1 LAN 1 A- JL Sefydliad Materion Cymreig 1 Institute of Welsh Affairs REGISTERED COMPANY NUMBER:'*P%91X(ENfsCA~D WALES) 1 REGISTERED CHARITY NUMBE I I REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH. 2008 1 FOR THE INSTITUTE OF WELSH AFFAIRS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mitchell Meredith Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors The Exchange I Fiveways Temple Street Llandrindod Wells 1 Powys LDI 5HG I 1 I I REGISTERED COMPANY NUMBER: 02151006 (England and Wales) REGISTERED CHARITY NUMBER: 1078435 1 1 REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 1 FOR INSTITUTE OF WELSH AFFAIRS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I Mitchell Meredith Limited 34 High Street I Brecon Powys LD3 7AN I 1 I INSTITUTE OF WELSH AFFAIRS 1 CONTENTS OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 1 1 1 1 Page Chairman's Report I to 2 1 Report of the Trustees 3 to 11 Report of the Independent Auditors 12 1 Statement of Financial Activities 13 Balance Sheet 14 1 Notes to the Financial Statements 15 to 21 1 Detailed Statement ofFinancial Activities 22 to 23 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I INSTITUTE OF WELSH AFFAIRS 1 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 If the first half of the year 2007-08 in Wales was dominated by politics - the Assembly elections in May, the long aftermath of 1 negotiation between the parties and the advent ofnew legislative powers for the Assembly - the second half was overshadowed by darker economic clouds. 1 The creation of the Labour-Plaid coalition government in Cardiff Bay was charted in detail by our Director, John Osmond, in his book Crossing the Rubicon: Coalition Politics Welsh Style, which traced the intricate course of the discussions between all parties. It was a remarkable feat to produce the book within a month of the new coalition government being formed, and will, surely, prove an historic text. 1 The new One Wales government claimed to represent the progressive consensus, but lest differing views should get lost in the search for consensus we decided to test the 'progressive consensus' concept by asking four distinguished commentators to assess the One Wales policy document. We were pleased that Professor John Kay, Will Hutton, Professor David Marquand 1 and Peter Stead were so ready to undertake the task. The four seminars that they led will bear fruit in a book to be published by the IW A in the autumn of2008. The seminars were arranged in collaboration with Cardiff University, and we were delighted that during the year we concluded a Memorandum of Understanding with the university that we hope will lead to even closer collaboration on research and events when the university's Wales Governance Centre is re-launched in parallel. 1 This was the second collaboration with higher education effected during the year. We also launched, with UWIC. Academy Health Wales as a forum for cross-disciplina ry discussion and projects in the health and social serv ice sectors. This initiative arose from the recommendations of the health study group in the IWA's pre-election policy review. We are very grateful to John Wyn Owen, Chair of the Governors ofUWIC and also chair of the health study group, for helping to bring this to fruition I so quickly. One ofthe most significant developments for the IWA during the year was the decision of the Waterloo Foundation to make a 1 very generous grant to us for the next three years. This will enable us to proceed with the appointment of a Deputy Director to professionalise the marketing of the Institute's work and to develop our website to put it at the very centre of our activities. We are deeply grateful to the Waterloo Foundation for this commitment, as we are to the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation for a further three-year grant, and to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust for their continued support. 1 The year also saw a significant change in Board membership. Four long standing members stood down during the year - Lyn Arnold, James Driscoll, Keith James and Dr. Gareth Jones. We are very grateful to all of them for their support, but I must make particular mention of Keith James and Dr. Gareth Jones. Keith was one of the founders of the IWA and has served on its I board since the very beginning, for many years as our Vice Chairman. Gareth joined us in the 1990s, having guided our ambitious Wales 2010 project to a successful conclusion. He also chaired the Research Panel for many years. We will greatly miss their contribution. 