Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC Ithacan, 1931-1932 5-4-1932 The thI acan, 1932-05-04 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1931-32 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1932-05-04" (1932). Ithacan, 1931-1932. 26. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1931-32/26 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ithacan, 1931-1932 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. SEN-IOR CLASS MEET­ STGDE~T COU!\CIL ING THURS. AT 7:30 THURS. AT 4:00 ELOCUTION- HALL ROOM 12. EVERYONE IMPORTANT! THE . ITHACAN SHOULD ATTEND! Official Publication of the Students of Ithaca College Issued in the Interests of the Undergraduates and Alumni - VOLUME II (Single Copy Sc) THE ITHACAN: WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1932 (Yearly subscription, delivered $2.00) NU.'."1BER 26 1 ANNOUNCEMENT -Musical Comedy a Big Success A~NOU:KCEMENT Announcement Girls' Glee Club Broadcasts Mass Meeting The next five :is,emblie; will There will be a mass meeting "Musical Racketeers" Given to Packed House by Sings Over Rochester Station Directed by Joseph be under the ampices of the and installation service for the Tlie It/iaca Journal-News and Band and Orchestra School. members of the W. S. G. A. Kappa Gamma and Phi Mu Groups the New York Times have an­ Lautner; Members Hear "Lucia" The Little_ Symphony Orchestra held in Little Theatre, on Mon­ nounced the departure of \Vest­ will present a unique program day, May 9th, at 4:00 p.m. All minster Choir School on the first un Thursday, May 5, featuring women must attend this meet­ of September next. The school the .\/ississippi Suite by Grofe. Whenever good fellows get to­ more bums for customers", says is to become affiliated with the On :\fonday afternoon, April of the opera take~ place in Scot­ The following week the Senior ing. If one can not attend for gether to combine their talents for the new manager. "From now on some good reason, hand in a Princeton Theological Seminary 25, the Ithaca Coliege Girls' Glee land near the close of the sixteenth Band will come before the as­ written excuse to the secretary . an evening of informal frolic, this hotel caters exclusively to the where "academic reciprocity" Club, under the direction of Jos­ centurv. ~emb(y with a mo,t unu,ual and of the executive board. These there's bound to be fun for every­ upper class!" All goes well until has . been under consideration. eph Lautner, left for Rochester to Act· I of "Lucia de Lammer­ attractive r.rogram. On May excuses may be put in the G box body concerned. Such was the case the gangster, Cigar Face AI Corn­ The exodus is made because of present a program over Radio S'ta­ moor" opens in a wood near Lam­ 17, the Senior Band will present in the main lobby, the unusual cultural advan­ nine small ensemble~ with band on Tuesday evening when the pone (William Bagley), arrives tages that are to be offered by tion \VHAl\1. The program, mermoar and we find Lord Enrico accompaniment. These numbers members of Phi .Mu Alpha and with his assortment of tough boys, the University and the town in broadcast from the studios in A.shton troubled over the strange are quite out of the ordinary Warning to Seniors Kappa Gamma Psi fraternities sur­ to compete with dangerous Dutch which it is situated. There will Hotel Sagamore, at four-fifteen, visitant found lurking about Lam­ and have neYer been heard be­ Not every Senior has seen rendered their class-room digni­ Schmaltz (Reginald "Cherub" be no academic or financial re­ fore in these arrangements. sponsibility to tlie school on the included the following numbers: mermoor, troubled over his m\·n Miss Howland concerning the ties in favor of a fast-moving two­ Sweet) for the instrumental booty Xo"<{' is the Jl1011tlz of Jllasirzg, fate, and troubled over his sister On May 22, the Junior Band names for diplomas, There is part of the· Seminary or on the will be heard in a pleasing pro­ yet time for arrangements to act musical play, 1l1usical Racket­ of the town's music store. Act One part of the University. The :\lorley; lVeep, 0 Jl/ine EJ•es, Lucia, \\·ho has been behaving cur­ gram, that has been under pre­ be made, eers. '\V ritten, directed, arranged closes with the two rival bad-men Bachelor of Music degree will \ Villbye; T lze Snow, Elgar; and iously since her mother's death, paration for rnme time. On June and presented by members of the determined to "get there first." be given under a special char­ 2 a musical ,urprise will be the ter to the Choir school. To Ag11i, Holst. Rosalie Olmstead and "·ho has formed the habit