NEXT ORDINANCE NUMBER: O-20- 021 NEXT RESOLUTION NUMBER: R-20- 55 PUBLIC NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING Pursuant to the updated Illinois Attorney General Guidance to Public Bodies on the Open Meetings Act during the COVID-19 Pandemic, dated July 2, 2020, Aldermen may participate without being physically present, with the compliance with the established conditions. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STATUTES OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS AND THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WOOD DALE, THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WOOD DALE IS SCHEDULED TO BE HELD AT THE HOUR OF 7:30 P.M. ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2020 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY HALL, 404 N. WOOD DALE ROAD, WOOD DALE, ILLINOIS, DURING WHICH MEETING IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT THERE WILL BE DISCUSSION OF THE FOLLOWING: AGENDA CITY OF WOOD DALE, ILLINOIS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 20, 2020 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL Mayor Pulice Alderman Catalano Alderman Susmarski Alderman Jakab Alderman Eugene Wesley Alderman Messina Alderman Roy Wesley Alderman Sorrentino Alderman Woods III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. August 6, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes V. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS Citizens will be given the opportunity to address the City Council during the time set aside in the Meeting for Public Comment under Communications and Petitions. Please direct your comments to the Mayor, limit your remarks to three (3) minutes, and kindly refrain from making repetitive statements. A. Citizens To Be Heard B. Written Communiques of Citizens to Be Heard VI. MAYOR'S REPORT A. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 5, Section 5.304 A.2 of Municipal Code of the City of Wood Dale of 1993 to Provide for an Extension of the Class Covid Temporary Liquor License B. A Resolution Further Supplementing the Mayor’s Emergency Proclamation C. Payroll Week Proclamation VII. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT VIII. CONSENT AGENDA A. Omnibus Vote i. Resolution to Approve an Agreement Between the City of Wood Dale and the Owner for Façade Improvements at 396 W. Irving Park Road, The Local, in a Not to Exceed Amount of $65,062.50 ii. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 5, Article IV, Section 5.407 of the Municipal Code of the City of Wood Dale to Amend the Language Regarding Persons Under Twenty-One (21) Years Of Age iii. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 5, Article III, Section 5.305, of the Municipal Code of the City of Wood Dale to Increase the Number of Class “GS” Liquor Licenses Authorized for Issuance iv. A Resolution Approving an Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and BP&T Construction for the Salt Creek Greenway Trail Bridge Rehabilitation Project in an Amount Not to Exceed $130,329 v. A Resolution Authorizing an Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and HR Green for Phase I Engineering Services for Elizabeth Drive Bridge Over Salt Creek Replacement/Rehabilitation in an Amount Not to Exceed $301,071 vi. A Resolution Approving an Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and Superior Road Striping, Inc. for the 2020 Pavement Marking Program in an Amount Not to Exceed $17,115 vii. A Resolution Approving an Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and Schroeder Asphalt Services, Inc. for the 2020 Pavement Patching and Crack Sealing Program in an Amount Not to Exceed $164,110 viii. A Resolution Approving an Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and Hoerr Construction, Inc. for the FY 2021 Sewer Rehabilitation in a Not to Exceed Amount of $722,105.00. IX. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN REPORTS A. Planning, Zoning And Building Committee B. Public Health, Safety, Judiciary And Ethics Committee C. Public Works Committee D. Finance And Administration Committee X. OTHER BUSINESS A. Airport Noise Report B. Stormwater Commission Report XI. APPROVAL OF LIST OF BILLS i. List of Bills for August 20, 2020 - $602,494.53 XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION XIII. ITEMS TO BE REFERRED XIV. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION ONLY XV. ADJOURNMENT POSTED IN CITY HALL ON AUGUST 14, 2020 AT 4:00 PM Lynn Curiale, City Clerk BY: MAURA MONTALVO, CITY DEPUTY CLERK CITY OF WOOD DALE 404 North Wood Dale Rd. Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF WOOD DALE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING August 6, 2020 I. