100 years of diplomatic service of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elmar MAMMADYAROV, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan 100 years of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s diplomacy: upholding national interests at the crossroads of epochs and regions 9 July 1919, the Government of the Azer- Despite living at a junction where the interests of baijan People’s (Democratic) Republic global superpowers converged and often overtly col- On(ADR) adopted a temporary instruction lided, the Azerbaijani people always showed a strong on the secretariat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. determination and steadfast will to uphold its freedom. According to a Decree of President of the Republic of This demonstrates a continuity of the traditions of state- Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated 24 August 2007, this date hood and the fact that it is embedded in national con- was taken as the basis for the establishment of the Day sciousness. Emphasizing this, the Founding Father of of employees of the Diplomatic Service of Azerbaijan. the modern Azerbaijani State Heydar Aliyev said in an One century separates us from atime when the ADR address to young people in 2001, “Our greatest historic was taking its first steps in the international arena. It was achievement is the acquisition of state independence.” an incredibly hectic century which encompassed the In essence, the past hundred years have become collapse of former empires which perished in the fire the annals of the formation and development of mod- of World War One, Azerbaijan’s state independence in ern Azerbaijani statehood. It should be noted that the the form of the first republic in the Muslim East, the loss Republic period of our history did not arise in a vacuum of this independence, seven decades within the USSR, – itwas organically prepared by all of its predecessors. and the new historic achievement – the proclamation Located at a crossroads of the Great Silk Road, Azer- in 1991 of the Republic of Azerbaijan which, for almost baijan confirmed with its own example the accuracy three decades, has consistently strengthened its posi- of Napoleon’s saying that “Geography is a destiny”. For- tions in the region and the world as a whole. eign policy mechanisms of promoting their own inter- 4 www.irs-az.com 2-3(39-40), 2019 ests in such a difficult environment, their alignment with the aspirations of close and distant states were not at all alien to the old generations of our ancestors. There are quite a few documents in the archives of vari- ous countries regarding an exchange of embassies be- tween medieval Azerbaijani states and those of Europe, Russia and Asia. One of the most remarkable figures of that time was Sarah Khatun, the mother of Uzun Hasan – the ruler of the Aghgoyunlu dynasty. She was so in- sightful in state affairs that she would conduct impor- tant negotiations and even succeeded in reaching an agreement with Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II, thus writ- ing her name in history as the first female diplomat in the Muslim world. Such was the rich historical foundation on which the people of Azerbaijan began to transform into a new social and political community, a nation, in the 19thcen- tury. This process proceeded synchronously with many countries of Eastern Europe and led to the subsequent proclamation of a state that embodied the model of a parliamentary republic. The Act of Independence of Azerbaijan adopted by the National Council on 28 May 1918 already stated: “The Azerbaijani Democratic Re- public guarantees within its borders civil and political rights to all its citizens irrespective of ethnic origin, reli- gion, social status and gender”. The document also em- phasized the desire to “establish good-neighborly rela- tions with all members of the international community”. Of course, the very existence of the ADR in the af- termath of World War One, the Bolsheviks’ expansion and the aggression on the part of neighboring Armenia was as difficult and turbulent as it was crucial in terms of the development of Azerbaijan’s foreign relations. At that time, there were diplomatic missions of 16 states operating in Baku, including, for example, those of the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Sweden, Swit- zerland, Belgium, Persia, Poland, Ukraine, etc. In its turn, the ADR Government had diplomatic and consular mis- sions in Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Ukraine and other countries, not to mention the delegation at the Paris Nevertheless, the 23 months of the ADR’s tumultu- Peace Conference. Thanks to the ADR Government, its ous history with five different Cabinets of Ministers and explanatory work and interaction with foreign countries, international situation changing with a kaleidoscopic the ADR on 11 January 1920 was de facto recognized speed demonstrated Azerbaijan’s ability to build diplo- by the Supreme Council of the Paris Peace Conference. matic contacts with foreign countries and the focus on Unfortunately, the fall of the ADR under the onslaught the development of such interaction. of the 