Bayou Branches JEWISH GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF NEW ORLEANS VOLUME 7 NUMBER 1 SPRING/SUMMER 2001 GENEALOGY INSTITUTE OPENS AT CENTER FOR JEWISH HISTORY IN NEW YORK CITY JGSNO members are invited to submit articles for the All JGS members are welcome to visit, write, Jewish History, they are working with the Jew- next issue of Bayou or call the new Center for Jewish History Ge- ish genealogy community to serve family his- nealogy Institute, located in New York City. tory researchers at every level, and the Center Branches. All topics related The Center for Jewish History embodies the Genealogy Institute (CGI) has been formed to to genealogy are welcome. unique partnership of five major institutions carry out this critical aspect of the mission. Please submit before July of Jewish scholarship, history and art: Ameri- A comprehensive collection of genealogy refer- 31 to Carol Levy Monahan can Jewish Historical Society, American ence works also is being built. (The Genealogy at: Sephardi Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Institute gladly accepts donations of reference Yeshiva University Museum and the YIVO In- books; anyone wishing to donate family histo- 4628 Fairfield Street stitute for Jewish Research. The Center ries, photographs or primary documents Metairie, LA 70006 serves the worldwide academic and general should contact the appropriate partner institu- communities with combined holdings of ap- tion.) proximately 100 million archival documents, Inside this issue: a half million books, and thousands of photo- Inquiries, visits, and support are welcome. Contact: graphs, artifacts, paintings and textiles-the Book Donations to East Jefferson 2 largest repository documenting the Jewish Center Genealogy Institute Regional Library –Update experience outside of Israel. Center for Jewish History 15 West 16th Street The five partner institutions have always JGSNO Members Research List 3 – 9 New York, NY 10011 served individuals interested in exploring (212) 294-8324 their "roots." Now together at the Center for We Have Mail 11 Online Resources Salt Lake City Research Trip 11 Vital Records: http:// http://huc.edu/aja/collect.htm#gen vitalrec.com/index.html New e-zine a Hit With Research- 11 Routes to Routes: ers JewishJewish WebWeb Index:Index: http://www.routestoroots.com/ New Orleans Jewish Cemetery 12 www.JewishWebIndex.com Project Update Family Tree Maker – JewishJewish GenealogyGenealogy American Jewish Archives: www.genhomepage.com/jewish.html Page 2 Bayou Branches Books Donated to East Jefferson Regional Library for Jewish Genealogy Research – UpdateUpdate The following is a list of books donated by Ja- A Brotherhood of Memory cob and Vicki Karno to the East Jefferson Re- The Jews in Russia gional Library. The books will be available in the The Annihilation of Lithuanian Jewry Special Collections area in a section desig- History of the Jews in Los Angeles nated as Jewish Genealogy Research: Swastika Over Paris Lvov Ghetto Diary Immigrants to Freedom Donations prior to the year 2000: The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto 1941- 1944 From Generation to Generation(3) Lodz Ghetto,Inside a Community Under Siege Finding our Fathers, A Guidebook to Jewish The Russian Jew Under Tsars and Soviets Genealogy Documentary History of the Jews in the United Beginners Workshop in Jewish Genealogy States Great Jews in Sports The Jews of Czechoslovakia The Jewish 100 The Jews of Charleston Merchant Princes The Jewish People in America, A Time for Plant Portal to America: The Lower East Side ing , The First Migration 1654- 1870-1925 1820 Ellis Island to Ebbets Field: Sport and the The Jewish People of America, A Time for American Jew Searching, Entering Mainstream Of a World that is no more 1920-1945 Saga of American Jewry Israel, A History by Martin Gilbert America’s Triumph The Boys, Story of 732 Young Concentration A Special Legacy Camp Survivors by Martin Gilbert Travels Through Jewish America The Holocaust, A History of the Jews of Europe Jewish Roots in Poland during WWII by Martin Gilbert Jewish Roots in Ukraine and Moldova How We Lived, History of Immigrant Jews in Jews in Small Towns America 1880-1930 The Grandees Atlas of the Holocaust (2) by Martin Gilbert The Rest of Us (3) Blackbook of Localities Whose Jewish Popula The Business of Jews in Louisiana 1840- tion was Exterminated by the Nazis 1875 Low Life World of Our Fathers (hardcover and paper) Mishpokhe, A study of NYC Jewish Family Cologne Clubs Images Before My Eyes The Jews of Nineteenth Century France The Downtown Jews The Holcaust,The French, and the Jews The Promised City The Jews of Paris and the Final Solution Gardens and Ghettos French Children of the Holocaust, A Memorial Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 1993 1994 (2 Memoire Juive En Alsace , Marriage Contracts volumes) Index de Memoire Juive En Alsace , Marriage Jewish Travel Guide Contracts Vol. I & II (2 sets) Ukraine