THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Entered as Second Class Matter Post Office, Westfleld, N. J, Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1951 Every Thursday 28 Page.-5 Cent Police Reserves Accepts Appointment Baker Denies CandidacyiHunts Featured Need More Members Chief Honored Dutch Students Laud U. S This Week At The Westfield Police Reserves, a By Associates For Prosecutor s Post unit of the Defense Council, has announced it is in need of 25 or Hospitality, Informality Playgrounds 30 more members to bring the or- At Meeting ganization to its full strength. School Board to Open DriscoIlStill Varied Events Attract Application forms may be secured ut Defense Council Headquarters Presented With Gift Sealed Bids Tuesday Modern Facilities, 5,421 Children; on the first floor of the Municipal By County Police Holding Up Building on Prospect street. Adult Night Popular Members of the unit have com- Chief's Association Sealed bids will be opened at a Variety of Foods Appointments pleted 00 hours of indoor training special meeting of the Board of Treasure hunts held the spot- under the direction of Deputy Police Chief John R. Schreiber Education at 8 p.m. next Thurs- Are Impressive light this week at the five West- Chief H. J. Kjellmark and are retiring Aug. 15 from the West- day in Roosevelt Junior High Horace E. Baker of 551 Sum- field playgrounds with total at- now winding up the phase3 of out- field department, was honored School for the landscaping of the new high school on Dorian road, mit avenue, local attorAcy and tendance listed at 5,421 children. door training. Tuesday afternopn by the Union "Everything is much biggt chairman of the Union County Re- according to J. Blisa Austin, Adult night is becoming a popular County Police Chief's Association board president. over here," observed Aristid publican Committee, denied today feature, especially at Wilson and which presented him with a pursi Henri Esser, a short, wiry, 21 that he is a candidate for the McKinley playgrounds. in appreciation of his services to The bids will be received up year-old student from HolIaiK posts of county prosecutor or mem- The treasure hunts consisted of Council to Confer the group. Chief Schreiber was until the meeting for the furnish Big blonde Pieter Gijsbert Vonl ber of the State Board of Tax Ap- hidden candy scattered about the one of the three founders of the ing of labor and materials for th 27, nodded agreement. They wei peali, killing rumors that he was grounds which the contestants finished grading, seeding, am two of the twenty Dutch youn With Realtors association and has served as its planting of the grounds surround j "compromise" choice. were required to find. The person president. He is at present chair- people visiting America throug Although a press report from with the highest total was de- ing the new Westfield High. the Experiment in Intcrnationt Trenton last week said that politi- H. EMERSON THOMAS rnan of the educational commit clared the \vinner and was the re- Sale at Market Price tee, which conducts the annua The deadline on bids for fur Living and are staying for thre Cjl gossip in the state capital in- weeks here in Westfield. Bot cipieht of the prize: a sewing Kit police training school. nishing and installing new light dicated that the incumbent prose- HORACE E. BAKER for the girls and an Indianhead Sought for City Land ing fixtures and equipment in th< spoko English fluently. cttor, Edward Cohn, was "on his Thomas to Head The Westfield Chief presented old high school has been set at < "One thing that impressed m wall plaque and neckerchief slide 1 way put," Mr. Baker declared that for the boys. In answer to the Westfield his resignation at the meeting p.m. Monday in the office of thi was tho informality of the Amot |,o believed Cohn was still "very Local Woman On At Columbus playground Joyce Board of Realtors' request for which was accepted with regret. district clerk of the Board of Ed icans," Pieter remarked. "In Hoi much" in the race and has not been Stevens and Hugo Calderone won uniform realty rules, Councilman Fire Investigation Acting president Daniel J. Gray ucation, 301 Clark street. The oh land there are rules for every eliminated from consideration. the hunt; and Joyce Eldridgc and H. Emerson Thomas, chairman of of Plainfield, in accepting the res-high school is being renovated foi thing, and we would not think o Last month both Mr. Baker and Skillnian Board the public affairs committee has Councilman H. Emerson Thomas ignation, prevailed upon Chief future use as an elementary wearing these clothes on th> Slate Senator Kenneth C. Hand Rosalie Bruno topped the ball- bouncing contest. In league base- announced