPORTS in the Miuiicipal'Building. committee are Lappen, Wesley Lefkowitz is out of'btisiness .ond' is H Smith, Elya Tyler, Darle Rohan.' Co.
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