June 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 11 15265 AWARDING A CONGRESSIONAL air-to-air gunnery practice, ground-to-air periences of serving their country during GOLD MEDAL TO THE WOMEN anti-aircraft practice, ferrying, transporting war; AIRFORCE SERVICE PILOTS personnel and cargo (including parts for the (32) as part of their desire to educate atomic bomb), simulated strafing, smoke America on the WASP history, WASP have Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- laying, night tracking, and flying drones; assisted ‘‘Wings Across America’’, an organi- er, I move to suspend the rules and (17) in October 1943, male pilots were refus- zation dedicated to educating the American pass the bill (S. 614) to award a Con- ing to fly the B–26 Martin Marauder (known public, with much effort aimed at children, gressional Gold Medal to the Women as the ‘‘Widowmaker’’) because of its fatality about the remarkable accomplishments of Airforce Service Pilots (″WASP″). records, and General Arnold ordered WASP these WWII veterans; and The Clerk read the title of the Senate Director, Jacqueline Cochran, to select 25 (33) the WASP have been honored with ex- WASP to be trained to fly the B–26 to prove hibits at numerous museums, to include— bill. to the male pilots that it was safe to fly; The text of the Senate bill is as fol- (A) the Smithsonian Institution, Wash- (18) during the existence of the WASP— ington, DC; lows: (A) 38 women lost their lives while serving (B) the Women in Military Service to S. 614 their country; America Memorial at Arlington National Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (B) their bodies were sent home in poorly Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia; resentatives of the United States of America in crafted pine boxes; (C) the National Museum of the United Congress assembled, (C) their burial was at the expense of their States Air Force, Wright Patterson Air SECTION 1. FINDINGS. families or classmates; Force Base, Ohio; Congress finds that— (D) there were no gold stars allowed in (D) the National WASP WWII Museum, (1) the Women Airforce Service Pilots of their parents’ windows; and Sweetwater, Texas; WWII, known as the ‘‘WASP’’, were the first (E) because they were not considered mili- (E) the 8th Air Force Museum, Savannah, women in history to fly American military tary, no American flags were allowed on Georgia; aircraft; their coffins; (F) the Lone Star Flight Museum, Gal- (2) more than 60 years ago, they flew fight- (19) in 1944, General Arnold made a per- veston, Texas; er, bomber, transport, and training aircraft sonal request to Congress to militarize the (G) the American Airpower Museum, in defense of America’s freedom; WASP, and it was denied; Farmingdale, New York; (3) they faced overwhelming cultural and (20) on December 7, 1944, in a speech to the (H) the Pima Air Museum, Tucson, Ari- gender bias against women in nontraditional last graduating class of WASP, General Ar- zona; roles and overcame multiple injustices and nold said, ‘‘You and more than 900 of your (I) the Seattle Museum of Flight, Seattle, inequities in order to serve their country; sisters have shown you can fly wingtip to Washington; (4) through their actions, the WASP even- wingtip with your brothers. I salute you . (J) the March Air Museum, March Reserve tually were the catalyst for revolutionary We of the Army Air Force are proud of you. Air Base, California; and reform in the integration of women pilots We will never forget our debt to you.’’; (K) the Texas State History Museum, Aus- into the Armed Services; (21) with victory in WWII almost certain, tin, Texas. (5) during the early months of World War on December 20, 1944, the WASP were quietly and unceremoniously disbanded; SEC. 2. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL. II, there was a severe shortage of combat pi- (a) AWARD AUTHORIZED.—The President pro (22) there were no honors, no benefits, and lots; tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of very few ‘‘thank you’s’’; (6) Jacqueline Cochran, America’s leading the House of Representatives shall make ap- (23) just as they had paid their own way to woman pilot of the time, convinced General enter training, they had to pay their own propriate arrangements for the award, on be- Hap Arnold, Chief of the Army Air Forces, way back home after their honorable service half of the Congress, of a single gold medal of that women, if given the same training as to the military; appropriate design in honor of the Women men, would be equally capable of flying mili- (24) the WASP military records were im- Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) collectively, tary aircraft and could then take over some mediately sealed, stamped ‘‘classified’’ or in recognition of their pioneering military of the stateside military flying jobs, thereby ‘‘secret’’, and filed away in Government ar- service and exemplary record, which forged releasing hundreds of male pilots for combat chives, unavailable to the historians who revolutionary reform in the Armed Forces of duty; wrote the history of WWII or the scholars the United States of America. (7) the severe loss of male combat pilots who compiled the history text books used (b) DESIGN AND STRIKING.