ANN ARBOR ARGUS-DEMOCRAT NfOL. LXVIL—tfO 28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1902. WHOLE NO. 3540 safe of Michael Staebler, the coal man, flood. In all it is conservatively esti- had been carried away by the flood. Itmated that not much short of $50,000 aruTaruT-ann nnnrurnji. rvuTruTJinnru-' nnnnrun A FURIOUS RAIN STORM reached the Michigan Central culvert will cover the damage done. Perhaps and dammed it up. Warren and athe amount may exceed that figure. number of other men went to the place SCHAIRER & MILLEN to clear it away as, owing to its pres PUTS LIVES IN JEOPARDY ence the water was rising at an alarm- A SMALL BOY ing rate, threatening to carry away the SAVED MRS. F. WOOD railroad tracks. It was finally re It Beat Violently on the City;for Over Two Hours moved and the water having free ac- Monday Afternoon cess dashed at a furious rate through Mrs. Frank Wood, who lives at 107 Summit street, was one of those who CLOSING THEM OUT the culvert. Young Heinzman, missing were caught in the flood. She had Water, in Some Places, Was Over Ten Feet Deep- his footing, fell in and was in a fair come from her house to rescue her dog, Suits, Jackets, Walking Skirts way to be completely engulfed when which was at a rear portion of the Aldermen Schumacher and Clancy Save a Warren and some other men pulled him dwelling, when she slipped on the and Silk Waists Number of Lives, Which Were in out. veranda and fell into the swift current. Luckily the water was only about four Peril From the Flood WHAT SIPLEY SAYS feet deep or she might have lost her life. She was carried some distance. TAILOR MADE SUITS OF THE FLOOD DAMAGE •I 1 II I II I"1 I I A little boy named Keebler came to Re resents ur r flt her assistance. He grasped her by the ncr P ° p ° and we "It is the worst flood that I have wrist and pulled her out of the water. 111 I are willing: to lose the profit to seen here in fifty years," said Fire When talking of her narrow escape reduce the stock at once. Come and get a suit at just the price The Amount of Water Which Fell Chief Sipley, as he ruefully looked over this morning Mrs. Wood said she never we paid for it. the scene of devastation, after the wanted to see such a flood again. "I Yesterday Afternoon Was 2.45 Inches. storm had spent its force. "In fact I save my dog," she said, "and I am SHORT SILK JACKETS University Observatory. don't believe I have ever seen anything thankful." like it in Ann Arbor. The loss to prop- Are Again Popular erty is terrible. It's a wonder that no Eton effects in Black Peau de Soie and Moire Silks lives were lost. We will 'be completely PROVIDENTIAL ESCAPE with lapels of White Moire Silk, daintily trimmed knocked out for water in the fire OF DR. M. L. BELSER with braids. Special $12.00 values •+*+*+++++ 1 hydrants in the ruined section until One of the most terrific rain storms into the wagon. We had got to Third repairs can be made. The damage ever known In the history of the city street, when some woman shouted to will probably reach $50,000 or $60,000." One of those who miraculously es- Special $7.5O each occurred between the hours of 3:30 and me from the porch of her house. caped being caught in the disaster and B o'clock Monday afternoon. " 'Oh! 'Mr. Schumacher, have Mr. During the flood the chief lent valu- who if he had would probably have During that time it looked as though Clancy drive over to those houses on able assistance to some of those who been drowned, was Dr. M. L. BeJser. Over 250 Dress & Walking Skirts the flood gates olf the skies had been Chapin street. There are people were in danger. He worked with all The physician had just crossed the drowning there, surely.' his might until the storm had abated go on sale Saturday morning thrown wide open and that the city and it was seen that the worst of theMiller avenue bridge about three min- was to be deluged with the great out- "We got to the houses indicated by danger was past. utes when the structure collapsed, ow- This Lot includes Dress and Walking Skirts in Black, Grey pour of water. the woman just as quickly as the ing to the attack of the rushing waters and Brown, worth $5 and $5.50goat $3.75 The rain came so swiftly and in such horses could get us there. It was hard upon it. He was driving in a light 25 Fancy Wool Dress Skirts, $3.50 kind, for. 1.49 large quantities that it was only about going for at this time the storm was LOST HIS WOOD