1 I am delighted that we have attracted five very experienced new members to the Board. Sue Essex held two Cabinet positions - Environment and Finance and Local Government - in the Assembly Government 1 before standing down prior to the May 2007 elections. She is also a past leader of Cardiff City Council. As Minister for the Environment it was Sue Essex who took up the recommendation of an IWA report that Wales should establish its own Design Commission. Rob Humphreys is Director of the Open University in Wales, a post he took up in May 2007 having been Director for \A/'ales of the National Institute of Adult Education and Learning. His also a member of the Ministerial Advisory Group for Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills. I Chris O'Malley is Pro Vice Chancellor for Regional and International Development at Newport University. Chris spent 11 years as Director of Strategic Planning and Development at Dublin City University, having previously been a Member of the European Parliament for Dublin, and at the time the youngest member ofthe Parliament. 1 Wendy Sadler is Director of Science Made Simple Ltd, a company formed in 2004 to help translate the complexities of science to engage a wider public. In the same year she was voted 'Welsh Woman of the Year' and given the Women into Science, Engineering and Construction (WISE) excellence award for helping to promote science to girls. In 2005 the Institute of I Physics named her 'Young Professional Physicist of the Year' and in 2007 she was named as a Laureate in the ELI Descartes Prize for Science Communication. 1 Page 1 I 1 1 INSTITUTE OF WELSH AFFAIRS I CHAIRMAN'S REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 1 Rhys David was appointed to the Board, having stood down from a post he had held with the IWA since 2002. Rhys is an experienced journalist, having started his career at the Western Mail before moving to the Financial Times where he held a 1 senior position. He is also the author of several IWA reports. All five will contribute greatly to the development ofthe IWA in the years ahead. Lastly, I must, as ever, extend the warmest thanks to all our staff - our Chief Executive, John Osmond, our Research Officer, 1 Nick Morris, and our administrative staff, Clare Johnson and Dr Helen Sims-Coomber. As usual, this small team has delivered a very intensive programme ofwork with great success. I Geraint Talfan Davies Chairman I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I Page 2 I 1 I INSTITUTE OF WELS111 AFFAIRS 1 REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 The trustees who are also directors of the charity for the purposes of the Companies Act 1985, present their report with the 1 financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31 March 2008. The trustees have adopted the provisions of the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) 'Accounting and Reporting by Charities' issued in March 2005. 1 REFEREN('F. AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS Registered Company number 02151006 (England and Wales) 1 Registered Charity number 1078435 1 Registered office First Floor 1-3 Museum Place 1 CARDIFF CF10 3BD Trustees 1 L I'Arnold - resigned 8.1.08 Dr I) F Balsom Dr G I Bristow D G Clarke P R A David - appointed 23.9.07 G Talfan Davies Chairman P Davies 1 J P Driscoll - resigned 25.9.07 S l. Essex - appointed 11.12.07 G Holtham R 0 Humphreys - appointed 11.12.07 I D K M James Deputy Chairman - resigned 31.12.07 C A Jones Dr C; Jones - resigned 25.9.07 R S Marks I C O'Malley - appointed 27.6.07 Professor T Rees W J Sadler - appointed 11.12.07 1 Professor J V Tucker Sir D Walters Vice Chairman F A Williams Dr R Williams 1 N P Woodward Company Secretary M C A Johnson 1 Auditors Mitchell Meredith Limited I 34 High Street Brecon Powys LD3 7AN 1 Bankers Bank of Scotland Plc One Kingsway I CARDIFF CF10 3PW I Page 3 I 1 1 INSTITUTE OF WELSH AFFAIRS 1 REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 1 STRUCTURE, GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT Governing document The Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA) was incorporated as a company on 22 July 1987. The present Articles of Association I were adopted by Special Resolution passed on 21 January 1989. The Memorandum of Association was amended by Special Resolution on 20 June 1999 and the 1WA was registered as a charity on 1 December 1999. The Articles of Association were amended by a special resolution on 6 December 2006, following a review of corporate 1 governance. The changes were designed to bring our governance arrangements into line with best practice, to reflect the recent introduction of new categories of membership and to limit length of service to ensure regular refreshment of the Executive 1 Board.
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