Language and Travel Guide Memorial to the Jews Deported from France Lithuanian Jewish Community 1942-1944 A Travel Guide to Jewish Europe Recueil des declarations (Continued on page Volume 7 Number 1 Page 3 PAGES 3 – 9 OF THIS ISSUE HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THIS WEB VERSION. THEY CONTAIN THE JGSNO FAMILY RESEARCH LIST. A CURRENT VERSION OF THE LIST CAN BE FOUND IN THE FAMILY FINDER SECTION OF THIS WEBSITE. Page 10 Bayou Branches (Book Donations, Cont’d.) The Researcher’s Handbook – Hebrew words, Pages of History: A Century of the Australian Jew- Hebrew Transliteration and English ish Press Equivalent. The Jewish Community of Frankfurt (1349-1849) American Jewry Summer 2000 donations: One People: The Story of Eastern Jews Southern Jewish History Vol. I and II, Journal of Zion in the Valley (Jewish Community of St. Louis) the Southern Jewish Historical Society hardback copy History of the Jews in Canada, by B.G. Sack Zion in the Valley (proof copy) Jewish War Veterans Story, by Gloria Mosesson Russian Jewry (1917-1967) Savannah’s Old Jewish Community Cemeteries The Making of an American Jewish Community Galveston: Ellis Island of the West, by Bernard (History of Baltimore Jewry) 1773-1920 Marinbach The Jews of France, by Esther Benbassa Jewish Communities in Frontier Societies: Argen- Englishmen and Jews (1840-1914) tina, Australia, and South Africa Despite All Odds - The Story of Lubavitch Getting Started in Jewish Genealogy A History of the Jews, by Solomon Grayzel The Promised City: New York’s Jews 1870-1914, The Holocaust, by Martin Gilbert by Moses Rischin Early American Jews, by Lee Friedman The Provincials, by Eli Evans Jewish Communities in Exotic Places Mexican Jewry in the Land of the Aztecs, by Ira Immigrants to Freedom (Rural New Jersey since Lerner 1882) Jewish Pioneers and Patriots, by Lee Friedman Jewish Personal Names (Rabbi Gorr) A Jewish Tourist’s Guide to the U.S. Eliyahu’s Branches: Descendants of the Vilna The Tale of a Litvak, by Morris Schulzinger Gaon and his Family American Jews in World War II, Vol. I and II, by I. Denombrement Des Juifs D’Alsace 1784 Kaufman Index du Denombrement des Juifs D’Alsace 1784 These Are Our Children: Jewish Orphanages in the Jewish Genealogy Society Convention Yearbook U.S., 1880-1925 2000 Jews on the Frontier, by Rabbi I. Harold Sharfman JGS Convention 2000: Speaker tapes The Jews of Moscow, Kiev and Minsk: Identity, The Jewish Victorian Genealogical Information Antisemitism,Emigration from Jewish Newspapers 1871-1880 Portraits of Jews, by Gilbert Stuart and other early Ancilla To Teledot Charlap American artists The Three Rings: History of the Spanish Jews The Jews of Chicago- from Shtetl to Suburb The Ghetto of Venice: A History But There Are No Jews In England December 2000 donations: German Jews: A Dual Identity American Jewish History (Quarterly) Jews in Latin American Australian Jewry’s Book of Honor ,WWII Zydu Muzie Jus the Vilnius Ghetto List of Prison- Jewish Sydney (First Hundred Years 1788-1888) ers vol. 1 & 2 History of the Jews in Poland and Russia, Kaminits-Podolsk & Its Environs: Memorial book (Dubnow) Library Resources for German-Jewish Genealogy Upon the Doorposts of thy House In Their Words: Genealogist’s Translation Guide History of the Holocaust (Handbook and Diction- to Polish, German, Latin, and ary) Russian Documents There Once Was a World The Litvaks: Short History of the Jews in Lithuania A Translation Guide to 19th Century Polish Lan- Finding Jewish Roots in Galicia: A Resource Guide guage Civil Registration Documents, (2nd Ed.) Stones of Rememberance A History of the Twentieth Century (Vol. I), Gilbert Long Distance Genealogy: Researching your fam- The Jews of Spain ily history from home Jewish Surnames of Prague (15-18th centuries) CD of Family History Library Catalog Netting Your Ancestors The World That Was Lithuania Other genealogy resource books: The World That Was Poland The Genealogist’s Companion and Sourcebook The Jews of Galicia in 1839 In Your Ancestor’s Image Volume 7 Number 1 Page 11 We Have Mail ……... [email protected] I am having no luck in tracing the lineage of my family, who lived in the New Orleans Would anyone have any information on a around 1945 until 1955. Would you have any Mary ( or Miriam) Rich Cone, my grand- records to jump-start my efforts. My grandpar- mother's sister. I know she died in New Or- ents, Isaac and Carrie Hanan, lived in New leans, but have not been able to locate her. Orleans. They were born between 1892 and 1895. Saphardic Jewish family. Isaac's sister She probably died in the 1950's or 60's . ( Victoria Adjmi ) also lived in New Orleans. Carol Wagner Mills, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Great grandparents were Morris and Celia [email protected] HANAN, also from Syria. This family immi- grated to the US about 1910. Any information on the genealogy of this family would be ap- preciated.
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