~Arlliur's the St.Dr)', Cited to the Jury by

~Arlliur's the St.Dr)', Cited to the Jury by

Friday. April 5. 1963 THE ISRAELITE PRESS Passo\·er Edition-Page 25 !GERMAN OFFICER BALKED! OUR \VAIWEST WISB&S AlTh EXT&--..'DED FOR A HAPPY !AT DEPORTING HIS JEWS! A:.'\'D PEACEFUL PASSOVER . LONDON. {.ITAi - A Ge-rnW1 jury court at Flensburg, where a . !armer SS ll!ltder, Mutin Fellenz. .-as Oil trial fflt' the 1W1SS murder of . ' JeW5 during World war n in Russia and Poland, was told about a Ger· , man army officer 1rho stood up against the SS to defend J51, accord- i mg to a report hen in the Sunday obset'ver. • -~Arlliur's The st.Dr)', cited to the jury by - . the west German judge presiding ; ments at his camp's end . of a ' · at tbe Fellenz tr.al as an instance l bridge, threatening to shoot i! the I ' where "a ma.n of character stood l SS men came to get the Jews. 'lbe ! ' up for the eause of human dignil:3'," ' SS retreated, 2l:1d the_ .Jews were FRED AND SAUL SEGAL - STORES AT · cmu:erned a Li=fenant Albert Bat• : saved-for the time being. 1 10142 • 10ht Street and Westmount Shoppers' Park, EDMONTON : tel. The latter, according to the ! Later, att0~g to tht: judge, i I • judge had been in charge of a • Battel was punished by being sent , AND · Jewish -work brigade at Przemrsl. : to the Rl.53lan fn:lnt, where, _subse- l CALGARY LETHBRIDGE, ALT A. in !iOUtheast Poland, When the lo- i quently, he was taken pnsoner.; · cal SS command ordered him to re- · Sattel was released from his Rus- : lease his Jewish workers, so they sian prison JO years ago, and has ' could be deported to death camps, since died. Influx Into France he refused. Batte! stationed one -------- . Brings' New Emergencies ! ' of his own machinegun detach- New Economic TJle lnflw Into •ranee of Dffr uo.- ref"11ns fn,m North j . i ''natural gas :::1: ~... ":. i.:,:: ..-::::c:s ::~ :::::.·i;::::::; 1 Negev In Throes Of :Consul In Toronto apKI.IIIJ Is crlllu........... , tight ·"" ,... .,...,..,.. ... lnflu-,2 Epidemic ' is better orowdtel Into • Sl"III• room. TIM pt,oto at tha left ohows 1.1u.u • TORONTO - Yehuda Tamary. , "' alley 1n a.tlnlllit, • lfvm ,,.., In Path, ..,,.,. """' of BEEBSJfE:BA-The Negev, fn:lm i Consul for Economic Affair.s has : - nfUVH famllln have fovnd !Utnn. Th• Joint Diltrtt,u. Eilat to Beersheba, is in the grip , arrived in Toronto to take up his llon COmmlttH, whldl 1, tlnanud l•rii•IJ by ,,,. United , • . , . tlian almost J-llh App_eal, II.ts provided •m•l"IJ•ncy tund• to help : of an influenza epidemic. , duties, replacmg Avraham Bar-EL_ "·. Frandl ,_1,11 qendR mut the crisis. • Dr. Baim Doron, chief Kupat . who has been appointed assistant -- .... -· -·--- ----------·- -- •-- Holim doctor for the Negev region, 'i vice-president of the Bank Leumi anything'' • bas declined to give statistics, but Le-Israel B.l\f. at its New York · told The Jerusalem Post that the branch. ... not better than love at fint sight, or winning · number of cases reported so far : Mr. Tamary was born in Jeru­ football games, or sleeping in on Sunday mornings Jewish Intellectualism Declines : warrants the term "epidemic." In . salem. His family has been native -but for e-a-s-y living (for pennies a day) you'll ; most ca5es, the \irus infection is I to that country for iive genera­ accompanied by high temperature!l l lions. He studied in Jerusalem and soon learn that natural gas is your BEST house­ , lasting for as long as six days. ! at the American University in hold bargain! With Waning Linguistic Ability ' One Beersheba doctor disclosed ' Beirut. After graduation he joined NEW YORK (JTA)-Dr. Horace "during the past generation.'' "t!Mt displWtment of Yiddish •nd that in the Old City of Beersheba, ! the Mandatory government. In M. Kallen, Professor Emeritus at Speaking 11t the •5th •nnlver• HebteW, wl)lch went In regular with a total population of ahout : 1941 he joined the British Armed the New School !or Social Re- sary banquet of the Jewish T••c:h• use In the Jewish enclaves,' by 10,000, there are some 1,000 per- I Forces and served in the Middle warch, auerud today that the In- era Seminary and People', Unl­ Ensllsh exclu1ively" • in t h • sons down with 'flu. I East and western desert. When the . tellectual stature of Jewish stu- . venlty of New York, held at th• Unlhtd States. ! State of Israel came into being• he · continued to serve the Israeli gov- dent.a 111 American collegea and uni• I Hotel Asttw, the noted phlloso­ Dr. Kallen told the 500 banquet GOLDA ON SAFARI : venltlll$ "which used to be out- pher and educator said the • DAR E'S SALAAM, Tanganyika : ernmen_t, first in the Tre.a~ury and CANADIAN IIIIES'1rERN NAT'URA& GAS' gueats •that ''t he connection be­ c;;- Q AA P.