1923. OONGRESSION AL RECORD-SENATE. 2925 .Also, memorial of the Legislature of the State of Oklahoma extend immediate aid to Germany and Austria ; to the Com­ requesting Congress to give its sympathetic consideration to a mittee on Foreign Affairs. basic plan for a return to world sanity through a conference of 7165. By Mr. PARKER of New Jersey: Petition of numei·ous World War powers under the leadership of the United States; citizens of' Newark, · N. J., asking immediate famine relief ' to to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the German and Austrian people; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. · 7166. Also, petition of numerous residents of Orange, N. J. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. asking immediate famine relief to the German and Austria~ Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions people; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. · were introduced and severally referred as follows: 7167. By Mr. RADCLIFFE: Petition of citizens of the . By Mr. CABLE: A bill (H. R. 14170) granting an increase seventh congressional district of New Jersey, supporting a of pension to l\1ary J. Coburn ; to the Committee on Invalid joint resolution aiding the German and Austrian Republics· Pensions. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ' By Mr. COLTON: A bill (H. R. 14171) for the relief of the 7168. By Mr. SINCLAIR: Petition of Bucyrus National Farm widow and minor children of Raymond C. Hanford·; to the Loan Association, Bucyrus, N. Dak., condemning House bill Committee on Claims. 13125, to change the Federal farm loan act ; to the Committee By Mr. TILSON: A bill (H. R. 14172) granting a pension to on Banking a.11d Currency. Tohn T. O'Neil; to the Committee on Pensions. 7169.• Also, petition of Carpio Farm Loan Association, Carpio, By Mr. HICKS: A bill (H. R. 14173) for the relief of First N. Dak., condemning the Strong bill ; to the Committee on Bank­ Lieut. John I. Conroy; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. ing and Currency. , By Mr. JOHNSON of Kentucky: A bill (H. R. 14174) grant­ 7170. .Also, petition of E. F. Hehn and 42 others of Leith ing a pension to Martha A. Storms; to the Committee on Invalid Elgin, and Pretty Rock, N. Dak., asking that aid be ex'tended th~ Pensions. suffering peoples of Germany and Austria; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota: A bill (H. R. 14175) granting a pension to Amelia A. Ball; to the Committee on 7171. Also, petition of Rev. Dominic Reeber and 51 others, of Invalid Pensions. · Glen Ullin, N. Dak., urging- the passage ·of legislation providing for the extension of aid to the suffering peoples of Germany and By Miss ROBERTSON: A bill· (H. R. 14176) granting a pen­ Austria; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. sion to Jane Dick; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 7172. Also, petition of F. D. Scholl and 29 others, of Litchville, By Mr. SHAW: A bill (H. R.14177) granting a pension to N. Dak., urging the passage of the joint resolution now pending Matilda J. Farris; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. for the extension of aid to the suffering peoples of Germany and By Mr. SWEET: A bill (H. R. 14178) granting a pension to Austria ; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Charles V. McClure; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 7173. Also, petition of Tagus Federal Farm Loan Association, By Mr. VAILE: A bill (H. R. 14179) granting a pension to Tagus, N. Dak., protesting against the Strong bill,. to change Emma B. Higgins; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the Federal farm loan act ; to the Committee on Banking and By Mr. WHITE of Maine: A bill (H. R.14180) granting a Currency. pension to Lelia E. Bowley; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ sions. PETITIONS, ETC. SENATE. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid SATURDAY, February 3, 1B~3. on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : 7154. By Mr. ANSORGE: Petition of Associated Musicians of (Legislative day of Monday, Janua·ry 29, 1923.) Greater New York, New York City, favoring an amendment to The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of the Volstead Act permitting the use of light wines and beers; the recess. to the Committee on the Judiciary. l\Ir. HEFLIN. