t ^ -T- ■' A' " A - - t . - — ^ MONDAY, MARCH 28, 195B Avorsf 8 Dslly Net Prws Run The Wasther PAGE «)URTEB3f 'N • Itir Um Week Emied Fatieiat et V. S. Weatfear Mnreh 28. 1885 . Fair and o M lemght. Lew A « ' _ A RiMUnc of tb * troop commit* Vf edi^ l Auxiliary 11,685 Nurses **Capped?* in St. Mai^^s H ospiul Cc^numies 88. Wadneadey fair ead wnni A bout Town Member •t^tlM.A nas mgh MM* 88. " ' V _ ^ ; _____ homo of ScoutmuUr__________Harry Harry lUld- Hears Yale Dew - ELECTRIC Buremi ef Clf«adatl«i Hianchester-~~A City of Village Charm ment, 18 Scarborough Rd. Plana Army and Navy AuxiUiry mem-S for the annual eprlng motor trip The Woman’s Auxiliary to the bora will hold Uwlr iiiual card will be diacuaaed. All membera are COOKING'S (Ckwalfled AAverttrtng en Png* 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS party tonitht at 8:30 at thp club- urged tp attend. Hartford County Medical Assn, VOL.LXXIV,N0.151 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MAh^HESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1955 hcuae. Tomorrow evening the Aim- will hold its eleventh annual meet­ Ulary w«l hold It monthly meet­ Membera^of the 3d Infantry ing on Tuesday, April 5 a t ths white glove ing a t 8 p.m. Regiment, Pfc. Raymond F. Laine, Wampanoag' Country Club. aon of Mr. and Mra. Uoula. P Re^stratlon will begin at 4:30 Membera of the South Methodtat Laine, 133 Cooper Hill St., and Pvt. p.m. with the 'biuiness meeting at Steveri%Co. Scelba Bids WSCS who plan to attend the G e o ^ S . Sullivan, aon of George 4:45, a social hour from 8 to 7 CLEAN Missing Malenkov "Supper in the Upper Room," afe T. Sullivan. 5 Waddell Rd., took and dinner at 7 o’clock. urgM to make reaervatlona before part In cerempntea March 15 hon­ The speaker of the evening will omen like clean gloves 1 , Friday, Aprtl 1. through their oring Col. Romulo Antonio Fer- be Dr. Vernon Lippard, dean o^ Now Owner NATO Add group leadera. or Mra. C ftl Hlldlng. nandea, chief of the 'Venezuelan the Tale School of Medicine. Dr. Dulles Says Big CLEAN ELECTRIC COOKING TOO Spurs Speculation ' leader of the Willing Workera armed forcea general ataff, on hla Uppard’s subject will be "Current I Oroup who are preparing the Vneal arrival in Waahlngton, D. C. Problems In Medical-Education.” Monday April 4. Reservations may be made Of Cheney’s More T ies Charlea F. Mullaney, aon of through'Mrs. A. U, Peacock, 38 Ex-Premier Killed Mancheater ; Aaaembly No. IS, Mra. Mary Mullaney, 134 Hilliard Four Mile Rd.i West Hartford. Control of Cheney Bros, Wafihington, Mareh 29 {IT) Order of Rainbow for Glrla. will St.; Ronald M. Watta, aon of Mr. Reservatfona cannot be accepted piused today from t)ie family — Premie; Mario Scelba of meet in the Maaonic Temple to­ and Mra. F. B. Watta, 83 Arvine after April-j. The New GE Stratoliner which has held it for 107 Italy said today the 15 North night at 7:30, at which time Mother PI.; and John K. Whltham, aon of London, March 29 (^F)— Rising speculation about the where­ Talks ‘Months Atlantic Pact nations must Adviaor Footer will confer the, Mr. and Mra. Erwin W.i'Whltham. yean to J. P, Stevens A Co^, abouts of deposed Soviet Premier Georgi Malenkov was majority degree on two membera 43 Gerard St, have \ formally one-of the giants of the tex­ join in pi^ittcal, economic and Change Meeting heightened to ^ y by his absence from a farewell 'ceremony of the Aaaembly. Following the pledged into the Alpha IN Chapter tile industry. , ,s p c i a 1 arrangements, to meeting Mra. Olive' Recave, direc­ of Theta XI fraternity ai the Unl- for a visiting Swedish power delegation. The Swedes last tor of the "Sweetie Pie" Minatrel, GcmldlBe Robaa Coostanee Morlarty Shirley Siranaea Range With Automatic 1 Henry R. Mallory, executlvaavlce strengthen their inilitafy de­ veralty of Connecticut ^ Of Scandia Lodge » president of Cheney Bros., aald this night ended a 17-day tour pf ^viet-v------------------------------------------^------- Four Hands Help with the Robe will ahow colored alldea takm at power stations, made at the in -: fences against Communism. Ike boubts Asks Quicl^ the Bowpra School laat month, Threa MancheaUr glrla, alloM. Morlarty, 131 Park an<^the students with the Miraculous morning that, unejer the terms of In an addreas before a National The Holy Family Mothera Circle Miss Shirley Swanson, daughter of Medal of Our Lady. The cap — — \ the Stevens Company offer, "n. suf­ vltation of thC| Soviet goverftment,' graduatoa of Mancheater High Scandia Lodge No. 23,' Order of For imexpiainikd reasons they did Dead? Alive? Press C2ub luncheon, he said "We Officera and