![The American Legion Magazine [Volume 72, No. 6 (June 1962)]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
# The American JUNE 1962 Volume 72, Number 6 POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 «o P.O. Box lOSS, Indianapolis 6, Ind. LE1 GION The American Legion Magazine is published monthly at 1100 West Broadway, Louisville. Ky.i Magazine by The American Legion. Copy- right 1962 by The American Le- gion. Second-class postage paid at Louisville. Ky. Price: single copy, 15 cents; yearly subscrip- Contents for June 1962 tion. $1.50. Nonmember sub- scriptions should be sent to the Circulation Department of The American Legion Magazine, P.O. Box 1055. Indianapolis 6, Ind. THE BIG ISSUE - PRO & CON ARGUMENTS ON THE QUESTION: CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Notify Circulalion Dept., P. O, Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Ind., IS WIRE TAPPING NECESSARY using Post Office Form 3578. At- tach old address label and give IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CR/ME? 4 old and new addresses and cur- membership card number. rent pro: rep. M. Also be sure (o notify your Post GEORGE WALLHAUSER (R-NJ.) 12th District Adjutant. con: rep. CLARK MacGREGOR (R-Minn.) Third Distria The American Legion Executive and AN ANSWER TO AN ADVERTISEMENT BY ROBERT H. AUSTIN ... 8 Administrative Offices Indianapolis 6. Indiana A full-page advertisement in a New York newspaper, calling Charles L. Bacon, National Commander, The American Le* for the abolition of the House Committee on Un-American gion, Indianapolis 6, Ind. Activities, is the subject of this letter. The American Legion Publica- tions Commission: INVITATION TO LAS VEGAS BY R. WILSON BROWN ,12 Edward McSwcency, Armonk, N. Y. (Chairman): Dan W. One of the most fabulous fun spots in the world will play host Emmctt. Palo Alio, Calif.. Frank Love. Syracuse, N. Y., and to The American Legion i?i October when the National Con- C. " Morris Meyer, Siarkville, Misa. vention is held there. (Vice Chairmen): Lang Arm- strong, Spokane, Wash.; Charles E. Booth, Hunlinglon, W. Va.; John Cicero, Swoyerville, Pa.; THE SECRET OF RUSSIA'S SUCCESS IN SCIENCE 14 Roland Cocreham, Baton Rouge, La.: E. J. Cooper, Hollywood, BY WERNER KELLER Fla.: Clovis Copeland, Little Those wondered the pro- Rock, Ark.: Paul B. Dague. who have how Russians made such Downingtown, Pa.: Raymond digious gains in a relatively short time will find the answer in Fields, Guymon, Okla.; Dave H. this enlightening chapter from a recently published book. Fleischer, St. Louis, Mo.; Her- schiel L. Hunt, El Campo, Tex.; George D. Levy, Sumter, S. C; Dr. Charles R. Logan, Keoktdi, COMBAT AT KISKA b Y CAPT. WILLIAM M. SCAIFE, USC & GS 16 Iowa: Lewis E. McCray. Tusca- Inosa, Ala.: Earl L. Meyer, Al- story about a dog and the outstanding part he played in liance, Neb.; Robert Mitchler, A Oswego, III.: Harold A. Shind- securing an island—an action unrecorded in history books. Icr, Lafayette, Ind.; William F. Taylor, Creensburg, Ky.; Benja- min B. Truskoski, Bristol, Conn. SHOULD YOU BUILD A SHELTER? by dale SHAW 18 The American Legion Magazine There are all sorts of imponderables and considerable confusion Editorial & Advertising Offices nuclear attack, but the remains 720 Fifth Avenue concerning the effects of a fact New York 19, New York that a shelter can save your life. Publisher, James F. O'Neil Editor IT HAPPENED IN GASTONIA BY PAUL HARVEY .20 Joseph C. Keeley The noted radio commentator tells what happened when the Managing Editor Robert B. Pitkin communists made one of their first overt moves in America, and how the community reacted to red violence. Art Editor Al Marshall Associate Editor V/HAT IS A BARGAIN? BY F. J. SCHLINK & M. C. PHILLIPS 22 John Andreola Just because a piece of merchandise is heavily discounted does Editorial Assistant Eli L. Kerins not mean that it is a good buy. Here are some things to look for, and watch out for, when you make a purchase. Circulation Manager Dean B. Nelson Indianapolis, Ind. NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION 27 Advertising Director Robert P. Redden Midwestern Adv. Mgr. Departments Norman C. Schoen Midwestern 25 Advertising Sales Office EDITOR'S CORNER 6 NEWSLETTER 35 East Wacker Drive Chicago 1, Illinois PERSONAL 11 BRIEFLY ABOUT BOOKS 7 West Coast Adv. Rep. YOU SAID IT 2 LEGION SHOPPER 48 Blanchard-Nichols Assoc. 633 S. Westmoreland Ave. ROD & GUN CLUB 24 PARTING SHOTS 52 Los Angeles 5, Calif, and 900 Third St. Manuscripts, artworl<, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed, San Francisco 7, Calif. stamped envelope is included. This magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. " - ! UL Approved Patented, ONCE YOU BUY FOREVER-GLO Powerful All-Trans. 