, Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa Pard, elNy ... _. Campus and &lJnIH ..na Wa, ........e ~ft" Su..aa,. Illata ta- Iowa City da,., II: ........ lila" at .owan Fri.-,. IS; I.... M. ay 01\ horne Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cem. Iowa City. Iowa. Saturday. Sept. 13. 1952 - VoL 86, No. 242 ~h vic_ ----------------------------------- Pennsylvania Stevenson Gets Gold-Ike Gets Assistant Presses Hunt Red Power Plant For 3 Bandits HAMBURG. Pa. (JP) - Police mobilized Pennsylvania's biggest manhunt in many years Friday against three shotgun-toUng jail­ Hit B.Y Su perforts breakers who held a family cap­ tive In its home tor 19 hours. then pel! 65 miles to rob a roadside diner and 8 little later raced past Law College Schedules Bombs Explode • j)ClUce roadblock on a main hlgh­ w.y to New York city. Hundreds of state and local of­ Regional Legal Institute Near Border fi • and a .warm of FBI agents. JOIned in the search. They were A one-day regional leeal Instl- Of Manchu e e ~utlofted by FBI circulars that tute wlll be heLd here Oct. 9 by Canham, editor ot the Christian r1a \he convicted bank robbers are the SUI coUe,e ot law. Science Monitor. "desperate and vicious." The main speaker of the COn- Any Iowa attorney who wishes. SF;OUL (SATURDAY) (IP) - ferenc wlll be U.s. Judie Herber may make a reservltlon fOr the Giant B-211 Superforts blasted the Carry Stolen Shotcuna F. Goodrich, of the court of ap- Institute by aendl n, a five doll'r viti I Red power plont at Sulho­ The hunted men were carrying peals from Philadelphia. Pa. rei1stration fee to Prot. Allan D. the !arleat In Alia and only a few .ix shotguns and seven boxes at Judie Goodrich was a member Vestal at the SUI college of llw. hundred feet from Manehurla­ am munition stolen from a West ot the SUI college ot law faculty The realstratlon fee coverl the with more th.n 300 tons of hiah Reading. Pa .• sporting goods staTe BEWHISKERED BILL COLLrN • 77-year-old prOlpeC:&or. IIt_n" TAIUNG A lOB with the EI follower-Nixon team aa palal ...11- trom 191 4 to 1922 and was aellng dinner, social hour and everal explo Iv Frld y nllbt nd early 24 hours after they tIed the fed­ dean In 1922. miscellaneous Iteml. Saturday. el'al penitentiary a t Lewisburg In AdJal Stevtnson, Democ:ratlc presidential nomInee, with a _II vial tanl &0 the ltePllbJlcan national eommJttee'. dlnetor ot or,anlutlon Attorneys from all over Iowa More than 3~ Supertorts, mok­ the foggy pre-dawn hour. of ot ,olel worth $8 which he haa Jill' panhed. The prelentaUoli waa 11 Bernard Kaben (rl,bl), prominent ew York Je" h leader. made Thunday aboard the le"enson whistle top train Ih Merced. Katlen. who wu a ulant to national committeeman Herbert mainly the ellstern purt at the in( their deepe t pen tratlon yet Wednesd ay. state, are expected to ttend the Cam. Collins had prevtoll Iy C"lven leveDSon a vial of ,olel at the lkowneU durin.. the '48 eampal.. _ . I welcomed 10 GOP headquar­ ot North Korea, ro red ov r the In 48 hours of freedom they had Institute. SUI to Play Host lar(et for two hours nd 40 min­ ranged 120 miles east almost to Chlc&lo Railroad fall' In 1949 and promJ ed him another It be ever ten In Waahlnl'tOn b, vlce-pr IdenUal .nomlnee Sen. Richard Nison Philadelphia. had stolen at least came to CaUfornla, • f CaUlonUa. .......... m Jllelud Pinel utes. three cars and stabbed a prlvate­ The conference II scheduled to To Iowa High School Crewmen reported "aood re­ duty policeman they feared had belln at 1;30 p.m. with an estate lults." become suspicious. plannin, roundtable. Journalism Students Sulho l uppllel power to all of And pollce working on the case An .ttorney, a trust oUlcer. and North Korea and parts of Man­ said It was not unlikely the trio Politicpl Maneuvering Continues as Talt an In uranee man will participate Iowa hl'h SC1lool journallsm churia. the Industrial heart of Chi­ had decided to hole up .again, pos­ In the pan I. The atl.9rney wl11 \)(' .tudents will meet on the SUt na. It Is the tourth lar,est power sibly by capturing another family D:lvld Bleakly ot Cedar R plds. campus Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 tor the plant In the world and Includ and taking retuge in its home. th Inaur.nce man, W. B. Strite nnual convention ot the lowll a 1.400 foot Ion. row or trans­ Pledges to 8ac.k Ike, Truman Sets Tour ot D • Moln I and the trust ow­ State HI.h School PreIS associ • formers and other equipment. I 2 Are Brothers cer. Clyde DooUttle also ot Des tion, Leslie G. Moeller, director of Plant lUt III June The fugitives are two brothers By The Anoclatect Press Moin • the univerSity school ot journa 1- The plant was first attacked by tTom Harlan county. Ky., Joseph iround and let Taft do aU the head Inlt home to Sprlnifleld, Ill., cle, held together by soCt soap and Sen. Robert A. Taft ot Ohio At 3:30 a pre-trial conference Ism, announced Friday. more than 500 air force. marine Wayne Nolen, 26. and Ballard talking after their New York Saturday. pledied full support to Gen. hunlter for iovernment jobs. with will be held. District .Judie G. B. The pror;ram wIT! stress dis­ and nllvy liihter-bombers lasL French Nolen. 