- Annals v,is(i- of the Missouri Botanical Garden 1988 # Volume 75 Number 1 Volume 75, Number ' Spring 1988 The Annals, published quarterly, contains papers, primarily in systematic botany, con- tributed from the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. Papers originating outside the Garden will also be accepted. Authors should write the Editor for information concerning arrangements for publishing in the ANNALS. Instructions to Authors are printed on the inside back cover of the last issue of each volume. Editorial Committee George K. Rogers Marshall R. Crosby Editor, Missouri B Missouri Botanical Garden Editorial is. \I,,S ouri Botanu •al Garde,, John I). Dwyer Missouri Botanical Garden Saint Louis ( niversity Petei • Goldblatt A/I.S.S ouri Botanic al Garder Henl : van der W< ?rff V//.S.S ouri Botanic tor subscription information contact Department IV A\NM.S OK Tin: Missot m Boi >LM« M G\KDE> Eleven, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166. Sub- (ISSN 0026-6493) is published quarterly by the scription price is $75 per volume U.S., $80 Canada Missouri Botanical Garden, 2345 Tower Grove Av- and Mexico, $90 all other countries. Airmail deliv- enue, St. Louis, MO 63110. Second class postage ery charge, $35 per volume. Four issues per vol- paid at St. Louis, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMAS'IKK: Send ad«lrt— changes to Department i Botanical Garden 1988 REVISED SYNOPSIS Grady L. Webster2 and Michael J. Huft" OF PANAMANIAN EUPHORBIACEAE1 ABSTRACT species induded in \ • >,H The new taxa ai I. i i " I ! I _- i II • hster, Tragia correi //,-," |1 U !. I :,.(, , uw .<• r K:nil. ,.J>s;. I i. .lu< \ v|, h, f I/,/..'/ l/f . It ,„„',, ,W/.,/' hi".-lh.il r .,.,„,-[, //u/f, Tetrorchidium microphyllum //u/j, Croton pachypodus Webster, Croton speciosus Muell. Arg. subsp. taca runcnsis II ebster, Croton draco Cham. & Schldl. subsp. panamensis (Klotzsch) Webster, Croton billbergian Muell. Arg. subsp p\rdiiud.ilis (J l> Smith ii i ///, Sebastiania panamensis Webstt Gymnanthesdrrs.sl.ri il /•>». ,/'.-./ Cwin nil i • " ' (f .••.,',, ' . neu or updated ke arc provided where appropriate, as well as d, • . imen citations. When the treatment of the Euphorbiaceae for In order to in the Flora of Panama was originally published changes, the g< (Webster & Burch, 1968), it was anticipated that new keys to sp it would prove to be incomplete, but collections genera. Citatior made during the past 20 years show that it was species already included in the original treatment even more provisional than we had thought. Not unless they represent new records for provinces or only has Pausandra been found as predicted, but considerable range extensions. Descriptions are no fewer than nine other genera new to Panama: provided for most species new to Panama, but in hlcnoplnictlra. Astrocasia, Croizatia, Drypetes, a few cases, if the Panamanian material is not Gymnanthes, Maprounea, Richeria, and Sene- adequate for description or if the species has been feldera, and an unpublished genus from Cerro Ta- recently described elsewhere, a literature reference genera to 45. In addition, species new to Panama The preparation of this paper has involved us have been found in a number of genera, including in the study of much extra-Panamanian material Acalypha, Alchornea, Cleidion, Croton, Dale- and has led to the resolution of a number of an- champta. Euphorbia, Hyeronima, Mabea, Man- ciliary taxonomic and distributional problems. We ihot, Sapium, Sebastiania, Tetrorchidium, and have not hesitated to discuss these additional items Tragia. The arrangement of genera within the where appropriate. The central position of Panama family has become obsolete since the publication in the Neotropics certainly renders this account of of a new classification (Webster, 1975); there are Panamanian Euphorbiaceae of value to an under- now five subfamilies recognized, of which four oc- standing of the family throughout Central America cur in Panama. This new treatment, with the order and northern South America. It seems appropriate, of the genera now following the revised classifi- therefore, to include peripheral items that, while cation, includes the taxa new to Panama as well not concerning Panamanian species directly, are as references to recent publications on these taxa. definitely of relevance. 1 We thank the i m the loan of specimens. Part of the work of the senior author uus suppotttd b\ /.