Historian The Lane County Historical Society VoL XXXVII, No. 2 Summer 1992 The Lane County Historical Society Ethan Newman, President, 2161 University Street, Eugene, OR 97403 Membership Secretary: P0 BOX 11532, Eugene, OR 97440 Lane County Historian, VoL XXXVII, Number 2, Summer 1992 Ken Metzler, Editor, 2051 East 26th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97403 (Phone 343-4496) Janet Burg, Assistant Editor; Lois Barton, Contributing Editor Contents Footnotes to history 25 Eugene Skinner talks about the enchanting aspects of Or- egon. Harrison Kincaid compares Oregon with Nebraska. Joaquin Miller talks about the many faults of Eugene City. Young man about town: Views of frontier Eugene...31 Henry Cummins began his first diary in 1857. By the time he finished some five years later, he left for posterity an indelible imprint on the nature ofpioneerEugene. ByLucile McKenzie. Solo adventures atop Lane County's Fire lookouts. .36 The heyday of the fire lookout ran from the 1930s through the 1950s. And when there was no longer a need for them, many were burned to the ground. Today a resurgence of interest in the history and lore of lookouts ensures that afew will survive. By Doug Newman. Trivia quiz answers 48 Our former editor, Lois Barton, developed a quiz to testyour knowledge of local history. Before you read theseanswers, however, be sure to take the quiz on page 26. Cover Storm clouds form at Castle Rock Lookout which in the early days had a reputation of being one of the most remote lookouts in the Willamette National Forest. Though it overlooked the populated McKenzie River Valley, it had few visitors. Then suddenly it had too many visitors, the result of a new road. Good-bye lookout. Story Page 36. (Photo by DougNewnzan.) ISSN 0458-7227 Footnotes to history A compendium of items, historic or otherwise, about Lane County and vicinity. Philosophical comments by Eugene F. Skinner, for example. Joaquin Miller discusses what's wrong with Eugene City. An Oregon love story. Be sure to take our history trivia quiz. Our readers comment on the Spring issue Editorsever the subscribers to the theory of robust and wide-ranging debate on matters of public interest are always pleased to receive responses from readers.So we acknowledge with gratitude the receipt of three letters commenting on the Spring 1992 issue, two of them more or less con- gratulatory, the other less so. In the latter case, the problem is bad language. popularizing knowledge about our Our oral history interview with the past." This writer, Jerold Williams, of pioneer log truck driver was, accord- Eugene, also suggests that the tex- ingto one reader, "so full of dirty, filthy tured paper the Historian has used words it is repulsive." That was the over the years seems more suitable for article titled "Driving Oregon's Pio- novelty printing than for a historical neer Off-Road Logging Trucks," by journal. Roxie Metzler (who, incidentally, is Having independently reached the not related to the editor of the Histo- same conclusion, we can only admire rian though they bear the same sur- Jerold Williams for his insight in name). She taped interviews with her matters of paper quality. father, who drove one of Oregon's first Finally, we have a note from Robert off-road log trucks for the Westflr D. Clark, former president of the Lumber Company in 1938-39. The University of Oregon, who comments letter writer suggests that if we plan favorably on a "beautifully executed" to use any further foul language, the issue.Ironically, though, we made space for those words should be left another mistake. We published an blank. earlier letter from Dr. Clark that a Another reader writes that the thrmer U.O. president and his wife Spring issue "bodes well for a journal had received a European tour as a that may make a real contribution weddinggift. He writes: "Anyone who toward local historical scholarship and read the item with an eye that does not Summer 1992 25 trust any writer will know, at once, the Indian to clear title to his home- that Hiram and Alice Chapman made stead? the Grand Tour of Europe, not the When and where did the first air- Grant!" plane land in Eugene? One further response to the Spring What was the amount of the contract issue seems tobe noteworthy: The Dead let for building the first courthouse Mountain Echo, the weekly newspa- in Lane County, a two-story build- per covering the Westflr-Oakridge area, ing 40 by 60 feet built in 1855? has, with the author's permission, re- What was Skinner's Mudhole? printed the article on the log truck It's a Sunday afternoon in Eugene in driver. 