Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Spring 4-10-1969 The Parthenon, April 10, 1969 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, April 10, 1969" (1969). The Parthenon. 842. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/842 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. ' arthenon MARSHALL UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEWSPAPER Vol 69 THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1969 HUNTINGTON, W. VA No. 100 Mike D'Antoni coming to MU By JOHN HACKWORTH University for many years and Basketball Editor I'm looking forward to being a , Mike D'Antoni, one of the part of the Marshall team. most· sought after basketball "I have talked to many other players from West Virginia Jin schools about attending, bi.it years, Wednesday signed a grant­ Marshall has meant a lot 1X> my in-aid to play at Marshall. family and I'm just real happy Head Basketball Coach Ellis about having made the decision. Johnson said he was proud and "Knowing all of the boys who happy that Mike had decided to are members of the Marshall come to MU. ''We feel he is one team right now, I just hope that of the finest basketball players I · can join them and help the in America. A lot of people have Marshall team." worked hard to get Mike here Mike said his brother Dan was and we're appreciative. Mike has a factor in his decision. unlimited potential and will be a "Danny has certainly enjoyed real asset to· ou:r program. We're his career at Marshall a n d he thrilled to death." admired his coaches and the D'Antoni, 6-2 guard who aver­ Marshall fans. He's been real aged 24.2 points a game this year happy here for the past four for Mullens High School, is a years and I know I will be." member of the United States all­ . The D' Antoni name has been Star team, captain of this year's associated with Marshall ath­ all-state team, and a two-time letics on and off since the late all-stater. ·. 1930's when Mike's uncle, Andy, Coach Johnson said Mike will was an outstanding football play­ wear No. 10 as did his brother er for the Thundering Herd. Dan and jokingly said they were Brother Danny has j u s t com­ MIKE D'ANTONI, (~ond from left), much sought-after high school try,ing to recruit his grade school pleted his senior season on the basketball star from Mullens, poses for a "family" photo after an­ brother Mark. Marshall basketball team after D'A1to1i team . nouncing his intention of coming to Marshall. With him (from left) After announcing his signing a fine career, capped by his se­ • • are his mother, Mrs. D'Antoni; brother, Dan; little Mark D'Antoni to attend Marshall, Mike said: lection to the all Mid-American (future basketball great?), the father, and Coach Ellis Johnson. "I've been following Marshall Conference squad - Collegians_invade Florida's beaches By NANCY MILLER ema toward the sky to look at the University of Miami out that they could not treat her &. Lauderdale were cameras, and TOMMIE DENNY itlhe airplanes flying such signs A Daytona policeman estimat­ unless she was 21 or had her guitars, every kiind of conceiv­ Staff Reporter along the coast as "Unburn your ed tha,t 1,200 of the 70,000 Sltu­ parent's consent. The only way able concoction for increased sun­ Bikinis, bands and booze at the sunburn with ice." Other signs deI11ts at Daytona Beach would be she could obtain her parent's tanning, all itlapes of sunglasses, beac'h! That describes only part told where ,the action w as or am-ested before the holiday pe­ consent was to call them. Being and sunburns. One energetic soul of the scene many students set where to buy your bikinis. riod ended. wary of :firightening her pa.rents from Indiana State University when they mi~· to Florida The c i it y of F1t. Lauderdale So many were arrested, police · by callin•g ait that hour, she de­ roamed it!l1le beach playing ei1her for the Easter vacation. prepared for the nearly 100,000 cided to bandage iit and ,to wait taps or ,the chaTge signal t 1h e used school buses for paddy Driving through Fort Lauder­ collegians by sponsoring two wagons. On Easter Sunday, the until she returned to Marshall ,to whole way. dale during an Easter week night, dance on the ,beach's basketball al'I'ested collegtl.ans were taken receive treatment. The "over 35" crowd wandered you might wonder why swaxms dance on the beach's basketball for a ride up and down ,the beacih PRICES INCREASE the beach areas w i th movie students keep walking t h e court every night with a low ad­ ot in the buses. Arrests w&-e