-',,< ,, "-> , ,, > ' .stoii, I niiejstt\ of Calif,i nia, Hans, consul, ruble assistance was provided by the staff of the Missouri Botanical Garden, particularly lh Cordon McPherson, who supplied material of some critical taxa. Drawings were provided by Wan-Ling Peng, Clara Richardson, and Steve Wilson. Ilppailim ni ot ii ' • s I I". ''<««'( key to genera and new treatments of genera 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 23, 27, 32, 34, 36, and 37. The treatment of genus 28, Cnidoscolus, is furnished by Dr. Gary Breckon, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagiiez. Missouri IU,i,i'i>< ,<! (••,,., M.i'',^ ,i,l,',, ,s D, pfr.'m, at ,,( II,>!•:,•, I >, 1,1 \L> . > ;n, .»/ \,i!,il„'' II: In',. Chicago, Illinois (»t)/,or,, I S / . primarily responsible for new treatments of genera 2, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 26, 30, 33, 39, and 42; the treatments of genera 16, 22, and 35 are the joint responsibility of both authors. ANN. MISSOURI BOT. GARD. 75: 1087-1144. 1988. £ 1 ll J JI Ifl li 111 ! 111 li i lit 1 i g 3 "§ £=§ ? ill £ it HJif i{ 111 iH j II r,if I 8 H t | || If | 1 | I J ] Jl I fl li 1 i ll 1 1 : Hi I lit if lit: ! { ! ill! fliLlUl! 1 ill! I 8 -J* !! jlfjfl J!MI ! ill liJH if ft! 5j«l'9iJ* Ilia S "lis 8 i » I ^ I ^ -s ^ j I .B|| §_S g e.stJ1 ?1 i umijii ill i lii! '• •| I - £ dS <S $ J Q £ 3 S r* f- J S ^ * °- ! old 3 J1 £ i mmmr u rimTil ^ kmm If 1! m 11 m uuijij i!! HI i lliWil Sliiilififjiijii! i 1 Hi jl. it9 f il Ha •i'111 I! 'Pill • i] |s.yiii- I I Jjw S|g|";|"t| . s I i II11* IS I 'if il| It § si 8 1 | I s.1 1!l 1 II f = 8 2 5 | | j | ^ : i 1 I 1 " 1HI si i n i i. * " I III -ill 1 HI Ull i .] I s l-H fill I i ifi i !i I ?! 1I * I III I I? I II 1] •8 i-s Ii^|ti|m4iiiS|S.s.li-S* llllil itfftjitlllj ttlit} !| 11 lllfiNi ? Hit Iljliii! iJ fl UilSi-i !i iil iji Jilt mi ii ISIH ijiiliiiliiMliUiJfii! li tif HI 111 wihh - - |1|j |{ lHl**^» « ls!| fill5"5<B* i * sj |l| I1•"-1 nil Volume 75, Number 3 Webster & Huft 1091 1988 Panamanian Euphorbiaceae j8j ENUMERATION OF TAXA 1 Jill Subfamily I. PHYLLANTHOIDEAE Asch. 1 ?«2|2 1. Astasia i 1^33 Astrocasia Robinson *S. Millsp., Rot. Jahrb. Syst. 36, Reibl. 80: 19. 1905. TYPE: Astrocasia lil phyllanthoides Robinson & Millsp. = Astro- j casia tremula (Griseb.) Webster. 11 I t| Dioecious, glabrous trees or shrubs. Leaves al- J"S ternate, petiolale: iij ili i MM deciduous; blades $ J "i entire, pinnately veined. Inflorescences axillary; nil 4 flowers in cluster > • . ,, >cd II i V * sepals 5, sometimes unequal; petals 5, longer than ItI Z& I the sepals; disk annular; stamens 3 or 5, the fil- ;lj| •ffs aments connate into a column, anthers extrorse in 1 2 ^ bud, dehiscing horizontally; pollen grains tricol- porate, reticu lo ilated at tip into a *il peltate disk capping the staminal column. Pistillate III! flowers long-pedicellate; sepals 5, articulated, de- • s *^ 11 « . i petals 5, longer than sepals; disk cupuli- 111! U pels; ovules 2 per locule, anatropous; styles free, Ill's hil'ul. funis eapsiilai : columella slender, persistent: I^SI !l seeds 1 or 2 per locule, ecarunculate; seed coat ^I'i- 13 dry, thin, smooth, raphe conspicuous; e lospene copious; enibi vo straight: cot vledoiis thin. ilal. n icl longer and broader than the radicle. This neotropical genus of four species was not reported from Panama in the original treatment. int., Astrocasia is one of the more primitive genera of Knphorltiaeeae ami Ii i ^ its do r-l :. latives in Yfnea :u,,,| and Madaga-- >im, 11 ielandia Rail- sHiHl no Ion). r: at brae bifid; axis • 1.1. Astrocasia tremula (Griseb.) Webster, J. Arnold Arbor. 39: 208. 1958. Phyllanthus main usually involucral inequilateral tremulus Griseb., Fl. Rrit. W.I. 34. 1859. 5 synnnc TYPE: Jamaica: Purdie, Wullschlaegel (syn- styles the types, K). stipulate, i.e., radially Astrocasia fj/nlIni . Millsp., Bot. Jahrb. cymes; Syst. 36, Beibl. 80: 19. 1095. TYPE: Mexico. Yu- less catan: Merida, Seler 3943 (holotype, F). or lateral opposite, 5 Shrub or tree 2-10 m high; branches terete or chlorenchyma-sheathed; in pseudanthial, more obscurely angled, pale; foliage deciduous. Leaves Leaves not villi slender petiol 2 <> cm long; stipules lanceo- nen, . ices thia late, chartaceous, 4-6 mm long; blades charta- ceous, ovate, acute or obtuse at tip, broadly cu- |fc3 u neate at base, 5-12 cm long, 3-7.5 cm broad; Missouri Botanical Garden ers with pedicels 8 15 mm Ion-; sepals hmadb embed*led glands. Flowers in axillary clusters. 5/a- elliptic to obovate, entire, I .1! I ..r) nun limp, 1.2 niinate Jlowcis pedicellate; sepals 5, imbricate; 1.8 mm broad; petals elliptic lanceolate, 2.1 2.7 petals 5. inucli shorter than sepals, pubescent; disk mm long, 0.8-1.1 mm broad; disk « upuliform. annular; stamens 5, free or connate, the anthers fluted, 0.4-0.5 mm high, 0.9 1 mm broad; an- ± introrse; pollen grains 3-colporate, the sexine droecium 0.7-0.9 mm across; stamens 5; anthers echinate; pistillode .'Mid.
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