
Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Kentucky Library - Serials Society Newsletter Summer 7-1-1988 Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 11, Number 2 Kentucky Library Research Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn Part of the Genealogy Commons, Public History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Kentucky Library Research Collections, "Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 11, Number 2" (1988). Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter. Paper 41. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn/41 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. / 131 I ,) _ AI 1)0 /, 1S..1 - / vc. :2. HUHt[R Southern ~entucky \.?~ne(\10 9' COol BoCi~19 Melvi" m SOh + @ 198~ , VOLUME XI, NUMBER 2 SOUTHERN KENTUCKY GENEALOGICAL SOCIET Y Cha r tered 1977 Publ i shers 01 P. O. 80 x 1905 80wling Green . ~entuckv 421 0 1 ~ ~~,~U~ ~ _§Q eCQ: Pres1d ent : J . Da vi d Evans 30 4 Le slie Dr . Vi ce Pr esid ent and Le ro y Call i er 1644 Sm alihouse Rd. Pr og r am Com~ittee Recording Sec ret arY : Will,e Ru t h Ell is 3903 Jackson 8ridge Rd Co rrespond ing Secret ar y : Gr eta Hays 2 11 River.o od Ave . Trei:tsu r er : Sary Hay s 2 11 RI ve rHoa d Ave . Rec ords Collection : Barb ar a Ford 545 Che roke e Or i ve Libr.r. Co.mittee : Sue Spurlock 537 L C Carr Rd. Publicity : Hugh & Joan n Pu ckett 729 Morehead Way Telephone Committee : lloyd Raymer 405 Austin Rayme r Rd Hospitality & Scrapbook Irene Constant Lovers Lane Publi cat ion & Circula ti on : Betty Ly ne 345 Ma r yl an Dr ive LONGHUNTER Editor: Kenneth Thomso n , Jr. 13790 Louisville Rd. Smiths 'Srove, KY 42171 Sunshine Committee: Ruth Sn a"elle 782 Covington Chaplai n: W. Neel J ackson 121 Ce dar Ridg e Rd. S. K. G. S. Founder Cl a ir e Davenp ort 529 lansdale Avenue (All above addresses ilre 80wling Green, KY 4210 1 un less otherwise indicated) ~~Hg~8§Hle in The Southern Kentucky Genealog1cal Soc iet y is open to all persons, especiall y those i nter ested In rese ar ch in Allen. Barren, Butler, Edmo nson. Logan 1 Simpson and Wa r ren Cou~tiES, KY . Membership is by the year, Januar y 1 through Dece.ber 3 1, and includes a subscrip tion to THE LONGHUNTER--publ1shed qu art e rl v . Membe rs are i nvited to submit free queries as s pace allows. QY~§ f or i ndividual dnd lamil. mem bershi p (entitles the coup l e to on e subscripti on to THE LONGHUNTER sen t t o one addr ess) are $10 per year. Current issues of THE LONGHUNT ER, when ava ilab le, are i3 e ach . Some early is §u es of our Quarter l y are still avail ab le at $1 . 50 each . H~~II~§§ The Soci et v meets the thi rd Honday 01 each month at 7 pm at lhe 80wling Green Publ ic Librar y , 1225 State Street . We extend a cordial in VItatIon to v i sitors and pros pec ti ve flEW membe rs. ~DOI, . H ~ .I~ ~~ The Society welcomes donated genea l ogi ca l boo ks fo r revi e w I n THE LONGHUN TE R. Please i nclude arlce & orde ring Infor mation . After re Vlew. all boo I' 5 wi lIb £! p) ace d i fr the 0 a wI I n g 6 r e e n L i b r a r v . BQYE~! lS~~~ ~I~ ~or a donatl~n ~ccordln9 to f ollO WIng §chedu l e . THE lOHG~U N TER will ad vertise products or ser v ic es of a genealogical int~rest : Full page - t 5v : Half pdQe n o ; Quarter oage >17 . 50: Eighth page fl O. Neither" the Southern Ven luckv GenealoQIcal Society nor the Editors assum~ resua rlslbllll v i~r errors ui fa (t or the opi n Ions eKpressea bv the COfttrlbutors to THE LONGHUNTE R. Il, . the deSIre 01 lhe Society to publIsh reliable c enec!lo.:ncal r:at~r lal . THE LObGrlUi·lTER lS pr I nted bv the Graphlt: Arls Cl .:155 of Nr . Darrel Piteoc i. dt the 8o l~linQ Green S tate Ij 'J(a.tl 0nal Techn i cal Sc hoo l . THE LONGHUNTER VOLUME XI, NillffiER 2 SlMlER ISSUE 1988 CONTENTS THE MAN WHO SAVED PRESIDENT ANDREW JOHNSON . ... ... .. .. ...• . ...•. 1 FAMILY CEMETERIES by Stephen L. King ....... .. .. .. ..... •..•..•... 3 CORRECTING THE GENEALOGY OF SAMUEL DUVAL, JR ..... .. .. ..... • •. ..• S DEEP ROOTS ..... ........ ... ...... ... .................. .. •. 9 ORDER BOOK A, WARREN COUNTY, KENTUCKY . ......... .•. ......... .. 10 ALEXANDER C. BLEWETT FAMILY GROUP CHART . .. ....... .. .. •........ •. 20 GENERAL WILLIAM FLANK PERRY, a biography .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 21 MILITARY RECORDS SOURCE FOR GENEALOGICAL INFORMATION .. ........... 23 GENEALOGY OF FELIX POTTER by Sharon Hohimer .. .. .. .• . ..• . •. •.... 