Queensland Government Gazette PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 373] Friday 9 December 2016 Christmas DQG New Year Dates DQG Closing Times for 201 -201 Final 201 Gazette - Published )ULGD\'HFHPEHU 201 Deadlines 9DFDQF\$SSRLQWPHQWV 7REHVXEPLWWHGE\ E\QRRQRQ7XHVGD\'HFHPEHU 'HDGOLQHV2WKHU*D]HWWHQRWLFHV 7REHVXEPLWWHGE\QRRQRQ :HGQHVGD\ 'HFHPEHU )LQDO$SSURYDOVE\FORVHRIEXVLQHVV :HGQHVGD\' HFH PEHU First 201 Gazettes Published Friday January 201 Deadlines 9DFDQF\$SSRLQWPHQWV 7REHVXEPLWWHGE\ FORVHRIEXVLQHVV 7XHVGD\ -DQXDU\ 'HDGOLQHV2WKHU*D]HWWHQRWLFHV 7REHVXEPLWWHGE\QRRQRQ:HGQHVGD\-DQXDU\ )LQDO$SSURYDOVE\FORVHRIEXVLQHVV:HGQHVGD\-DQXDU\ ,I\RXKDYHTXHULHVUHJDUGLQJWKLVPDWWHUSOHDVHGRQRWKHVLWDWH WRFRQWDFWWKH*D]HWWH7HDP [email protected] [459] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 373] Friday 2 December 2016 [No. 74 NOTIFICATION OF FORMS APPROVED UNDER THE RETAIL SHOP LEASES ACT 1994 1. Commencement The following forms have been approved by the Acting Assistant Director-General, Strategic Policy and Legal Services (as delegate for the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General), for use under the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994 from 2 December 2016: Form 7 – Version 4 Lessor disclosure statement Form 8 – Version 2 Lessee disclosure statement Form 9 – Version 2 Assignor disclosure statement Form 11 – Version 2 Financial advice report Form 12 – Version 2 Legal advice report Form 13 – Version 2 Annual estimate of outgoings Form 14 – Version 2 Audited statement of outgoings Form 15 – Version 1 Assignee disclosure statement to Assignor Form 16 – Version 1 Assignee disclosure statement to Lessor 2. Withdrawal of approval of existing forms Approval for the following forms has been withdrawn from 2 December 2016: Form 7 – Version 3 Lessor disclosure statement Form 8 – Version 1 Lessee disclosure statement Form 9 – Version 1 Assignor disclosure statement Form 10 – Version 1 Assignee disclosure statement Form 11 – Version 1 Financial advice report Form 12 – Version 1 Legal advice report Form 13 – Version 1 Annual estimate of outgoings Form 14 – Version 1 Audited statement of outgoings 3. Availability of forms Electronic copies of the forms are available from the Department of Justice and Attorney- General website at www.justice.qld.gov.au . © The State of Queensland 2016 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 2 December 2016 460 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 74 [2 December 2016 This page has been left blank intentionally [461] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 373] Friday 2 December 2016 [No. 75 Sustainable Planning Act 2009 NOTIFICATION OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION FOR THE DRAFT YEERONGPILLY TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT STATE PLANNING REGULATORY PROVISION 2016 I, the Honourable Jackie Trad MP, Deputy Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade and Investment, hereby notify under section 60(1) of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) that the draft Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development (TOD) State Planning Regulatory Provision 2016 (draft SPRP) has been released for public consultation. In accordance with section 73 of SPA, I the Honourable Jackie Trad MP, Deputy Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade and Investment, am satisfied that any delay in the commencement of the draft SPRP would increase the risk of (a) serious harm to the environment or serious adverse cultural, economic or social conditions happening in a planning scheme area notify that the draft SPRP has effect as if it were a State Planning Regulatory Provision on the date of this gazettal notice (2 December 2016). (Please note that the gazette notice of 2 December 2016 of Queensland Government Gazette No. 73 failed to state the Minister’s decision under section 73 of SPA. This gazette notice therefore rectifies that omission.) Copies of the draft Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP 2016 are available to download via http:// haveyoursay.dilgp.qld.gov.au/yeerongpilly . Information about the SPRP can be obtained by telephoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68). Written submissions on the draft Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP may be made by any person to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade and Investment, by 5.00pm 27 February 2017. To be properly made, submissions must: • be made to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade and Investment • include the name and residential or business address of each person making the submission • be made in writing and, unless the submission is made electronically, be signed by each person who has made the submission • state the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds • be received during the consultation period. 