-A,,.r.,,/ V .... I #'¥"I I .,... lflI, &:I • •landing" had declined materially I cllno h•d been ucom!Hlnled 'by tween intellectual dhitinction a n d (JTA)-Israel Foreign Minister Gol, i then, m 1951, the Mm1stry of linguistic diversity is traditional, da Meir arrived here this week I Transport, and remained there as HEAD OFFICE CALGARY.ALBERTA from the Malagasy Republic for a Idir~cto:" of th~ imports department • D f f • ·and liberal etlucation has always five-day state visit to Tanganyika ' until his appomtment as Consul In Fore1gn onors O 1nance ;been identified with the study and NOIRl-r:HaaB,S711E!Rl'III U....,L,.,,..IES. use of more than one language and as part of a tour of African states. Toronto. He was a member of the She was greeted at the airport here Haganah and served in the Israeli c.., - ,..,..1/E!C:, by high Tanganylkan government Army. HEAD OFFICE EDMONTON.ALBERTA New 'Comprehensive Schools' !~fsra=\:~t! ::i-i1~J:e:e~;; officials and was driven to the resi- Mr. Tamary is married and has u . or We and a source of their . JER'!)SALEM ;-. Some four or I also with the local auf:hortlles con- achievements m the nol}.Jewish dence of President Nyerere where two children, a son of sixteen and five big donors . m t~e l!.S, an~ ,eerne4. The latter will be asked world. Its lapse is .a serious Joss she wiU be staying during her visit. a daughter of tw:el:,:v:e·~----'•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ England have lnd1cstcd their rcadI· I to sha~e .in the cost of the schools which the Jewish schools can re- 11ess to conti:ihute towards the es- I· s!ncc 1t 1s assumed that the, d?na• pair, if their teachers are adequate• tabllshment, m de~elopment area~: . tlons will fall short of the millions Jy equipped for the task." 0 of the elgh~ new comprehensive , of pounds ;ieeded. H th "ted th • ul f '" ta ch I r d • e en c1 e cumc um o pos t ·C Icme!1 l'Y 5 . 00 8 men 10nc i According to the plan the "com- . th J · h T h Semi d by F.ducatmn Mlmster Abba Eban . ,. • , e ew15 eac ?,~s nary, an in the Knesset 011 Wednesday it · prehens1vc schools will be for pu- what. he termed Its design to de­ is learned from the l\linistry. ' . pils from th_e age of 14 and will velop in students an orche~traled · embrace various trends of regular competence In English, Yiddish and CITY S.AVl·NG_S & TRUST pa_,ys The llllnistry is now drawing up and vocational education. Loeal au• Hebrew" and told the audience blueprints and costs of the schools, thorities will be pennitted, in I that achievement of .that design and when th.is has been completed, some places, to attach elementary : could "serve to restore the Intel• will enter into practical negotla• schools to the new schools in their : lectua1 stature" of Jewish students Guaranteed l11vestment Certificates lions with the overseas donors and l regions. i in American colleges. He appealed • ----· ----- · I strongly for more consistent and Nole: Slims of 8100.00 or mun• for I year or Cl\'er earn G':'~ interest fro111 the date of the certifi(.'alcd J widespread support by American JOYOUS PASSOVER ·GREETINGS TO OUR Jewry for Seminary's progrnm the Lunger B11si11ess lluurs: \lo1ida~· _through Thursday 8:30 a.ni. to 5:00 p.rn. JEWISH FRI~"NDS AND PATRONS to help assure achievement of that goal. · Friday 8:,'30 ,i.n1. tri G:00 p.111. .ISRAEt ~· .. ~_.,_ USING· SUN ECON-O-LITH PRESS GENEVA, (JTA>-Israel is the. "YOUR DAILY MULTILfrH SERVICE" only country in the world which · has developed a successful solar , CITY' SAVINGS &'TRUST COMPANY . device for water heating w))ich is Phone AM 3-2126 I not only widely used in Israel but I McLEOD BUILDING, EDMONTON 532 EIGHTH AVE. S.W., CALGARY No. 1S-534-6 AVE. S.W, CALGARY, ALTA. i also is being · eii:ported, the United TELEPHONE 429-1748 . TELEPHONE 266-8851 I Nations Con!erence on Science and i ' Technology was told here this week. 1 t •• l PASSOVER GREETINGS TO • WINNIPEG JEWRY I WITMAN'S CENTRE ' ' ~,,) ~'~lgC lgro l!lNl NliN ,,,, SN 1ro1 ,~,roliT lgro l!lNl N \\'ill Be ()pen All Day SUNDAY. APRIL 11 7th and c,, t-:rev Pesach All Day l\10NDA Y, APRIL 8th to Give You ,,,eN 1ros c,, ,cnce an Opportunity to (~0111pletP Your Passover Shoppin~ \\'e Have a full Neu, Line of All Passover Requirernents (or tl1e Honie and Gifts no! iKEl ,v,toiKi, t:1r,, • t:fii•p • OtOVC iin~, • • Dinner Sets • l\1atzoh Covers ,v:iv.:i.

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