o o o o o o o 114 50 120 51 126 52 132 53 138 54 144 55 150 56 o PAPUA NEW 8 o 8 INDONESIA GUINEA AUSTRALIANAUSTRALIAN MINESMINES ANDAND MINERALMINERAL DEPOSITSDEPOSITSTORRES STRAIT Horn Island SelectedSelected Commodities,Commodities, DepositsDeposits andand MinesMines Thursday Island Au TORRES STRAIT Tiwi Zrn, Rt, Leu, Ilm PINE CREEK Woolwonga Au SC Bathurst Island Melville Island SC Brocks Creek Au Fountain Head Au Big Howley Au MONEY SHOAL PINE Maningrida Zapopan Au, Ag, Pb Skardon River Kln Chinese Howley Au Frances Creek Fe Nhulunbuy Chinese Big Pit Au CREEK Cosmo Howley Au Milingimbi Gove Bx DARWIN Nabarlek U CORAL SEA TIMOR SEA ARAFURA Ely Bx TIMOR SEA AREA Ranger U OIL AND GAS Toms Gully Au Weipa Union Reefs Au, Ag Woodcutters Pb, Cu, Zn, Ag Mount Bundey Fe Kln Weipa Weipa Browns Pb, Co, Cu, Ni Rustlers Roost Au ARNHEM Bx Rum Jungle Creek South U Glencoe Au DALY RIVER El Sherana Au, U o Pine Creek Aurukun Bx 12 o Moline Au 12 Joseph Daly River Pine Creek A BONAPARTE A McARTHUR Groote Eylandt Mn Mount Todd Au Groote Eylandt Bonaparte Gulf of Maud Creek Au Numbulwar Cloud Break Fe Katherine Christmas Creek Fe Gulf Ngukurr Carpentaria DALY RIVER Roper Bar Fe Roy Hill Fe LITCHFIELD Cape Flattery Mount Nicholas Fe Sisd COEN QUINKAN Newlands Wyndham Newlands Cbl Eastern Creek Cbl SD Marillana Fe Kowanyama Kununurra SD Cooktown Suttor Creek Cbl Iron Valley Fe Collingwood DRUMMOND Hail Creek Cbl BHPBYandi Fe VICTORIA RIVER Sn Fe Fe McArthur River Zn, Pb, Ag Burton Cbl HIYandi Fe Cockatoo Island Koolan Island Fe KIMBERLEYSpeewah V, Fe, Ti North Goonyella Cbl Irvine Island Lake Argyle Watershed Bow River Dmd Myrtle Zn, Pb Mornington Island W Argyle Dmd Goonyella Cbl South Walker Creek Cbl HAMERSLEY Argyle Alluvials Dmd Mossman Moranbah North Cbl Oobagooma U Merlin Dmd Coppabella Cbl Redbank Mining Area C Fe Hope Downs Fe Cu Carborough Downs Cbl Mungana CAIRNS Isaac Plains Cbl Ni, Cu, Co Zn, Cu, Ag, Au, Pb Cairns Moorvale Cbl Savannah NORTHERN TERRITORY Junnagunna BANGEMALL Elliot U Red Dome Millennium Cbl o Karumba Au, Cu, Ag, Pb, Zn Wolfram Camp Poitrel Cbl ORD MURPHY Mo 16 Derby Copernicus Ni, Cu, Co Redtree U Peak Downs Cbl o Atherton Wonmunna Fe 16 Ellendale Dmd PGE, Ni, Cu, Au, Cr WISO Burketown Normanton Baal Gammon Harrow Creek Cbl Panton Mount Garnet Cu, Sn, In Saraji Cbl Zn, Cu, Ag 200m Lake Vermont Cbl Orebody 23 Fe SOUTH West Angelas Fe Constance Range Orebody 25 Fe Orebody 18 Fe KING LEOPOLD Halls Creek NICHOLSON Fe CARPENTARIA Tully Broome Minnamoolka Blair Athol Cbl Newman Jimblebar Fe Cbl Fitzroy Crossing Highland Plains P Mount Whaleback Fe Duchess-Paradise Bootu Creek Mn Georgetown Ni, Co Norwich Park Cbl Davidson Creek Fe Pillara Zn, Pb, Ag, Cd Babbling Brooke Hill P Orebody 35 Fe TENNANT Century Big Reef GEORGETOWN WINNECKE Zn, Pb, Ag Au, Ag Chloe-Jackson Orebody 29 Fe Coobina Cr GEORGINA Zn, Pb, Cu, Ag Orebody 30 Fe 2000m Robertson Range Fe Cadjebut Pb, Zn, Ag HALLS CREEK Dry River South BOWEN Ingham Middlemount Cbl Kapok Zn, Pb CREEK Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag, Au Balcooma MOUNT Kidston Au, Ag Zn, Pb, Cu German Creek Cbl DUARINGA 1000m Gecko Au, Cu, Bi Lady Jane Warrego Au, Cu, Bi P Agate Creek Greenvale German Creek East Cbl Thortonia P