September 10, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1751 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO MR. KENNETH E. 100TH BIRTHDAY WISHES FOR hard working compassionate Christian mother RUSSELL ANNA CHARLOTTE JILG and grandmother who is the embodiment of all KOSLOWSKE the values that have molded America into the great nation it is today. HON. JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. HON. MARILYN N. MUSGRAVE f OF COLORADO OF TENNESSEE ELSAH SESQUICENTENNIAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, September 10, 2003 HON. JOHN SHIMKUS Wednesday, September 10, 2003 Mrs. MUSGRAVE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today OF ILLINOIS to honor Anna Charlotte Jilg Koslowske who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to will turn 100 years old on September 29. She pay special tribute to Mr. Kenneth E. Russell, was born near Florissant, MS, to the family of Wednesday, September 10, 2003 a member of my constituency and a true Adolf and Caroline Jilg. Her father had immi- Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to American hero. grated as a child to America from Austria in recognize the village of Elsah, Illinois and Ken Russell is the last surviving member of 1859. The family had a vegetable farm outside honor its sesquicentennial this year. a group of 17 paratroopers who, in the early of St. Louis, and the eleven children all Elsah was founded in 1853, and named by hours of D-Day in 1944, parachuted into the learned the meaning of hard work and its re- one of its founding fathers, General James town of Ste. Mere Eglise, France. wards. They were all expected to help in the Semple. General Semple’s ancestors were fields and in preparing the produce for market. from Scotland, and, according to town tradi- Ken’s heroism and bravery are to be com- Anna’s father would drive the mule-drawn tion, the village’s prominent limestone bluffs mended. His actions during the D-Day oper- wagon into St. Louis to deliver the fresh reminded him of an island just off the Firth of ation have been included in many histories of produce. This way of life supported the family Clyde, ‘‘Ailsa Craig.’’ Named after this Scottish the liberation of France, including D-Day and for many years. island, the Mississippi River village slightly re- the Citizen Soldiers by Dr. Stephen Ambrose, Like many people from those days, Anna is sembles a typical small, English town, with among others. pretty much self-taught, as children were clusters of stone cottages mixed together with As he made his way to the ground from his needed to help at home or find work at an small yards and private gardens. C–47 troop transport, Ken witnessed unthink- early age. Her teacher arranged for Anna to Recognized by the National Register of His- able violence. Many of his colleagues did not complete grades seven and eight in 1 year so toric Places in 1973, the village stands as a make it to the ground before being shot by the teacher could claim an eighth-grade grad- reminder of nineteenth century living along the German gunfire. uate. After her graduation, Anna was hired by Mississippi River. Its buildings represent a a family in St. Louis to care for the gentle- midwestern interpretation of nineteenth cen- Both Ken and his friend, John Steel, landed man’s terminally ill wife. Her compassionate tury styles, and many original buildings remain atop a church in Ste. Mere Eglise. Ken landed and caring nature, in addition to her experi- in place today. The newer buildings were built especially hard, causing damage to his spine ence of living and working within a large fam- in the old styles as well, as the village wants which limits his activities to this day. Both ily, made her an excellent candidate. to retain its historic feel. paratroopers were helpless as their para- As a young woman Anna journeyed to Zap, However, in 1993, Elsah was greatly af- chutes were tangled in the church rooftop. ND, to visit her sister and while there, met the fected by the floods on the Mississippi River. As he dangled helplessly above the ground, Rev. George Koslowske, a pastor in the Lu- Some nearby cities decided to take state and Ken was hit in the light hand by German gun- theran Church Missouri Synod. They were Federal aid and leave their waterlogged fire from the ground below. While still sus- married on May 17, 1925, and to this union homes and businesses behind, deciding to re- pended in their chutes, both Ken and John came seven children, all of whom are still liv- build elsewhere. The people of Elsah, how- were spotted by a German soldier. Before the ing. ever, recognized their city’s historic founda- German could shoot at Ken and John, he was Anna moved with her husband from North tion, and rebuilt their town. Damaged public shot by another American, Sgt. John Ray. Dakota to Waco, NE, where they served a buildings were refurbished, and residents rural parish, St. Johns, for 20 years. In 1950 worked together to rebuild their homes and After freeing himself from the church roof- they moved their family to Big Springs, NE, top, Ken Russell blended into the landscape lives; and they did so, successfully. answering God’s call to Zion Lutheran Church. Elsah is quieter now than it was in the past, and later met up with paratroopers from the During his ministry there, George was called 82nd and 101st Airborne. Soon after, the as mills, warehouses, river shipping, two rail- home by the Lord in 1958, leaving Anna to roads, local businesses, and farmers have troops set up a defensive position on a road provide for the two youngest children, ages 13 leading to Ste. Mere Eglise and came under gradually disappeared. But, the village re- and 15. Anna worked then as a cook in the mains strong. Inviting tourists to ‘‘leave the attack several times. Each time they were suc- local Dairy King. Once the children were on fast pace of everyday life’’ behind, Elsah rep- cessful in defending their position. their own, she served as a nanny for several resents a remnant of Midwestern, small-town For the wounds he sustained on the church families until 1974, when she moved to Hol- life from the late 1800s. Its sesquicentennial rooftop, Ken Russell was awarded two Purple yoke, CO where she still resides. this year is a significant milestone, and I wish Hearts. For his determination and bravery, he Anna has been blessed with 15 grand- the village and its people the best. children, 25 great-grandchildren, and 2 great- was awarded the Silver Star. f great-grandchildren. She also has one living Mr. Speaker, Ken Russell is a true Amer- sister, Lillian Dueker, who recently celebrated TRIBUTE TO BISHOP JOSEPH ican hero. His selfless actions during the D- her 102nd birthday. JOHNSON Day operation saved lives and contributed to Anna and her children are grateful for the our great victory in World War II. I can say Lord’s blessings during her 100 years. She HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN without hesitation that our country would be a has led a quiet, prayerful life. She was an ex- much better place today if there were more OF SOUTH CAROLINA cellent mother and mentor to her children, al- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES people here like Ken Russell. ways stressing a Christian attitude. Her favor- As we approach the 60th anniversary of D- ite reprimand was ‘‘If you can’t say anything Wednesday, September 10, 2003 Day, I hope all Americans will remember the nice, don’t say anything at all.’’ She continues Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor sacrifices made by so many soldiers like Ken to be an example and joy to those around her. a man of character and grace, Bishop Joseph and will take time to thank them for their serv- I am proud to honor Anna on the occasion Johnson. Bishop Johnson serves as the Pre- ice. of her 100th birthday. Anna is a self taught, siding Bishop of the South Atlantic District of ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate jul 14 2003 04:55 Sep 11, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10SE8.001 E10PT1 E1752 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 10, 2003 the A.M.E. Zion Church, which is comprised of During his time in these hallowed halls, Tom they need to combat the horrible examples five conferences, and as President of the zealously fought for the people of his district, they receive. LTIA provides America with a Board of Bishops. whom he considered more than just constitu- wonderful solution of a generation steeped in Bishop Johnson’s record of service is im- ents. He was largely responsible for saving their Christian faith and trained to face a mate- peccable. He served in the U.S. Army with 15 the Hurricane Hunter Plane Program, the air- rialistic society. years experience in the Airborne Division. He craft which fly into hurricanes to collect data As the former President Ronald Reagan has served as pastor of A.M.E. Zion Churches so meteorologists can predict when and where said, ‘‘The future doesn’t belong to the faint- in three different North Carolina conferences, these storms will hit.
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