11th Red Army on 28 April 1920 interrupted the This circumstance could not be ignored even by the process of international recognition of Azerbaijan’s in- new Bolshevik leaders who came to power in April 1920. dependence and prevented its logical conclusion – ad- In particular, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azer- missionto the League of Nations. baijan SSR operated until the end of 1921, while missions www.irs-az.com 5 100 years of diplomatic service of the Republic of Azerbaijan of a number of foreign states stayed in Baku until 1923. Having restored its state independence in 1991 and Also, the Embassy of Soviet Azerbaijan operated in Anka- become a fully-fledged member of the UN on 2 March ra. However, after the establishment of the Transcauca- 1992, just like at the beginning of the 20thcentury Azer- sian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (TSFSR) and its baijan was faced with aggression on the part of the Re- entry into the USSR, the decision was made to limit for- public of Armenia. The unlawful use of force with the eign policy activities of Azerbaijan and its relations with aim of seizing the territories of the Republic of Azerbai- the outside world. Up until 1944, Azerbaijan, like other jan was accompanied by large-scale ethnic cleansing Soviet republics, was deprived even of formal rights to andflagrant violations of international humanitarian maintain foreign political contacts. However, awaiting law, including the Khojaly act of genocide. For more a victorious completion of World War Two, Moscow than a quarter of a century now, Azerbaijan has been decided in 1944to revitalize, albeit at a purely symbolic fighting for the restoration of its territorial integrity and level, the People’s Commissariats of Foreign Affairs in the right of its internally displaced persons to return to USSR republics. These were transformed into ministries their places of origin in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of in 1946. However, up until 1968the activities of these Azerbaijan and adjacent administrative districts that are departments were so dependent on the central Soviet still under occupation. government that the person holding the post of min- In the current circumstances, it is quite clear that the ister in most of the Union republics except for Ukraine elimination of the consequences of the military aggres- and Belarus, which had representative offices in the UN, sion by the Republic of Armenia is the primary and most performed these duties in combination with another significant problem which the Republic of Azerbaijan as position. In 1968, Bakubecame the first capital where the a responsible member of the international community foreign minister focused on diplomatic workonly. is trying to peacefully resolve through substantive and Overall, as was the case in many other areas, the peri- result-focused negotiations. As is known, the UN Secu- od when Heydar Aliyev led Soviet Azerbaijan was marked rity Council in 1993adopted four resolutions – 822, 853, by the emergence of qualified Foreign Ministry profes- 874 and 884, which express explicit support for the sov- sionals who subsequently formed the backbone of the ereignty, territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and the fact diplomatic corps for the young Azerbaijan Republic. that the Nagorno-Karabakh region is a part of Azerbai- 6 www.irs-az.com 2-3(39-40), 2019 jan, condemnaggression and seizure of the country’s particular, after a nonpermanent membership in the UN territories, and demandan immediate, complete and Security Council in 2012-2013, Azerbaijan was elected unconditional withdrawal of occupying forces. by 176 votes as a member of the UN Economic and So- For many years, the Republic of Armenia has tried cial Council for 2017-2019. From 2019, Azerbaijan will to torpedo the conflict resolution process in every pos- assume presidency in the Non-Aligned Movement, the sible way, evaded its international obligations not to use world’s second biggest international platform Azerbai- force or threats of using force, to resolve international jan joined in 2011. The mere fact that a recent member disputes by peaceful means, to respect the inviolabil- of the Movement prepares to lead the organization is ity of state borders and territorial integrity of states. This highly indicative. The significant progress made in ad- line of conduct has brought Armenia to a dead end vancing the cooperation with the European Union, as which can only be removed by normalizing the rela- well as the consistent development of cooperation tions with neighbors and abandoning annexationist with NATO, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, intentions. The sooner the Armenian leadership under- the League of Arab States, the African Union and the Or- stands this fundamental truth and displays political will ganization of American States, also creates a favorable to start withdrawing its armed forces from the territories background for representing and defending our na- of our country they are holding by force, the sooner it tional interests.
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