462 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 75 [2 December 2016 Submissions may be sent to: Post: Yeerongpilly TOD State Planning Regulatory Provision 2016 consultation Planning Group Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning PO Box 15009 CITY EAST QLD 4002 Email: [email protected] JACKIE TRAD MP DEPUTY PREMIER Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade and Investment © The State of Queensland 2016 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 2 December 2016 [463] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 373] Wednesday 7 December 2016 [No. 76 NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF TEMPORARY LOCAL PLANNING Unit House Street Name Suburb INSTRUMENT 05/16 PROTECTION OF CHARACTER BUILDINGS number (TLPI 05/16) 31 NOBLE ST CLAYFIELD At its meeting on 6 December 2016, Brisbane City Council 20 WILDMAN ST CLAYFIELD adopted TLPI 05/16 which will commence with immediate 27, 29 RIVERTON ST CLAYFIELD effect and cease to have effect at the end of 6 December 2017 (unless repealed at an earlier date). 579 SANDGATE RD CLAYFIELD 30 BARAGOOLA ST COORPAROO Purpose and General Effect 12 KIRKLAND AVE COORPAROO The purpose of TLPI 05/16 is to facilitate protection of buildings 17 MAIN AVE COORPAROO constructed prior to 1911. The TLPI provides for the assessment of any removal, demolition or partial demolition of any pre-1911 10 EDDYSTONE RD CORINDA building identified in Table 1: Buildings deemed to be identified on 11 LYNNE GROVE AVE CORINDA the Pre-1911 building overlay map of the TLPI 05/16. These sites 1 HEATH ST EAST BRISBANE are deemed to be contained in the Pre-1911 building overlay and identified on the Pre-1911 building overlay map in the Pre-1911 105 WELLINGTON RD EAST BRISBANE building site sub-category of Brisbane City Plan 2014 . 9 CAIRNS ST The TLPI applies to the following properties: 152 WELLINGTON RD EAST BRISBANE 11 CAIRNS ST EAST BRISBANE Unit House Street Name Suburb 3 19 CAIRNS ST EAST BRISBANE number 45 LAIDLAW PDE EAST BRISBANE 16, 18 BIRKBECK ST ALBION 155 LYTTON RD EAST BRISBANE 16 FRODSHAM ST ALBION 167, 169 LYTTON RD EAST BRISBANE 10 MOORE ST ALBION 479 VULTURE ST EAST BRISBANE 26 LORNE ST ALDERLEY 499 VULTURE ST EAST BRISBANE 111 CORNWALL ST ANNERLEY 70 WITHINGTON ST EAST BRISBANE 38 FRANKLIN ST ANNERLEY 40 OAKLANDS PDE EAST BRISBANE 13 KING ST ANNERLEY 49, 51 FORSYTH ST FAIRFIELD 16, 16A KING ST ANNERLEY 240 ST PAULS TCE FORTITUDE VALLEY 9 DUKE ST ANNERLEY 33 HYNES ST FORTITUDE VALLEY 239 WATERWORKS RD ASHGROVE 55A GRACEVILLE AVE GRACEVILLE 7 AUCHENFLOWER TCE AUCHENFLOWER 16 CHATSWORTH RD GREENSLOPES 21, 21A RIDLEY ST AUCHENFLOWER 1 60 ALLEN ST HAMILTON 2067,2069, GYMPIE RD BALD HILLS 27 POPPY ST HEMMANT 2071,2077 112 WAKEFIELD ST BALD HILLS 49 GOSPORT ST HEMMANT 2229 GYMPIE RD BALD HILLS 1 ZILLMAN RD HENDRA 2135 GYMPIE RD BALD HILLS 639 MAIN ST KANGAROO POINT 9, 11 MALLON ST BOWEN HILLS 197 SHAFSTON AVE KANGAROO POINT 34 THOMAS ST CAMP HILL 24 LINTON ST KANGAROO POINT 28 ROSEBERY TCE CHELMER 27 BAINES ST KANGAROO POINT 12 ELIZA ST CLAYFIELD 3 DUKE ST KANGAROO POINT 148, 150 JUNCTION RD CLAYFIELD 9 DUKE ST KANGAROO POINT 16 MAXWELL ST CLAYFIELD 38 PRINCESS ST KANGAROO POINT 17, 17A HAIG ST CLAYFIELD 52 MARK LNE KANGAROO POINT 25 MARSDEN ST CLAYFIELD 57 BAINES ST KANGAROO POINT 464 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 76 [7 December 2016 Unit House Street Name Suburb Unit House Street Name Suburb number number 57 LINTON ST KANGAROO POINT 44 GLEN RD TOOWONG 72 TOOHEY ST KANGAROO POINT 19, 21 GROVE ST TOOWONG 73 BROMLEY ST KANGAROO POINT 37, 37A JEPHSON ST TOOWONG 73 LINTON ST KANGAROO POINT 39, 39A JEPHSON ST TOOWONG 79 BROMLEY ST KANGAROO POINT 41, 41A JEPHSON ST TOOWONG 81 BROMLEY ST KANGAROO POINT 71 SHERWOOD RD TOOWONG 82 TOOHEY ST KANGAROO POINT 104 SHERWOOD RD TOOWONG 24 SEABROOK ST KEDRON 60 HAMILTON RD WAVELL HEIGHTS 35C EAST ST LUTWYCHE 11 BANK ST WEST END 20 FELIX ST LUTWYCHE 13 BANK ST WEST END 20 FULLER ST LUTWYCHE 38 RUSSELL ST WEST END 20, 22 HIGH ST LUTWYCHE 40 RUSSELL ST WEST END 39 LAURA ST LUTWYCHE 44 RUSSELL ST WEST END 6 LUCAS ST LUTWYCHE 6 AMBLESIDE
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