Medic Private Saves Dying GI with Knife and Pen Surgery By Earl Mazo he saw another drop close by and thresh the earth with Carefully missing the jugular vein, Kinman cut into the Stars and Stripes Staff Writer his arms and legs as though choking to death. wounded man's throat. Feeling for the windpipe as blood WITH THE FIFTH DIV., Nov. 29.—Using a GI knife and Quickly he went over and examined the wounded man. squirted out and dripped onto the mud which was the operating table, the young medic found what he thought fountain pen, Pvt. Duane N. Kinman, 19-year-old medic who was turning blue in the face because a shrapnel wound in his throat prevented breathing. Remembering a lecture was the right spot and made a one-and-a-half-inch incision from College Place, Washington, D.O., accomplished what in basic training months before, Kinman calmly opened just below the point where the shrapnel went in. might be the most remarkable piece of battlefield surgery his GI knife and began probing for shrapnel in the Then to keep the "breather hole" open, Kinman slipped of this war when he performed a windpipe operation to save a wounded man's throat. nis fountain-pen into the hole. The wounded man, now dying man during a concentrated mortar barrage. The injured man, almost in his last breath, continued breathing more freely, was moved to a clearing station. It was during the drive on Metz. An aid man in B Co., threshing his arms and legs. Platoon Leader Lt. Edwin Doctors all the way up to the evacuation hospital mar- Second Regt., Kinman was finishing the job of bandaging Eberling, of Lincoln, Neb., crawled over to hold him while velled at his skill and said medical schools in the States chest wounds , and the shattered ankle of one soldier when Kinman worked. migh; offer him a surgical scholarship. Man Spricht Deutsch lei On Parle Francois Raumen Sie die Strassc. TRIPES L'ascenseur ne marche pas. Raymen Zee dee Strahse. Lass-in-sir run marsh pah. Get off the street. Saily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces CS^^V* in the European Theater of Operations The elevator is out of order. Vol. 1—No. 128 lFr. Mew York — PARIS — London lFr. Thursday, Nov. 30, 1944 Here Is Robot Bomb With 4Made in America' Label 7th Army, French Widen Corridors To A lsatian Rhine Elements of five Allied armies battled on Reich soil last night as units of the First Canadian Army, which has been unreported since the start of the offensive, were dis- closed in action in Germany east of Dutch Nijmegen. In the south, meanwhile, the U.S. Seventh and First French Here is the first picture of tae launching of the American version of armies widened their corridors to the Alsatian Rhine. the Germans' VI robot bomb at a proving ground in the U.S. It was Fighting inside the Reich, in addition to Gen. H.D.G. copied from unexploded but badly-battered sections of the bomb found in England and flown to the States. Crerar's Canadians, were units of the British Second and Leclerc Warns U.S. Ninth, First and Third Armies. These comprised the first expeditionary force to invade the Reich since the Nazi Snipers of Napoleonic conquest of Prussia. Besieged Yanks Are Rescued While the U.S. First and Ninth Armies drove a steel wedge into 5-to-l Reprisal 2,000 Planes the tenaciously defended Nazi Roer After Holding Town 2 Days River line before the Cologne Plain, STRASBOURG, Nov. 29 (UP).— Batter Largest U.S. Third Army's 95th Division Brig. Gen. Jacques Leclerc, com- By Franklin Banker smashed across the German fron- mander of the French Second Associated Press Correspondent tier east of Metz an extended Lt. Armored Div., announced today in ENGELSDORF, GERMANY, Nov. 29. — Drinking rain- Nazi Oil Plant Gen. George S. Pattons front in a proclamation posted throughout water and treating their wounded with blood plasma the Reich to 26 miles. the city that five German hostages Unopposed by the Luftwaffe, Closing In on Julich will be executed here for every dropped by Cubs, two Ninth Army infantry companies, cut 2,000 Eighth Air Force Fortresses, In Holland, RAF fighter bombers French soldier killed by snipers or off from the rest of their battalion for two days and two Liberators and escorting fighters joined British Second Army artil- guerrillas. smashed Germany's largest oil re- Leclerc said the edict would be nights, held out heroically against superior German forces lery in the attack on the German until rescued Monday night. finery at Misburg and the 30-mile pocket in Geistern Castle, north of effective at 5 PM Saturday and set In the absence of medical aid long railyards at Hamm yesterday. that time for the surrender to the Venlo, as other units probed- the