26 AMERI CAN INDIAN GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH by Scott Peeler, Jr ......... 27 QUERIES . •.. .. ..... .. ..... .. .... .. ... .. .. ...•. .... •. ... • 34 RESEARCH FACILITIES IN WASHINGTON, D.C. .. ... .. .. ..... •.. ••..• . 38 UNKNOWN SISTERS C.D.V. by Capt . Clement Reeves Edwards - Bowling Green 1864 TIiE LONGHUNrER Vol. XI ., No . 2 GUESS WHO? CAN YOU IDENTIFY TIiESE C.D. V. PHOTOS MADE CIRCA 1865 IN BOWLING GREEN, KY . BY CAPT . CLEMENT REEVES EDWARDS J TIlE LONGHUNTER Vol. XI , No .2 Page 1 TIlE MAN WHO SAVED PRESIDENT ANDREloJ JOHNSON Joseph Smith Fowler , United States Senat or and college professor, was born 31 August 1820 in Steubenville , Ohio the son of James Fowler, a mason in brick. In 1839 he matriculated at Franklin College of Ohio where he graduated with honors in 1843 . He spent the following year t eaching and studying law with Joseph Rogers Underwood of Bowling Green, Kentucky. From 1844-1848 Fowler served as mathmatics professor at Franklin College near Nashville, Tennessee . This institution of higher learning was incorporated, finan­ ced and built by Honorable Bowling Embry, his father-in-law , and The Rev. Tolbert Fanning, a minister of the Christian Church. It is now called David Lipscomb Coll ege. I~ile at Franklin Coll ege he met his future bride, Maria Louisa Embry, the eldest daughter of Honorable Bowling Embry and his wife Louisa Howard. She was born 20 ~!arch 1827 in Mt. Sterling , Kentucky at "HOloJARD PLACE" the home of her grandparents Major George Gibson Howard and his wi fe Cassandra Hukill. In 1848 he joined the faculty of Hashington Institute under President Cole to assist in rebuilding the quality of scholarship at this coll ege . By 1856 Fowler had been called t o the presidency of HOI~ard Female College in Gallatin, Tennessee where he remained until 1861. During his tenure of service this school reached its zenith as an educational institution. I~en the Jefferson Davis Proclamation was issued in 1861 he r emoved to Springfield, Illinois and there remained until 1862 when he returned to Nashville , Tennessee where he assisted in the reorganization of the state government . Governor Andrew Johnson, then military governor , appointed Fowl er comptroller of the state. On 12 April 1865 Fowler was elected United States Senator on the Union Republican ticket. His term began 4 ~!ay 1866 and ended 3 ~!arch 1871. Soon after moving to the Federal City his wife, Maria Louisa, died of consumption on 14 December 1866 . ~ile serving as U. S. Senator he was involved in the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson and was one of seve n who voted against the impeachment. Cas ting the final ballot gave him the opport\lnity t o cast the deciding vote which prevented the president from being prosecuted . He continued to reside in I-Iashingl on City after his term had expired where he prac­ ticed l aw until his death on 1 April 1902. He was buried in Lexingt on, Kentucky beside his wife. Page 2 THE LONGHUNrER Vol. Xl , No .2 Senator Fowler was learned in t he languages of French, Latin, Greek and Hebrew. He was a student of the natural sciences and was especially fond of metaphysics and of mathmatics in their higher applications to mechanics and astronomy. Possibly his greatest achievement was overcoming the accusation made by a rival for his position as President of Howard Femal e Col lege . He was accused of being an infidel but through his own eloquence was exonerated by the t rustees of that institution. Submitted by Kenneth C. Thomson, Jr. - Smith' s Grove, Kentucky JOSEPH SMIm FOWLER MARIA LOUISA (EMBRY) FOWLER Cabinet card by Merritt & Hood - Washington Portrait by George Dury - Nashville, TN . Pictures from originals in the author's collection. THE LONGHUNTER Vol. XI , No.2 Page 3 Family Cem eteries I t i s really appalling to see a family cemetery vandalized or neglected by uncaring individuals. To some these cemeteries are the only link to a f amily record or a starting point for gaining an interest in their genealogy . As a boy this is how I gained an interest in my family's heritage. The car e and the a rt work that went into the making of the headstones reflects an era when things were made by hard labor. Just as the names and da t es were carved in stone, our ancestors carved the face of the l and to start a new life. One cemetery that stands in my mind is located on the George Ennis Homestead near Rich Pond in Warren Co .• Ky.
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