Ting, Samuel Chao Chung I I I 13 and honors. In 1962, only three years after receiving two Chinese students who had just received their his doctorate and joining the faculty at UC Berkeley, MAs at the University of Michigan. At the time, Ting's Tien received the university's Distinguished Teaching father, a civil engineer, had all"eady returned to China Award, becoming the youngest professor to do so at to take up a professorship at the Jiazuo Institute of age 26. In 1976, Tien joined the ational Academy Technology in Jiaozuo. His mother, an educational of Engineering, which awarded him its highest prize psychologist, followed suit with Ting in tow in April in 2001. In 1997, Tien became the first recipient of of that year. In the next few years, Ting became a the UC Berkeley Presidential Medal. UC Berkeley's young refugee as the family fledthe Japanese invasion, Chang-Lin Tien Center for East Asian Studies, the eventually to Chongqing, the wartime Chinese capital asteroid Tienchanglin, and the Chevron oil tanker in southwest China, where Ting's father and mother Chang-Lin Tien are all named in his honor. both foundjobs as college professors. Following the In 2000, Tien was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Japanese defeat in 1945, they moved to anjing after Shortly afterward, be suffered a stroke from which he a short detour in Qingdao by Ting and his father. In never fully recovered. Just two years after his diagno­ 1949 the Nationalists lost the civil war to the Commu­ sis, Tien died at the age of 67. He was survived by nists and Ting moved again with his familyto Taiwan, his wife, Di-Hwa, three children, and four grandchil­ where in 1955 Ting enrolled at Tainan Institute of dren. His son Norman Tien is the dean of Case Technology i11 Tainan. Western Reserve University's Case School of Engi­ In 1956, Ting transferred to the school of engi­ neering. His daughters Phyllis and Christine Tien are, neering at his parents' alma mater at Ann Arbor but respectively, a physician at the University of Califor­ switched to physics in 1957. His passion for the new nia, San Francisco, and a senior program officer at field was soon bolstered even further by the exciting The California Endowment, a philanthropic health news of Chinese American physicistsChen Ning Yang foundation. and Tsung Dao Lee's winning the obel Prize in Phys­ Winston Chou ics later that year. From Michigan he earned bachelors of science and engineering in physics and in math­ See also Chinese Americans ematics in 1959, a master's degree in 1960, and a PhD in 1962 in experimental physics. Reference Choosing challenge over stability, Ting turned "Chang-Lin Tien." 2002. University of California, Berke­ down an offer of assistant professorship at the Univer­ ley, Campus News. http://www.berkeley.edu/news/ sity of Rochester and instead went to the Nevis Labo­ media/releases/2002/l 0/tien.html. Accessed Decem­ ratory at Columbia University as a research associate ber 11, 2012. in 1962 where he had opportunities to work with the well-known Chinese American experimental physicist Chien Shiung Wu before moving soon to CERN, the European center for nuclear research in Geneva. There Ting, Samuel Chao Chung ( 1936-) Ting worked with Giuseppe Cocconi, an Italian physi­ cist, conducting experiments on a proton synchrotron. Samuel C. C. Ting is a prominent Chinese American In 1965, Ting returned to Columbia as an instructor physicist best known for his experimental discoveries in physics, promoted co assistant professor a year later. in the field of high energy physics, including that of In 1966, Ting made his first mark in the world of the Jh/; particle for which he shru·ed the Nobel Prize physics: leading an international group at the in Physics for 1974. He has also been active in promot­ Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) in Ham­ ing U.S.-China scientific exchange. burg, Germany, Ting conducted an experiment that Samuel Chao Chung Ting (Ding Zhaozhong in helped establish the validity of quantum electrodynam­ pinyin) was born on January 27, 1936, in Ann Arbor ics (QED), a foundational theory of modern physics, to father Ding Guanhai and mother Wang Junying, against several earlier purported experimental 11 14 I Ting, Samuel Chao Chung challenges. The QED experiment brought Ting The almost simultaneous discoveries naturally international fame in physics as well as an associated provoked controversies about priority claims. The professorship at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ obel committee settled the matter, to some degree, nology in 1967, followed two years later with a fu ll with its awarding the Nobel P1ize in Physics for 1976 professorship. to both Ting and Richter. (Ting made his Nobel accep­ In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Ting worked on tance speech firstin Chinese and then in English.) The high energy particles of Light, or photons. When pho­ new particle was named ''J" by Ting, "'¢" by Richter's tons reached a high energy, they sometimes, as a fasci­ team, and later officially"JI '¢" by the physics commu­ nating physical phenomenon, turned into other nity. Soon it became clear that "J/'lj;" revealed the exis­ particles called vector mesons that actually have tence of a fourth quark, "charm," which had been masses several times that of protons. Because these predicted by the Harvard theoretical physicist Sheldon mesons shared most other qualities with the photons Glashow. Glashow explained the "J/'lj;" as a meson except their masses, Ting called them "heavy pho­ made up of a charm and an anticharm, thus completing tons." At the time, there were three known heavy pho­ the November Revolution in physics that eventually tons: the "rho," "phi," and "omega." Theorists helped unify electromagnetic and weak interactions, believed that these particles, which were very short two of the fourfun damental forces in nature (the other lived, were, like protons and neutrons, made up of two are strong and gravitational forces). more fundamental particles called "quarks." The pre­ The hard-driving Ting continued to be a major vailing theories assumed that there were three kinds force in experimental high energy physics following ("flavors") of quarks and their antiparticles(a ntiparticles the J/'¢di scovery, leading international experimental are the same particles with opposite charges)-"up," groups, often with participation by scientists from "down," and "strange"-and they made up the heavy China, at DESY, CER , and elsewhere. In the late photons: up-antiup (rho), down-antidown (phi), 1 990s, Ting led the international effort to construct strange-antistrange (omega). Ting, however, followed the so-called Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) to his intuition and believed that more heavy photons detect dark matter and antimatter in space. The AMS might exist and require a revision of the existing quark was flownand tested in space shuttle Discovery in theory. 1998 and a newer version of it was to be put on the In 1972, Ting led a team of collaborators to con­ International Space Station in 2009 or 2010. duct a difficult experiment at Brookhaven National Ever since his first trip back to China in 1975, Ting Laboratory in Long Island to detect new heavy pho­ has made frequent visits there, involving a large num­ tons, likening it to "looking fora particular pair of rain­ ber of Chinese scientists in international scientific col­ drops on a rainy day in Boston." All the hard and laborations, and otherwise promoting science and meticulous work by Ting and his team paid offin Sep­ education in mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong tember 1974 when analysis of the experimental data Kong. indicated the appearance of a new particle at the Zuoyue Wang energy level of 3.1 GeV (giga or billion electron volts). See also Chinese Americans It was a sensational discovery but Ting decided to postpone publication forrecheck ing and forinv estigat­ ing the possibility of the discovery of a second particle. Finally, news that another team of physicists at the References Crease, Robert, and Charles C. Mann. 1986. The Second Stanford LinearAcc elerator Center (SLAC), with col­ f laborators from the Uni versity of California, Berkeley, Creation: Makers o the Revolution in 20th-Century Physics. New York: Macmillan. and headed by Burton Richter of SLAC, made an Jieqi, Chen, and Dun Ling. 2002. Xunzhao daise de yudi: apparently independent discovery of the same particle Ding Zhaozhong de kexue fe ngfan (Searching fora pushed Ting into making the announcement. Colorful Raindrop: The Scientific Style of Samuel To kyo Rose I 11 15 Ting). Shanghai: Shanghai Science, Technology, and Education Press. Jinin, Zhou. 2000. Ding Zhaozhong (Samuel Ting). Shijia­ zhuang, China: Hebei Education Press. Ting, Samuel. "Autobiography," Nobel Foundation Website. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/l 976/ ting-autobio.html. Accessed July 2009. To kyo Rose Tokyo Rose was a moniker used to describe nearly a dozen female radio personalities working for Radio Tokyo in Japan during World War II. Although Tokyo Rose was actually many different women, the name became a near mythic phenomenon among American soldiers serving in the Pacificwho claimed that she tried to demoralize them with stories of Allied defeats, taunts, American music, and tales that made them Jong for home. Many American servicemen reported that these efforts often had the opposite effect of lifting Correspondents interview To kyo Rose (Iva lkuko To guri their spirits. Still others claimed that Tokyo Rose pos­ D'Aquino) in September, 1945. (National Archives) sessed detailed information about the American mili­ tary' s movements in the PacificThe ater. Regardless documents at the American consulate in Japan. Those of the fact that no one person could lay claim to the arrangements would not be completed, as later that title of Tokyo Rose, the name is most commonly asso­ year the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
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