OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MINING AND RECLAMATION reclamationmatters 2015 CONFERENCE ISSUE • Research, Teaching and Service with Open Limestone Channels and Undergraduates in the Allegheny Highlands • Stream Recovery of a Heavily Coal Mined Watershed in Ohio • Challenges for Native Forest Establishment on Surface Mines in a Time of Climate Change • Are Acidity Levels at the Fire Road Mine Really Dropping? • 2015 Conference Program and Information Spring 2015 Should this land be mined for coal? It already was. reclamation matters Contents is published by: DEL Communications Inc. President’s Message: Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba Come to the ASMR Meeting in Lexington .......................... 4 Canada R3L 0G5 Editor’s Message: PresideNT David Langstaff Five Guides to Leadership ........................................................ 6 PUBlisHER Early Career Message: Jason Stefanik Take Advantage of the ASMR Experience ........................... 7 MANAgiNG EdiTOR Lyndon McLean The Three Bobs: [email protected] Reflections on Two Decades of Passive Treatment ............. 8 SAles MANAger Dayna Oulion National Association of State [email protected] Land Reclamationists Update ...............................................10 SALES RepreseNTATIVES Cheryl Ezinicki 2015 ASMR and ARRI Joint Conference: Ross James Colin James Trakalo Program and Registration Information ..............................12 PRODUCTION serVices Research, Teaching and Service with S.G. Bennett Marketing Services www.sgbennett.com Open Limestone Channels and Undergraduates 28 ART DirecTOR in the Allegheny Highlands .................................................. Kathy Cable Stream Recovery of a Heavily Coal LAYOUT & DESIGN 32 Joel Gunter Mined Watershed in Ohio..................................................... AdVerTisiNG ArT Challenges for Native Forest Establishment on Dana Jensen 36 Sheri Kidd Surface Mines in a Time of Climate Change .................... © 2015 DEL Communications Inc. Are Acidity Levels at the All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced by 40 any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written Fire Road Mine Really Dropping? ........................................ permission of the publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein and the reliability Index to Advertisers of the source, the publisher in no way guarantees nor warrants the information and is not responsible for Aquafix ........................................30 Pawnee Buttes Seed Inc. ..............33 errors, omissions or statements made by advertisers. ArborGen Inc............................. IBC Rainier Seeds Inc. .........................43 Opinions and recommendations made by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher, its Arkansas Valley Seed Inc..............45 Respec Consulting & Services ......41 directors, officers Biomost Inc. .............................OBC Rocky Mountain Bio Products ......40 or employees. 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Distribution LLC ...........................31 Truax Company ...........................33 PriNTed IN CANADA | 03/2015 RECLAMATION MATTERS s Spring 2015 3 ASMR-Del.full-bleed.pdf 1 2/12/15 11:53 AM PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Come to the ASMR Meeting in Lexington By Joe Friedlander, ASMR President f you’re looking for the latest information about land reclamation, you’ll find it at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation June 7-11 C Iin Lexington, Kentucky. With more than a hundred papers proposed to be given, this M looks to be one of the best meetings yet. And Lexington, Kentucky in June is a great place Y and ideal time to learn about mid-America’s coal country and enjoy the Bluegrass Region. CM This year ASMR is teaming with the 9th annual meeting of the Appalachian Regional MY Reforestation Initiative, making this an even more diverse event. CY For more than 30 years ASMR has been recognized as holding what can arguably be CMY described as the world’s best annual conference to share information about disturbed land reclamation. Held in a different location every year, these meetings bring together K world-wide recognized leaders from industry, academia, and government to present their latest research findings as well as case studies documenting both the achievements and shortfalls of new and different reclamation techniques. In addition to papers, this year’s program features workshops on geodatabase collec- tion, and forestry reclamation on active and legacy mine sites. Optional field tours of rec- lamation research sites, as well as tours of historical sites and a distillery, will be capped with an evening social at the Kentucky State Horse Park. At the awards luncheon, ASMR will recognize high-achieving students with scholar- ship awards. Other prestigious awards will be presented by ASMR, recognizing the best of the best for their contributions in advancing the art and science of land reclamation. We know these aren’t easy days for the mining industry. Depressed markets and exces- sively expansive new federal environmental regulations have forced many mines to close or idle back significantly. And the Central Appalachian coal fields in southern West Vir- ginia and eastern Kentucky have felt the brunt of these impacts more than any other part of the country. But this makes the work of ASMR even more important – efficient and economical land reclamation provides for low-cost mining. This helps keep mines open in a fiercely competitive world-wide market. The Lexington meeting may prove to be even more valuable than others simply because it fulfills a demand for new ideas to help min- ing companies survive and thrive through these difficult times. Hope to see you there! n 4 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MINING AND RECLAMATION s Spring 2015 ASMR-Del.full-bleed.pdf 1 2/12/15 11:53 AM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K editOR’S message Five Guides to Leadership By Jeff Skousen ast year, I attended a presentation given to a group of potential student leaders by our university president. Using some of the things he presented, I developed my own five Lleadership principles. 1. Have a thick skin. Do not take offense. Everyone thinks they can run the company or organization better than you. Take their criticisms and suggestions without offense and try to see any truth in their statements. Try to learn from their remarks even if sarcastic and mean-spirited. 2. Take your job seriously, but do not take yourself seriously. Sometimes people in leadership positions think they are very special, infallible, and the center of the universe. None of these are true, so get over yourself. 3. Be cheerful. Laugh a lot. No one likes a grumpy, complaining, or dictatorial leader. See the humor in others and in yourself. 4. Listen. Then make decisions. Surround yourself with thinkers and movers, not “yes” people. Get good advice and recommendations from a variety of sources. Make the best decisions you can with all the facts you can gather. Look to the future as to how this decision will impact others and do things for the right reasons. Once you have enough information and have considered alternatives, decide on the best course and act. All the facts may not be available, so leaders must sometimes do the best they can and move forward with confidence and conviction. Some leaders ponder and dilly-dally over decisions for too long. Listen, decide, and act. 5. Admit mistakes readily, apologize, correct, then move on. Leaders often make mistakes, but the problem with some leaders is that they cannot bring themselves to admit it publicly and to make amends. Leaders must acknowledge errors and learn from mistakes. I think these principles will help parents, consultants, employees, presidents of big and small companies, and entrepreneurs be better leaders and people who others will want to follow. n 6 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MINING AND RECLAMATION s Spring 2015 EarLY Career Message Take Advantage of the ASMR Experience By Cally Driessen SMR takes pride in its new members and recognizes them as the future of the organization. We offer scholarships, travel grants, and very low membership fees A for students. Not to mention a venue to present research and network with pro- fessionals from all aspects of the reclamation world. With such incentives, we can’t help but scratch our heads when we hear student chapters are dissolving and only a few stu- dents apply for scholarships each year. In 2014, there were a total of five applicants for the three scholarships. It’s not all doom and gloom, however. We’ve had very successful Early Career events at several meetings, with a large turnout from local students as well as early and late career members. Students also remain important
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