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a 7155. By Mr: COLE of Ohio : Petition of members of Bucyrus quorum. Council, No. 184, Junior Order United American Mechanics, The VICE PRESIDENT. ·The Secretary will call the roll. protesting against any modification of the lmmigration law; to The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Sena­ the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. tors answered to their names : 7156. By Mr. FAUST: Petition of citizens of Tarkio, Mo., Ashurst George Mccumber Smoot to abolish tax on small-arms ammunition and firearms; to the Ball Glass McKellar Spencer Committee on Ways and Means. Borah Gooding McKinley Sterling Brandegee Hale McLean Sutherland 7157. By Mr. GARNER: Petition of 64 citizens of Texas, Brookhart Harreld McNary Swanson favoring legislation granting immediate aid to the people of Calder Harris Moses Trammell the German and Austrian Republics ; to the Committee on Cameron Harrison New Underwood Capper Heflin Norbeck Wadsworth Foreign Affairs. Caraway Jones, Wash. Norris Walsh, Mass. 7158. By Mr. KAHN: Petition of the California Academy of Couzens Kendrick Oddie Warren Sciences, urging the passage of House bill 5823 ; to the Com­ Culberson Keyes Page Watson Curtis King Phipps Weller mittee on Agriculture. Ernst Ladd Pittman Willis . 7159. Also, petition of citizens of San Francisco, Calif., urging Fernald La FoJlette Pomerene Fletcher L{)dge Reed, Pa. Congress to extend immediate aid to the people of the German Frelinghuysen McCormick Robinson and Austrian Republics; to the Coinmittee on Foreign Affairs. 7160. Also, petition of the To Kalon Club, of San Francisco, Mr. CURTIS. I wish to announce that the Senator from Calif., urging that an antinarcotic week be proclaimed early in Minnesota [Mr. KELLOGG] is unavoidably absent. 1923 as a means of mobilizing all public-spirited bodies for the Mr. HEFLIN. The Senator from South Carolina [Mr. work of arousing the American people to tlie gravity of the SMITH] is absent on official business. drug menace; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign The VICE PRESIDENT. Sixty-one Senators have answered Commerce. to their names. A quorum is present. 7161. By l\fr. KISSEL: Petition to promote Americanization OPERATION OF TRAMP VESSELS BY THE UNITED STATES ( 8. DOC. NO. work in the public schools, Washington, D. C., asking Congress 297). to provide sufficient appropriations in order to continue the night classes; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ 7162. By Mr. MOORES of Indiana: Petition of 63 citizens cation from !he chairman of the United States Shipping Board, of Indiana, urging the repeal of the tax on small arms, ammu­ submitting, in response to Senate resolution 410, agreed to nition, and firearms; to the Committee on Ways and Means. January 16, 1923, information relative to tramp tonnage oper­ 7163. By Mr. NEWTON of Minnesota: Petition of Mr. F. T. ations, etc., which was ordered to lie on the table and to be Bremer and other residents of Minnesota, petitioning the Con­ printed. gress to act favorably upon joint resolution purporting to ex­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. tend immediate aid to Germany and Austria; to the Committee Mr. LADD presented a resolution of the Mayville (N. on Foreign Affairs. Dak.) Local Equi~y Union, protesting against the passage 7164. Also, petition presented by Arthur Schaub, of St. Paul, of the so-called Strong bill amending certain sections of the Minn., on behalf of certain residents of Minnesota, for favor­ Federal farm loan act, etc., which was referred to the Com­ able consideration by the Congress of resolution purporting to mittee on Banking: and Currency. ·29-26 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SENATEP FEBRU ARY .3, Mr. KEYES presented communications in the nature of peti­ REPORTS OF COMMITTEE ON MILITARY AFFAIRS. tions from the social service department of St. James Churcil, l\Ir. CAPPER, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to of Laconia; the rector, wardens, and vestry of St Luke's which was referred the bill ( S. 2098) for the relief of Jacob Episcopal Church, of Charlestown, and the Parish Aid Soctecy Mull, reported it without amendment and submitted a report of Trinity Church of Claremont, all in the State of New Hamp. (No. 1085) thereon. shire, praying an amendment to the Constitution regulating Mr. BROOKHART, from the Committee on 1\Iilitary Affairs, child labor, which were referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. to which was referred the bill (S. 930) for the relief. of Thomas J. Temple, reported it without amendment and submitted a re­ Mr. JONES of Washington presented petitions CJf sundry citi­ port (No. 1086) thereon. zen of Spokane, Seattle. Lind; Medical Lake. Deep Creek, (I'elroa, Cheney, Four Lakes, and Uniontown, all in the State BILLS A~ JOINT RESOLUTION INTRODUCED. of Washington, praying for the passage of legislation extend­ Bills and a joint resolution were introduced, read the first ing immediate aid to the famine-stricken peoples of the Ger­ time, and, by unanimous consent, the second time, and referred man and Austrian Republics, which wera referred to the Oom­ as follows: mittee on Appropriations. By Mr-. WILLIS: Mr. TOWNSEND presented resolutions adopted by Grand A bill (S. 4470) granting an increase of pension to l\1ary C. Rapids Lodge, No. 50; Muskegon Lodge, No. 491; and Otsego Smith (with accompanying papers) ; to the Committee on Pen­ Lodge, No.
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