ISA Mount Oxide Au Ni, Co Great Foxleigh Cbl ASHBURTON SYLVANIA White Devil Au TC8 Au, Cu D-Tree P Cu 1000m Oaky Creek Cbl SYLVANIA Admiral Bay Zn, Pb, Ag REE, U Mammoth Cu SE Cummins Range Perseverance Au Lady Annie Cu, Au Gregory Cbl Peko Au, Cu, Bi, Co Wonarah P Mount Gordon Cu CLARKE Townsville Lake Lindsay Cbl Au Nobles Nob Au, Cu, Ag, Bi Lady Annie P Mount Watson Lucky Break (Verde Tinto) Crinum Cbl 200m Coyote Au, Ag Explorer 108 Zn, Pb, Au, Ag, Cu Cu, Au Woolgar goldfield RIVER SE BRESNAHAN Tanami Camooweal Au 200m Kestrel Cbl Mount Cuthbert Ni, Co Mount Kelly Cu, Au Cu, Au, Ag Far Fanning Curragh North Cbl Yarrabee Cbl Dugald River CHARTERS Au Ayr B Prairie Downs Zn, Pb, Ag BANGEMALL TANAMI Valhalla U Zn, Pb, Ag TOWERS Ensham Cbl Dead Bullock Soak Au Sherrin Creek P Mary Kathleen Mount Wright Skal REE, U Charters Towers Barrier George Fisher U Ernest Henry Au, Ag Au Sarsfield Au Emerald Jellinbah East Cbl Callie Au Zn, Pb, Ag Cu, Au Thalanga Merriland Ravenswood Curragh Cbl The Granites Au Andersons Lode U Monakoff Cu, Au Zn, Pb, Ag, Cu, Au Au Bowen DAVENPORT Mount Isa Julia Creek HadleighNolans Castle Au Au, Ag Fe Mount Isa Zn, Pb, Ag Blackwater Cbl Nimingarra CANNING Rocklands Mount Leyshon Au Pardoo Fe Mount Isa Cloncurry Cu, Co Rishton Silver Hill Goldsworthy Fe BIRINDUDU Cu Edna May Cu Ag, Au Au Au, Ag, Cu Cook Cbl Shay Gap Timberoo Eloise Hughenden Collinsville Minerva Cbl NORTHWEST SHELF AREA Fe Cu Cu, Au Vera - Nancy Cbl Port Hedland Fe Yarrie Au, Ag Sonoma Mount Goldsworthy Shay Gap DRUMMOND Cbl OIL AND GAS Roebourne V, Fe ARUNTA Mount Elliott Selwyn D o Balla Balla Cu, Au Cu Wirralie 20 Cu, Zn Mount Dore Cu, Au Au, Ag Whim Creek Au Lake Wills Tick Hill Au Reef Dampier Au Lynas Find Fe Au Merlin Mo, Re Yandan Au Newlands o Indee Abydos Marble Bar Starra Cu, Au 20 Ni, Cu, Co Sn, Ta Mn Phosphate Hill P Mackay Radio Hill Wodgina Woodie Woodie Au, Cu U, V Cannington Fe Telfer Bigrlyi Pb, Ag, Zn Barrow Island Fe Wodgina PILBARA Yuendumu Osborne Cu, Zn, Ag Cu Cu, Au Balmoral Central Whundo Fe Au Nifty Lake Mackay McPhee Creek Cu, Co BURKE RIVER Bamboo Creek Maroochydore NGALIA Fe Mn Nolans Bore REE, U, P Winton Deepdale A Ant Hill PannawonicaFe Nullagine Fe Lake Auld Deepdale YalleenJ Fe Kintyre U Mud Tank Vrm ANAKIE STYX Onslow Lake Lewis HAMERSLEYFe Clermont Solomon Asb Boulia Cbl Fe PATERSON Papunya Blair Athol Hardey Wittenoom Gorge Fe Fe White Range Au Cbl Exmouth Fe NammuldiMarandoo Brockman 2 Fe GALILEE Brockman 4 Tom Price Alice Springs Coorumburra SF Fe Lake Macdonald Longreach Ni, Co Boolgeeda Creek Railway Fe Barcaldine Kunwarara U Fe Lake Disappointment Angela U Mgs Bennetts Well Au Mount Tom Price Brolga Ni,Co SF Paulsens Fe Fe Newman Fe DUARINGA Marlborough Eastern Range Paraburdoo Robertson Range Ni, Co Mount Chalmers Paraburdoo AMADEUS BASIN AREA QUEENSLAND Rockhampton Fe OIL AND GAS Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn Channar B Emerald Au, Cu SYLVANIA Mount Morgan Mount Olympus Lake Amadeus AMADEUS EROMANGA Au, Ag, Bi, Cu BRESNAHAN D Rundle Osh Stuart Blackall Baralaba Osh Cbl Gladstone ASHBURTON SAVORY Docker River Boundary Hill Yulara PEDIRKA Rolleston Cbl Cbl Callide Abra Pb, Cu, Au WESTERN AUSTRALIA Tambo Cbl BANGEMALL Dawson PROSERPINE