buggy and was on his way to make a One Lot Black Dress Skirts go at 1.98 thirty minutes after it began to fall reaching its height and tons of water BUT SAVED HIS BABIES sick call in the third ward when the that some of the low lying portions had already fallen. The first rescue storm was at its height. One Lot Grey and*Brown Walking Skirts go at 2.75 of the city were submerged In two feet we made was that of a woman with an Mrs. Emma A. Clancy, wife of Ald- Taffeta Silk Dress Skirts for this sale $7.50, SO.00, $12.00 of water. In an hour after the storm infant about a week old. Prom here John Bird, the proprietor of thermae n Clancy, who knew of Dr. Bel- Pretty Wash Petticoats in Pink, Blue and Linen Shades, toad begun the water in these same we made what o^er rescues we Walker house, was one of those whoser's perilous situation, said that it the 75c kind for 50c places had risen to a height of ten feet. could." was least able to be a loser by thewas one of the most providential The storm in its fury lashed the sea disaster. He is not a man of means, escapes from serious injury and per- in fact he is far from being rich in this LOW PRICES ON COTTONS of water, as it fell, against the sides of THE NARROW ESCAPE haps death that she ever knew of. business and dwelling houses, in many world's goods. He was struck, how- 3 Bales, Good, Fine, yard wide sheeting, 20 yards for $1 OO cases damaging them quite badly. In OF PATROLMAN COLLINS ever, with a force which is liable to Fine, Bleached yard wide Cotton, a yard 5 and 6c several instances small houses were hurt him quite seriously for a time at 42-inch Fine, Bleached Pillow Cotton, a yard 10c least. Among the property which he BABIES CARRIED 45-inch Fine, Bleached Pillow Cotton, a yard 12kc partially carried away from their foun- 9-4 Brown Sheeting-, a yard 14c dations so strong was the rain tempest. One of the persons taken to a place had destroyed was 200 cords of second of safety from his house at 539 N.growth oak. It was nicely arranged BY RUSHING WATERS One Bale Cotton, Twill Toweling, a yard 4c In the valley of the Allen creek the Ashley street wnich the flood threat- in the rear of his hotel when without 42x36 Bleached Pillow Slips at 9c danger to life was most imminent. 72x90 Bleached Sheets 49c ened to sweep away, was "Doc" Col-a moment's warning the flood came 81x90 Heavy, Fine Bleached Sheets at 50c This water course overflowed itself and lins, the well-known patrolman. Alder- suddenly along and carried it away. TWIN CHILDREN OF JOHN BIRD so closely invaded the dwelling houses Mr. 'Bird, however, takes his loss as NEARLY LOST in the vicinity that it (looked for a time men Clancy and Schumacher were on flQf* Ladies, don't forget our IVluslin Underwear their way to render assistance to those quietly as could be expected and ex- as though there was to be serious loss presses himself as satisfied that he didThey Were Rescued Near the Felch Sale in our Busy Garment Room of life. The prompt assistance, how-who might need it when Clancy said: "Let's find out if "Doc" Collins Is allnot suffer any greater damage. He Street Bridge—Alderman John- ever, of a number of persons, notably loses sight of the loss of some of his son's Story Aldermen William Clancy and Phil right." property over the saving^ of his two Schumacher, averted the drowing of Both men drove up to the house, children, who came near being lost SCHAIRER & MILLEN, a number of people who were in a most which was engulfed almost to thein the angry waters. One of the most pathetic scenes of perilous situation when they were res- threshold of the door in water and the of the flood was witnessed by Alder- /3T 67>e BUSY STORE cued. flood still rising. Schumacher called man Willis Johnson. He was near the LTUTnj^ruiniTnjinjuxruuTTUTrinnnjuTnjin^ Clancy and 'Schumacher did splendid out: STRANGE DISCOVERY Felch street culvert and describes the incident in this way: and heroic work, driving their wagon "Are you there 'Doc?'" MADE BY GEORGE RASH submerged in water above the hubs "Yes," came the reply, "wait until "I was alarmed at the proportions to houses where the inmates were ap- I can get some of my clothes." that the flood was reaching when my pealing Ifor succor and carrying them "Hurry' up," yelled Clancy, "if you A peculiar find which might indicate fear was much increased by seeing two away in safety.
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