made Also ,typical of cities along ,the cameras and wide-ey~ streets. Where are they going? mission price, and establishing a for anything from uttering an beach is a $7 to $12 increase in The , pol.ice were called to ac­ Actually most of rtlhem are not Student Information Headquar:­ obscene word on th e beacih to room rent during ;the Easter sea­ tion when one student started going anywhere, but tlhe police ers where they helped lost coeds, jay-walking. son. Most students were able to the nude swim after Easter sun­ keep the crowd constantly mov­ found -rooms for the latecomers find a room in spite of the fees, One MU coed who cut her foot rise services on the beach. Sev­ ing in order to discourage mob and prepared breakfasts for 65 but several Purdue students en­ action. If anyone stops to ,talk, cents every morning. Radio i-e­ while walking barefoot at 3 am. joyed sleeping on ithe roof of a eral students star.ted to join in they are told to stop loiltering. ports around the F,t. Lauderdale­ rushed to the emergency room at motel. Constant. companions· ,to but police made some arrests and At one point, students gathered .· Miami area · said ,this year's &. Lauderdale ihospi,tal to find the students at both Day.tona and everything ended quickly. around a dead Portuguese man­ crowd was "the moot well-be- of-war and policemen ruslhed ,to . haved in five years." the scene to break up the "riOlt." TROUBLE CITED are inV'ited to attend the lect­ versity, will speak in Smith Students went ro Ft. Lauder­ The main trouble at the .beach ure. Hall Auditorium. dale for various reasons, the most was under age dninkers. A bar­ 6 p.m. - Speaker's Bureau popular reasons being to meet tender said that itlhe majority of 4 p.m. - The first of two will meet in Smith Hall 161. members of the opposite sex and arrests consisted of women. You orientation seminars for stu­ 7 p.m. - A session to re­ to have fun in ,the sun. have to be 21 years old in Flor­ dent ,teaching applicants will view the Campus Christian When one student was asked ida to drink alcoholic beverages. be held in Science· Hall Audi­ Center's role on campus will why he came, he replied, "Be­ He said rt!hait lhe was v&y caTeful torium. Students planning ,to meet in :the Center. The old cause I was kicked out of school." about checking identification be­ do studerut teaching flirst se­ and new commissions, repre­ A student from New York City cause it was a $500 fine for rum OD mester 1969-70 must attend sentatives form residence halls, came because ihe "didn't make ¢0 let someone unde.r age gain the seminar. Dr. Lawrence H . university groups, churoh col­ the baseball ,team." admittance. In some places Un-ee Nuzum, director of student lege groups and Greek ulllits Some feel healillhier when they source; of identification with teaching, and Rex C. Gray, will discuss challenges of ,t he acquire a tan. One student made d~criptions were 1I1equired be­ associate professor of educa­ church on campus. the 30 hour drive to get away fore admittance was allowed. tion; will discuss MU's policy 7:30 p.m. - Prof. Jack Mat­ from the near zero degree weath­ The ba.rtender also said that concerning student teaching thews will be guest speaker at er in Wisconsin. because of the 15 to 1 man­ and the placement system in the English Institutes meeting woman •ratio "the bars looked A DAY AT THE BEACH in Old Main Auditorium. A like a YMCA." Kanawha, Logan and W o o d A typical day on the crowded social !hour will follow t he MU NOW KNOWN counties. beach at F,t. Lauderdale included session in the North Parlor of M least 100,000 collegiates now listening to both psychedelic and . 4 p.m. - Prof. Jack Mat­ Old Main. soul bands, gathening around know there is such a school as ject Studies" in Science Hall thews, novelist and director of 9 p.m. - College Life will 01-ristians who talked to st u­ Marshall Universiity and a state 101. All interested .,-students creative writing' at Ohio Uni- meet in Prichard Halil 'denits about how Christ has come of West Virginia. Two MU coeds y' into then- lives, and ,turning noses were in,rerviewed in an on-the­ and cheeks streaked with Nox- beacth i-eport by WVUM-FM .at PAGE TWO THE PARTHENON THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1969 Letter to the editor Theme parties are popular To the editor: the painful lessons of childhood's By STEVE .GIBSON Playmate of the Year was wtlll be held later this year by We all have so much to do to­ scraped knees.
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