1920 and you want to see a movie. Where would you go? Trivia: how well do you Now why would anyone want to cut know your local history? back the weeping willow trees along Eugene's Millrace back in the 1920s So you think you know Lane County and 30s? history? Try our trivia quiz and find out. Lois Barton, former editor of the Love, Oregon style Historian, prepared this quiz for a public event years ago, and left it in herAmanda WalkerandJedediah Wheeler files for posterity. It never occurred toboth immigrated from the Midwest to her, she said, to run it in the Historian.the West Coast in 1853, she to Oregon, We, the new editorial staff, thought ithe to California. Disappointed in his was a splendid way to keep readers onquest for California gold, Jedediah their toes. We'd even encourage you towalked 350 miles to Eugene City where submityour own list oftrivia questionseventually he met Amanda. (with answers, please!) for future In April, 1859, he took a trip to publication. When you've given yourPortland via the steamer that plied the responses to these questions, pleaseWillamette River, and when he arrived check the answers given by Lois Bartonhe wrote a letter to Amanda. Jedediah on page 48. was 27 then, Amanda 15. Give the present-day names forPortland Oregon April the 559 Mount Faith, Mount Hope, andDear Amanda, Mount Charity. I take this time to let you no that i have What President of the United Stateslanded safe here. the boat left there was partial to fly fishing on thebetween the hours of4 & 5inthe morning McKenzie River? and we got to salem at eight that nite What Lane County Post Office es-and stade there untill three o'clock a tablished in 1890 has a name fromtuesday morning then left there and got the Greek alphabet? to Oregon city at nine o clock and got Who was Willy Knickerbocker andabord of the Jenny Clark to come here why is he worthy of recognition? and we landed here at noon today. If What payment did Cal Young giveyou want to no how Ilike this part of the 26 Lane County Historian are for i can not express my love in words that i have for you for no words can express my love for you and if i ever proof falce to you the fire shal freeze the Sea shal burn the rocks shal melt and may my God be my judge iffi do ever brake one of the prom- ises that i have maid to you. you have my love and best wishes all ways....Oh, I liked to forgot send me a lock of your hare to remem- ber you by in my absence if you pileas. Arnanda and Jedediah, 1859. Amandareplied on April14, world here it is not the best that i everadded another note on the 15th, and seen so fare but i have no rite tocomplaneenclosed both in the same envelope: now for i don't no anything about it yet so i wont say much a bout it at present.Dear Friend not more welcome is the Appearance of I can not tell now when i will comean inn to a weary Traveller than your back exzactly but i will be there by thekind Letter to me. Ireceived it the 12. it first of August if nothing happens megave me great pleasure to hear from you more than mo of at present. .. Iwas inthat you landed there safe... the Boat hopes that the boat would not start aswas up here last Wednesday. it got here soon as it did for i wanted to see you aabout one o clock in the morning and gain before i left there but it was so thatleft at seven in the Morning Thursday. i could not so i will wate untill i see youwee all went down Wednesday to see it, to tell you what i wanted to see you for.there was several ladies down there, you can show this leter to any one thatwee was at a sewing party at Mr. Gays you like to for what i care. ... yoursinyesterday, a House full ofyoung and old host Ladies. Jedediah Wheeler I do not expect what I have written will be very interesting to you. but you Jedediah penned a second note, datedknow you told me to write. Just what I the same day. thought of at the time whatever come into my headfirst. .. it has not rained Dear Miss Amanda for several days here. pretty wet hernow lam not Just now inn the best mood forand plenty of drunk men in Town and riting to you as i would like to be whensome that wee could do without.. ..I i rite to one that is as dear to me as youhad forgotten to tell you Jam about as Summer 1992 27 well as common now.
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