—For the pur- made the necessity of utilizing women pilots today, with many of the records not declas- poses of the award referred to in subsection to help in the war effort clear to General Ar- sified until the 1980s; (a), the Secretary of the Treasury shall nold, and a women’s pilot training program (25) consequently, the WASP story is a strike the gold medal with suitable emblems, was soon approved; missing chapter in the history of the Air devices, and inscriptions, to be determined (8) it was not until August 1943, that the Force, the history of aviation, and the his- by the Secretary. women aviators would receive their official tory of the United States of America; (c) SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION.— name; (26) in 1977, 33 years after the WASP were (1) IN GENERAL.—Following the award of (9) General Arnold ordered that all women disbanded, the Congress finally voted to give the gold medal in honor of the Women pilots flying military aircraft, including 28 the WASP the veteran status they had Airforce Service Pilots, the gold medal shall civilian women ferry pilots, would be named earned, but these heroic pilots were not in- be given to the Smithsonian Institution, ‘‘WASP’’, Women Airforce Service Pilots; vited to the signing ceremony at the White where it will be displayed as appropriate and (10) more than 25,000 American women ap- House, and it was not until 7 years later that made available for research. plied for training, but only 1,830 were accept- their medals were delivered in the mail in (2) SENSE OF THE CONGRESS.—It is the sense ed and took the oath; plain brown envelopes; of the Congress that the Smithsonian Insti- (11) exactly 1,074 of those trainees success- (27) in the late 1970s, more than 30 years tution shall make the gold medal received fully completed the 21 to 27 weeks of Army after the WASP flew in World War II, women under this Act available for display else- Air Forces flight training, graduated, and re- were finally permitted to attend military where, particularly at other locations associ- ceived their Army Air Forces orders to re- pilot training in the United States Armed ated with the WASP. port to their assigned air base; Forces; SEC. 3. DUPLICATE MEDALS. (12) on November 16, 1942, the first class of (28) thousands of women aviators flying Under such regulations as the Secretary 29 women pilots reported to the Houston, support aircraft have benefitted from the may prescribe, the Secretary may strike and Texas Municipal Airport and began the same service of the WASP and followed in their sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal military flight training as the male Army footsteps; struck under this Act, at a price sufficient to Air Forces cadets were taking; (29) in 1993, the WASP were once again ref- cover the costs of the medals, including (13) due to a lack of adequate facilities at erenced during congressional hearings re- labor, materials, dyes, use of machinery, and the airport, 3 months later the training pro- garding the contributions that women could overhead expenses. gram was moved to Avenger Field in Sweet- make to the military, which eventually led SEC. 4. NATIONAL MEDALS. water, Texas; to women being able to fly military fighter, Medals struck pursuant to this Act are na- (14) WASP were eventually stationed at 120 bomber, and attack aircraft in combat; tional medals for purposes of chapter 51 of Army air bases all across America; (30) hundreds of United States service- title 31, United States Code. (15) they flew more than 60,000,000 miles for women combat pilots have seized the oppor- SEC. 5. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS; their country in every type of aircraft and tunity to fly fighter aircraft in recent con- PROCEEDS OF SALE. on every type of assignment flown by the flicts, all thanks to the pioneering steps (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— male Army Air Forces pilots, except combat; taken by the WASP; There is authorized to be charged against the (16) WASP assignments included test pilot- (31) the WASP have maintained a tight- United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund, ing, instructor piloting, towing targets for knit community, forged by the common ex- an amount not to exceed $30,000 to pay for VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:39 Oct 13, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H16JN9.000 H16JN9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 15266 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol.
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