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Mayor Nunzio Pulice called the Regular City Council Meeting to Order at 7:30 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Upon roll call, the following were: Present: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina (via tele-conference call), Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods, along with Mayor Pulice Absent: Aldermen Susmarski and R. Wesley Also Present: City Clerk Curiale, Treasurer Porch, Legal Counsel Bond, Police Chief Vesta, Finance Director Wilson, Public Works Director Lange, AICP/CD Director Cage, Marketing & Special Events Paplauskas Whereupon the Mayor declared a quorum present. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Alderman E. Wesley made a motion, seconded by Alderman Woods, to approve the Regular City Council Minutes of July 16, 2020. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. V. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS: i. Citizens to be Heard None ii. Written Communiqués of Citizens to Be Heard The Mayor shared a letter he received from the Arbor Day Foundation, congratulating Wood Dale on earning recognition as a 2019 Tree City USA and for Packet Page #4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 6, 2020 - 2 - receiving a Growth Award for its commitment to make the planting and care of trees a priority. The Tree City USA program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation, in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters. VI. MAYOR’S REPORT The Mayor congratulated the Police Dept. for another CALEA Accreditation. Police Chief Vesta stated the WD Police Dept. has been an Accredited Agency since 2001. The National Accreditation focused on almost 500 Standards. The Wood Dale Police Dept. has received this Accreditation every 3 yrs. In 2016 it was changed to a 4 yr. process. This has also been a self-improvement process as the City always strives for ways to improve and get better. Chrissie Sobanski is our coordinator for it and did a great job, but it really is a Department Award, as everyone had a part in it. The Mayor thanked Chief Vesta and the WD Police Dept. A. A Resolution Designating Maura Montalvo, Deputy City Clerk, as one of City of Wood Dale’s Freedom of Information and Open Meetings Act Officers On a motion by Alderman E. Wesley, seconded by Alderman Jakab, to approve A Resolution Designating Maura Montalvo, Deputy City Clerk, as one of City of Wood Dale’s Freedom of Information and Open Meetings Act Officers. When the question was put, all Aldermen voted in the affirmative. Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. VII. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT No Report VIII. CONSENT AGENDA A. Omnibus Vote IX. COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORTS A. Planning, Zoning and Building Committee i. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6.206.B.2 of the City of Wood Dale Municipal Code Regulating Parkway Maintenance On a motion by Alderman Jakab, seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to approve An Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6.206.B.2 of the City of Wood Dale Municipal Code Regulating Parkway Maintenance. Alderman Catalano asked for clarification if the residents will now have to maintain trees on the parkway. Attorney Bond replied that the burden is on the property owner to take care of minor maintenance of the grass and trees on the parkway property or to call the City to make arrangements for bigger issues to be taken care of. The City will determine if it is a City right-of-way or a County right-of-way to resolve the issue. Packet Page #5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 6, 2020 - 3 - Alderman E. Wesley inquired if the Public Works Dept. still takes a Ward once a year to trim trees. Mr. Lange responded the Public Works is on a 5 year cycle, working on one Ward every 4 years and take the 5th year. off. Last year was the 5th year. The City will be trimming again for the next Ward. Alderman Woods felt the wording in some of the sections was unclear as to who exactly is responsible. Attorney Bond clarified the property that the tree or shrub is growing on is responsible. This Ordinance clarifies right-of-way property and the maintenance of it by the property owner. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. B. Public Health, Safety, Judiciary and Ethics Committee No Report C. Public Works Committee i. A Resolution Authorizing An Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and FGM Architects, Inc. for the Covered Parking Structure for Wood Dale Police Station in an Amount Not to Exceed $69,040 On a motion by Alderman Catalano, seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to approve A Resolution Authorizing An Agreement between the City of Wood Dale and FGM Architects, Inc. for the Covered Parking Structure for Wood Dale Police Station in an Amount Not to Exceed $69,040. Alderman E. Wesley inquired if this went out for bids. Chief Vesta stated FGM has done many projects around the area, and they were used for site security over the winter.
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