membera of the will meet Wednea^y evening at 8 Mr. and Mra. EHmer Swanson, 60 ping ceremony climaxed alx ficient number ot shares (of stock) miiat admit' that little heui been o’clock at the home of Mra. J . F School, receptly received their W. Middle Tpke., marched with 52 months of intenslva Classroom Vasa, will hold Us Aprtl mseting have been deposited 'with the not aee Malenkov, who waa de­ BriUah American Club wUl meet Thursday night, March 31, Uuitead SurfaceUnit done thus far” nithln the frame­ Matsu War Approv^ of Squirea, 82 Oxford S i, white nuraes’ capa In caremoniea membera of their class in candle­ work and introduetoqiL floor duty, Hartford National Bank and Trust moted seven weeks ago from the thla evening at 7:30 at the club- of on the usual meeting rtoht, premiership to the post of minister work of the AtlanUc Pact in non- houae and proceed from there to held in the chapel of S t Mary’a light . procession to the chapel the probationary perltw of train Co. so that the purchase will be mliitary fields. which would- faU during Holy effective as of 2 p.m. today." power stations. the T. P. HoUoran Funeral Home XI Gamma Chapter of Beta Sig­ Hospital, Waterbury. Mlaa Ger­ where they were received Into.the ing. .The glrla areenow entitled Week. *v A Moscow Radio broadcast de­ Military defense, however fun­ ma Phi will meet tomorrow night to wear the blue and white atriped The Stevens Co. last month of­ By April 15 Bonn Pacts to pay reapecta to .Thomaa W. aldine Rohan, daughter of Mr. and .Sodality of the Blesaed Virgin -The members of the lodge whoee scribing the departure of the damental is not sufficient alone," Murphy Sr., who waa a memberl of a t 8 O’clock at the home of Mra. Mrs. Charleif Rohan, 38 Gardner Mary,. The Rev: William J . unifonn-’'With white bib and cap fered to buy all of Cheney Bros, he said. "Peace and freedom must birthdays occur In April will be outstanding capital stock for 320 Swedish delegation made no men­ . the club. Robert UtUe, 148 Pearl S t S t ; Miss Constance MoHarty, Leaty, hospital chaplain, officiat­ which marka them aa Junior atn guests of the lodge at the refresh-' tion of Malenkov. Alexi Pavlenko, be defended not only with weap­ Washington, March 29 (/P) Washington, March 29 (IP) ed a t the ceremonies and Invested dents. a share, provided at least 95 per daughter of Mr»a>}d Mrs. Matthew ment hour following the meeting. described as a deputy power sta­ ons, but with concerted action. — President Eisenhower does Secretary of State Dulles cent of the stock Was submitted “TWO Members of ths executive com­ for sale by 2 p.m. today. ' tions minister, saw them off at “Article of the North At­ not believe Red China is pre­ said today that any toj^level mittee are reminded of the execu­ Moscow airport. tJntil Malenkov lantic Pact gives full recognition conference with Russia ia comer of Church and Chestnut tive meeting to be held a t -the 98 Per Cent Requirenyent Waived to these prlnciifies, iMit we must pared to cause any major In an announcement today, how­ got the jab laat Feb, 9, Palenko almost certainly “months” # Sts. with a aide line exception. Tells Experiences home of Chairman Lillian Leg­ had been the mihister.' admit UtUe has been done thus far conflict in the Formosa Strait Two applicatlMis concern dweU- gett, 42 Alexander St, ever, Stevens said it was lifting the to Implemeht them.’’ away. Zoning Board conditions of sale. The company Malenkov also was miaiing from in the weeks just ahead. ings and wUl be made by Edward To Society Here Scelba in the prepared text of . The President does not share the Dulles told the Senate Foreign Extra Special 1 VUga and Steve Koeakowakl, who aald that P*** require­ the government boot at the final Relations'Ckimmittee it'*is definite­ session Saturday of the Supreme his address spoke out also in favor view that a Red Chinese attack wish to erect a house cloeer to the ment -waa w aiv^ and that the of ."coordinated political action” by ly the policy of President Eisen­ To H ear 18 deadline for tendeiing the atock Soviet' of the Russian Soviet might be- made <^n the Nationalist- sidelines than allowed a t a lot on Mrs. Elizabeth Linkloster wlU North Atlantic Pact allies. He laid held Island** cf Quemoy and Matsu hower to pursue the possibility of EMe St.; and Helmer Werdelln,, relate some ot her experiences in had been extended to April 15. P^eratid Socialist Republic a big powers conference once pre­ Mallory today explain^ that the (R SFSR ), the parliament of the it haa been demonstrated how by April 15.
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