22, along with slen­ meetlnl. And Taft spoke at lenrth CIte. 'Hopel DI UllU)" Dwiaht D. Eisenhower Friday. front seat drivers nd back a at Richter of Waukon. Atty•. Robert cussion of problems encountered June 23. Thllt raid turned the In­ der, tattooed Elmer Schuer, 21, of on the statement ot principles In hi. Phoenix ape ch he ,Ibed UTilng all Americans "who have Buckmaster of Waterloo .nd E. In the publleation ot hllh school stallJltlon Into "a pile junk," tho Chicago. which was. In eftect, Taft·s asklni at what he called hopeless disunity drivers contradlctln, each other In ot confidence In my judgment" to Marshall Thomas of Dubuque will newspapers and yearbooks. Dis­ fifth air force said . The Nolen brothers were serv- vote the Republican ticket. I price for his support in the cam­ within the Republican party. a bedlam oC voices shoutln, ... at participate In tbe conference. cussion leaden will be advlsen on The B.29 raid WII seh duled nt­ 11Ig 25-year terms tor a Clnclnna ti, And President Truman said he paign. "What It all iets back to. ot the same time." Afternoon ionl In Llbrar)' oulstandlnl high school publica­ ter observation plnnes reported 0 .• bank robbery In 1950. Schuer. wiIJ lend the Democrats 8 hond course. Is the simple and Indis­ Stevenson wa, endoraed yester­ Taft said he did not aiTee In Both ot the afternoon proiTam. tions. Topics will Include mlmeo­ the Red. were tryln, desperately who has the word "Lucky" tat­ with a whistle stop trIp across the putable tact thl t there I. no lon,­ day by the AFL International As­ iTa ph methodl. offset production. tooed over a horseshoe on his right every respect with Elsenhower's w1l1 be held In the Shambau,h to ,et at leost one ahattered trans­ nation and back, travelini 8.500 er one Republican party," he ald. sociation ot Machinist•. which In­ use of picture.. sports coverage. arm and the motto "Death or views. particularly on torelill memorial aUditorium In the SUI tormer back Into optration. miles and deliverini at least six policy. but the differences were "Ther are two RepUblican par­ vited him to address lIS Kan.a. editorial paiel. devices for econ­ Glory" over a dagger on his left library. The air force said the Super­ major addresses. lariely matter of deiree. ties. City convention before It close. omy In yearbook production. copy arm, was serving 13 years tor the Eisenhower and Tart, the min a A loclaL hour II scheduled tor forts bombed with "Improved 1950 robbery of a Chicago bank. Tat! called Stevenson "a repre­ l'It Is an ancient political vehl- next. Friday. 5 p.m. In th Je!!erson hotel. It is edltlni and newspaper makeup. he defeated for the GOP presiden­ Among discussion leaden will e I e c t ron I c aimlnl techniques FBI circulars warned tha t all tial nomination, came to terms sentative of the left-winlers. if not to be lpalllored by the Johnson be Mrs. Mary Wessels. IoWa City; whlch permit preelslon bomblrti three "should be considered OJ(­ over the break fast table in New a lefl-wlnier himself." County Bar association. H. Arthur Lee. Councl~ Bluft.; In darkness." tremely dangerous." York. Afterward Taft told a news McCarthy Not »lIeWllled A dinner will be held at 6:30 Clair Culver, Fort Dodge: Mrs. .e" Drop FIU8 Robbed Diner conference his endorsement held He said he did not dlsculS with Iowa Polio Dealh Toll (limbs p.m. In the River room 01 th Iowa Unidentified Communl,t planes "no qualifications ot all." Memorial Union. After the dinner Mo~ene Chechak, Cedar Rapid.; Their most sensational escapade the Republican nominee the ques­ Miss Hildegarde Stolteben, Du­ dropped b r I gh t orang -whit 'No Differences' JudIe Goodrich will speak on the eamo Friday. About ~ a.m. two tion of supporting Sen. Jo~ph R. buque; Donald F. Haley, Des parachute 1lores ahead of the men with shotguns walked Into "There arc no differences be­ McCarthy of Wisconsin Jor re­ subject "AllOloala Leils Viae" Moines; Sister Ann MarJIa, M.r­ bombers to 11.M them up for Red the Donald Heckman diner on tween us that will make any great election.
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