that his committee is of 3 Stoneleigh park has accepted Schreiber to continue his commit- school. street." Dressed in slacks and i conferred with Governor Driscoll willing to discuss recommenda- appointment as head of a group of tee work until he actually retires sports shirt, he went on to ex on the appointments. ball the junior softball team lost Mrs. Siecardi To to McKinley on a forfeit, the sen- tions with representatives of the technical experts who have begun and the Chief accepted. The cur- plain that, as a town official, hi Both positions have five year board. ior softball team beat Wilson and an investigation of the LP-gas ter- riculum of the new term of the had to wear a suit, white shlr terms, the prosecutor's paying Serve Until June minal fire at Newark, July 7, ac- Inquest Held On McKinley, and the junior baseball The proposals, originated by police academy, which will open and necktie all the time and kee] $10,000 a year and the tax board Miss Nancy Reynolds and cording to W. K. Warren, presi- Sept. 15 at the Cook School in with hint in winter a long blael f8,000. Prosecutor Cohn's term Mrs. Joseph J. Siecardi of 12 '.'earn won over Wilson on a for- dent of the Warren Petroleum f broached by Mrs. Elsie Betz, Plainfiold, has already been pre- overcoat, white silk scarf and urn expired in the spring. Kimball circle, president of ththeie | eit. A picnic to Uanami Park Corp. Roy Roney Death brella. was also held last week for the chairman of the board's policy pared. Col. A. S. Bell, co-chair- Mentioned as a leading candi- New Jersey Association for Men- committee, were that town prop- Mr. Thomas and his group, en- Meals are a ceremony in Hoi date to succeed Cohn is Deputy tal Health, has been appointed a children. erty be sold at prices equal to the man with Chief Schreiber of the Horseshoes and foul-shooting gaged by the corporation, are educational committee will be- Stirs Philadelphia land, and the weekly official din- Attorney General Nelson F. Stam- member of the board of manag- current market, and that the price working in co-operation with its ner usually lasted from eight in ler of Elizabeth, who is conduct- ers of the Village for Epileptics' tournaments were featured at be set after an appraisal by a dis- engineers to determine the cause come chairman of the academy Morgue Inquiry the evening until two or three at Skillman, according to Reeve I McKinley and 14 contestants en- committee. ing the gambling probe in Bergen tereu le interested real estate authority. of the fire. Mr. Warren said the o'clock • the next morning. There County for the state. Schley of Far Hills, president of " t' horseshoe classification, Mrs. Betz recounted several findings of the group will be made Chief Schreiber was host at At a Philadelphia inquest Tues- are rules for that too. One must Senator Hand, earlier in the the State Board of Control of In- Winning _in the junior division instances in which "town land was available to the LP-gas industry c'ay, Mrs. Irene Roney, wife of th< always keep both his hands on week, reported that he had S3ked stitutions and Agencies. Governor was Melvfh Henry, who beat Rus- sold at a price so low that pri- tind to all governmental agencies (Continued on Page 3) late Hoy N. Roney of 157 Madison the table and choose the propel the Governor about Stamler's can- Driscoll has approved the appoint- sell Robinson, Phillip Lambert and vate owners of adjoining land for and other interested parties. avenue, local painter and paper- eating utensils. The two com- didacy and had been told that ment of the Westfield woman, Gaylord Keets. Leaders in the sale could not possibly compete, Head of H. Emerson Thomas hanger who died Jan. 3 in the mented on the wide variety oi Driscoll had "done nothing" about who will serve without salary. senior division, as yet incomplete, and consequently had to take and Associates, Mr. Thomas is Boys Plan Trip University of Pennsylvania Hospi- food served here, which was a the appointment since he and the Filling an unexpired term, she are Jimmy Lambert, Charles Wil- their property off the market." widely known in the oil industry, tal, Philadelphia, testified that a change from their meat-and-po- senator had last held a conference will be on the Skillman board un- liams, Audrey Bullock and Eve- She said that such professional and particularly in the LP-gas life insurance company has re- tatocs diet. on it. - til June 1952. lyn Wayes. Crack foul-shooters appraisal service would cost the field. He has had more than 20 To Camp Speers fused to make payment without a Eddie Henry and Donald Hamp- Aristida was surprised at the It was reported in Trenton that Mrs.
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