men, GIs suffering from painful The swarms of Nazi interceptors FFI of all weapons held by "un- defenses of the Dutch frontier city. trench foot bandaged each other's which rose to defend Misburg Sun- Southward, front reports said, authorized persons." After that Soviets Swarm wounds with first-aid kits and ad- day at a cost of 110 fighters failed time, the death penalty will be in- American Ninth Army forces closed ministered plasma to the wounded. to make an appearance, according voked for illegal possession of arms, in on Julich, Nazi stronghold in the Across Danube Lt. Col. Sidney Bingham, of Dal- to returning pilots. defense of Cologne. Within a mile and every German soldier found las, Tex., the battalion commander The 1,000 heavy bomber fleet, es- west of the town, Ninth Army rr.en In civilian clothes will be shot as MOSCOW, Nov. 29—The Red said the companies attacked Koslar, corted by more than a thousand crushed resistance in Koslar and a deserter, Leclerc said. Army has launched a new offensive 15 miles northeast of Aachen, early Eighth and Ninth Air Force fight- crossed the River Inde to the south, ers, followed an RAF heavy bomber Will Shoot Prisoners below Budapest, establishing a Saturday, despite tremendous odds. over a bridge they captured in- pre-dawn attack on targets at Es- Hostages who will be shot, if it "They had trench foot from tact bridgehead across the Danube sen and Neuss in the Ruhr. becomes necessary, will be taken (Continued on Page 4) Reports from the U.S. First River 90 miles wide and 20 miles from among the prisoners taken Blast Supply Dumps Army front said infantry with tank by his division. He also asserted deep, Marshal Stalin announced In five 30-bomber waves, 150 (Continued on Page 4) that snipers or anyone sheltering tonight in an order of the day. Antwerp Open, Ninth A.F. Marauders yesterday or aiding them will be killed im- The new drive, first reported by morning bombed German troops de- Henri Bonnet Gets Post mediately. the Germans on Monday, already fending three villages on the Ninth Dispatches, however, indicated has overrun the Hungarian com- Says Churchill and First Army fronts, while in As* Ambassador to U.S. that there was some . doubt as to munication centers of Mohacs and the afternoon 125 B26s and A20s whether the execution of hostages Batasvek on the west bank of the LONDON, Nov. 29—Prime Min- smashed simultaneously at three Henri Bonnet, Gen. de Gaulle's would be carried out, since the U.S. Danube 80 to 90 miles south of ister Churchill said today that the German supply dumps further press chief in Algiers and former Army has taken over the garrison- Budapest, and captured the coal Belgian port of Antwerp "is now south at a reported cost of one member of the League of Nations ing of Strasbourg. It is expected mining center of Pecs, 23 miles receiving large convoys of ocean- Havoc. Secretariat, has been named French that the French military governor west of the Danube, along with going ships" carrying supplies for In five hours of flyable weather, Ambassador to the U.S., the Pro- of the city, Gen. Jacques Schwarz, more than 330 inhabited localities. the Allied Armies. 500 Ninth Thunderbolts and Light- visional French Government an- and the U.S. commander would His disclosure that the port is nings yesterday concentrated their nounced today. insist new proclamations be issued 12 Die as U.S. Hospital now in use was made, without dive-'oombing attacks on German The 56-year-old World War I of- under their names. amplification, in a speech to the troop positir 3 along a 30-mile ficer, teacher and diplomat will as- Is Hit by VI in Belgium House of Commons warning against stretch of the First and Ninth sume his post, shortly, a govern- 19 Yanks Are Released any letdown in the war effort at Army fronts. ment spokesman said. SOMEWHERE IN BELGIUM, this stage. In Exchange of PWs Nov. 29 (AP). — A German buzz Recalling his previous forecast bomb struck a U.S. Army general that the war with Germany might Films Reveal Califo r n ia Flier NEAR GERMAN-HELD PORNIC, hospital several days ago, killing last until early summer, the Prime FRANCE, Nov. 29.—Brittany's be- 12 persons and injuring 50. Minister declared: sieged ports of St. Nazaire and The bomb hit the laboratory and "The truth is that no one knows May Have Shot Lp Rommel Lorient were cleared of the last pharmacy section, and the weak- when the German war will be Allied prisoners of war today when ened condition of the walls caused finished and still less how long the On July 24 Miller was flying with 53 German officers and men were the evacuation of 1,150 patients.
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