Windorah Cbl BOWEN o Lake MacLeod Dawson South 24 GASCOYNE MARYMIA Cbl Au Ni, Co o Au Plutonic Au Wingellina Birdsville Fortnum Au Plutonic East Nebo-Babel Ni, Cu, PGE 24 Labouchere Mn Bundaberg Peak Hill Cracow Au Au NABBERU Warburton Mount Rawdon Peak Hill Lake Yamma Yamma Taroom Au Carnarvon MUSGRAVE COOPER / EROMANGA BASIN AREA CARNARVON Au Jundee - Nimary Lake Carnegie Charleville Au OIL AND GAS MARYBOROUGH Fe Wiluna Quilpie Kilkivan Jack Hills U Mitchell Au Magellan Pb Centipede Marla Au Fe Mintabie Opl Surprise Wiluna West Lake Way U OFFICER Gympie Au Lake Wells Au Bronzewing U Oodnadatta Chinchilla Monkland Au Lake Maitland Au, Ag Omega Kogan Creek Kingaroy Au East Wintinna Cbl Reedy U Ni, Co, Cu Murloocoppie Cbl Cbl Yeelirrie Mount Keith Meandu SG Au Ni, Co Wintinna Cbl Cbl Maroochydore Maybelle Cliffs Au SURAT BASIN AREA Wilkie Creek SG Alec Mairs Ni, Co Mount McClure Cbl Au Ni, Co Au SOUTH AUSTRALIA Big Bell Tapinos Ni Centenary Weedina Cbl Cunnamulla New Acland Prospero Ni Au DENISON OIL AND GAS Cbl Lake Austin Perseverance Au Darlot U Lake Eyre BRISBANE Au Agnew Au Thatcher Soak Lord Nelson Redeemer Ni, Cu, PGE New Oakleigh Waterloo NickelAu North Stradbroke Island Au Lawlers Au Thunderbox Cu, Zn, Ag, Pb, Au Cyclone Zrn, Leu, Rt, Ilm CLARENCE-MORETONCbl Hill 50 Au Teutonic Bore Ni, Cu Coober Pedy Opl SURAT Commodore Bulchina Zn, Cu, Ag Mount WindarraAu Zrn, Rt, Ilm Fe Au Jaguar Lancefield Coober Pedy Cbl Ebenezer Au Au Cbl Tallering Peak Morning Star V, Fe, Rt, Ti Au Au Mount MorgansBrightstar Au Windimurra Lord Henry Bannockburn Au Granny Smith Cairn Hill Cu, Au, Fe Dirranbandi Tarmoola Ni, Co Phillipson Cbl Warwick Au Murrin Murrin REE Au Goondiwindi Au Mount Weld Tropicana Lake Maurice Golf Bore Au Peculiar Knob Lake Blanche Gold Coast Curara Well Harbour Lights Au Fe TIBOOBURRA Mullewa Au Sunrise Dam Au INDIAN Grt, Ilm Cu, Zn, Au, Ag, Pb Zn, Cu, Au, Ag, Pb Gwalia Deeps Au Red October Prominent Hill Cu, Au Marree o Port Gregory Scuddles Golden Grove Wallaby Challenger Au Au Twin Hills 28 Ag, Au Twin Hills Lake Minigwal Hawks Nest Fe Mount Fitton Ag Pb, Zn, Ag, Au, Cu M1 Sequoia Witchelina Mgs Tlc Lightning Ridge o Gossan Hill Fe Fe Au Fe MOUNT PAINTER Opl Koolanooka Mount Karara Lake Barlee Yilgangi TORRENS 28 NORTHAMPTON Fe Giffen Well Fe Mount Gee U Four Mile U Torrington Geraldton Blue Hills Au U EUCLA Mount Painter U, REE BANCANNIA Moree Sn, W, Toz Timbarra - Poverty PointBallina Karara Fe Mulline Mulga Rock Olympic Dam Cu, U, Au, Ag Andamooka Opl Beverley U Brewarrina YILGARN Cometvale Au Au Tlc Fe Au Baryulgil Goongarrie Ni, Co Carosue Dam Tarcoola Au Leigh Creek Cbl Bourke Walgett Asb Dongara Three Springs Fe Extension Hill Fe Cook Leigh Creek WONOMINTA Windarling Au Scotia Ni Beltana Zn, Pb Lake Frome Inverell - Glen Innes Mount Gibson Walhalla Deakin Jacinth - Ambrosia Zrn, Rt, Ilm Wilgena Hill Fe Fe Cors Ilm, Zrn, Rt Mount Jackson CALOOLA White Cliffs Grafton Eneabba Lake Moore Lake Torrens Blinman Opl OCEAN Cbl Cu Eneabba Woomera Dalwallinu Rawlinna Narrabri NEW ENGLAND Bonnie Rock Kalgoorlie Boulder ARROWIE Narrabri Cbl Woodsreef Coolgardie Oraparinna Brt Boggabri Mg, Asb Fe Tripitaka Zrn, Ilm, Rt Endeavor
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