of Publicity Service two organizations, the show was Act II finds Cornpone and his was the accompanist for the glee going daily to visit her grave. Luc­ feature of the assembly. Editors Note-'-And so, like A full attendance of all stu­ _As Seniors get positions they greeted with thunderous approval men breaking into the music store. club and Dorothv \Vood and ia has been meeting this stra_nger by an audience which filled the the tribes· of Israel the Choir dents is expected and desired. are asked to see Miss Evans to Just as · they are about to walk school is to strike its Ithaca Grace -VanZant pl;yed the violin and a man is met near the ruined Attention is again called to arrange for publicity state­ Little Theatre seats, aisles and away with an array of precious in­ camp and carry the message of obligate for the Elgar selection. tower "pale and mute, with aspect the ,cries of Sunday afternoon ments. This can be done as fast staircases in cheerful defiance of struments, they are confronted religious music to a new land Se\:eral members of the club stay­ daring", who proves to be Edgar­ conce·rr~, of which there are still as the positions are secured. fire laws and of comfort. Mildly of Caanan. The Choir school ed in Rochester in order to see the do: Lucia, pale and distraught, is three to be given. with the Schmaltz outfit, which came to Ithaca three y~ars ago. speaking, it was a two-hour hodge­ has come to get its share of the opera "Lucia de Lammermoor" seen waiting for: Edgardo. In the podge of glorious entertainment, which the :Metropolitan Opera meantime she tells her maid, Al­ . spoils. There's an argument, of .._____________ _.. Company was presenting in that Everybody cut loose in a splurge course, with the question arising isa, in Regna'iJa 11el silenzio (Si­ deLany Re·ads ~The-- Symphony Offers of spontaneous comedy, backed by as to who can put over the best citv with Lilv Pons and Benja­ lozce O'er ,-1 ll) that she has been several corking musical arrange­ m_usical . number. The sheriff nii;10 Gigli playing the leading \\·arned by an apparition of a mur­ Old ·Soak' Before a Third Program In ments, dances and vocal solos. (Leonard Whitney) arrives to set­ roles. The opera was given in the dered· \\"Oman to be aware of her Beethoven Series There was a plot to the piece. tle the discussion by a proposal that World Wide Eastman Theatre and was spon­ present lover. There is probably Large Audience Not that a plot matters when there they all "get together and play to­ sored by the Rochester Civic l\'1u­ more wistfulness than fear in thi~ sic Association. pathetic melody, which clearly fore­ is promise of music lurking in every gether." There follows a barrage News Interestin~ l'lmract~r DeYelopme11t Second Symphony and Prelude gangster's instrument-case, or of music and comedy, ending with "Lucia de Lammermoor" 1s an shacfows the mood of Lucia's tragic By Jarnefelts Directed by A Survey )lade Possible by Ite-,ader's when Mrs. Reginald Van Astor is what threatened to be a minature opera in three acts, the music of ''::\lad Scene" at the end. In the Student Leaders .\rt; l'rcYious Presentation in the wings awaiting "her" cue triumph when the pit orchestra DOROTHEA SAUNDERS which is by Donizetti and the text second part of the aria, she turns to to send an eager audience into gales joined the gangsters m Philip by Salvator Cammerano, derived happy things and in "Quando rapisa Due to the stormy weather on of laughter. Lang's arrangement of Business in from Sir \Valter Scott's novel in estasi" (Swift as Thought)' she In the person of Bob _de Lany, Honey in Tubes '30, Ithaca College has an alumnus Sunday afternoon, many music It seem~ that the clerk and bell­ F. The audience insisted that this "The Bride of Lammermoor." chants the ecstasv of love. This lovers were prevented from attend­ number be repeated in full and the The cast for the performance was number is bright ;nd joyous as any­ of ,\·horn it may· well be proud. boy in "a small town hotel"· (Har­ People "·ill now be able to This fact ,\·as particularly ap ing the third of a series of delight­ applause that met the brilliant solo squeeze honey out on bread just as as follows: Lucia, Lily Pons; one might wish. Edgardo arrives. ris -Dersharri and _Edward_ Sommer, parent on the occasion of l\ir. de ful concerts prepared and super­ work of Bob . Alexy's trumpet and they squeeze toothpaste on a brush d Lisa, Philine Falco; Edgardo, The proposal and then seeming im­ who also wrote the 'dialogue and Lanr's recent appearance in the vised by J.
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