2 Station Intercom PROJECTS PICTURES IN Lowest price ever on a fully transistorized 2 FULL COLOR TO 4 FT. WIDE Station Intercom system for home, office or No Films or Ne*jatives LIGHT BULBS -YOU NEVER HAVE factory. Takes seconds to set up, yet It't Required! Adjustable Twin precision tone and ability are as powerful as Lens Enlarges ANYTHING units costing $39.95 and up. Precision made, Illustrated or Printed — TO BUY BULBS AGAIN . NEVER it assures you of super performance because Photos, Clippings. Fine of superior components and worltmanship. Print. Coins, Stamps, System has fully integrated circuitry. Eacl Maps, even Tiny Insects Most daring "NO TIM E unit has its own built in Dynamic Speaker free and Butterflies — Against LIMIT" Guarantee ever tliat oifers clear distortion White Sc.een or _ transmission. Sub station has Any Flat oifered Light Surface! It's fun! It's EdiK.uional! It's a must for by the push button buzzer to signal master unit. students, teachers, draftsmen, business executives, Bulb industry!!! Avail- Master has talk, listen and off buttons. Uses nu'ollc speakers, collectors of every sor*^. Any Dic- able in 25-40-60-75-100 no electricity. One inexpensive 9 Volt Battery montlis. Highly sensi- ture— anv comparatively flat ohiect— placed under Watt Sizes runs the system for the 3T/8"x.3" openinq: at the base of the Mafjnajec- tive, picks UD voices from 10 feet away. ror will be proiected clearly and enlarered up to four Broadcast can be heard in area of over 50O feot. May be used indoors or out! Complete feet wide, in full color or black-and-white. Measures ea. 12"x8"x4i/2". Has easv-turn on and off switch. only 89c with battery and 65 feet of wire, but you Precision inade, polished Twin Lens is easily ad- can extend its use up to a mile by adding own wire. iusted to bring: subject Into sharp focus. now after years of research and development. Electrical your inexpensive MONEY-BACK FREE Handy Luggage-Type Carrying Case, GUARANTEE! $12.95 plus $1.00 pp. & Ins. Engineers hove perfected a light bulb that is so incredibly longer burning, it can be backed with a guarantee thai The Drill with the Armature that Only Will Never Burn Out puts an end to future light bulb buying forever. FOREVER- EMERGENCY OXYGEN UNIT $995 of life saving DRILL GUARANTEES to reploce FREE any burned-out • Contains 45 minutes oxygen V4" SPEEDWAY GLO • Filled with 270 liters of pure oxygen <ind With Jacobs Geared Chuck and Key plus $1 Forever-Glo Bulb, no matter when they burn out — in 5 ready for use. • Completely Reftllable. • Com- U.S.A. pp- & Div. of THOR POWER TOOL CORP., years, 10 years, 25 years — NO TIME LIMIT under normal plete with Valve. Oxygen Mask, Orifice and Here is a i/j " heavy duty Electric Drill Guaranteed Storage Case. • Anyone can operate it. forever nffainst the armature ever burninpr out. Fea- household use. This guarantee applies to any Forever-Glo It is a known fact that a supply of oxvtAcn mav turing: new heat resistant armature wire and connec- Bulb purchased or replaced!!! Just think of the time, be the difference between life and death In ^ tions welded to the commutator, t case of lieart attack, convulsions, drownings. ? 2.5 amp. beauty will do every her labor and expense involved in buying and changing ordi- electric shock and inhalation of various gases duty job in the home shop or Indus Without oxygen life expectancy could be a mat- \ ' nary bulbs. THIS IS NOW A THING OF THE PAST! Amaz- try. Capacity in steel Is 14 ter of minutes . With OXYGEN a life is wood Va"- No load speed 2- ing Forever-Glo bulbs NEVER GLARE, NEVER DARKEN. saved.!!! A unit of this quality is a necessity r[)m's, full load speed 150( Invaluable in the home, office, hospitals, institutions and In the home, oflico, car. outdoor events . rpm's — 73/s" long, weight ANYWHERE! This is the only unit with full 45 :u/2 lbs. Universal series industry. Packed & sold only in units of 4 bulbs of the minutes capacity at this low price. The unit; wound motor, 115 V stand- same wattage!! is pretested and hydrotcsted, reiillable and ard. 5 ft. 3 wire ap- ensily mounted or stored. Reg. $65.00 value. UL Our price 12 Bulbs (Any 3 packs of 4)_ . _ _ _ proved lead cord. Momen- Our price $19.95 plus $2.00 pp. ALSO P'"s 75C P.j>. & hd.$10.25 tary contact switch with Jg $^.56 AVAILABLE 400 liter unit . 60 minute ca- locking pin. Special alloj ' *• I Vr *J 24 Bulbs pacity. Only $29.95 Plus $3.00 pp. lOOO Liter (Any 6 packs of 4 ) ^ ^ ^ Silver- Unit . lironze bearings. Plus 44c p.p. & hd. plus $1.05 p.p. 120 minute capacity. Only $39.95 Grev finish UL Listed & CSA approv & hd.$19.95 plus $4.00 p.p. 22 FT. PARACHUTE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS TOOL NOW AT A NEW LOW PRIC E!! SENSATIONAL FORMERLY orange color — $6.98 9x1 2 ft.
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